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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick

    Austin and Page: A Reality Show???

    That sucks that DDP and Kim split. I wonder who his new benefactor will be...
  2. Steviekick

    John Byrne

    I wouldn't say his artwork is necessarily dated. Byrne has a very clean super hero, very similar to Neal Adams. It's a classic style that still holds up I think the problem is that Byrne doesn't necessarily have a project that he really cares about. Alpha Flight was amazing because he wanted to do a cool Canadian super hero. She-Hulk was because he wanted to do a funny book. He's just unmotivated. His run on JLA sucked because he was just going through the motions until he could have his Doom Patrol work. What they need to do is team up legendary talent like Claremont and Byrne with upcoming talent, kinda so they can get the rub.
  3. Steviekick

    Austin and Page: A Reality Show???

    The whole thing just sounds bizarre. I'm wondering because they are said to be roommates, but are DDP and Kimberly divorced?
  4. Steviekick

    One and Only MTV Video Music Awards Thread

  5. Steviekick

    Question on Green Arrow: Quiver

    But he remembers up to his death and such. So why would he not remember WW?
  6. Steviekick

    Question on Green Arrow: Quiver

    Wasn't Ollie loosely associated with the JLA post-Crisis?
  7. Steviekick


    Generic WWE Music #1271271812 If he's lucky, he'll get a generic, flavor of the month nĂ¼-metal song.
  8. Steviekick


    As cool as it would be to see Lyger in WWE for novelty sake, I could see him getting angry with misuse and such. However, getting to be able to easily obtain Lyger merch as well as him being a reason to make Ultimo Dragon want to stay around stateside longer could be worth it...
  9. Steviekick

    No gold

    It's a big deal to the people who follow there national basketball leagues and to stupid people in America who won't admit that there are equal/better players abroad.
  10. Steviekick

    No gold

    I would hate to be the team playing them for the Bronze. The US team is at a point where if they don't win, they will be COMPLETELY mocked for all eternity and looking to humiliate their opponent.
  11. Steviekick

    No gold

    Why would there be? The best player in that game was Manu Ginobli, an NBA player. The best player in the Spain loss was Carlos Arroyo, and NBA player. Pau Gasol, an NBA player, dominated the tournament. Very true. The NBA still manages to win somehow. And I'm still pissed that Ron Artest wasn't on the team.
  12. Steviekick

    Quick replies..

    So was this one.
  13. Steviekick

    Blatant Stealing from the WWE Folder

    Rebuttal: TNA isn't even getting full audiences for their TV tapings. They still aren't established enough to draw a large enough audience to turn a profit. STAATEMENT: TNA needs to get their DVDs sold through regular DVD outlets (Amazon.com, Best Buy, etc.).
  14. Steviekick

    Blatant Stealing from the WWE Folder

    Al Snow was able to recover from being Leif Cassdy. Simon is a talented enough worker/promo guy. All he needs to do is get a better gimmick.
  15. Steviekick

    Wal-Mart Crusade

    I've never heard that argument used against Wal-Mart before.
  16. Steviekick

    Blatant Stealing from the WWE Folder

    Rebuttal: Not really. During the WWF "Attitude" period, ratings were at their highest and he was heading up the TV writing. Luckily he had a very charismatic group of wrestlers (Austin, Rock, Foley) to work with. His writing while at WCW was pretty much the same, but an unwilling group of wrestlets to work with. Statement: Russo is much better running TNA from a creative standpoint than Mantell.
  17. Steviekick

    Blatant Stealing from the WWE Folder

    Rebuttal: Shane can use his strengths very well in the X Div. He can keep the same moveset, just make out his finisher to be much more devastating (whether it be other workers selling it better or commentaters talking it up more). Statement: Jeff Hardy does not deserve to be a quasi-ME'r.
  18. Steviekick

    Danzig gets knocked out

    I should get bonus points for ressurrecting this dead thread, making it relevant again, and causing it to get pinned. Thumbtack, if you want to pick up a Newfits CD, and if you are picky about such things, the Project 1950 CD is propably the most likable. Aside from all the covers of 50s classics, it has an awesome set of linernotes that describe chord progression of 50s and early punk.
  19. Steviekick

    Todd Gordon answered my question

    Fuck yeah. You know he'd put everything into his match, since he's in quasi-retirement now.
  20. Steviekick

    Danzig gets knocked out

    Glad to see Jerry's opinion on the matter
  21. I can't wait for the Kane and Lita at home vignettes.
  22. Well, she was obligated too...
  23. "open your heart like you opened your legs" Classic line. Well, I guess they've set up the miscarriage with that fall down the stairs.