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Spicy McHaggis

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Posts posted by Spicy McHaggis

  1. USC gave that game away. Why did they run the ball 3 times at the end of regulation?

    Who the FUCK knows?


    From the time SC got inside the Cal 22 in the 4th to the end of overtime, Mike Williams, the best fucking receiver in the nation, never touched the ball. I think SC, in particular the D-Line, looked past Cal. And Tedford called a hell of a game.

  2. I thought they kicked off well. I was pretty impressed with Garner's acting. The way Syd reacted at the beginning was perfect. Same goes for her later confrontation with Vaughn. I'm a little disappointed that Dixon's out of the field, though. I'm still skeptical of Sloan because of his resources on the Russian hit-man. I'm interested to see if Will's a field agent yet. And I wonder what Sark's up to. So far, they've done a good job setting up the new world. Can't wait for next week...

  3. I was talking to my dad who's pretty conservative but also a doctor and he explained that Prop 54 is a bad idea because it's never smart to prevent research. He gave the examples of genetic diseases that are more prevalent in different races, and if this law came into effect it would be a detriment to medical study and helping cater to people's needs.

    Ah, but there are many superb, private hospitals in California with lots of funds to use.

  4. A few things here...


    1. California has lost $48 billion (billion!). Screw social views. Economy is priority 1, 2, and 3. Arnold is fiscally conservative and has the best shot. He's also run businesses while Tom is a career politician.


    2. McClintock is only 47 years old. He has a long career ahead of him. He will be a spoiler and cost himself that career if he doesn't drop out.


    3. The alternative is BustaMECHA or letting Gumby stay in office.

  5. I, personally, see no reason for there to be any type of research based on race.  This is something I just DO NOT get, where for some reason the nation as a whole wants more equality, but then shit like "Well, we need to give more money to minority charities" seems like a good idea to some.  I mean, isnt the point of "equality" to be that we treat people of different races the same as we would treat people of our own race?  Hell, isnt the point that we dont even make that distinction?  That everyone are just regarded as, you know, Human Beings?  Wasnt that the point of the Civil Rights Movement?


    I mean, that's just my take on the matter.

    Listen, if research based on race was not done, how would you know of inequalities existing? Would you just kind of pull it out of the air? Have you even been reading this conversation, no one is calling for "extra funding" just equal funding. the FACT is, inner city schools are underfunded, do you want to find out why or just participate in covering up any research into why it is happening in CALIFORNIA....

    Prop 54 bans governmental research based on race. Not private research. And that, JotW, is why I'm in favor of it. Private companies can fund divisive research all they want. But it's not the government's job to differentiate based on race.

  6. Punch-card voting has a better success rate than that of two methods allegedly used only by middle- to upper-class whites.


    I'd like to uh, see some statistics on that one.

    Fox News article:


    According to the California ACLU, punch-card machines, still used in six counties, have an error rate of 2.5 percent, meaning as many as 40,000 votes could be invalidated. In their argument before the court last week, the group argued that because those six counties, which make up 44 percent of the state's voting population, are also 46 percent minority-populated, black and Latino voters will be underrepresented.


    "There is something logical about saying if several counties use machines with very high error rates and other counties use perfect machines, that is unequal treatment of voters," said Paul Rothstein (search), a professor at Georgetown Law School.


    But other state voting methods that the ACLU finds acceptable are also prone to error, researchers point out. Optical scanners, for example, have an error rate of 2.3 percent, and could invalidate as many as 36,000 votes in the counties where they are used.


    Computer touch screens with an error rate of 3 percent could leave 48,000 votes uncounted, and 'Datavote,' a different type of punch-card system used in 20 counties, has an error rate of more than 3 percent — putting as many as 51,200 votes at risk.


    Punch cards aren't perfect, but according to research at Cal-Tech and MIT, neither is anything else.

  7. Quick thoughts


    Camejo...Who?: Typical illogical communist

    Arianna "Check out my sagging tits!": Proved herself useless

    Look away from the eyes! McClintock: Very solid but should still back out

    Ahnold and-all-uv-dese-tings: Good, didn't harm himself, stayed economically focused

    Cruz BustaMECHA: Condescending asshole



    Yes on 54!

  8. This is absolutely irrelevant to the recall, but this one stuck out to me:


    Everybody talks about wanting a colorblind society, but what does that actually mean to you? In other words, how do we know when we have succeeded?


    My answer would be, we'll know when this question doesn't have to be asked.

  9. Right know it seems like 3 teams have pulled away from anyone else. Oklahoma, USC, and Miami.

    I agree but I'm worried coming out of this bye week. Petie should have us prepped though.


    I'd say our toughest game now is at UW. ASU sucked completely against Iowa and the rest of our away games look easy on paper. But this IS the kind of year the Trojans blow it against either ND or UCLA.
