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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    With my next pick, I'm adding someone who might have been one of ROH's best heels ever. Not to mention he's pretty savvy in the ring. Even though he's a local boy in my territory, I would have him talk trash to the locals, to only add to the nuclear heat he would get himself. JIMMY RAVE
  2. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    For my pick I missed last night I'm taking someone that Dusty Rhodes was super high on. He's got a lot of potential and unfortunately really didn't get much of a chance to expand his character during his WWECW stint. I'm going to use him as Raven's bodyguard/enforcer type. I'm too lazy right now to post a picture, so someone else can for me. KEVIN THORN
  3. Steviekick

    The Office Season 5

    One of my friends mentioned that, as well.
  4. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Great pick... I was hoping to be lucky enough to get him this round!
  5. Steviekick

    The Office Season 5

    I've loved how the past two episodes have had cliffhanger endings.
  6. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Looks like you mistook the last e for an a in Muhammad.
  7. Steviekick

    Fire Pro Wrestling

    This makes me want to get a PS3 now.
  8. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Good pick. I've been restraining myself from picking up guys from last time. I know I didn't take Nova last time, but I was severely tempted to do a bWo redux.
  9. Steviekick

    WWF WrestleMania X-7 (4/1/01)

    I remember watching this with a bunch of people at my friends house. This one kid who didn't like wrestling much totally marked out when Motorhead played, smiling that this was probably the largest audience they've ever played to in America.
  10. Steviekick

    This week in the NBA

    I'm pretty sure I've said it here before, but they're a much better team without McGrady.
  11. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    With still so many quality male wrestles on the board, I'm going to use my pick to get another woman to add to my roster. With Melissa as the clear cut face, and Kong as the monster heel, I've decided to add someone who can play the role of the Malenko/workrate styled tweener. I'm building my roster with the vision of building year long programs leading to a super event, and she will be important for the women's championship angle. Melissa will drop the title to Kong, leading to a stretcher job taking out TSM's favorite cheerleader. This woman will fill in as the top female face, ultimately leading to a three way dance for the woman's title at the supercard. And she likes koalas. "THE DEATH REY" SARA DEL REY And here's a legitimate picture.
  12. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I'm taking one of the top females in wrestling right now. I'm going to use her as a face against Kong, which is something that TNA should be doing. She's great in the ring and quite cute. Its criminal that TNA is hiding her behind a burka. CHEERLEADER MELISSA
  13. "Are you happy for me, Essence?" Gold.
  14. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Kahran, I'm really digging your roster.
  15. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    You're here, so I'm not going to bother dropping you a PM.
  16. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    With my next pick, I'm taking someone who has such a great gimmick. It's kind of a super throwback to the kayfabe era, and I think that it would definitely get over with the Atlanta crowd. He's super entertaining and family friendly, so there's money to be made with these guy. Charisma and gimmick aside, he's a fine worker. He'll be fine with the quicker/technical wrestlers on my roster, and he can bump around like a madman. This guy is an ideal midcard face. And to top it off, he's generic. el GENERICO
  17. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Very briefly, someone to be a manager or commentator with heel tendencies. CYRUS
  18. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Not trying to steal the rest of your thunder, but I actually had some plans for Santino. I guess he's more popular than I thought.
  19. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Works for me
  20. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I liked the other picture better.
  21. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    With my next pick, I'm picking someone who is a great midcard brawler/power wrestler. He is a legitimate tough guy. The way he murders peoples makes him a great heel and one of Japan's favorite gaijins. I'm going to use him in a body guard role, serving as Kid Kash's enforcer and tag team partner. Kash will get super heat, saying whatever he wants with this man watching his back. SCOTT NORTON
  22. Steviekick

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    "Rising" by Stuck Mojo
  23. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Where oh where is Al?
  24. Steviekick

    Jericho and Kelly Kelly

    What if Jericho is a polygamist?
  25. Steviekick

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    With my next pick, I'm taking one of my favorite American cruisers, someone who gets over with some sick moves but when he gets on the microphone, he comes across as a total tool and can get heat. He can work in the midcard and in tag teams. He's held belts in ECW, TNA and WWE. This cat is Mr. TNA ... Mr. Total Non-stop Attitude! KID KASH