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Everything posted by snuffbox

  1. snuffbox

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    I assume this must be the all-2008 thread. The Bob Barr campaign apparently thinks that Ron Paul is to blame for his performance. It wasn't his behavior over Bill Clinton's sex life, it wasn't his Patriot Act vote, it wasn't his career-defining hawkishness on the expensive marijuana war, it was because of Ron Paul. In nominating a huge-govt Republican for president, the LP chose not to give themselves a chance to even slightly fill the small-govt gulf. http://reason.com/news/show/129858.html Reason is a libertarian magazine, for the record.
  2. snuffbox

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    http://www.lacrossetribune.com/articles/20.../13attorney.txt Local attorney arrested at Bob Dylan show.
  3. snuffbox

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    I'm going to assume that Czech didn't read the post where I wrote exactly why I voted as I did. Canards are easy, though. Like being told how to think.
  4. snuffbox

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Al Franken hasn't lost yet. He's only down 10k with about 600 precincts left.
  5. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Florida too.
  6. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Mike Murphy's getting wasted on MSNBC.
  7. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    McCain had no chance after Ohio fell. That was the end. I can't beieve Al Franken is keeping it close so far. Jesse The Body should've ran.
  8. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

  9. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    I was in the second row at the Palin rally in Dubuque Iowa this afternoon. It was a much larger crowd than McCain's in La Crosse. The energy level was much greater; there were faintings. Hank Williams Jr did the Anthem and the Liberal Media song. He then stuck around for Palin's entire speech clapping along and making goofy gestures to whatever she said. The speech was good. Lines about helping handicapped kids and abortions got the biggest response from the crowd. With my position in the throng, Sarah Palin's stump speech, and a backdrop of Todd, Hank, and Chuck Grassley, it was a pretty weird way to spend an afternoon.
  10. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Did anybody ever figure out what that dick was talking about?
  11. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Who reacted with laughter? Was this one of those things that you thought you read somewhere?
  12. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Was the part where he based his vote on the celebrities encoded in a different language on your computer?
  13. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    I can see you've put plenty of thought into your vote.
  14. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    I must have missed the racist message in Atlas Shrugged.
  15. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Oh, we're talking about different Woodrow Wilsons. Sorry.
  16. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Woodrow Wilson was a fuckface.
  17. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Prediction: Barack Obama will win Florida.
  18. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Hell of a speech here from Bill Clinton.
  19. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Well, that's only a half-true assessment of the scenario, really. Yes, my individual tax rate would go down under Obama (I'm at approx $54,000/yr, so firmly in the middle class). However, I also work for a giant insurance/financial corporation. Thus, if corporate tax rates are hiked, as well as tax rates for the rich, that would likely not benefit me; I'm pretty sure that the Company would choose a higher profit, as well as higher management bonuses and salaries, than to keep me on board. Know what I mean? I keep forgetting, when the Obama tax plan was the code for corporations and wealthy people in the 1990s, did everybody in the financial sector lose their jobs? Or was there more employment and prosperity at that point?
  20. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Panthermatt: One easy way to make a decision is to ask yourself what's more important to you, actually having more money in your wallet (Obama) or being told that you have more money in your wallet (McCain).
  21. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Why is it bad to to tax/punish the wealthiest but its cool for a person working overtime too long to be doing it largely for the government?
  22. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Has Matt Drudge thrown in the towel?
  23. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    The vaunted Pocomoke Tattler may have those "quotes."
  24. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Barney Frank is a single congressman, not grand fucking Pooh-Bah of the country. Newt Gingrich and Tom Delay held even more power in their days and it didn't destroy the world or whatever. What to expect (in reality, not in an overactive and very afraid imagination) from Frank/Obama: A sensible marijuana policy. It is something that both have shown interest in. It would free up a lot of money and add more freedoms to the country so the "conservatives" might not like it. If you're going to be afraid of something, though, you might as well fear something that might actually happen.
  25. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    That'll be a warning for talking about the actual tax policies rather than the made-up ones.