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Everything posted by HollywoodSpikeJenkins

  1. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    End of Year Awards

    You're gay. Still.
  2. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    End of Year Awards

  3. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi Week 12 Thread - 8/29/2006

    ECW is going to be at MSG on 9/11. The crowd will be crazy for Punk.
  4. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    SWF Storm - 9/1/2006

    Spike vs. Stryke IV is on! This time, it won't be on PPV!
  5. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    End of Year Awards

    SpYon, mother fucker. And for feud of the year!
  6. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    SWF Wrestler of the Month - August 2006

    So showing actually pushes me up in the rankings? Amazing.
  7. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    SWF Storm - 9/1/2006

    If nobody or anything, book Spike vs. Stryke. We're gonna run the ropes, again.
  8. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Smarkdown Show discussion

    I was on my way to writing a match that even I was impressed with when I had to throw the planned ending on it with no build-up to it. Fuck.
  9. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    SWF Storm - 9/1/2006

    I want a match.
  10. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    A Rodney Dangerfield Movie

    He killed himself a little while ago because his career failed. Sidekicks with him and Chuck Norris was an amazing movie based on the crazy acid trip the kid had to be on to be having those dreams and Winnie being in it.
  11. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    OAO Raw Thread - August/28th/2006.

  12. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    OAO Raw Thread - August/28th/2006.

  13. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    SWF Smarkdown Card - 8-28-2006

    He's off being a thug somewhere in whatever suburbia he is from.
  14. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    PreDick Smarkdown

    Good job predicting, you arses or however you damn British people say it.
  15. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    PreDick Smarkdown

    THE MAIN EVENT - SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Michael Stephens © vs. Jimmy the Doom © -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SWF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH - LUMBERJACK MATCH Bruce Blank © vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SINGLES MATCH Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix © vs. "The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SINGLES MATCH - CRUISERWEIGHT MATCH Birdman vs. Zyon -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OPENING BOUT Charlie "Grappler" Matthews vs. Mike Van Siclen
  16. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Group Discussion!

    I still think I'm the greatest. Or at least better than Sly.
  17. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    End of Year Awards

    Feud of the Year, Promo of the Year, Promo Writer of the Year, Best Heel, Most Under-appreciated, Most Improved. I nominate myself and everything I have ever done.
  18. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Group Discussion!

    It worked well with the story of the match, which was Spike and Stryke having similar sounding names.
  19. HollywoodSpikeJenkins


    I blame the ocean.
  20. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    OAO Impact Thread - August/24th/2006.

    What do the numbers on the back of the LAX shirt mean?
  21. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Group Discussion!

    The spot monkeys are lost? I'm surprised. Just throw a 450 splash and a head bump in there and end it with a roll up.
  22. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Promo: “With Eyes Ever Turned Inward”

    Promo: “With Eyes Ever Turned Inward” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With SWF Smarkdown off the air, the official cameraman of the SWF, Gus, charges through the Credit Union Centre. His location? The locker room of the Number One Contender to the SWF International Championship. Turning a corner, he walks through an open door into a locker room. “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins stands in the middle of the room talking to none other than head of Creative Control, Joseph Peters. “That is what I like to hear, Peters!” “Good, good. But there is more to it, Spike…” “Hold on, Peters. The camera is here!” Spike turns towards Gus, pushing Peters out of view. “Smartmarks Wrestling Federation! I have just received word that Spike Jenkins will finally get his title shot against SWF International Champion, Bruce Blank! After waiting for so long, I will finally get my title shot. After being on a big winning streak, defeating the likes of Akira Kaibatsu, Pierre Donette, and the number one contender to the SWF World Championship, Jimmy the Doom! But you know what? Even with those victories behind me, I am still considered an underdog. I am still considered unworthy of getting a title shot against the next big hoss, Bruce Blank!” “But that is okay with me. I’m okay with being the underdog going in against Blank. In fact, in my mind, that gives me the advantage. Bruce Blank is going to go into this match expecting to pound away at some random throwaway. But I am far from that. Bruce Blank, I have this thing called strategy. Brain over brawn. I am going to go into this match and out-WRESTLE you.” “Spike,” a voice comes from off screen, “Seriously, I need to finish telling you…” “Hold on, Peters,” Spike waves at him, “I’m not done. Everyone out there needs to know how serious I am about this. How going into this match, I am not the King of Cambodia. How going into this match, I am not the guy who chokes at his big opportunity. I am not going to be ‘emo’ Spike Jenkins,” Jenkins pauses, as if thinking about what he just said, “But maybe…maybe that is who I am. Bruce and the rest of the World, I am going to let you in on a little secret about me.” “The man you see in front of you is drug free, alcohol free. I am straight edge. I have kicked all my addictions to the side and focused on my wrestling, focused on my work, focused on my life,” Spike says with a grin, “But…there is one addiction I still have. One thing that has stuck with me ever since I was a kid growing up. That addiction is trying to prove myself. Not prove people wrong like another former straight edger,” Spike cracks another grin, “…like he preaches. But ever since I was kid, I’ve felt the need to prove myself better than everyone else. My friends, my family, and now, my opponents.” “But maybe that has something to do with who I am today. Maybe that is what makes me emotional, as you people call it. Maybe the life I’ve lived has led me to this title match. Maybe because my mother walked out on me and my brother and sister when I was a kid, maybe that makes me emo. Maybe the fact that my father was an alcoholic or maybe he just didn’t tell me he loved me enough. Maybe it has something to do with my fiancé cheating on me and leaving me after I gave her everything. Maybe all of the troubles I have gone through in my life have made me emotional, Jenkins rants, as he shakes his head in disagreement, “No, it didn’t make me emotional. It made me tough. It made my skin hard. It made me into the man I am today. And that man, is somebody who is going to beat you, Bruce Blank.” “I have to prove that I am better than you, Bruce. It’s my instinct. It’s my nature. It is my addiction. I will out-wrestle you and I will beat you, because I have to.” “SPIKE!” Peters shouts off screen, pulling Spike’s attention away from the camera. “Damn it, Peters. What is it?” “I really have to tell you something about the match!” “Jesus…what is it?” Spike walks off screen, over towards where Peters is standing. Whispering is heard from the head of Creative Control. Gus stands around, waiting to finish up the interview…but it finishes without him and off screen… “WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S A GOD DAMN LUMBERJACK MATCH?” [fin]
  23. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    OAO Impact Thread - August/24th/2006.

    Punching the thumbtacks? Ouch.
  24. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    With WWE bringing back DX, TNA should totally bring in Generation Next as an X-Divison stable.
  25. HollywoodSpikeJenkins

    Group Discussion!

    So I'm Number One Contender?