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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. You do realize, this would have been a perfect opportunity to bring back Jeff Hardy.
  2. WWE Films should pitch Kane and Lita as a cooky sitcom.
  3. This gets more and more ridiculous.
  4. Bisch is reading the bible!!!?!?!??!?!
  5. HAHAHAHAHA Bisch looks ridiculous. Is he the best man?
  6. Now why does Lita have to spoil the whole occasion by wearing a black dress?
  7. Some people just aren't classy.
  8. I can't belive the cellist and piano got Kane's theme right!!
  9. OMG...Kane looks ridiculous.
  10. Lilta's a definite step up from Billy.
  11. They should just finish early.
  12. Well, I guess we can cross HBK off the list...
  13. Lex Luger? Terry Funk? But the Funker is still cooler.
  14. Anything. This is going to be a crappy segment.
  15. At least that was a different ending. They said they're moments away from the wedding...I can't believe they are going to give 20+ minutes to it.
  16. Maybe ratings are up and they are selling more commercials
  17. I'm not really liking this match either...
  18. He was pretty much always a midcarder, who just happened to get caught up in the big show for a little while. I guess it was good to do so when they did, because eventually his character is going to totally flatline.
  19. Pretty much. Just more fun and games with Regal.
  20. And to a freaking commercial break.
  21. Spitting at Foley was a show of disrespect. Spitting at HHH was because he's superior.
  22. And we still have the wedding to go. That's at least 20 minutes. We'll get under a half hour of wrestling for sure. The good thing is that they are going out of their way to build up Orton's character.