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Posts posted by MrRant

  1. Can't wait till Sunday. Fifty yard line for the Bills home opener.



    My seats aren't that good, but I'll be traveling 800+ miles next weekend to be at the Bills home opener too! :headbang:



    Have fun.



    But lose.

  2. I'd have the same argument no matter my employer. It is hard to defend something when you can't really go in depth with people here due to that fact and the fact that most of this board doesn't understand some of the tech behind it nor do they have the the knowledge of the costs of the plant. I've seen the amount that is spent just on infrastructure just for Washington and it's a pretty penny.


    That is what happens with you kids being more worried about arguing about the merits of Franz Ferdinand.

  3. Are you people fucking stupid?

    So is this just standard procedure for how you guys talk to customers, or what? Settle down there, corporate cheerleader.


    People aren't going to feel comfortable with a usage limit no matter how high or low it was. It's about principle, not so much that they're going to exceed it or get to it, but the very fact that there's a cap on it, and that it's not an industry-wide thing- and worst off, we don't have a choice between cable providers in our areas, and satellite isn't an option. DSL could be, but it's impractical and costs a ton of money, and is usually much slower, so why? The thing is, Comcast customers are miffed at this and they don't really have a say in the matter because of the federally regulated regional monopolies you're allowed to have. Sure, it's 250GB now, but that could set a precedent for other companies doing a similar thing, and then if Comcast feels the need to do so, lower it in the future. History has also shown that the amount of data in programs and documents has gotten much bigger, not smaller, over time, which is the reason why we have 500GB and even 1TB hard drives available now as opposed to a few years ago when having 40GB was huge. Downloadable online content is also rapidly becoming more and more of a mainstream thing, and that is just going to make internet usage keep going up. 250GB may seem a lot now, but it may not in a couple years and there's no telling whether Comcast is going to revisit their customers or just bring in usage limit pricing tiers into the fold to find another avenue to profit off of.


    So see, it's not so much that we're freaking out that we're going to hit the limit or exceed it (torrent users will probably have something to worry about here, I'd imagine) but that this could be the beginning of a very, very negative trend. The internet is one of the last few vestiges of unregulated, open transfer and exchange of information and data, and those of us who would like to keep it that way have the right to be wary of a company like Comcast making this move.


    I for one am not happy with any caps, however, consider that COX has a 60 GB (or it may be 40) cap and the one that is in place looks generous. Trust me when I say that I'm a larger user of bandwidth than probably anyone else on this site. I have 10 devices that connect to the internet at any given time (PS3, Wii, 360, iPhone, desktop, laptop, 2 Tivos, Roku box, server) and looking at my records I haven't gotten past 100GB in on month in the last year.


    1 - Online gaming is around 10-20 MB of data per hour down and up, so, if you play online 8 hours a day for 30 days you are only using 5GB at the high end on average.

    2 - Video Streaming (using the Roku box as an example as it's generally the highest bit rate at 2.2mbps) that equals about 1 GB per hour. So lets say your watch it 4 hours a day X 30 = 120GB (again, this is one of the high end streaming devices).

    3 - Music downloads at 128kps encoding. Well since each file would average about 4-5MB per song and an album is say 9 songs per album and you downloaded 20 albums you would be at less that 1 GB. If you want to double the encoding then you are talking ~2GB.


    So far I still have ~125GB a month to download my porn, files, e-mails, more music etc. Even BitTorrent isn't so much a problem from a download perspective but people who don't understand the technology and have it run 24/7 saturate the upstream bandwidth and cause issues for others and depending on their queue could saturate the downstream but there are more downstream channels compared to one upstream.


    This is a *residential* product and not commercial. You can get a T1 with 1.5 up/down and no caps for $250-500 a month. Right now you are paying no more that $55.


    And don't give me the monoply thing because clearly you don't understand the laws in place regarding cable companies. If it were a monopoly than why can Click! overbuild us in Tacoma? Why can Wide Open West overbuild us in Denver? Explain it. I'll wait.


    Oh, it's because it's is *expensive* to build a cable network. Billions of dollars in capital. The reason drives keep getting cheaper is because it gets cheaper and cheaper to make the parts as production comes online. Look at the latest drives and they are expensive, wait a year and they go down in price so if you can put in a 500GB drive for $20 more than a $250, WTF not? I don't know many people who max out a 500GB HD besides those with RAW pictures and digital video.


    So, you are more than welcome to come back and discuss this when you and Matty boy understand something out the cable system, the laws regarding it, actual bandwidth usage by 99% of the people on our network and we can discuss it.


    Or I can come down and we can go to a bar and discuss it over a beer (or 3).

  4. This thread reminded me why I think the idea of the restaurant being a healthy option was inaccurate. No one here claimed they were eating there for the health benefits, but I've known people to get some of the sandwiches listed here and think they're going healthy. Looking at the nutritional contents of subs like the tuna and seafood were enough to talk me out of ever ordering them.


    It's a healthier option and it's all still in relation to portion size and being smart with your toppings.

  5. Honestly, I'd take you up on that bet.


    Really, what it boils down to for me is that I avoid clubs/bars that let 18 year olds in simply because of how stupid they act, and this is purely my own opinion. I have no facts to back this up. Let them in AND let them get drunk as well? There goes my going out life. So yeah, I'm being selfish at this point. I think someone already mentioned the club/bar scenario earlier in this thread.


    18? Around here they have 16+ Lingerie Foam Parties.


    That's right. 16 year olds in lingerie at a foam party. Clearly this is a good idea.

  6. I think you'd be better off going down to around 1500 calories made up of 6 meals of the essentials (fruits, whole grains, lean meat, veggies, dairy) with exercise as has been mentioned. The other benefit is while this is slower it will lead you into hopefully a routine that will become second nature and you won't even realize what you are doing and will continue to eat healthy (even boosting up to the 2000 calorie average).


    Miami of Ohio


    Oregon State



    Virginia Tech




    Oklahoma State

    New Mexico





    Missouri (at St. Louis)


    Tiebreak #1: How many total points will be scored in the Illinois/Missouri game? 31


    Tiebreak #2: How many rushing yards will Clemson's James Davis have against Alabama? 74
