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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. MrRant

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Rockband's release has been moved to Nov. 20th.
  2. MrRant

    Xbox LiveGamertags

    As an update. My Gamertag is Smarktalk games : The Orange Box, Halo 3, Guitar Hero II, NCAA 2007, Bioshock, Rainbow 6 Vegas and some other ones + arcade games I can't think of at the moment.
  3. MrRant

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    You need to fix your link.
  4. MrRant

    Xbox 360

    TVersity will transcode it so you can stream it to your 360 though.
  5. MrRant


    I picked one up at a Fred Meyer without too much trouble about a month or two back.
  6. MrRant

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Damn. White boy down. Let's go Swift!
  7. MrRant


    1GB for $60? They are like $19.99 at Walmart.
  8. MrRant

    Lex Luger suffers stroke at WrestleFanFest

    I think this would be more related to the other drugs.
  9. MrRant

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    I hope they stay with just theme music for the menu navigation.
  10. MrRant

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Indeed that is how I felt as well. That and the REVERSALS FROM HELL~!
  11. MrRant

    Orange Box

    I picked this up today when I returned Lair to TRU as I was waiting for them to get in more copies for the 360.
  12. MrRant

    Does knowing a simillar plot line...

    Return of the Living Dead. No doubt. Whenever there is a scene with people beating a cut in half yet still alive dog medical specimen with a broom while it yelps in a movie, that automatically makes it the funniest.
  13. MrRant

    Does knowing a simillar plot line...

    Gremlins was actually one of the movies that caused the new rating to show up (along with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Both Spielberg involved oddly enough). I watched that shit with my 5 yr old a few months back and was like "Oh shit, I forgot about all this violence" and grabbed the case and sure enough, PG just like I remembered it. Hell, Poltergeist is rated PG.
  14. Only rule is that the music you choose must have been published/out the same year or before the movie. So no taking a 50 Cent song and putting it in Some Like It Hot. Though I love One Vision in Iron Eagle during the fight against the EVIL~! Arabs, I'd think it would be interesting to rescore it with Stan Bush's Dare.
  15. MrRant

    MLB Off-season Thread

    Howard Cosell said it when they cut to a school on fire during a Yankees game. Then the phrase became a book. Then the book became a miniseries. Then the miniseries became a Booyah Network commodity. Then the Booyah commodity became a Booyah catchphrase. Booyah!
  16. MrRant

    Embedding YouTube videos directly

    Only if they can be blocked. It would suck to be reading a thread and then some youtube video start playing 5 posts down.
  17. Of all the caskets I've ever known, this was the most... human.
  18. MrRant

    Randy quits the UFC

    Even made Yahoo's front page http://www.yahoo.com/s/704181
  19. MrRant

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    That's my point. I would put Anderson in at that price point.
  20. MrRant

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    How much is Jerome James making again?
  21. MrRant

    Marks for my Police Entry Exam are finally up

    My record is fine, but I'd be a corrupt cop too. Drug money just sounds too good to pass up.
  22. MrRant

    FOX Sunday Night - 2007/2008 Season

    I loved the Iron Eagle references from the Brian Moves Out episode.
  23. MrRant

    Let's Start Talking Worst Album of 2007

    But it's Linkin Park and Korn. It's to be expected.
  24. MrRant

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I love Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Yet hate it.