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Everything posted by MrRant

  1. MrRant

    MrRant goes to New Mexico

    The what now? *Goes to wash blankets*
  2. MrRant

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    The ESPN.com redesign.
  3. MrRant

    Sprint Radio

    Check Howardforums.com
  4. MrRant

    So, I'm looking to buy a gun.

    Shotgun. If double barrelled, load one with buckshot so you don't have to worry about missing too much but if they still keep coming, you have a slug in the other that will probably kill them. And the sound of it racking usually scares people off.
  5. MrRant

    Anybody have an English bulldog?

    I'd like me a bloodhound personally.
  6. MrRant

    Xbox 360

    Download the demo.
  7. MrRant

    Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles

    I was in Best Buy today staring at the PSP. Thinking about getting one for Castlevania.
  8. MrRant

    Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles

    If they make me buy a PSP for this I'm going to be pissed.
  9. MrRant

    Nintendo 64

    I'd love to play me some Goldeneye again.
  10. MrRant

    Pictures I Like

    It would have made more sense if it was cum.
  11. MrRant

    Offseason College Football Thread

    I forgot Kirby Puckett was dead.
  12. MrRant

    Favre is returning

    Shut up. Edit: Matt Young.
  13. MrRant

    The TSM Suggestion Box

    I kinda miss him. We had good AIM convos.
  14. MrRant

    A Mac OSX thought.

    I believe the crew that made Parallels is working on that.
  15. MrRant

    TSM Writers....

    I concur with the Canuck.
  16. MrRant

    MLK Day Party

    I missed this? Shit.
  17. MrRant

    Well it is OFFICIAL~!

    Can't stop that grant money from coming in... Just sayin'.
  18. MrRant

    Ghost Ridin Da Whip

    I hate the fact they call cars "whips".
  19. MrRant

    Series 7: The Contenders

    Yeah. I watched this on STARZ a few months ago. I liked it, wish there were some more. I think it would make for an interesting HBO show.
  20. MrRant

    Best writing in video games

    Tie Fighter > X-Wing.
  21. MrRant

    Mushroomhead - Savior Sorrow

    Everyone just needs to calm down and have some dip.
  22. MrRant

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    I wouldn't say Discovery necessarily changed it's format as it still primarily deals with science/nature/educational stuff. However, TLC ( THE LEARNING CHANNEL~!!!!!) is completely fucked up from what it used to be.
  23. MrRant

    UFC 67: All or Nothing

    I may order this for CroCrop. That and I get half off all PPVs. Yay for working for Comcast.
  24. MrRant

    Energy Drinks

    Fatties rejoice!