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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. That's the Flair paradox. Even when he tries to be a heel, he's still too well loved by the audience. There is no logical reason. It just happens.
  2. Which REAL Champion are you talking about? Canada doesn't suck because they like Bret Hart. I can't agree with judging an ENTIRE COUNTRY with how they view a native wrestler. And Bret isn't "rotting" at all. Bret would be wrestling, but he can't. And that isn't his fault. Zsasz is just trying to be cool. Don't enrage him.
  3. I'd like that. And as an egotistical former world champ, he'd have some heel credibility. Since he's going after HHH who screwed him in the first place, he'd be sympathetic.
  4. No one ever accused Randy of being the smartest member of the WWE.
  5. That is what I was thinking. You know they'll bring that clip up when they make the Orton/HHH feud promo video package.
  6. How is it that Saliva only gets their music played on WWE programming? Haven't they realized they suck?
  7. Hell's yeah. I like how it seems this heel turn won't be that he suddenly becomes bad ass. THinking that saving Jericho is not worth his time is mighty cool. It's something that E&C Edge would have done.
  8. But his knee and elbow pads match the boots... You know what that means...
  10. The look in his face though, when he does it...he looks so stupid.
  11. Afterall, he is a hoss BAH GAWD~!
  12. Or just steal the booker's wife! No, not THAT Booker, guys. Benoit on abstinence... "There are many things you can do to show love without sex. You can put your partner in the Crossface."
  13. Steviekick

    Question on Green Arrow: Quiver

    Something along the lines of what he said. I recall reading some stuff where they said that its Phantom Stranger's job to keep those who don't belong out of heaven and hell.
  14. Steviekick

    Re: Black Flag

    I love "TV Party" specifically for the dated TV references.
  15. Steviekick

    Where the summer has gone wrong for WWE

    I noticed that as well. Shelton debuted on Raw as being really strong. Then he just kinda faded into the background. I know for now he's just a midcarder, but after debuting and beating HHH (who is booked on RAW to be completely unsopttable) they didn't do anything to capitalize on it.
  16. Steviekick

    So who was cheering for the Men's b-ball team...

    Why would the Jazz want a third rate point guard?
  17. Steviekick

    I Met Some WWE Superstars Today

    I met Tazz in 2000, and he was mega cool. Very funny in person. He was trying to maintain his tough gimmick during the autograph signing, but I made him laugh. He was making fun of this kid that we were hanging out with, and I told Tazz that his mom's a slut. Tazz turned around, looked him dead in the eye and said "He said your mom's a whore...." And then started laughing his ass off. That was quite an accomplishment for me.
  18. Steviekick

    The Slow WWE style

    The problem is that EVERYONE basically works the same match. And all the really green guys getting matches. Everyone sucks and is the same.
  19. Steviekick

    The Slow WWE style

    I think the crowd's reaction was a huge wake up call. Lately, I've been really bored with WWE matches. Since I'm not home when Raw/SD is on, I just fast forward. Too much punch, kick, lames submissions, and spinebusters. And I do like the Nascar comparison. Everyone is working such a bland, potentially risk free style. Something is seriously wrong, it seems in the last three years that there are more injuries than ever.
  20. Steviekick

    New Avengers Lineup Announced

    Luke Cage is cool, BUTT definitely not one of the mightiest heroes.
  21. Steviekick

    "Dames Goes To Driving School"

    Pretty much. Although it is a good idea, since it provides a job to people. And our gas is still cheaper than in NY and PA.
  22. Steviekick

    New Avengers Lineup Announced

    Jessica Drew isn't Alias. Jessica Jones is Alias. Though technically Jones is a rip-off of Drew because Bendis originally wanted to make Drew be Alias but had to create a bastardized version of Drew in order to get Marvel to let him make Alias be a mature audience book (since Marvel didn't want one of their existing characters being revealed to like taking it up the ass). That being said, the fact that Cage is on the line-up is clue enough that Bendis's Anal Sex loving Mary Sue will be a major part of the book. It's the only reason Cage is on the team..... I'm so confused. I never knew that Jones and Drew were seperate. Luke Cage is on the team, too?
  23. Steviekick

    New Avengers Lineup Announced

    I won't mind Wolverine's membership, but only if he's relinquishing his X-Men duties. He would propably be the biggest "loose cannon" in any super hero team ever, especially with the Avengers goodie reputation on Marvel earth. Taking in a really twisted, violent mutant in really shakes up the status quo. Cap and Iron Man I really don't mind, as they are the usual. Spidey is an interesting choice, but doesn't make sense. I do like Jessica Drew being added, but I hope that doesn' mean that Alias and the Pulse is cancelled. But two Spider-powered members on the same team is a litle questionable. Sentry is a very interesting character, being that he's one of the most powerful members of the Marvel Universe, but very reclusive and having low self esteem. It is a very odd line up, especially since Marvel said that they wanted the Avenges to be more like the JLA in DC...the A-list heroes. They are in a sense with Spidey, Wolv, Cap, and IM, but then it drops down to C-listers.
  24. Steviekick

    Firestorm history.

    By Marvel style, I guess that they are meaning that Firestorm is like Spidey in the sense that they both have geeky alter egos that are always picked on, big supporting cast, and for a pre-Crisis character, he had a very well established alter-ego.
  25. Steviekick

    Olympic Chatter

    Their defense was mighty weak tonight. They showed an interesting graphic that pointed out that since 92, US's steals have dropped signifigantly. Now were being outstolen!