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Spicy McHaggis

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Posts posted by Spicy McHaggis

  1. Seroiusly though, if you ever talk to a CO, if something violent is happening inside the gates, it can take them 3-5 minutes to get the proper gear on to go into a violent situation while preserving their safety.


    I am sorry but the safety of the men and women hired to patrol the prisons come at a higher importance than those that are inthere. Its unfortunate but hey...thats the case.

    Shhh... your logic will complicate their simple, obvious solutions.

  2. And I'm sorry, but the first things that pop into my head when I read a story like this are: Gulf of Tonkin, the Thornton Affair, etc.


    Understandable, but not relevant to the situation here.


    You don't know that.

    It's interesting to see you apply very different standards of the burden of proof to Britain in this case and Saddam Hussein in the case of Iraq.

  3. I LOVE the character of Gaius Baltar. First, he looks and acts like the evil, British version of a friend of mine which is kind of freaky. But yes, I love the guy... I love his internal conflict, the thought of witnessing his redemption... but I also love the thought of his destruction. The writers have set up a brilliant character with whom they would really be justified in doing anything as far as the logical directions of the storyline go.


    Plus, I think he is the Cylon God incarnate (possibly).

  4. Totally loved it. The thing you have to remember about the Final Five is that they were boxed, which means the other Cylon models didn't like them... that doesn't necessarily mean anything but it's important to keep in mind. I'm also working on some thoughts about Baltar being the Cylon Christ. Great episode, Lee's speech was one of the best moments of the series.

  5. People were saying that Heroes (one of my favorite shows BTW) was a better show and I did try to point out that Lost is unparalleled on network TV as far as writing goes. Whoever said that we're used to it is exactly right. I actually think we're supposed to expect these connections, I do not think the writers believe that they are putting on an ending no one will expect.


    I do have to give credit where it is due and that goes to Dub. Not that you liked or disliked an episode... but that you posted your thoughts either way.

  6. Rip, my comment to you was in reference to "bells foul on Kobe wasn't that bad". By "the league" I mean David Stern and his sycophantic cronies. My point exactly is that Kobe sells out arenas, sells jerseys, AND speaks his mind without regard for what's politically correct in the NBA. They don't like that. They've moved on to Lebron & Wade (both players I really like, BTW) because they're too young to say anything against the league. It's pretty obvious when you watch the games, the young guys are getting more calls. Hell, Raja Bell is getting more calls than Kobe.


    To the other guy, whose handle I've never seen, fuck off... and it was a 98% cut, in federal income tax for a married couple with two kids and an income of $40,000.

  7. The league IS out to get Kobe. He is the best player, but he is not the most marketable. He doesn't say what people want to hear, he doesn't give the media smooth sound bites, he cares more about basketball than kissing David Stern's ass. The league IS out to get Kobe.


    Ripper, you may want to check and see if your TV is plugged in when you watch the NBA.

  8. Im actually for getting rid of the 2nd Ammendment since it has no more context in todays world as it did in the late 1700's America. The 2nd ammendment was based on the fact that early americans had to be worried about British/Indians/Wild Animals attacking them on a daily basis and with limited technology there weren't very many other ways to protect themselves. Today, theres no excuse to need a gun. Get an alarm sytem, get a pack of dogs, put up a fence..whatever..but you dont need a freaking gun to protect your property even if you're a bazillionaire with a house the size of Texas.

    You are talking out of your ass. Who sold you this load of crap?


    The purpose of the Second Amendment is not for self-defense, hunting, or target practice. It is a check on the government for the citizenry. It's pretty basic American history if you look into it.

  9. Man, I thought the reaction would be much less positive to Locke effectively blowing up everything concrete about the Dharma initiative. My hope is that now that there has been a tangible example of how not talking to each other about what they find can literally blow up in their face, hopefully they'll start talking to each other a little more about all the other weird stuff that has been going on.


    Good episode.

  10. Rip, the difference between Kobe's move and Bruce Bowen's is this. Bowen IS trying to hurt people and doesn't want to get caught. You and I both know that what he does is a classic dirty play. Kobe is not trying to hit a guy in the face. I don't know King, but I can tell you I have watched Kobe play 99% more than anyone else on this board. That move is what he does, usually unsuccessfully, when he flops and tries to draw a foul. He does it ALL THE TIME when he drives the lane. He has only recently started doing it on jumpers... it's only natural for the motion to hit a guy when he's closing out. Kudos to Jaric and excuse me if I don't put too much stock into Ginobili's reaction from a few weeks ago. Of course, Kobe did it on purpose, but it's also readily apparent that there was no malice involved... none.


    Oh, and King, I like your use of "bumfuck nowhere"... can I use that?

  11. That's awesome. Hey, if I liked Snow Crash, will I like The Baroque Cycle?


    I've tried not to watch any of the promos for any of the shows I like, I pretty much learned my lesson in the early days of 24 & Alias. I wish the networks had more integrity.

  12. I care about rings. When you have Kobe, you need to get rings now. Not when he's 36.

    I do too... but I'd prefer it if the Lakers were guaranteed contenders for the next 10-15 years, rather than winning two of the next three championships and then go to the bottom of the conference.


    Like I said, I'm glad you're not running the team. I can't believe you would give up the future of the franchise AND Lamar Odom and God knows who else to get 30 year old Kevin Garnett and Jason Kidd, who literally has probably three good years left. What happens in five years?


    I guess I just don't understand evaluating this team when Lamar Odom is at 80%, Luke Walton & Kwame Brown (both starter quality players) are out, and the team still doesn't have a decent point guard. I hate when people talk personnel with a complete lack of respect for team chemistry and maturation.

  13. Man, I'm so glad the Lakers didn't mortgage their future. I couldn't believe how many people were evaluating the team's trade needs without taking into account the fact that they're not 100% healthy. In my opinion, the Lakers were a Leandro Barbosa away from contending for tops in the West at the beginning of the year. They didn't get him, they didn't get Bobby Jackson, they didn't get Mike Bibby, and Jason Kidd costs too much. And so they have to deal with Smush getting regular minutes, that's just the way it is. Come playoff time, the Lakers will be fine upfront. No point in losing Bynum or Farmar for one or two years of an old man trying to win a championship before he retires.
