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Spicy McHaggis

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Posts posted by Spicy McHaggis

  1. However, since so many incest cases are rape, I wouldn't object to a slightly stronger sentence being served if rape was declared, a case was started, and it was found to be incest.

    Just like hate crimes, that woud demean the victims of "regular" rape.


    I agree, though, sick as it seems, that consensual incest should not be regulated. The gov't should stay out of the bedroom, provided there is no violence.

  2. It's times like these that I'm glad I'm an atheist. My main problem with Islam is that it has resulted in theocracies in the Middle East. Not to mention a lot of these people are stuck in a time-warp (only with today's tech).

    The Middle East was a problem area long before Islam even existed. They fight each other as much as they fight us.

    Do you know how long Islam has been around.



    And JMA is absolutely right here. This is why religion and gov't should be separate. Combining them is equally dangerous for both.

  3. Um...is there another quote somewhere that I'm not seeing where he says he hates the United States.

    "America is dumb, is something like a dumb puppy that has big teeth - that can bite and hurt you, aggressive," Depp was quoted as saying.


    Depp said he wanted his two children, ages 1 and 4, to experience the United States "like it's a kind a toy - a broken toy maybe. Investigate a little bit, check it out, get this feeling and then get out."


    I'd go with blind nationalism and patriotism as the reason Americans rub so many up the wrong way.

    You're kind of forced to pat yourself on the back when you bail out EVERY country on God's green earth out of the goodness of your heart and they turn their noses up at you when you protect your own interests.

  4. Yes, it would. But that's not what he did. He mocked the U.S., called it a dumb puppy, called the whole Freedom-Fries thing stupid(which it was), and said it was a broken toy his children could play with and then leave. He trash-talked the U.S. and degraded it the best way he could. But never once did he say he won't make another American movie. And you can be damn sure he'll be back to start plugging Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory soon.

  5. Just because someone's an actor doesn't mean he has no right giving his opinions. Just because the media will cover his opinion doesn't make him wrong to share it.

    Come on. If you're an actor, you have an obligation to watch your words. You can't just go out and announce "Murder somebody tonight." Because there are people crazy enough to do it if they are a huge fanatic of you.

    If you can't see the difference between an actor encouraging the public to murder people and an actor giving his opinions on political and/or social issues, this discussion is over.

    There's a difference between a principled, educated opinion stated tactfully and shooting your mouth off spinelessly.


    If he said, "I completely, wholeheartedly disagree with the values and actions of the U.S. Therefore, I am renouncing my citizenship and will no longer make American films," it would be much, much different.

  6. The professor subsequently came in the next class and proceeded to DESTROY those arguments with direct quotes from the Koran which stated a man's duty to own - and beat if necessary - his bride.

    Well shit, aren't there interpretations that say women are soulless?


    And the U.S. is oppressive... my ass.

  7. But instead of calling the police, I've simply said, "Never mind," and eaten my food. I'm not going to pay for something I feel they should give out, but I''m not going to call 911 over it, either.

    Shit, I wouldn't even begin to do anything other than that. It's amazing how forgetting such a minor issue just doesn't occur to people. What can you say, the world is full of morons.

  8. ... The point of the channel (ESPN) is to report real sports not make believe.

    ESPN = Entertainment and Sports Network.

    For one of my papers, I had to cite an ESPN article and I found out that they've officially dropped the meaning behind the acronym. They seriously are "ESPN, Inc." like the XFL. No actual meaning.

  9. The absolute worst were the Laker games that the late Chick Hearn would call. The dude was absolutely off his rocker! Here comes Kobe yo-yoing up and down the floor, he passes to Worthy, Worthy to Kareem and he passes down low to Shaq, and Shaq with a MONNNSter dunk! Boy Stu, I’m telling you it jus does not get any better than that. :lol:

    For sure.


    Poor Chicky. He also had Kobe passing to Bryant...


    His most famous ones were:


    1. His comment on Lenny Wilkens' tan. "Boy Lenny's got a nice tan, doesn't he?"


    2. When he said Bo Outlaw should grab some bananas while hanging on the rim. Good thing he apologized, publicly and personally, immediately.

  10. I'm not a fan of R&B or hip hop. But I'm starting to like Outkast the more I hear them. And I like "The Seed 2.0" by The Roots and Cody Chestnut.


    What kinds of music do you not like...but like a random artist or song?

    Same here... I nearly hate rap but I think Outkast and The Roots (ever since I saw them open for DMB) are the shit. I'll listen to Busta Rhymes and J5 as well...and the occasional Nate Dog.


    Obviously, gospel will never be mainstream, but Robert Randolph on the pedal steel is pure badassitude. I can't wait to get my hands on Live at Wetlands.

  11. College football deserves twice as many threads. February-August is just waiting for football season, it serves no other purpose.

    Damn straight.



    My thoughts...


    USC has the best defense in the country. The two question marks, safety and middle linebacker, had two of the best performances: Bing had an INT and a fumble recovery, Tatupu had 12 tackles, 2 sacks. You don't need a Carson Palmer when you're throwing to Keary Colbert and Mike Williams. Leinart is dandy. If the Trojans beat Arizona St. and Notre Dame, both away games, we will win the National Championship.

  12. The higher levels of American Governments are controlled by white middle-aged males.

    Like the State Department? And the National Security Council? I'll relay that to General Powell and Dr Rice. I'm sure they'll be very interested to hear your views. Could you tell me who these white males are? If they're subverting presidential appointments, I'm sure the President would like to hear about it as well.

    Well, we all know they're not real blacks.


    I'm also not saying that America is any more rascist than other countries, but there is a history of racism in your country comparable to anti-semitism in France, and to say that it's not still present is just naive.

    Americans fought and died to free blacks, we didn't ship them off to concentration camps so they could be massacred. Hell, we have instituted discriminatory practices (affirmative action) that give minorities unfair advantages. You can't say the same for France and its Jewish population.


    Are you saying that there is no racism in America?

    Its not institutionalized.


    And some people think being Jewish means you're a different race (Hitler viewed Jews as a race, I believe).

    Ethnic Jews are a separate race. You might be confusing followers of Judaism and ethnic Jews. The two used to be synonymous but these days you have religious non-ethnic Jews, ethnic non-practicing Jews, etc. They really need some new terms...

  13. Some people just do not like easy listening British music.

    That actually brings me to a point, to the US actually put out these bands ? Ive heard of Dave Matthews and heard he's a kinda easy listening but I aint heard him myself.

    Please, for my mental health, don't put DMB anywhere near the same thought as Coldplay.


    I can see why Dave fans might like them, but Coldplay is absolutely inferior.
