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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick

    Greatest Comic Artist

    Ah damn it to hell... I fucked up.
  2. Steviekick

    Greatest Comic Artist

    my votes.... Alex Ross (Batman: War On Crime, Marvels, Kingdom Come) Kevin Maguire (Jusitce League 80s, FKAJL) Jim Lee (Batman, X-Men) Steve Dillon (Preacher and the second Marvel Knights Punisher mini-series). George Perez (Avengers, Teen Titans, Crisis, some Marvel/DC crossover) Jack Kirby (Avengers, FF, X-Men, New Gods) Moebius (Silver Surfer LS, Airtight Garage) John Romita, Jr (Amazing Spider-Man, Inc. Hulk): Jae Lee (Inhumans, Fantastic 4 1234) Mike Deodato (Avengers, Thor, Hulk) Ed McGuiness (Thundercats, Superman) Barry Windsor-Smith (Conan, Rune) Marc Silvestri (The Darkness) Tom Grummett (Superboy, Power Company, Robin) Berni Wrightson (Swamp Thing) Mark Texiera (mid-90s era Ghost Rider, Wolverine) Frank Miller (Daredevil, The Dark Knight Returns) Dan Jurgens (Superman) Will Eisner--The Spirit Neal Adams - X-men, Avengers Steve Ditko - Spider-man, Dr. Strange Jim Steranko (Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.). Joe Kubert - Hawkman, Sgt. Rock John Buscema (Savage Sword of Conan, Silver Surfer) Jim Steranko (Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
  3. Steviekick

    The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Season Thread!

    That is ridiculous.
  4. Steviekick


    Newsted joining Megadeth would rock.
  5. The Comics/Lit folder has been kind of active again, so why not we decide who the greatest comic book artist is. We will find out who the greatest sequential artist is. I'm putting these little caveats on it: • It's for the primary artist, i.e. penciller, that gets nominated. Jim Lee can get the nod, but Scott Williams doesn't count. This isn't a knock against inkers, most comics are sold/known for the penciller. It'll also make it easier to ignore them for now. • A note on painters: Alex Ross counts because his work is comic art that just happens to be painted, like it Marvels. The Hildebrand brothers don't count because they paint posters and such. • When you nominate someone, number them to make it more list like, and give two examples (just the titles is fine) of their best quality/known work with it. • To make this a cool list, remember to nominate artists who would be deserving of such a title. No Rob Liefeld! (Just kidding...you know what I mean). Let the fun begin...
  6. Steviekick

    WWE DVDs at Wal-Mart

    Today while at Wal-Mart, I found the Stone Cold Story and Royal Rumble 2004 DVD's there, both priced at almost $16. Since when has Wal-Mart started selling them?
  7. Steviekick

    What teams do you root for or follow?

    Anglesault is NBA hating just because he doesn't have game. The only pro sport that I actively follow is NBA basketball. The teams I route for are the Jazz and 76ers, but I do follow what goes on with the Knicks and Mavs. This season I've begrudingly picked up caring about the Lakers since I am a mark for Karl Malone.
  8. Steviekick

    Morrisey Gig At MEN Manchester

    I respect Morrissey as an artist and like some of his stuff, but I really cannot get into him. He does give good interviews.
  9. Steviekick

    In need of assistance

    There is a studio version of "Metropolis" called "Acropolis" that was released only in Greece. I'm pretty sure they'd put it on the boxed set which is on my wish list.
  10. Steviekick

    Shadows Fall news...

    That would be cool if they did an update of a song from Somber Eyes To The Sky. My vote would be for "Somber Angel". I do think they will have some more mainstream friendly stuff on the new album, especially how Century Media seems to be trying to break into mass market retailers. They have a hell of a lot of Lacuna Coil at Target, and my head almost exploded when I saw the new Dimmu Borgir at WalMart!!
  11. Steviekick

    Shadows Fall news...

    Found this commentary from vocalist Brian Fair on Shadows Fall.com.... They propably passed the 100,000 mark if they were able to count copies sold at shows, indie record stores, etc. Stupid Soundscan.
  12. Steviekick

    WWE DVDs at Wal-Mart

    BWAHAHAHAHA Maybe I should reword it as the inevitable DVD that Benoit happens to appear on.
  13. Steviekick

    WWE DVDs at Wal-Mart

    I know...but if they put out a Cena one...
  14. Steviekick

    WWE DVDs at Wal-Mart

    DVDs in general? Now that dosn't make any sense at all.
  15. Steviekick

    WWE DVDs at Wal-Mart

    I passed on it because I wasn't too hot on RR, and I'm sure the Rumble itself will be on the inevitable Benoit DVD. I did pick up the Austin one because I really wanted the extras and am a sucker for people telling there life story.
  16. That very quote was sampled by the death metal group Skinless in their song "The Optimist". Skinless are a great band, and that sample works so well. If you go to there web site http://www.4skinless.com and click in the downloads section, they have it posted.
  17. Steviekick

    In need of assistance

    What LP said. Although I would reccommend the 2 disc The Best of Motorhead instead, for three reasons. 1. It's a more complete Motorhead retrospective since it goes up to 2000, where the other is till 1984ish i believe. 2. It has their cover of "Louie Louie" on it, as well as Lemmy's old band Hawkwind's song "Motorhead" and Lemmy's sideproject Headgirl playing "Bomber" and "Emergency". 3. It comes with extensive liner notes that make the booklet a great read. Much to learn is presented within it. I love Motorhead to death, but I really don't pick up all their albums because they do all sound the same. That's only reccommended for the Lemmy-obsessive.
  18. Steviekick

    Looking for date of Juventud Guerrera's dark match

    I remember reading that there were and the four of them got a lot of heat because they stole the show. The main event that night was Jericho vs. Tajiri.
  19. Steviekick

    I Hate Today...

    Sorry to hear about this, Flik.
  20. Steviekick

    Looking for date of Juventud Guerrera's dark match

    I was at that Raw and sadly missed that match because my friend got lost driving to MSG.
  21. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Maybe...but for a while it went pretty well.
  22. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    I think it was an unenforced rule.
  23. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    It's just nice to think Jesus was perfect so it inspires the best out of us.
  24. Steviekick

    ECW Music Questions

    They edited out of the commercial releases because than a copywrite holder can than sue for damages because someone can have a permanent copy of a recording. But for broadcast television, it's less enforced.
  25. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    But that doesn't matter. The point of the Bible is to show the positive character of Jesus.