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Spicy McHaggis

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Posts posted by Spicy McHaggis

  1. I seriously have to ask this... are you guys seriously confused as to why the majority of posters with opposing viewpoints to your own don't post on this board?


    Your side consists basically of one guy who gets his talking points from John Stewart and thinks 9/11 was orchestrated by the government, another guy who wants everyone to agree with him and if they don't he thinks it's okay to use coercive means to force them into following his views, and a third guy who legitimately thinks Bush is close to Stalin.


    And the one guy willing to waste enough time to engage in this pointless debate, is essentially belittled every time he posts.


    And don't think you know what my views are on this issue because of this critical post.

  2. Anyone else really excited about this?? I haven't seen much Deadwood at all, but I saw an episode or two and I enjoyed it, so I'm gonna pick it up this season. I've seen a bit more of Entourage which I enjoy, so I'll be watching that as well. And lastly, I wanted to see Dane Cook this summer, but to my knowledge he isn't touring, so I'm looking foward to Tourgasm as well. All starts this Sunday I believe.

    I'm REALLY pumped up for this summer lineup. I love Deadwood and Entourage... I have Deadwood season one and both seasons of Entourage, so I definitely can't wait. And I've heard good things about Dane Cook, so I might check him out as well.

  3. One of the things that bugs me when I read the various columns of Lost theories (and this will tie in to my theory about the failsafe) is that many people didn't quite understand the specifics of "the button". They say that a discharge of electromagnetism brought down the plane, but I believe that's wrong. It seems to me that the electromagnetic energy on the island builds up, and each button press discharges an amount of energy that is small enough to be safe but large enough to keep the field from reaching a critically dangerous level. So it wasn't a discharge that caused the plane crash, but the fact that the magnet got too strong and pulled the plane in.


    I believe the failsafe causes a complete release of the energy. Because of exposure to that, I think people like Rose and Locke won't need to stay on the island in order to stay healed... in fact, I'm starting to believe even more that Charlie, Eko, Locke, and Desmond will end up endowed with some forms of superpowers (maybe they'll end up with four toes!). Perhaps Charlie's is simply an extreme inner calm, eliminating the need for drugs, and allowing Claire to sense that he is no longer a danger to Aaron, hence the kiss.



    they say that the island was visible but only for a moment

    ... to me, that means that the failsafe did not eliminate the electromagnetic energy for good. Perhaps in the exploration of what happened on the island before Dharma next season, we will find out how the island dealt with the magnetic field naturally.


    Also, about the Portuguese Eskimos: I read a translation of their conversation, and there's something about, "I can't believe we missed it again." I'm willing to bet the same thing happened on the day of the plane crash, and I wonder if they told anyone.


    As for the monster being there but we didn't realize it... I'm thinking obviously the bird, because there is a bird in season one when they go to the dark territory to get the dynamite and they encounter the monster. However, something tells me it's more than that but I have no idea what.


    They also say that the question of

    why the others captured Kate, Jack, and Sawyer will be explored over the first six episodes

    . That tells me that they did have a silent plan with Sayid that goes beyond what we saw. Perhaps they meant to be captured, so they could find out where the others really live.

  4. "Headlong Hall" by Thomas Love Peacock


    "The place is quite a wilderness," said Squire Headlong: "for, during the latter part of my father's life, while I was finishing my education, he troubled himself about nothing but the cellar, and suffered everything else to go to rack and ruin. A mere wilderness, as you see, even now in December; but in summer a complete nursery of briers, a forest of thistles, a plantation of nettles, without any livestock but goats, that have eaten up all the bark of the trees. Here you see is the pedestal of a statue, with only half a leg and four toes remaining: there were many here once. When I was a boy, I used to sit every day on the shoulders of Hercules: what became of him I have never been able to ascertain. Neptune has been Iying these seven years in the dust-hole; Atlas had his head knocked off to fit him for propping a shed; and only the day before yesterday we fished Bacchus out of the horse-pond."



  5. Whoever said there's more to the plane crash than we've seen is spot on. It had to be engineered, given the miraculous health of the survivors, as well as the survival of all the necessary supplies, as well as the absence of hair brushes.


    I thought the finale was brilliant, and I feel compelled to read all the related books and keep up with all of the online stuff just so I can make it through these next four months.


    As far as Eko, Locke, Desmond, and maybe even Charlie go... I think they not only survived the "explosion" but I'm willing to bet they end up with some type of powers. I'm guessing that the gigantic EMP either screwed up the instruments on Michael's boat or changed the heading that will allow them to get outside the field. And perhaps by the end of next season Penny will get inside the field and to the island, but won't be able to get back out.


    On my more feminine side, I loved the kiss between Claire and Charlie, it was so much more real than others (shut up, you know you loved it).


    Maybe the guy in the Arctic Station was Jack's bad twin (or maybe Jack is his bad twin). And holy shit on the statue.


    Question for SJ: you know of any place where I can read a recap of the pertinent information from the Lost Webmaze?

  6. Another really good episode and I absolutely can't wait till next week. Didn't think of Desmond when I saw the boat, but obviously it makes perfect sense. As far as Alex goes, part of me wondered if she actually understood Zeke's motives because of her comment to Michael about how Zeke needed to send a message to his friends and he had to scare them to do it. She seemed somewhat sympathetic to the Other's cause... by the way, I can't remember if Alex set Claire free or if she was just friendly to Claire, does anybody remember?


    Sayid and Eko continue to be awesome, and Sawyer's redemption theme seems to be returning. All good stuff.


    Ms. Clue... loved her, wasn't the actress Jamal Wallace's public-school teacher in Finding Forrester? I'm also wondering how high Henry Gale ranks, because they obviously wanted him back but he didn't have very nice things to say about Mr. Friendly. And there's no way they're letting Walt go without a fight.

  7. Twins? With different last names?


    I'm guessing it's just the same guy playing multiple "parts" for the orientation videos.



    Well,with my line of thinking on that front, do we know that they really have different last names? We don't really know the names, just what they said.


    But, why would they be twins then? Why not just the same man using different names for the various videos? I'm just trying to illustrate how the twins angle seems to have been pulled out of nowhere and really makes no sense.

    Well, aside from the fact that they just released a book called Bad Twin, and the whole light versus dark theme introduced by Locke that ran almost the entirety of the first season, as well as the slew of references to alternating realities, I'd say you're right... it is out of nowhere and makes no sense whatsoever.

  8. Thank you.


    I think Andrew Bynum's future is very bright... he has a great coach, a great mentor, he shows all the potential of a very good center, and he made his free throws when he took them.


    The more I think about the KG situation, the more I think the Lakers should stay as far away from that deal as possible. They're really only a few pieces away... if they get Rush back and a quick point guard, maybe Bobby Jackson or Tyronn Lue or Leandro Barbosa (in my dreams), and another rebounder, they will be set to make a run without mortgaging the future.

  9. Add me to the list of "The Pearl is the real psych experiment"... I'm glad some other people caught that as well.


    I'm now thinking that the Psychic works for Hanso/Dharma and the whole Eko flashback was a scheme to get him on the plane. After all, the Psychic said right to Eko's face that he collects information and manipulates people. Maybe he's head of intelligence or something. My only question lies with the miracle girl. I want to believe she had good intentions... but the skeptic in me says she's working with the Psychic.


    Could Candle and Wickman be twins?

  10. To me, the whole KG to the Lakers deal centers on pitting the window of obtaining Garnett versus the risk of whether or not Lamar Odom will reach his full potential. I'd say we'll know by the end of next season whether or not Odom's improvement will continue until he's a top player. But, obviously this off-season is the one in which KG is available. So I guess it all comes down to Jackson's assessment of Lamar.


    As far as my assessment of Andrew Bynum is concerned, I think he's more of a sure thing than Lamar Odom is... Bynum will be a star. If he is in the deal, the deal is too steep.


    Also, the Lakers will still need a rebounder, a quick point guard, and possibly another shooter, so the deal needs to free up Space for that as well.

  11. I like the slow burn that Lost does, as it keeps me in suspense and wanting to see the next episode. While not necessarily talking about you, Dormroom, I cannot stand when people say that nothing happens on Lost, or that nothing at all has happened during season 2.

    I could not agree more, Dandy. It bugs me to no end when people criticize the STORY by saying that the TIME is moving too slow. To me, the huge amount of character development that has happened just a few days after the hatch was opened is just brilliant.


    Dandy, I sense that you and I have a very similar appreciation for the show. I agree with what you post almost 100% of the time.

  12. Hymn of the Breaking Strain by Rudyard Kipling


    The careful text books measure

    (Let all who build beware!)

    The load, the shock, the pressure

    Material can bear.

    So, when the buckled girder

    Lets down the grinding span,

    The blame of loss, or murder,

    Is laid upon the man.

    Not on the Stuff -- the Man!


    But in our daily dealing

    With stone and steel, we find

    The Gods have no such feeling

    Of justice toward mankind.

    To no set gauge they make us, --

    For no laid course prepare --

    And presently o'ertake us

    With loads we cannot bear.

    Too merciless to bear.


    The prudent text-books give it

    In tables at the end --

    The stress that shears a rivet

    Or makes a tie-bar bend --

    What traffic wrecks macadam --

    What concrete should endure --

    But we, poor Sons of Adam,

    Have no such literature,

    To warn us or make sure!


    We hold all Earth to plunder --

    All Time and Space as well --

    Too wonder-stale to wonder

    At each new miracle;


    Till, in mid-illusion

    Of Godhead 'neath our hand,

    Falls multiple confusion

    On all we did or planned.

    The mighty works we planned.


    We only of Creation

    (Oh, luckier bridge and rail!)

    Abide the twin-d**nation --

    To fail and know we fail.

    Yet we -- by which sole token

    We know we once were Gods --

    Take shame in being broken

    However great the odds --

    The Burden or the Odds.


    Oh, veiled and secret Power

    Whose paths we seek in vain,

    Be with us in our hour

    Of overthrow and pain;

    That we -- by which sure token

    We know thy ways are true --

    In spite of being broken,

    Because of being broken,

    May rise and build anew.

    Stand up and build anew!

  13. I will never be able to put it better than this, so here.


    Tonight, I was shocked at the level of responsibility the basketball world has given Kobe Bryant. It is more than just basketball.


    Rather than leading chants for their own team in victory, the Suns' fans chose to deride Kobe for losing. Rather than chanting "MVP" for Steve Nash or "Go Suns", they chose to scream "Kobe sucks." Getting more satisfication to see Kobe lose is just staggering. (Note I say 'Kobe,' not 'Lakers') That's simply astounding. How many players can elicit that kind of hate. They love to hate you, even more they love to love their own. That is not respect. That is fear. The Lakers are no longer a basketball team, a worthy foe. They are Kobe, the enemy they would pay to see him lose than watch their team win.


    But it has moved beyond just the fans, and now into the media. All series long, analysts and commentators no longer credit Kobe's play in a loss - if the Lakers lose, the blame is on him. The fact that he played a great game is a moot point. In a loss, Kobe can do no right. Kobe can never play well if the Lakers lose; after all, the argument goes, if Kobe plays well, the Lakers should win. No other player is held to that standard. The inherent implication of this is that Kobe is the greatest player in basketball, but more than just a player. He has transcended the role of a great player; instead, Kobe embodies an entire team, a franchise, a city.


    For Kobe Bryant, the conversation has moved beyond his play, and only that of: he's responsible for everything that happens on the basketball floor, for both the home and opposing fans.


    There has been only one other player in NBA history that has been judged by that level, and that player was Michael Jordan. The funny thing is, most haters hate Kobe for being compared to Jordan (although he never made that comparison, and deferred to Jordan with humility), but the haters have unwittingly elevated Kobe closer than ever to Jordan.


    And Michael Jordan was only vindicated by winning. And through that, he won the right of being called the greatest basketball player.


    Kobe is now at the threshold of a similar opportunity.


    Playing excellent basketball, being the best at your position, achieving progress is meaningless. Those are for mere mortals. Now Kobe is considered a one-man wrecking crew, no more, a monster, a frankenstein, the wolf man, Bill Simmons' Darth Vader, the foil to every non-Laker fan's hope.


    And if Kobe is responsible for everything that goes wrong, the opportunity to take credit when things go right is all his.


    You see, you have players like Lebron James, who has also played great individually, but when the Cavaliers lose, the conclusion is that he needs more help from his teammates. Nevermind he has one of the best centers in the league and solid veterans surrounding him. The point is, Lebron has not transcended individual play.


    For Kobe, there are no excuses. If Kwame drops the ball, it is Kobe's fault. If Odom and Smush can't hit a shot, it is Kobe's fault. And Kobe haters join hands and dance. They dance and chant and burn Kobe's effigies.


    The stage is set. The stakes are high. The mob have lit their torches, raised their truncheons, sharpened their knives. They want your blood, Kobe. They want to see you die.


    And it will be all the more sweeter to rip their hearts out.


    This season begins now.

    I've realized how many people don't have a team. They just hate #8. And I like that.

    Thanks for this, King. I'm definitely going to save it... it's so true and it will definitely help me get pumped up for next season.


    Kobe gets villainized by the media all the time. Honestly, I think the biggest reason is because he doesn't play the “game” the way guys like Shaq do. By game, I mean the way he deals with the press. Kobe doesn't give them one-liners and easy little soundbites, he doesn't make jokes and conduct interviews the way they always want. And for that, they will always come down hard on him when they have the opportunity. Kobe has now joined the likes of personalities like Bobby Knight... they are absolutely hated by the media unless they win and draw ratings.


    If you look at the way the media tells the story, Kobe was simply along for the ride for the three championships and then he tore down the dynasty single-handedly and got what he deserved in a subsequent losing season. They spent this entire season criticizing him until the Lakers started winning at the tail end... and even then, Kobe didn't really get any credit until the team won Game 2. He got to be on top of the world for two nights following Game 4 (why? One reason: ratings). Game 5 came and it was downhill from there. And now that the series is over, Kobe is right back where he started.


    Is Kobe cocky? Yes. Is he extremely confident? Definitely. Does any player work harder than Kobe does? Not a chance. Will he deserve the credit when it finally comes his way? Absolutely.


    I used to feel like I needed to defend my favorite player, Kobe Bryant. It bothered me when he would be so blindly and roundly criticized. But now I've decided to enjoy it. All it will do is continue to motivate him. And his next championship will be so much more enjoyable.

  14. Although, I don't see how people can be a Kobe fan after tonight. Tonight he made sure that all the blame goes on his teammates instead of himself. The suns were doing a great job doubling him and all, but seriously, get your ass on the block and play some basketball.

    Are you kidding me? He's the last person that should be taking blame.


    Quit listening to Charles Barkley.


    You guys want him to be passive. He does it. You guys want him to shoot the ball. He does it.


    I do not know what the fuck people want from him, as he's clearly shown he's willing to do what it takes.


    There's a reason Charles Barkley never won anything, even though he had great teammates.

    You said it King. I get so sick and tired of the Kobe hate... from Dama to Ripper, and everyone in between. Honestly, after a while it gets obnoxious. Part of trusting your teammates involves leaving a certain amount of the winning up to their abilities. If they don't come through, you're going to lose. That's why it's a TEAM sport. The Lakers had plenty of chances to win this series, they didn't do it, and they should be disappointed. But, I am definitely sick of people railing on Kobe. I'm also not going to assess the team based on tonight's result. If LA plays next season the way they played the first half of this series, they can win 60 games. For now, I'll start taking a look at free agency lists.


    The Suns deserved to win... it was a remarkable comeback and a testament to just how good Steve Nash is. They deserve all the credit in the world. Barbosa is an amazing player... I wish the Lakers had him. Congrats to Suns fans.

  15. I thought this was another good one. Something to keep in mind... right now, I'm of the mind that Michael needed to free Henry, probably because the others said they'd give him Walt, and that Ana Lucia and Libby were just victims of circumstance. But remember, the others only took "good people" from the Tailies and left the bad. One potential clue of whether Michael was turned or brainwashed might be how he treats Bernard and Eko.


    Ana is now the third Lostaway that Jack's father has shepherded. I'm guessing if we look at the clothes he was wearing, that that bar he went into is the same one in which he told Sawyer to do whatever it was Sawyer thought would ease his own suffering. I'm guessing that Christian opening the car door into Sawyer caused Sawyer to notice the cocktail bar, perhaps subconsciously. And obviously, he shepherded Jack during his life and his death.


    I like the half-sister angle, not because of what it means for Jack, but because it adds another layer to Christian and makes him probably the deepest flashback character.

  16. I'm a hardcore Lakers fan...


    There's no fucking way I'm subjecting myself to what is sure to be a blowout victory for the Suns on Saturday. I'm no fucking masochist, thank you very much.

    No, no you're not. You're no fucking masochist, you're no hardcore Lakers fan either. What you are is a fucking pussy. Fans of a team either believe their team can win or go down with the ship, they don't abandon it because of heart trouble. What a baby.



    On to more important things, I still think the Lakers can win Game 7. I think they pissed away the past two elimination games by getting away from what gave them an advantage over the Suns. LA needs to go much deeper into the shot clock on offense and play much better team defense. I can't believe Tim Thomas got open for that three. Mark me down on the Smush disappointment bandwagon, he was flat-footed at the end of that sequence, just a few feet from Thomas. However, with the exception of Smush, I don't think these were the regular season Lakers. Kwame and Lamar, despite their errors, actually played pretty well. But LA did get out of the successful formula for winning against Phoenix.


    If they don't get back to it, they will lose. My prediction is that the actual threat of elimination WILL motivate the Lakers to play the kind of basketball that will win the series.

  17. I'm not going to be naïve and argue that Luke Walton was making a play on the ball, but he SPECIFICALLY avoided Thomas's head... if someone couldn't see that from the replays they're not being honest with themselves. Kwame Brown NEVER touched Boris Diaw on the play in question. It was just another in an unbelievable series of pussy flops. So, no they did not deserve to be suspended. Now, I didn't see Raja's clothesline, so I'll let the others comment on whether or not he should be suspended.


    I think the finesse nature of the Suns style of play has led them to getting outplayed in terms of the physical aspect of the game. Their response for the first four games was simply to flop like bitches. In Game 5, they got more aggressive by adding the cheap ass chippy defense. If I know Kobe as a player, I definitely understand why he would not want Bell suspended. Simply put, Kobe wants to beat Bell as the Lakers wrap up the series. He has a read on Bell's pussy defense, and will victimize it in the next game.

  18. First, the girl who accused Kobe was an absolute mental case... and, it didn't even go to trial and this country has a presumption of innocence.


    Second, OJ was found liable for wrongful death in the civil suit filed against him.



    In better news, Go Lakers!
