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Everything posted by snuffbox

  1. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    I don't think the lists are compliled by historians as much for listing's sake as it is to lay the presidents out on a spectrum to determine what makes an admistration a failure, a success, or in-between.
  2. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    PaulBots and MoRons, oh my!
  3. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    Or, after more than five years of watching our leadership be consistently and unrelentingly WRONG on every facet of a wholly needless war, some people might have a hard time keeping the faith that the law of averages will come into play and something good will happen. Thanks for bringing the retard canards, though!
  4. snuffbox

    This Week in Baseball 4/7 - 4/13

    I'm glad WGN got the technical difficulties cleared up.
  5. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    Yes, gents, we got him now. Sure, it takes a few more years and a hell of a lot more money, but this proves it, limited warfare DOES WORK. Barry Goldwater can suck a dick.
  6. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Yep, it's like what Mitt Romney said, "he forgot about 9/11"
  7. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    Few more years, few more trillion, he'll be outta there!
  8. snuffbox

    What are you listening to right now?

    Chris Montez - Lets Dance.
  9. snuffbox

    Airbag/How Am I Driving?

    I don't think he meant faggots in a good way this time.
  10. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    For the record, I'm on friendly terms with the Andrew Sullivan Hate.
  11. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    What a bunch of pals we're turning out to be!
  12. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Nancy Grace has a soldier tribute too, though, and she's entirely worthless.
  13. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Ending the huge expense in Iraq will reduce the size of the government. If you don't believe me, I'll link you to my blog to prove it.
  14. snuffbox

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Kanye West, Wilco, and the Raconteurs will probably be officially announced as the Lollapalooza headliners tomorrow morning
  15. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    King = 909, the guy who went nuts defending you a couple days ago. I never complained to him or anybody else about you. I just got annoyed when he (others, too, but King was the most vocal) claimed that people were whining or 'couldn't take it' when clearly it was a matter of not taking somebody's 'B.O. Hussein' and comically bad links seriously. Am I calling you a 'stupid piece of shit' or a 'goddam queer'? Nope.
  16. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Would you like to explain how the Republican Party still stands for small government? Or how Paul is a kook? Or will you just stick to flamebaiting drivel and pictures with the knowledge that King will defend you to the point of risking a stroke?
  17. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

  18. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    Yeah, not supporting the idea of limited warfare to achieve nation-building is the same as killing a bunch of "black babies." Totally.
  19. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    I'm not trusting a former drug-war-hawk and Patriot Act voter as a Libertarian. Working towards reducing the governemnt is not a matter of changed rhetoric. I will hope that the former Paul supporters will either support a legitimate libertarian or choose the one of the three major candidates left that will actually reduce the size of the government (Obama).
  20. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Of all the people to ever catch the Mark Hanna bug, he's the absolute worst.
  21. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

  22. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    There were some more attacks on Baghdad this weekend. 3 more Americans dead and a few dozen injured. Only 3, though!
  23. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    She'll probably hire Shrum.
  24. snuffbox

    Airbag/How Am I Driving?

    Is that ever a valid reason for doing something lame and stupid? Edit - other message boards doing it