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Everything posted by snuffbox

  1. snuffbox

    Fucking Wisconsin

    Walworth County.
  2. snuffbox

    Smashing Pumpkins

    Are supposedly back together... Your thoughts?
  3. snuffbox


    Starts tonight.
  4. snuffbox

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Pitchfork's festival in Chicago ended up having a really good lineup.
  5. snuffbox

    The border war...

    Make the Mexicans build the fence!
  6. snuffbox

    The border war...

    If the border focus were on possible terrorists coming through then we wouldn't be talking about solely Mexicans and deportations. I'm all for the hunt for and stoppage of actual terrorists. Unfortunately, the 'border war' does not include that. This Administration has shown itself impotent against actual terrorism. They have ignored real threats to flounder in a separate nation. Others, on television and Congress, are milking the fears of what terrible spells the Mexicans can cast upon us all. With Iraq and Mexico somehow at the forefront, terrorism doesn't even get room in the backseat...that topic sits locked in the U-Haul trailer behind the vehicle of public attention.
  7. snuffbox

    The border war...

    Facts and stuff you make up are two different things, panthermatt7.
  8. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    America has proven itself gullible to Bush's lame warnings of the Iraqi's coming here to get us, etc. The Democrats assumed that they would have to share the responsibility of the troops not being funded (a complete load of bullshit, of course, but one Americans have shown themselves to be believers of in the past) with the man vetoing the legislation. By leaving the war more in the hands of Bush and his jellyfish in Congress they leave themselves in an even better position for 2008. What we could be looking at next November is another 5 or so vote swing to the Dems in the Senate and maybe 30 or more in the House, along with a new Administration. And, seriously, if you missed it, check out Boehner making a retard of himself on the House floor yesterday. It's on youtube.
  9. snuffbox

    The border war...

    Invader, in his continued inability to wrap his head around this entire thread filled with his own stupidity (right down to his title labeling this, in Bill O reilly-speak, a 'war'), has, in recent posts, said that I am from the 'People's Republic' (presumably Madison, two hours from from my actual house) and subsequently referred to me as some sort of Rosie O Donnell-esque character. I'm sorry Invader but your continued vitriol towards Hispanic people, coupled with your repeated assertions that the ghettos need bombing and the push for civil rights needs to stop, can't be brushed aside with one-liners culled from the Glen Beck back-catalogues. I have already posted my answers to the questions you ask in lieu of answering the ones asked of you. We have far more glaring problems in terms of crime, economy, and national security than the Mexican people. It is a waste of a HUGE amount of money & resources. Invader/Agent/etc, however, upon being asked why this kind of bogeyman-strategy should remain at the forefront continue to fall back on tired cable-news rhetoric and gibberish.
  10. snuffbox

    Hey dudes...

    Jesus Christ, Porter.
  11. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    Anyone else catch John Boehner's speech today?
  12. snuffbox

    The border war...

    It is well established that you have NO idea what you are talking about. At all. You should have a tv show.
  13. snuffbox

    The border war...

    Are you familiar with how the fruit/vegetable industry works, Invader?
  14. snuffbox

    The border war...

    Dick Russell said he wasn't racist either. There were good reasons to fight against anti-lynching legislation!
  15. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    Considering the precedent of America's ability to be duped (elections of '64, '72, '02, '04, belief in the evils of black people, women having rights, Hispanics, etc) they probably realize that one election of not believing sophomoric rhetoric will necessarily repeat itself next cycle.
  16. snuffbox

    The border war...

    I think Agent just copied a Glen Beck episode word for word. Well played!
  17. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    How does that possibly help anyone in the GOP field? The new bill only covers the next 4 months & many Republicans are already saying they will bolt if there aren't SERIOUS improvements by then. Nobody but the most naive and gullible believer in this Administration's babble thinks any kind of real improvement (let alone something dramatic) wiil happen in the next 4 years let alone 4 months. It will not. The people who will suffer from this bill are not the Democrats in the 2008 field. The GOP candidates are a lost cause as they try to out-'conservative' the other for the primaries (they're already calling on fictional televison characters to fight terrorism, imagine where these guys will stand next Jan/Feb) so this bill, or any other, is largely moot for them. The only people hurt by this are those that will continue to actually die at the horrific pace we have been seeing since the Surge began.
  18. snuffbox

    Boxing Thread

    And it's a fight Gatti can win as well, vs. Alphonso Gomez. Should be fun. Cotto-Judah will be good. Of course Judah has something left. His fight with PBF wasn't exactly a blowout or anything. I think they could even trade knockdowns but Cotto should win by late stoppage or clear decision.
  19. snuffbox

    The border war...

    Yes, when you can't come up with a legitimate reason for your vitriol towards Hispanics it is prudent to 'turn the tables' and ask a question rather than answer the one presented to you. But, since I actually have beliefs & ideals in things rather than just caveman-esque hate towards certain groups of people, I can answer your question. Honestly, no. I don't have a problem with people coming to this country. If people didn't come to America, there would be no America. We can't, as the long-established heirs of immigration, continue to simply decide upon ourselves that we are the true & righful Americans. The Natives came here first and built an 'America' in their own visions with their own customs. White immigrants to the 'New World' conquered their land. The common talking point now amongst the anti-Mexican bloc when faced with that historical reality is that it's "in the past/white-guilt should be over", and it is the same talking point when it comes to civil rights for black people. In the early years of the twentieth century there was a push to eliminate the emigration of certain people from Europe as led by Henry Cabot Lodge Sr. Unfortunately the fight against such laws was lacking in passion (among the more vocal supporters of continued immigration rights was James Michael Curley, a man far too notorious to carry water for any good causes) and they were able to be passed. America has a long and pathetic history of creating its own bogeymen to drum up the primal fear of the simpleminded. The Italians, the Irish, women, Jews, the Natives, the Blacks, the list is exhaustive and is now represented by Hispanics. The leaders of this 'cause', a 'war' that blinds us all from legitmate concerns and actual problems, is led by narrowthinking goons and drooling troglodytes like Glen Beck and Bill O Reilly. It is bred by insecurity in America's ability to live up to its ideals and basis as a melting-pot and a land of freedom. It is entirely lacking in courage and baseless in merit. If jobs were the problem the focus would/should be outsourcing and poor business management. If the problem was crime then the focus should/would be on far more pressing matters that can realistically be solved. If the problem was national security the focus would/should be on how to reverse the problems caused and exacerbated by the Bush Administration's policy pratfalls. As the list of 'concerns' dwindles in the face of facts and far more pressing issues we see this 'issue', this 'war', at its dark core. Pandering to fear out of want for personal supremacy over others & thinly-veiled racism. What do I propose? We don't waste billions on walls and mass deportations and the like. We focus our funds and our attention on real problems, on real national security threats, on actual concerns for our economic outlook. A patriotic ideal should be the desire to remove the heavy cloak of self-created bogeymen, not too spend even more needless piles of cash to further our descent into paranoia and embarassment.
  20. snuffbox

    The border war...

    Your reasoning/conspiracy theories never ceases to amuse, NoCalMike.
  21. snuffbox

    This Week in Baseball 5/21 - 5/27

    Those Prince Fielder homeruns were HUGE.
  22. snuffbox

    The border war...

    And I just explained why the Mexicans are taking a vastly smaller number of jobs than we are sending away. By shipping the Mexicans out we are guranteed large price increases in many items we take for granted each day. So, the problem isn't jobs. And, little as Oreilly may like it, they are no less dangerous than anyone else in the country. So, what is the issue here? I see blatant racism and nothing else.
  23. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Story?id=3195676&page=4 Al Gore throws haymakers in word-form.
  24. snuffbox

    The border war...

    The difference is that the millions of jobs sent outside the country are $10+-an-hour factory jobs that American want/need. The jobs that Mexicans are often taking when they come here are lower-paying menial jobs & bottom-end factory jobs. By continuing to outsource we will continue to lose a large amount of actual jobs Americans were in fact using, by getting rid of the Mexicans we will only damage the economy because the price on so many goods we take for granted will skyrocket. But at least America will be more white.
  25. snuffbox

    All kidding aside

    I'd re-post the incredibly pathetic reasoning for a warning I received but it disappeared along with Alf. He thought moderating here was like a very important real-life job or something. Leaving is probably the best thing for him.