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Everything posted by Crowe

  1. Crowe

    Where's the thread?

    Nah, buy him a dirty anal gobbie slut.
  2. Crowe

    D. Lucretia?

    Janus is/was Dante Crane, but since the board won't allow any new members to sign up, he offered his D. Lucretia name to the new guy (he's a mate of mine, see).
  3. Crowe

    Teh Lockdown Commentzors!

    ... Ahahaha. Ahahahahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! YYEEEEEEESSSSSSS! Word to the new tag champs.
  4. Crowe

    I Hate Smarks SOOOOOO Much!!!

    The things you hate, it seems. *goes to critique women's programming*
  5. Crowe

    I Hate Smarks SOOOOOO Much!!!

    Fuck you~!
  6. Crowe

    I Hate Smarks SOOOOOO Much!!!

    ... Well, I fucking hate marks. Tune yourself in to some wrestling knowledge.
  7. Crowe

    Favorite WWE/WWF/Real Fed Moment...

    My biggest mark out moment was when Raven returned to ECW to save Tommy Dreamer from an attack by the Dudley Boyz. That cheer was honestly the biggest cheer I've heard at any event.
  8. Crowe

    SWF Lockdown Card, March 31st

    I could have outwritten you. Too bad I was so intoxicated when told about the match that I completely forgot about it. ... I demand a rematch.
  9. Crowe

    State of the Fed Thread

    Pft, the on-topic discussion got boring pages ago.
  10. Crowe

    State of the Fed Thread

    Heh. The space is always left open just for that chance of makking one of those huge-breasted women and taking her home, eh?
  11. Crowe

    State of the Fed Thread

    Yeah, whatever, dude... I'm just not a prick. I know for fucking sure that I'd rather drive three potheads home than three drunks. If you believe otherwise, then you have no idea what effects these drugs have. Why would passengers get tested? As long as the driver is not under the influence of alcohol, the passengers can be. Why do think people are designated drivers? Or take taxis? As long as Toxxic isn't a maniac driver, there's no way he'd get pulled over. At least you're not one of those guys who is all like, "STOP USING DRUGS NOW, THEY'RE BAD FOR YOU, I DO NOT NEED DRUGS TO HAVE FUN etc", you just avoid behaviour you dislike. Word. Exactly. Toxxic, say a mate has been smoking weed and has the common sense not to drive home, would you still deny him a lift home because of your ridiculous rule? Would you let him drive home and put his life and other people's lives in more risk? Or would you let him walk home and run the chance of him getting mugged, attacked or raped? If yes... then you're really not a good friend.
  12. Crowe

    State of the Fed Thread

    Number two and three I can understand, but I think you're just being a little dick about the first one.
  13. Crowe

    Our fed moments that made you mark out-

    Everything I was involved in.
  14. Crowe

    State of the Fed Thread

    All this is insignificant. You should all just fight.
  15. Crowe

    The Border Run Return thing

    *drools* God, I love Border Runs.
  16. Crowe

    From the Fire B.R.

    Drugs. Lots of them.
  17. Crowe

    From the Fire predictions!

    *throws a tissue into thread*
  18. Crowe


    Pft. You're superior to us all.
  19. Crowe

    Oregan(o) Trail Dairies

    *scratches head* This makes no sense to me.
  20. More people should reply to this promo.
  21. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I don't know why, but I liked this. It's got that drug-addled, alcoholic JD vibe to it and also gives everyone a look into how the character of JD is working nowadays. Plus... it tells me that JD is leaning towards babyface. Ooooooo.
  22. Crowe

    The New Chat Thread

    Bump, join chat.
  23. Aha, a sound promo. You have promise and I think that you will be someone to watch in the near future. Some advice though, try spacing out your promos for legibility.
  24. Crowe

    theswf.net is offline

    *gives Atlas a chainsaw* Breathe the free air again, my friend.
  25. Crowe

    Misery Date

    Hey, I have no talents either. (Y)