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Everything posted by snuffbox

  1. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    It's a bit depressing that this is what Mike Gravel is going to be remembered for, not his work ending the Vietnam War and the draft.
  2. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Does a nurse stop by to tend to your basic needs, Marvin?
  3. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Obama giving a tremendous speech at the moment.
  4. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Johnboy Edwards is the used car dealer of the Democratic field.
  5. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Huckabee's win today probably moves John McCain into the number-one spot in the GOP. Thompson will drop out, presumably quickly, and endorse McCain. Romney is the first of the three worst Republican options (other two being Huck and Rudy) that can almost completely be written off, he's going to end up losing both of his must-win states. I really hope this is the beginning of a quick end to Hilary's candidacy.
  6. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    But what about all the supporters of his joke candidacy?
  7. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Democrats - Obama, Clinton, Edwards GOP - Huckabee, Romney, McCain, Old Man
  8. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    I don't smoke either. It's still awful.
  9. snuffbox

    The College Football Thread 12/31 - 1/6

    The first half of 1/1 (TN-WI & MI-FL) was great but but the rest of the day was largely unwatchable.
  10. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    The new one-dollar-a-pack tobacco tax will hopefully be enough for us.
  11. snuffbox

    Campaign 2008

    Martin O' Malley will probably be a Democratic candidate for President in 2012 or 16.
  12. snuffbox

    Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto killed in suicide attack

    In this case you just completely changed at least one post.
  13. snuffbox

    Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto killed in suicide attack

    YPOV is going to have to whine about that.
  14. Probably because we've seen the Giants play this year.
  15. I'm looking forward to the weekend of games. The Giants beating Tampa Bay woul be the biggest shock of the weekend so it will probably, somehow, happen. I don't want them to win, though. The way Tennessee struggled against indy's JV, I dont think they have much chance...but, Norv & the Chargers are more then capable of blowing it. Pitt-Jax should be full of brutal hits and I really dont care who wins. I think Washington can beat Seattle.
  16. snuffbox

    The last week of the NFL season.

    Romeo Crennel might not have been able to get his team into the playoffs but he did win the TSM Coach of the Year trophy.
  17. Weren't you going to leave, again, if the Ravens won, Marvin?
  18. snuffbox

    Book recommendations

    Czech, let me know what you think of Naked Lunch. I'm reading Ian Hamilton's 'biography' of Salinger, among other books, at the moment. Now, I'm as intrigued as the next guy by the reclusive Salinger but this book is just annoying so far. Just leave the weirdo alone & write a bio without including your own story on every page.
  19. snuffbox

    4,000 dead Americans

    2007 being the worst year for American casualties doesn't seem to fit into the Liberal Media's schedule.
  20. snuffbox

    The last week of the NFL season.

    Between this thread and the stupid Bhutto one, I think YPOV's only posting these days is trying to drum up the dumbest arguments about things he clearly knows nothing about.
  21. snuffbox

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...7122800693.html This will save the recording industry.
  22. snuffbox

    Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto killed in suicide attack

    Seriously, I'm not going to argue this with you. Matt Youngin' what you said won't help. And you already Jerked at least one post in this thread.
  23. snuffbox

    Boxing Thread

    I think Tito will knock him out. Roy's so worn out, the speed and reflexes are barely evident anymore. Trinidad will still have the power and he won't have to deal with anything close to the speed that so befuddled him with Winky Wright.
  24. snuffbox

    Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto killed in suicide attack

    It's definitly something to be concerned with.
  25. snuffbox

    Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto killed in suicide attack

    It's not that hard to grasp. Jingus says Bhutto had it coming and the only reason he can muster or his theory is the rantings of somebody that he "knows" from message board(s). My point - Don't say she "had it coming", that is retarded at best. And, don't just randomly believe the stories that people can so easily concoct online. Czech followed up on the point with hilarious photos.