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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. That's a pretty good evaluation.
  2. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    But wasn't Jesus born knowing that he would eventualy die for the salvation of everyone?
  3. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Jesus didn't drink whine to get loaded and fuck broads. It was a symbol of his life (blood). Thats why it is acceptable in churches everywhere - and especially during his lifetime. It's also used because drinking wine is usually associated with something special.
  4. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    That's one of the things I've never understould about Catholocism with the whole celebacy of priests, nuns, etc. How can they give family/marriage advice/counseling if they never really have had their own?
  5. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Gotcha. I understand your point about hypocricy and such with Luther.
  6. Steviekick

    Worst WWF interview person ever?

    She did pretty well when she was interviewing Kane during the whole Katie Vick saga.
  7. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    I think so. At the start of the reformation, either the king or queen of Spain was a first-cousin of the Pope. That's why Henry VIII wasn't allowed to divorce Catherine, because she was also their cousin.
  8. Steviekick

    ECW Music Questions

    The key part was that whoever the copywrite holders for "Natural Born Killas" never bothered to complain/look into the matter. Once they were aware and if they decided that this was a matter to concern themselves over they had many legal routes, like sending a polite cease and desist letter telling ECW to stop what they are doing, billed ECW for royalties, etc. No one ever did, so it wasn't a problem. It's all a judgement call on behalf of whoever owns the song.
  9. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Thanks to a little help from Google, I remember this from my Western Civ classes.
  10. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Me too. This is propably the most scholarly posting I've ever done.
  11. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Its Banky, fucko...my name is Banky. See! Lutheranism is based on sex, booze, and self-mutilation - how immoral! People worship this guy? He has churches named after him? Whats next?! Church's named by Al Bundy...? It's not that people worship Luther...the Lutheran church is pretty much the same as the Catholic church, but with many reforms that were suggested by Luther and his peers. His views on sex and alcohol have nothing to do with his religious views. His self punishment is kind of messed up though. Hypocrites.... Where do you see hypocrisy?
  12. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    I think it was a combination of both. There were many people who did believe that there were problems in how the Church operated, and their were valid reasons for reform. On the other hand, all this division wound up rearing its ugly heads at times, like when Oliver Cromwell and co. took over England. The French Wars of Religon is a good example I was not aware of that. I mainly focus on English history.
  13. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Its Banky, fucko...my name is Banky. See! Lutheranism is based on sex, booze, and self-mutilation - how immoral! People worship this guy? He has churches named after him? Whats next?! Church's named by Al Bundy...? It's not that people worship Luther...the Lutheran church is pretty much the same as the Catholic church, but with many reforms that were suggested by Luther and his peers. His views on sex and alcohol have nothing to do with his religious views. His self punishment is kind of messed up though.
  14. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    I think it was a combination of both. There were many people who did believe that there were problems in how the Church operated, and their were valid reasons for reform. On the other hand, all this division wound up rearing its ugly heads at times, like when Oliver Cromwell and co. took over England.
  15. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Actually, it turns out that Martin Luther was hardcore about not killing animals. Here are some funfilled ML facts I stole from http://www.pbs.org/empires/martinluther/cheats.html:
  16. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    We aren't supposed to. Have you changed your avatar a couple times in the last few minutes or am I just going nuts?
  17. Steviekick

    ECW Music Questions

    ECW didn't necessarily have to pay to use the music. There's some weird legal way that they got around it because it was just background music being played at a live event it's technically background noise, combined with the fact that you don't have to pay royalties for using a song if you only play a certain length of it (up to 30 seconds). I have never read much on how ECW did it, but basically no one on the record label/artist end was enforcing the copywright laws. For the time, effort, and legal fees for what little they would get from ECW wasn't worth it and assumedly let it slide.
  18. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Yup...Queen Charolette (the wife of George II) was black.
  19. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Both were acceptable. It's a shame Hardcore discussion posts don't count anymore. If this topic goes crazy, it could definitely boost our board ratings.
  20. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Deviant!!! Martin Luther, besides rebelling against Catholicism, looks like he molests dogs. But it was perfectly acceptable to do so until the early 1700s.
  21. Steviekick

    Martin Luther

    Bizzare topic. It wasn't necessarily Luther's goal to seperate the Christian church. He just felt that there had to be some reforms.
  22. Steviekick

    Wrestling Link Game....

    who helped crush TOMMY DREAMER's balls with a cinderblock.
  23. Steviekick


    Hopefully they will add some more dates.
  24. Steviekick

    The OaO 2003-2004 NBA Season Thread!

    I second Lebron as ROTY. But I think Carmelo was a close second and will be greater in the long run.
  25. Steviekick

    Busta Rhymes signs with Aftermath

    Just because your on Aftermath doesn't necessarily mean that your going to be huge. Rakim didn't do too well with them.