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Spicy McHaggis

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Posts posted by Spicy McHaggis

  1. I think this season was easily the second best season. I don't know if was the best because season one was nearly flawless in my eyes. It didn't jump around much with the villian, only switching from Gains and to Drazen which was like switching from the Araz family to Marwan this year (one was the focus early on but then he/they gave way completely to the real villian about halfway through). Season 2 started out really well but really fizzled and dragged after the bomb went off. Season 3 was generally a mess with a billion changes in who the bad guy was and equally as many changes to what the motives were behind the attacks. This season, all of that was clear throughout which made the final few episodes *that* more intense. It was hard to really care about Jack catching Saunders last season because we only knwe Saunders for a few episodes prior to that. This season, you knew Marwan for a long time and knew his direct henchmen from the get go, which made the chase for him mean more.


    No idea where they go from here. They did such a good job in the final minutes getting over how Jack's old life is completely over that it would be a shame to just drop that sometime next season with some sort of twist that helps him regain his old identity and life. The series needed a change in direction after three straight season of terrorist attacks on American soil (I guess season one was technically a terrorist attack also, but not in the sense we usually think about it). This gives them the chance to tweak with the formula a bit.

    Season 4 is like the perfect combination of the storytelling from Season 1 and the twists & turns of Season 3. My favorite is definitely Season 4.


    What a finale!

  2. I think local news is particularly guilty of this.


    Local channel don't know what's going to happen, obviously, so they have to spike ratings by advertising big exposes on controversial topics and make every medical study sound like they've discovered the latest health episdemic, make every story on the economy sound like the next depression is just around the corner, and every allegation against a celebrity sound like the trial of the century.


    Local news makes me sick.

    Mark it down, RJ. I agree 100%.

  3. I think Miami will have to be carried by Wade, who needs to have a huge series. I would give the edge to Detroit even if Shaq were healthy. The Pistons will collapse on the middle whenever Miami passes into the post. Wade will need to be very aggressive in driving to the hoop, but the Heat will need an outside shooter. But Eddie Jones will fold under the pressure.


    Pistons in 6.


    And the Heat's announcer is just as annoying.

  4. Uhm, it's certainly been proved on a small scale. All you need is a petry dish, a constantly reproducing virus, a microscope, and a really cold room.

    How does the virus get in the petry dish?

    Do creationists claim that God created all viruses at the beginning of time? Have there been no new viruses EVOLVE into existence during our lifetime?

    I have no idea. My point was that every sound experiment that helps prove evolution does indeed start with an outside force (the scientist) setting it in motion.


    While I'll acknowledge that "God created evolution" is a good compromise, that's not what the "intelligent design" bandwagon wants.  They want to cast doubt on evolution, not show how it can exist side by side with creationism.

    You're right but the article you just posted is flawed in that the statement:


    "...intelligent design, the belief that some aspects of nature are so complicated that they can only be explained as being the work of a creator."


    I agree with lowercase "intelligent design" as written above. The problem is the nutjobs in Kansas believe in uppercase "Intelligent Design" with all the garbage of 5,000 years old and the like.



    Most people I know who believe in evolution, also believe in God.

    Yeah, you can count me in here. That's why I hate Science vs. God debates.

  5. HOWEVER. The thing that bugged me was when he said something about "whitening up" his image. Referring to the way someone dresses or things like that in terms of race is ignorant. So if I was a popular basketball player and the way I dressed and my image threatened black people would you say that I was being asked to "blacken up" my image?


    The point is that he would be changing his dress not because of how he feels about his clothes, but to conform to the image that whites want to have about him. The problem is that his clothes are being seen as too black, not by blacks but by whites and saying "hey, why don't you dress less black".


    If basically telling a person they are to far down on the "black" side of the spectrum what essentially are they telling him to do by doing away with the things that they consider too "black" about him?

    Didn't say dressing like a thug equals dressing "black". Didn't say Iverson should dress a certain way.


    A complaint was raised about Iverson being labeled a thug...I pointed out that he literally WEARS that label. He has every right to wear whatever hair style he wants, speak English as poorly as he wants, wear whatever clothing he wants, and tattoo every inch of his body...but he shouldn't be surprised at the reaction he gets, nor should Ripper or YPOV defend him as a victim.


    He was convicted beyond his HS fight:


    "August 1997 -- Pleads no contest to gun charge after police near Richmond, Va., pull over a car, in which Iverson is a passenger, and find a gun belonging to Iverson and two marijuana cigarettes. Completes 100 hours of community service, two years of drug testing and three years' probation, after which his record is cleared."



    Frankly, I'm disappointed that the "this is a black vs. white issue whether you want to admit it or not" card was played. I expected more of you guys. And I didn't expect Ripper to know what every black person thinks. I'll be sure to ask you next time.

  6. Yes...because all black people think cornrows are great and that suits are for white people.


    If you really have a problem with my previous post...replace "cornrows" with "a hairstyle that is perceived socially to be unprofessional" and "suits and ties" with "clothing that is perceived socially to be professional."

  7. ... One of the more well spoken guys in the league too...

    Are you serious? Iverson is many things, well-spoken is not one of them. He's a great player and has quieted down as a citizen, but let's not exaggerate.


    Re: the "thug" aspect. I agree that he's not an actual thug, and that he can be portrayed negatively. However, Iverson doesn't do very much to counteract that portrayal. Everyone knows that your speech, your clothes, and the way you look have a bearing on your reputation. He has every right to choose to speak the way he wants, dress the way he wants, and tattoo himself up one side and down the other...but negative connotations will be attached to his current images. The way he presents himself is not the way a "torchbearer" should. I don't expect him to laser off all his ink... but if I was convicted of a crime and I knew I was thought of as a thug, I'd stop wearing the cornrows and I'd start dressing in suits and ties.


    If Kobe went boozing in public and bragging Wilt-style about women he was fucking, I'd criticize him too.
