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Everything posted by snuffbox

  1. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    Considering that the anti-gay side has not been able to muster a single legitimate reason for their stance, and 909 appears ready to prove his Mod Manhood, I'm done here.
  2. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    The Bible is no longer the presiding document of the Christian Church?
  3. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    It's actually in the Bible, which is the basis for most of the anti-gay bigotry. It's either the word of your god or it's not.
  4. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    If particular churches choose not to perform gay marriages, that's fine. There would be plenty of other churches/courthouses/etc to choose from. One point that I do plan to make, repeatedly, on my "Church Tour" is that religious people will have to make a choice between two favored talking points. One avenue of curtailing the number of abortions in this country is by making the adoption process simpler/cheaper. An avenue to increasing the number of adoptions is to allow gay couples to do so. The choice will be between "sanctity of life" and "icky gay people," and I am very interested to see the results of this.
  5. snuffbox

    Kevin Nash: what a bore

    The patience of a fucking saint.
  6. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    You don't decide to enjoy another man's cock in your BUTT (or vice versa) to rebel against your parents. Dont be an idiot.
  7. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    Nope, there's not really any debate room on that one, sorry. You are born with your skin, you are born with your sexual preference, you can choose to believe in a talking snake.
  8. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    One of the following is a choice: Being black, being gay, being religious. For the 8-millionth time, nobody is arguing against religion. Yes it is completely irrational and often dangerous, but I am not advocating for its termination. Organized religion, however, is arguing vehemently to deny certain rights for certain individuals based on a difference. Again, that is the problem. This is not religion vs. atheism. It is not moral vs. immoral. This is allowing people to live their lives freely vs. my feelings are really touchy so certain people cant do certain things even if it never once actually impacts me or my family in an actually negative way.
  9. snuffbox

    Happy 40th Allman Bros

    There was a rumor that a certain former band member might be one of the Beacon guests but it hasn't happened yet.
  10. snuffbox

    Fucking Wisconsin

    It would have been a tougher sentence but they couldn't prove he was high on marijuana when he did it.
  11. snuffbox

    Fucking Wisconsin

    If she's on vacation here, she has money. Thus her sentence.
  12. snuffbox

    National Security & Defense

    Of course. You don't get a cool nickname like "Bombs Away" for nothing.
  13. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    Maybe not their 'religion' per se but that doesn't really matter. Their Church has the power and it has repeatedly chosen to condone the rape of children. No free passes for that.
  14. snuffbox

    National Security & Defense

    Wasn't our old friend Bob MacNamara involved in those Japan bombings?
  15. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    I'm sorry I couldn't read beyond the "couldnt reconcile" part. If they can reconcile their church's fetish for child anal fucking, they can reconcile consensual love between two adult individuals. The government didn't shut them down. They refused to stay in their 'charitable business' because they harbor an irrational hatred for certain people. And they condone kid rape.
  16. snuffbox

    Happy 40th Allman Bros

    I was hoping they would be added to the Bonnaroo lineup this year after canceling last year's appearance. I want to see them again; not sure how much Gregg Allman has left in the old tank. I guess they've been bringing out all kinds of guests for their current Beacon run: Clapton, Boz Scaggs, ZZ Top, Buddy Guy, etc.
  17. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    For the record: I have no problem whatsoever saying/typing that the Catholic Church has no room at all to dictate any sex laws or mores to anybody.
  18. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    That seems like an example I might need some more information (link) on.
  19. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    Religious people do not have the right to dictate the lives of other inividuals. It's not their rights that are injured but their precious feelings.
  20. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    I'd be annoyed if my child came home from anywhere and told me all about a talking snake and a bunch of other nonsense. But, I would not tell him that he cant go to Sunday School anymore. Human beings have a remarkable thought process, or at least the possibility thereof (not sure how many of us really choose to use it all that much). We can figure stuff out on our own. We can process the information gleaned from others on our own. We dont need to create fairtales and hobgoblins and the like to live within a moral framework. We can do this on our own. Sheltering our children has never and will never prevent them from experiencing life, and everything that comes with it, on their own. I dont know how many time I can try to put these two important facets together for a few of you. It is ok to have an opinion, any opinion. It is not ok to apply your private opinions to the lawbooks that apply to other individuals. It is an absolute necessity that laws be based on facts that lay outside of personal opinions. I'm not the biggest fan of gambling in the world but that doesn't provide any kind of basis for its criminality.
  21. snuffbox

    Pictures I Like

    I don't think that's what they're going for. Enlighten us.
  22. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    And then somebody asks them "Why is it wrong?" and it all falls apart.
  23. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    I've tried to use "organized religion" as much as possible because that's what is most at fault for this particular problem. The Bible itself, whether its followers realize or not, is not filled with anti-gay passages. It is however filled with a shitload of violence, sex perversion (sell your daughters!), and misogyny that is unequalled outside of other religious texts. Also- talking snakes, invisible men, and burning bushes are not wothwhile sources for morality; human beings have the capacity to live with moral standards entirely on their own.
  24. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    I haven't said OMG once, Brooklyn Zoo. My disapproval of organized religion is completely serious because it is based on problmes like this that it causes/exacerbates. If something is as dangerous as organized religion has proven to be, it warrants being told so.
  25. snuffbox

    More Gay Marriage?

    Brooklyn Zoo: Pedophiles actually harm children. We really need to stop this nonsense thinking where any non-hetero sex preference is the same as child- or animal-fucking. It's not and it's kind of a big difference. And stop with the 'liberal' bullshit.