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Everything posted by Crowe

  1. Crowe

    Comments of Lockdown...

    Yeah, I have to agree with Dub Cee there.
  2. Crowe

    Smarkdown Predictamundo

    Stryke vs. Todd Cortez - Stryke. Tables Match (Crow, Dace and Spike) - This is going to be super fun to write. Cruiser Contenders, Part One: Insane Luchardore vs. Austin Sly - Austin Sly Cruiser Contenders, Part Two: Electric Boogalou...I mean Jacob Helmsley vs. Alan Clark - Clark Hardcore Title: MVS vs. Aecas - Aecas USJL belt: Maddix vs. West - West Submissive Cage Of Redemption (sounds like a bad porn name) - Taamo #1 Contendah~! Match: Kibs vs. Toxxic - Nathaniel Kibagami
  3. Crowe

    SWF Smaaaarkdooooooown.

    Actually, that was 'round a year ago.
  4. Crowe

    SWF Smaaaarkdooooooown.

    Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah.
  5. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    I think this pretty much says it all. If everyone does this, eventually no one at all will be in chat. Just be fucking patient and stay in there! I've stayed in there for almost six hours without anyone entering, I'm sure you motherfuckers can last half an hour with an extra window open! FUCK!
  6. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    Come to chat now.
  7. Crowe

    Promo - She

    "She." --- “Don’t you fucking look at me like that.” A voice is heard over the black screen before it fades into a setting. It’s a familiar voice and face doing the scolding... it’s the Antichrist Superstar, Crow. He’s anxiously waiting for something, but what that something is... has not been revealed. What has been revealed however, is the person he was scolding. It’s Jessica. They’re both sitting in their home in Anchorage. As always, darkness would be overwhelming the house hold if they didn’t have the candelabrums burning. “Why is it with these candles anyway? This guy too GOFF for lights?” Heh... indeed. Wait, what!? Who the hell are you!? ”I’m Jessica.” Jessica? What the fuck!? You’re not supposed to be hearing this! I’m the omnipresent narrator! ”Rules change, bucko.” Bucko!? ...huh! ”Are you offended?” No. Well stop whining then, you big goof. Zuh? I’m not whining! I’m just trying to narrate a promo here! “You’re not needed, so why are you here?” I don’t deserve this, I have writes you know! You spelt that wrong. Bah! HSR! Stop hassling me! Get out of here then. This is my story to tell. Not yours. Fine. ... ”Much better. Hehe, since I threw the narrator out, just know that I’m smiling at you all right now. But, just so you know, I’m not here to provide you with intimate description about the smallest little details... I’m here to give you some insight into Markus... ...currently, my baby is not having a fun time at work. If you can call it that.” You can’t say that. “Quiet you. This is my time, these are my thoughts and not even Markus can change what I think of his chosen field of work. It’s a vile thing. Good, respectable men fight each other for the amusement of millions of people watching... they bleed for the amusement of millions of people watching... and we call our people civilised? It’s disgusting... ...oh, did I forget to mention that they also suffer severe injuries that cause them strenuous amounts of pain? While he may not show it, Markus is in great pain every time he steps into the ring. He’s also in great pain whenever he is out of the ring. And not just for injury reasons... ...do you remember Adam?” No. “You don’t? And you were the one who narrated it...” Sorry, I smoke way too many bongs for my own good. “...will you just stop talking? A girl doesn’t like to be interrupted.” ... “That’s better. *coughs* Oh, I’m sorry about that. Back to what I was saying before I was cut off... Adam was Markus’ best friend. They first met at a wrestling school back in Adelaide when Mark was only sixteen years of age. They did everything together... wrestling, ‘makking’ as Markus calls it, training, socialising, you name it, they did it together. Mark and Adam, along with Dante, opened up the short-lived ICW federation that you hear occasional talk about. Unfortunately, the closeness of their friendship brought the downfall of the federation... as Markus’ demons took over him... and this affected Adam. They both struggled with heroin addiction and in the end, it was too much for Adam... and his life was ended... ...this had a terrible effect on Mark. The federation crumbled because of his demons... and the friends he once had turned into sworn enemies. The friendship between Dante and Mark was resurrected, but the same can’t be said for the one between Austin Sly and Mark. Markus doesn’t even know that Austin’s in the locker room... ...hatred and agony is something Markus has to deal with every single day of his life. He knows what he did and knows it is his fault. But, he hasn’t experienced the hate and pain that is soon to come. You see, boys and girls, this lass organised something behind Mark’s back... so that he could confront his demons. This is why he’s anxious... ...and even more anxious now as the phone rings. He picks it up.” “Uh... hello?” ”It’s Adam’s mother... ...sometimes, Markus needs a little push to help him through a rough patch. It’s just how he is... hmm, and while it has been nice chatting to you all... I must go support my man. Ciao.” ... Oh, by the way, I’m smiling again!” ---
  8. Crowe

    SWF Lockdown Card May 5

    Flesher? Fucking fabulous! (Y)
  9. That's fucking fabulous. This gives me much more of an idea of what your character is like... and it's sooooooo good. There is nothing that I love more than a male character that treats women like shit... working to make smacking bitches legal since 1979, yo. Other than that, I have some feedback I'd rather give to you in private, so I'll save it until then.
  10. Crowe

    SWF Storm Card, April 30th

    A promo for this show I will be doing.
  11. Crowe

    Inside the Wrestler's Studio

    SWF Favourite Writer(s): Janus, Zed, Kibagami, Sacred, Sean Atlas and Flesher. Favourite Promo(s): Recently? Circling The Drain. In the past? I loved my "Prepare For War..." promo. *toot* Favourite Match(es): I really don't know. Favourite Stip to Write: Anything with hardcore rules, baybee! My Biggest Accomplishment: Beating two highly respected veterans in Sacred and Sean 'Spike' Atlas to capture my first title, which just happened to be the SJL World Heavyweight Championship. Then successfully defending and holding the belt for fifty-two days. I Regret That: I fell into the curse of no showing and quit due to lack of motivation and feeling burnt out. I love this federation and I chumped out when it got too hard. I Wish: That I could recover the writing form I was in when I won the JL belt up until the end of the Crow vs Janus feud. Dream Matches Involving Yourself: vs Kibagami, vs Dante Crane, vs Mak Francis, vs Tom Flesher (that I show for), vs Sean Atlas (the rematch, baby!). Dream Matches: Janus vs Flesher, Kibagami vs Toxxic, Mak Francis vs Janus I've Become Most Friendly With: Galatea, Janus, Zed and Crusen. I Hope: That success wil be something I experience often in my return. Personal Name: Markus Cirillo Single: Yes, but interested in and chasing another. Have Most Trouble: Favorite Things to Do: Writing, makking, listening to tunes and chillin', motherfucker. Most Recent Accomplishment: Um, nothing really. Most Recent Failure: Nothing really either. Favorite Bands: Opeth, Katatonia, Nevermore, Pain Of Salvation, Killswitch Engage Favorite Book: The Lord Of The Rings, The Shining Favorite Movie: The Crow Favorite Actor: Johnny Depp One Song to Listen to On Repeat: Currently? So Beautiful by Pete Murray. One Item You'd Save During A Fire: I don't know... Xbox + Games, Computer, Wallet, Porn, Phone, fucked if I know. Something You Want to Get Into To: The Porn Industry Biggest Regret/Mistake: I regret nothing when it comes to my personal life. Biggest mistake though? Probably losing all kinds of motivation during my last year of high school and fucking up my grades, resulting in myself not getting into university. Biggest Turn On: When bitches suck my fingers, when bitches act all sleazy and make the first move and candles. Biggest Turn Off: Arguments and ignorant opinions about certain issues. Also, if the girl likes John Edwards, I will hate them, and if they have a problem with my lip and my use of racial and homosexual slurs, they can fuck off. If You Died and Went To Heaven, What Do You Want God to Say: "How DARE you fly up here!? You are the thing this place is not meant for, as you are an angry, spiteful, drug addled and unbaptised heathen. You belong in hell." How About Going to Hell, Devil says: "Whoa! It's the Antichrist Superstar, I'm your biggest fan! Have a bong with me!"
  12. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

  13. My brain hurts from reading that post. *tries to decipher Choko's comments*
  14. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    Why the fuck won't you cunts join?
  15. SWF Battleground 25/04/2004 --- Crowe’s Comments Post 1 – TNT’s Wicked Cool Hype Package Promo Thing Post 2 – The Card Post 3 – Austin Sly vs Insane Luchadore Post 4 – Stryke vs ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins Post 5 – ‘La Sensation Senegalaise’ Said vs Tryst Post 6 – Edward James vs Crow Post 7 – Landon ‘La Cucaracha’ Maddix vs Alan Clark Post 8 – Coy ‘Wild’ West vs Todd Royal Post 9 – Wild & Dangerous© vs The In Crowd vs Aecas & Janus© vs Toxxic© & Liston Post 10 – Danny Williams Promo Post 11 – Nathaniel Kibagami vs Alex Zenon Post 12 – Ann ‘Ichiban’ Onita vs ‘The Superior One’ Tom Flesher Post 13 – Charlie ‘Grappler’ Matthews© vs ‘The Notorious’ John Duran Out of all the posts above, I have decided to comment on the match that is bolded. I chose this match due to the fact that I found it to be the most interesting and entertaining match prospect going into the pay per view. It’s amazing what good promos and careful planning can conjure. Now, onto the commenting... --- The entrance is well-handled, providing some nice little touches that add to the overall fell of the match – especially the part about this feud being all-consuming. I also must applaud the actual writing, it comes across cleanly and it is very legible. The commentary is spot on, which is standard for any match Z is involved in. After the bell rings, the beginning of the match manages to create excitement without being overly dramatic (a fault I will always carry). Great atmosphere, I feel like I’m in the crowd chanting “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-LENT...” hehe. I mark for the Yakuza Kick that sends Zenon crashing to the outside. I’m liking the dominance of Kibagami, it puts over the fact that Alex has been out of the wrestling game for a while and is obviously rusty. This leaves space for some good spots later and of course, keeps the crowd hot and cheering at the start of the match. Ooo, a new strategy? Heh, this is milking every single possible bit of drama out of a simple situation at its best. A class piece of commentary there (or lack of). I like this game that Zenon is playing here, the cowardice heel, I wonder how this will be developed from here on in. Alex played possum on the count... but for what reason? He didn’t spring straight into attack to catch Kibagami off guard. I hope you answer my question. Oh! Roundhouse right to the neck sends Silent screaming... I can tell that the neck is yet again going to play a big role in this match. Aha! Zenon played possum on the count was a set up for something more important... possibly the partial awakening of the Silent One within Kibagami. The grimace to smirk has to be foreshadowing. MARK OUT FOR THE MID-MOVE ARM DRAG REVERSAL! Only one other option? Alex just used possum again to roll himself to the outside and make Kibagami hurt himself, but this is not it, so what is it? Excellent touch there, having Kibagami move out of the way of the elbow as it once again puts over the fact that Zenon hasn’t been in the ring for a long time (and continues the arm psychology, of course). If Zenon was in his prime, he would have realised that using your worked arm as a means of attack is not a clever idea. I mark for the phrase “world of hurt”. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! THE STEEL TIPPED SINGAPORE MOTHERFUCKING CANE~! Major mark out moment right there. Fucking awesome, Zenon found another opening for a surprise attack and used it, this seems to be an effective strategy against the Silent One. It also has left an opening for Zenon to get some consistent offence... the one thing Kibagami doesn’t want. However, Kibagami once again regains the offence... which I find kinda weird at this point in the match. I personally would have written some wrestling where Zed has a little domination only to have Kibs come back with a devastating counter. But, I think you may be building the underdog bit heavily because it’ll play a big part in the end... we shall see. Ah, it’s falling into place right now with Alex’s resilience causing Kibagami to act irrationally (he should have waited) and thusly, allowing the GALATEA SPECIAL! And now here we have the much needed wrestling moves from Zenon, coupled with an explosive outburst with the steel chair. YES! EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT ON THE CHAIR, IT HAS TO BE ALL OVER! (Nah... ) ... SILENT IS BACK! AND HE HAS A FUCKING STEEL TIPPED CANE! THAT’S IT, BAYBEE! ... You got to be fucking joking. Zenon is up! YES! ... But is put down by a single punch? You can’t be doing this to me. NO! That can’t be the finish, dammit! --- Hm. What can I say? I’m trying to grasp what I just read. First thing that needs to be said is that it’s a good match that has an extremely high level of emotion and atmosphere about it. A match of epic proportions to say the very least. The match itself and the plot is very much driven by the emotions of the characters, that’s the core and I believe that you’ve manage to create something highly engaging from it. This is the first match I’ve read in a while captured my attention and didn’t allow me to get distracted by other silly things (like Minesweeper, Streets Of Rage or Chat). I am, however, disappointed in the finish. Whilst upon reflection, it is quite appropriate and ends the war (for now) between the two... I just can’t help feeling that I was robbed of that one final wrestling showdown between Alex Zenon and Nathaniel Kibagami. I for one would have loved to see both wrestler standing up against almost impossible odds and THEN a masterful showdown with tons of counters, hard hits and a tongue-biting finish. But that’s just me and I really do have no idea about what you two have planned after this, if you have plans with each other at all or if you’re gonna spring off with angles stemming from this separately. Even though I don’t like the finish, it does leave open many avenues for either character to travel. Moving on, this was never meant to be a wrestling match full of wrestling moves, it was meant to be a violent, emotion brawl, but I would have liked to have seen more wrestling sequences. Perhaps some more Zed offence as well. The psychology was well developed and reminded, which is why I was surprised that the arm psych didn’t play into the finish at all. The neck psych didn’t factor into the finish either, but unlike the arm psych, it had a large role in the character development. It demonstrated just how TOUGH Kibagami really is since he was able get up and win the match regardless of how much his neck was beaten. That was good writing. I don’t know if I was just reading into it too much, but... the two times where Kibs recovered and then mounted lots of offence... I got the feeling that it was the SILENT ONE inside trying to burst out. Was this intentional or have I just smoking too much or am I just hoping for the return of the SILENT ONE far too much? Overall, regardless of my gripe over the finish, I think you guys succeeded in living up to the exceptional build this feud received. The match was engaging, memorable and just oozed atmosphere... and I just love that. The writing was very clean and, ignoring a few careless mistakes here and there, was basically errorless. I do believe more wrestling was required, but you can get away with by arguing that the wrestling wasn’t the driving point behind the match (like all mine are) and that the character emotion was. This is fair enough. Congratulations to both of you.
  16. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    Join chat for post PPV discussions!
  17. Rip apart my match, it has to be the worst I've written since my JL days.
  18. Crowe

    Random Thought

    What about me? It isn't fair. I've had enough now I want my character explanation.
  19. I mark for the use of my name.
  20. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    Join chat.
  21. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    It's just you. At least for me.
  22. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

  23. That, or we've been booked against each other one hundred times and I didn't show for any of 'em.
  24. Crowe

    SWF Battleground Card!

    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! BATTLE ME! BATTLE ME!? WANNA BATTLE!? Actually, the nails are there to slice you up nice and good. And don't worry, I'll smash a few light tubes over you for good measure, bitch~!
  25. Fucking. Loathing yourself ain't gonna do shit! Pick yourself up, write a fucking class match and we'll battle. Good luck, mate.