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Everything posted by snuffbox

  1. snuffbox

    The College Football Thread 10/16 - 10/18

    I've had to stop watching. They're the worst. It seemed kinda promising going into the season but they've been horrendous since being up 17-0 on Michigan. They can't throw, run, block, tackle, or coach. But they make up for it by having a really classy band. No, wait, the band got suspended too. Nevermind.
  2. snuffbox

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Really weird bill for the Get Out & Vote show in Milwaukee- Beastie Boys, Ben Harper, Nash & Crosby, and Tenacious D.
  3. snuffbox

    Boxing Thread

    I can't believe Hopkins is still fighting.
  4. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Mike Huckabee has Joe the Plumber as his guest on the Fox talk show.
  5. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    People look back fondly to Ted Agnew, right?
  6. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Conservatism = small government; not retarded/racist/8 years old emotionally. It is a shame that the idea of a small govt has been bastardized to this extent. We have a big-govt party and a huge-govt party to choose from on a national level. The only conserative in the huge-govt party was mocked during the GOP debates.
  7. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Will the GOP send Michael Steele out for another try?
  8. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    It'll probably be free. You might have to pick up a ticket or something, though. Hillary's going to be there too, right?
  9. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Obama will be in Madison next Thursday. No word on if Bruce Springsteen will join him.
  10. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Just ignore a third of the posts on every page, guys.
  11. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    After listening to a dismal McCain attack on the subject of Bill Ayers, Letterman asked him if he had a relationship with Gordon Liddy. The best defense McCain could muster was that Liddy had paid his dues, or something. It was Letterman's last jab. McCain went along with it well.
  12. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    McCain is leaving Wisconsin. The Gordon Liddy stuff on Letterman tonight was funny.
  13. snuffbox

    Covering Coverage

    Glen Beck signed with Fox News.
  14. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    I don't like the fact he thinks us white people are trash. We're not.
  15. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Joe must be a pretty good Plumber to be making 250 grand a year.
  16. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Anyone notice how careful the McCain campaign (and the Liberal Media) are to not refer to Ayers as a Vietnam War protestor?
  17. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Just say cunt, Marvin. It's probably such a miniscule number of people (really really tiny) that it goes under the LIBERAL MEDIA radar. Most people have a sense of decency about them and wouldn't wear a shirt like that, just as I expect most people to not tell black employees to, quote, "sit down, boy." But, in both cases, it happens. However, the number of times that people get, I think you will agree on this, out of hand at the McCain rallies and forums (Palin holds quite a bit of responsibility in this matter.) makes it much different than a couple of people wearing shirts to stoke the coals. If Teddy Bear is supposed to mean nigger, then that's kind of a different question all together. Cunt and nigger carry two very different connotations, don't they? You'd get two different reactions if you wore a shirt that said cunt versus a shirt that said nigger. However, no one is praising the people wearing the shirts, and just thinking that someone would be mauled for wearing a shirt that calls Obama a nigger isn't a legitimate premise, so your whole argument is invalid. That's one explanation. Another is that casual sexism/misogyny is simply way more acceptable in polite society than racism, and it has nothing to do with party affiliation or political ideology. Just ask Hillary Clinton. Yeah, she ran one of the worst campaigns in history so, therefore, the media/country had to be sexist. It's amazing how saying something a lot of times can make it true in so many minds.
  18. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Obama has to be elected to enact his policies.
  19. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    The annual tax refund is a ridiculous canard anyway. School shopping, braces, sicknesses, injuries, car trouble, birthdays, Christmas, other holidays...they don't all fall conveniently on refund check day.
  20. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    This Hank Williams Jr stuff needs to get more tv time.
  21. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    On the day a WSJ (not the one in Madison) poll has Obama up 17 in Wisconsin, John Kerry tours the state giving four speeches and the governor and congressmen begin a couple days of 'early vote' drives. I dont think Kerry would mind being named Secretary of State if his efforts do end up putting Obama in the White House.
  22. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Matt Drudge is trying to do his part.
  23. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Walt Annenberg was a Nixon & Reagan guy. They were kinda big in the GOP.
  24. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    http://www.madison.com/wsj/mad/opinion/309127 Stunning news out of the Peoples' Republic today as the Wisconsin State Journal has endorsed Barack Obama.
  25. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    John McCain doesn't speak for the John McCain campaign.