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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick

    WWE news from Pwinsider.com

    I wonder what Ladd said that ticked them off.
  2. Steviekick

    Star Wars vs. Star Trek...

    Star Trek fans are nerdier due to the more "scientific" nature of the storyline. They go around quoting all kinds of bizarre specifications, protocol, policy, and that kind of stuff. Star Wars fans are dorkier, as they go around arguing the finer parts of being a Jedi and such. That is because SW is much more character driven. In my opinion, both have their own strengths. The original Trek series was great. Get past some bad acting and cheesiness, they had some pretty interesting messages. They were even able to pull it together for some really good movies (II, IV, and VI). The next generation is good in its own right, thanks to having some really good character building/evolution through the series. DS9 could be brilliant at times, and Voyager sucked ass. Enterprise is hit or miss. The original three Star Wars movies were great, but they messed up the whole thing with the last two movies and constantly revising/changing the originals. I like both, and for the most party they are both entertaining. Star Wars is looked as being superior, because let's face it, most people that you can identify as being Star Trek fans are really scary.
  3. Steviekick

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    It's the new sexy beast shirt. They propably have a bunch of white with red ringers left over from when Piper was there last year.
  4. Steviekick

    The Dames' Diatribe on TSM Board Drama 2004

    If this was an appearance at the ECW Arena in 1998, this thread would deserve a Welcome Back chant.
  5. Steviekick

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    The new ref sucks. Eugene playing the pyro rocked.
  6. Steviekick

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    William Regal = Mary Poppins 2k3
  7. Steviekick

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    LMAO...so that is who Eugene is supposed to be based on. Actually, I'm suprised how well the Eugene/Regal pairing is working.
  8. Steviekick

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    So what's with HHH meddling in the affairs of the undercard?
  9. Steviekick

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    That picture of Bischoff and Johnny Nitro looked MIGHTY silly.
  10. Steviekick

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    Duncan sounds like Mike Tyson in his.
  11. Steviekick

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who faired better than most WCW refugees; after all, he did get to win his WM match against CHRISTIAN
  12. Steviekick

    Lance Storm Considering Retirement

    Lance Storm is a perfect example of everything that is wrong in WWE. He came in after a real strong showing in WCW, and they didn't even bother attempting to use him. Storm is/was a great talent, and best of luck to him in the future.
  13. Steviekick

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    I think it's safe to stop saying "if" now. I never stop saying if until a series is over. remember...I am a suns fan. Damn suns having 3-1 leads over Houston 2 goddamn years in a goddamned row and blowing the goddamned leads. I think the Lakers will do fine. Duncan can't handle both Shaq and Malone defensively.
  14. Steviekick

    Batman: War Games

    Ah. I'm a fan of Davis' work. I think it'll be fine.
  15. Steviekick

    Does anyone here have a Wizard I could use quick?

    My guess is that the happen to be well put together books that happen to be in demand.
  16. Steviekick

    Batman: War Games

    Too each their own. But to blow off a complete line is ignorant.
  17. Steviekick

    Batman: War Games

    Marvel's decided that Waid gets the flagship Fantastic Four series. Marvel has had some strong showings with Punisher, Hawkeye, Ultimates, Daredevil, Captain America, Thor, and you can't forget their edgy Supreme Power. And Alan Davis/Chris Claremont on Uncanny X-Men is going to be geat. I know you hate TPBs and reprints, but I do like Marvel rereleasing material in trade format much quicker than DC.
  18. Steviekick

    Batman: War Games

    Obviously you don't read enough stuff from Marvel. Mark Waid's Fantastic Four, JM Stracynski's Amazing Spidey are both great titles. I will admit that the whole X titles have gone to hell in a handbag, but they are about to get fixed. I'm not DC hating. I love both equally.
  19. Steviekick

    Does anyone here have a Wizard I could use quick?

    because we're such good friends.... http://www.comicspriceguide.com/p-issues.asp?t_ID=635
  20. Steviekick

    Joey Styles

    LMAO. Rude was pretty good with commentary.
  21. Steviekick

    OAO Heat Thread for 4/25/04

    This is propably been the best psychology I've ever seen in a Stevie Richards match.
  22. Steviekick

    OAO Heat Thread for 4/25/04

    I think Lance is getting just as good a reaction if not better than what Benoit got last Monday.
  23. Steviekick

    OAO Heat Thread for 4/25/04

    That springboard thing and the prolonged vertical suplex looked great.
  24. Steviekick

    OAO Heat Thread for 4/25/04

    If they were smart, they would have used a show in Canada like this to help get Lance Storm over as a face or whatever.
  25. Steviekick

    OAO Heat Thread for 4/25/04

    Even their vocal delivery.