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Everything posted by hhh6294

  1. hhh6294

    SWF Fantasy Football 2K5

    Heh... Jenk WAS the lucky dog to draft the retired Ricky Williams. Go you!
  2. hhh6294

    SWF Lockdown Losing Matches...

    Very much so Sly. I really appreciate the comments.
  3. hhh6294

    SWF Lockdown Losing Matches...

    Sly, with the entrances, I just do it the wat the WWE does entrances. doing the entire thing just seems rather redundant IMO. I know the grammer sucks in my match... I was in a real hurry to get it done at the end and get it to Raynor and I didn't have time to look it over like I usually do.
  4. hhh6294

    Should I quit as a booker?

    Thoth = tez pwnzor.
  5. hhh6294

    SWF Lockdown Losing Matches...

    Comments would be appreciated on mine. SWF Lockdown: Nathan Xavier ~VS~ Candice “Welcome back to Lockdown folks!” Comet begins once again as the TV scene opens up to the bustling crowds. “Up next we have two more relative newcomers facing off in the ring.” Comet informs the people at home. “Nathan Xavier, who lost his debuit match to David Cross on Storm faces off of the UNDEFEATED Candice!” Riley exclaims. “Candice has only been in two matches Riley.” Comet points out. “Yeah,. but she won in both of those matches.” Riley fires back. “At any rate, Candice is going to have a real battle on her hands when she faces off against the mostrous Nathan Xavier, who has 1’8 inches and just over 200 pounds leverage on her.” Comet points out. “Pfft… Candice can run circles around that steriod freak.” Riley huffs. “It’ll be a snap for her to go 3-0 in the SFW!” Riley adds. “There’s more incentive for Nathan to win this match though, since Citizen Frisco made the challenge to the entire locker room that whoever beats Candice first will win a cool clean 5 grand!” Comet states. “China Girl” by David Bowe starts up over the sound sytem breaking the relative silence of the arena. The entire crowd stands up in unison and begins to echo out in boos as Candice, Frisco, and their massive bodyguard Lobo all walk out onto the ramp and make their way down to the ring area. “Ladies and Gentleman… the following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Okinowa, Japan and being accompanied by Frisco and Lobo, she is Candice!” Funyon booms out. Candince and her entourage all make their way around ringside to the southwestern (north side faces the entrance ramp) side of the ring, and all three of them sit in wait for Candice’s opponent Nathan Xavier to make his entrance. “What a group! No one in their right minds would think of opposing them!” Riley compliments. Quickly, “China Girl” is replaced by the opening riffs of “(go To) California” by Rob Zombie, bringing on rounds of cheers from the crowds. From the back emerges Nathan Xavier, with his lovely wife in tow, and his cast iron chain slung over his shoulder. Slowly, Nathan and his wife come to a halt on the top of the entrance ramp and glare down at Nathan’s opponent and her entourage. “What the hell are they waiting for?!” Riley complains. “I think Nathan doesn’t want his wife down at ringside with all that muscle down there on Candice’s side. Comet ponders. “Oh come on… I’ll keep her cute ass safe!” Riley exclaims. After a quick conversation between Nathan and Sasha, the two shake their heads in agreement, give eachother a quick kiss and Sasha exits the entrance ramp to the backstage area while Nathan conintues his trek down to the ring. Crowds all around give several shouts of boos at the departure of the beautiful Sasha Edwards, but quickly get over it. “Now coming to the ring from Santa Clara, California, Nathan Xavier!” Funyon calls out again as Nathan hops up onto the ring apron and climbs through the middle rope into the ring. Nathan grabs the chain off of his shoulder and hoists it up into the air as a souvenier for the entire crowd to see as he steps up onto the middle rope. Suddenly from behind, Candice slides into the ring and immediately begins to viciously attack Nathan’s back while he’s not looking, causing him to drop the chain down to the ring floor. “Candice is wasting no time in this match! She’s already going after Nathan!” Riley points out. Quickly, the referee slides into the ring and signals for the bell to ring as Candice continues to fire blow after blow into the tough back of Nathan. “Nathan Xavier has had back problems in the past and Citizen Candice is really hoping to make that a serious problem in this match.” Comet reports. “Well duh Comet… Candice isn’t a moron. Neither is her manager Frisco.” Riley fires back harshly. After several dozen hard blows to the back of Xavier, he suddenly fires a sharp elbow back into the face of Candice, stunning her momentarily and causing her to step back a little ways, giving Nathan enough time to collect himself. Once Candice clears the cobwebs from her head, she again charges into the corner to continue her assault but unfortunately Nathan is ready for her this time and quickly sidesteps, causing Candice to go careening into the turnbuckle. Taking advantage of the situation, Nathan quickly begins to fire hard knees into the lower back of Candice, causing her to wince in pain every time the hard knee blasts her in the back. After a four count from the referee, Nathan backs off of Candice and begins to wander away from the turnbuckle, soaking up the immense cheers from the crowd. “What an assault by Citizen Xavier!” Comet compliments. “Yeah… what a CHEAP assault! Candince had no way of getting away!” Riley aggrivatedly fires back. Slowly, Candice turns herself around, still leaning heavily against the turnbuckle with the immense pain in her back. Without warning, Xavier comes charging into the turnbuckle and absolutely crushes Candice against the turnbuckle with a devastating full body avalanche. “Oh my god! What a full body avalanche from Xavier!” Comet cries out. Quickly, Candice staggers out from the turnbuckle and collapses in the middle of the ring. “This has got to be it!” Comet concludes. “No likely! Candice has much more in her system!” Riley fires back. As Nathan is dropping down upon the limp body of Candice for the pinfall, Candice’s manager Frisco jumps up onto the ring apron, calling the attention of the referee who immediately jumps up into the face of Frisco. As Xavier is down upon Candice hooking her leg for the pinfall, Lobo, Candice’s huge bodyguard quickly grabs Nathan’s right leg and hauls Xavier out of the ring to the floor, where he and Xavier begin to exchange heavy blows upon eachother. After about 5 or 6 seconds of Xavier and Lobo exchanging blows, Xavier suddenly gets the upper hand in the battle. Xavier begins hitting consecutive blows on Lobo, while in the ring Candice is just beginning to get to her feet. After three consecutive hard shots on Lobo, Nathan fires a stiff knee into the mid-section of Lobo, doubling the big man over, and quickly follows up with a hard axe-handle smash, bringing the big man crashing to the floor. With his work donwe Xavier slides back into the ring, only to be met by a hard kick to the face as he’s trying to get back up to his feet. Viciously, Candice begins to fire kick after kick into the tough stomach of her opponent as he struggles to get to his feet. “Candice is really going to work on Xavier in this match.” Riley comments. Finally, Nathan Xavier reaches his feet after Candice let up the kicks a little bit. Using her speed though, Candice charges at Xavier and takes him down to the mat again with a quick, but effective Leg Scissors sweep. Candice quickly follows the move up with a Camel Clutch, pulling back hard on Xavier’s chin. “Hard camel clutch by Candice. Citizen Xavier is in real trouble here.” Comet points out. “You’re damn right he is!” Riley fires back, exited. Just as the referee drops down to ask Xavier if he gives up, Nathan frees both of his arms, grabs a hold of Candice, and literally throws her off of himself, effectively breaking the hold. “What a reversal by Xavier!” Comet compliments. “Pfft… wasn’t that great.” Riley huffs. Slowly, Xavier begins to get to his feet, while Candice jumps up like it’s still the beginning of the match. Once again, Candice begins to rush after Xavier once he’s on his feet, but this time Nathan catches her with a huge boot to the face, followed by a massivce leg drop across her upper chest. Nathan quickly covers for a pin, but only gets a two count from the referee before Candice fires an arm up into the air. “Candice still fights on!” Riley states. “Candice is one tough girl.” Comet compliments. “That’s why she’s still undefeated!” Riley points out. Slowly, Xavier begins to bring Candice up to her feet but once on their feet Candice breaks out of the hold Xavier has on her and once again begins to fire hard kicks to the chest, followd by a stunning spinning kick to the jaw, that brings the big man down to his knees, holding his jaw and chest in pain. Candince begins to focus on the back of Nathan, bringing down hard fists down upon his back, slowly knocking him down to the floor. Once on the floor, Candice begins to furioisly stomp away at Xavier’s back, occasionally dropping hard knees down on his back in a relentless assault. “Candice is really bringing the pain to Xavier!” Riley comments cheerfully. After about 30 seconds of brutality, Candice backs off of Xavier and fires her hands up into the air, basking in the echoing boos of the capacity crowd. Not wasting much time though, Candice exits the ring onto the apron, makes her way to the northeast turnbuckle, and ascends to the top, sitting in wait for Nathan to reach his feet. “What’s Candice got planned here?” Comet wonders. “Something big… I can tell.” Riley answers. “Well I know that Riley… I was just wondering what that big thing is.” Comet corrects. “Well I dunno…” Riley replies. Slowly, Xavier begins to climb up to his feet, while Candice sits atop the turnbuckle, waiting for Xavier like a vulture. Once Xavier reaches his feet, Candice leaps off the top turnbuckle and floors Xavier with a beautiful Missile Dropkick. “What a beautiful Move!” Riley cheers. “I agree… that was quite impressive.” Comet agrees. Candice quickly rolls over on top of Xavier, hooking the leg for the pinfall, but only recieves a two count before Xavier powers out of the pin. Quickly Candice begins to haul Xavier to his feet forcefully, but suddenly Xavier breaks out and slaps his massive hand around the throat of Candice and quickly hits a hard chokeslam on the smaller opponent. “Massive chokeslam on Candice! Citizen Xavier suddenly has the upper hand in this battle!” Comet reports. “Nah… Candice is going to get right back on the attack soon. This is all just a ploy to get Xavier to drop his guard.” Riley fires back quickly. Slowly, Xavier begins to haul the devastated Candice up to her feet, using her long hair as leverage, getting the referree on his back about it. Once on her feet, Xavier grabs Candice and lifts her effortlessly above his head in a bench press type maneuver. For a little showboating, Xavier benches Candice three times, getting a huge pop from the crowd as a result. “Oh come on… that’s not needed at all you showoff.” Riley huffs. “Citizen Xavier is benching Candice like she weighs nothing!” Comet reports. As quickly as Xavier brought Candice up there he brings her right back down to earth in a hard press slam, crashing the mat with a sickening THUD. Xavier hooks Candice’s leg for a pinfall. One! Two! Thre… “Candice gets an arm up!” Riley calls out. “This lady is showing a lot of heart in the face of such an overpowering man.” Comet complments. Slowly, Xavier begins to climb up to his feet, leaving Candice to ascend under her own power. Once she reaches her knees, Xavier begins to move in but suddnely Candice rolls up the big man in a school boy, only to get a short two count before Xavier powers out again. “Almost a pinfall on Xavier!” Riley reports. “Xaver beat the count by a mile though.” Comet points out. Still in massive pain, Candice crawls up to her feet, not backing down for a second against the big man. Once again Candice begins to fire hard kicks into the chest of Xavier as he is trying to reach his feet, causing him to wince in pain at each hard kick. Candice quickly slides around the big man and hooks her arms around his back, setting him up for a german suplex, but Candice just can’t get the big man over for the suplex. Suddnely, to the horror of Candice’s henchmen, Xavier breaks the hold Candice has around his massive waist and lifts her up into a standing fireman’s carry and quickly drops her down upon her head, getting massive pops from the crowds. “Heat Stroke! Citizen Xavier hit the heat stroke on Candice!” Xavier quickly drops down upon the lifeless Candice and hooks her leg for the pinfall, but before the referee could get a hand down for a one count, Frisco drags Zavier off of Candice, breaking the pinfall attempt. Both the referree and a furious Nathan Xavier jup up to their feet and begin to yell at Frisco, but the referee pushes Nathan out of the way and signals for Frisco to go backstage immediately. Frisco and the referee begin to get inot a huge argument outside the ring while Frisco reluctantly begins to head backstage. Unbenounced to both the referee and Nathan Xavier though, Candice’s bodyguard Lobo crawls into the ring and blindsides Xavier with a stunning clothesline from the side. “What is this?” Comet demands. “This is not fair in the least! Xavier should already have this match won!” he continues. “Whine Whine…” Riley simply replies. As quickly as he can, Lobo hauls Nathan up to his feet and hits a massive Powerbomb, shaking the ring violently upon it’s completion. Lobo then hauls Candice over the fallen body of Xavier for the pinfall, just as Frisco exits the ringside area to the backstage, with a large smile on his face. “This is crap! Candice is going to steal this after a hard fought battle!” Comet continues to rant. “Candice deserves this win through and through! Xavier is just learning not to mess with Frisco’s crew!” Riley gleefully replies. The referree quickly realizes that a pinfall is going to take place and drops down to count. One! Two! Three… “No! Xavier gets out!” Comet exclaims as Xavier benches Candice off of him, right into the referee laying on the floor. Furious that his work didn’t have any affect, Lobo hauls Xavier out of the ring and onto the ring floor to finish the job. Suddenly, Xavier begins to fight back, shooting hard fists into the chest of Lobo, stunning him enough for Xavier to haul Lobo up onto his shoulders, and bring the massive man down with his “Heat Stroke” once again. “Heat Stoke on Citizen Lobo! What power by Xavier to get that massive man up onto his shoulders and down with the Death Vally Driver!” Comet excalims, while the crowds all explode into cheers as Lobo lies on the ground in serious pain. Exhausted, Xavier slides under the bottom rope and into the ring, where he is met once again by hard stinging kicks from Candice. Fighting through the pain, Nathan slowly claws his way up to his feet, using the ropes for leverage, as Candice continues to fire kick after devastating kick into the thick chest of Xavier. Suddenly, Nathan fires back with a kick of his own, doubling Candice over and allowing Xavier to haul her up into a powerbomb like position, letting her body dangle down over the chest of Xavier. “I sense the end coming!” Comet states exitedly. “Not true! Candice will get out of this Comet! You just wait and see!” Riley protests. After stalling for several seconds, Xavier brings Candince down crashing to the mat with the ever devastating “Flatliner” (Finishing Move: Stalling Hangman’s DDT) causing the entire crowd to erupt in cheers as the pinfall commences. One! Two! “Three!” Comet calls out. “That’s all she wrote! Candice has been beated for the first time in her SWF Career!” Comet adds on. “No! That was a fast count! It shouldn’t be allowed! Fire that damn referee!” Riley protests angrily. “Citizen Xavier has just become five thousand dollars richer!” Comet continues on. Victoriously, Nathan Xavier rises to his feet, thrusting his arms into the air while his beautiful wife Sasha happily makes her way out into the arena and sprints down to the ring to join her husband. In the middle of the ring, the happy couple celebrates while Nathan’s music echos out over the PA system. Suddenly, Frisco appears at the top of the entrance ramp with a mircophone in his hand. “Cut the music!” he orders. Rather annoyed, Xavier glares up at the manager standing at the top of the ramp, while Lobo and Candice slowly make therir way up to Frisco, both people in a great deal of pain. “Nathan… you may have squeaked out a win in this match, but there is no way I’m going to let you get away with this. Take your damn five thousand and enjoy it while you can!” Frisco threatens. Nathan quickly turns around and asks for a microphone, while Frisco walks down to Candice’s side and helps her up the ramp. “Frisco… hold up a second.” Nathan calls out, getting the attention of the manager. “As far as squeaking out a win like you say, I suggest you get your glasses checked grandpa… because what just happened is what I like to call an ass-whooping.” Nathan gloats, bringing on rounds of cheers from the crowd. “As far as your five thousand goes though… you can keep it any buy yourself a new suit or something. I don’t need your money… I already took all I need out of your b*tch.” Nathan arrogantly states, causing Frisco to advance upon Nathan Xavier with a look of pure hatred on his face. Lobo quickly holds back Frisco though, telling him that there will be other times to get back at Nathan. “You’re going to get yours Xavier… I swear on my life you’ll get yours soon.” Frisco warns angrily. With that, Frisco drops the mic and leads his trio backstage, while “(Go To) California” by Rob Zombie once again blasts out over the System. “Well that was sure a heated battle… and from what I can see, Citizen Xavier sure hasn’t seen the last of Candice and her two henchmen.” Comet reports. “That’s for sure… this big steroid freak is going to get his sooner or later.” Riley adds on. “At any rate, stay tuned to SWF Lockdown, where we have much more action to bring you, including the World Heavyweight Championship match between Toxxic and Dace Night!” Comet gladly reports. Nathan and his wife both begin to head backstage, acknowleging the cheering crowds the entire way as the cameras fade out to begin another stretch of commercials.
  6. hhh6294

    SWF Lockdown Card

    At least I got mine in complete and on time for the first time in like... ever.
  7. hhh6294

    SWF Fantasy Football 2K5

    lmao... I'd bet money that Jenk's the lucky dog.
  8. hhh6294

    cat and mouse

    Couple of things... They say he is a monster and will take special delight in injuring me. They even say he bring a weapon to ring, a steel chain, just in case I prove difficult for him in the match. If you'd look in my notes, you'll see that Xavier doesn't take pleasure in hurting anyone, and that he only uses the chain when absolutely needed. (Outnumbered, hardcore matches, etc.) Please stop trying to put words into my dude's mouth and trying to turn him into something he's not.
  9. hhh6294

    SWF Storm Card, August 6th!

    Pfft... been there, done that, got the T-shirt.
  10. hhh6294

    The Finisher Thread

    Not Stolen, PDS... just borrowed with every intention of returning if you even decide to return. I use it in rememberance of your greatness. By the way... I could really care less if anyone uses the same finishers that I do, as long as their not blatantly ripping me off, or turning them into a Signature move or worse. If that happened, that is when I would get pissed off about it.
  11. hhh6294

    The Finisher Thread

    I think that should fall under the same circumstances as well. If you had the move first as a Signature move and some newb came in and chose it as a finisher, they have no right to ask you to change it just because their's is more "important" to their bio.
  12. hhh6294

    The Finisher Thread

    Well dubs, I've pretty much seen the finisher priority on who has used it the most. I've used the Hangman's DDT forever now, going back to Jacob's post-pedigree days (in late '01, most of '02) so in that sense, I would pretty much have priority over some newb who comes in when I'm away and takes it. But if a newb comes in and choses the Death Valley Driver as his main finisher, and all of the sudden I come in and take it as well, I'd probably be the one to give it up to the newb, since he had it first and I haevn't used it very much (if at all). It all pretty much comes down to experience and the "First come, first serve" method of doing things.
  13. hhh6294

    Twenty Questions

    Me first damnit!
  14. hhh6294

    Twenty Questions

    I was an OP for a long time too until G popped that famous "Let's wipe out the OP list" saying.
  15. everyone wave bye bye to the little guy...
  16. hhh6294

    SWF Storm Card, August 6th!

    Cross huh... Xavier stats will be up shortly.
  17. hhh6294

    Ground Zero Comments!

    Pfft... King you noble bastard... you didn't have to delete my post correcting you. I did make comments in there too! Awesome show dudes. Congrats to Manson on retaining, and Toxxic to winning the big one. Great matches all around.
  18. hhh6294


    LMAO. You should turn Edwin into a simple symbol that no one understands and you'd fit perfectly
  19. hhh6294


    You fucking bastard. Depp is Crow, no arguments. I called it first bitch.
  20. hhh6294

    SWF Fantasy Football 2K5

    I'd be more than happy to join your league as well Thuggumz!
  21. hhh6294

    7/13 SWF Smarkdown HOLT Report

    I know Dace. I was complimenting WC on the HOLT report.
  22. hhh6294

    7/13 SWF Smarkdown HOLT Report

    ...pure gold. nice work as always DubCee.
  23. hhh6294

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Joseph Corbin was 0-for-4. ...figures.
  24. hhh6294

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    Yay for good batting practice sessions. Maybe he'll finally hit above .260 in a season for the first time since his rookie year.