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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick

    The Daredevil Movie

    Since Marvel is planning on trilogies for its movies, they should have broken up Miller's stories like this: Part 1: DD's origin, remeets Elektra and they fight off the Hand and Bullseye. THe film would end with Elektra getting the job as Kingpin's chief assasin. Part 2: DD vs. Elektra, with Bullseye killing her. Part 3: Elektra's return.
  2. Steviekick

    Are we going to grow with this board?

    I did. And it looks like a copule other people did.
  3. Steviekick

    CM Punk story

    That was an amazing story. Thanks to his commentaries, I can honestly say that I mark for CM without having seen a full match of him.
  4. Steviekick

    NBA.com Power Rankings

    I'm suprised that Dallas was as high as it was and that the Hornets weren't higher.
  5. Steviekick

    Wrestling Link Game....

    and she was/is a Canadian fitness model, just like TRISH STRATUS
  6. Steviekick

    The Daredevil Movie

    Never figured out how that costume was Power Rangerish. Unless they were talking about the villains... I was just seeing Power Rangerishness from it, especially the mask which had the mouth on it that didn't move when he was talking, so Dafoe just wound up shaking his head more to illustrate that he was talking like on Power Rangers.
  7. Steviekick

    Cameras not allowed at WrestleMania?

    The last time I was at MSG was for the Raw after KOTR 2001. My friend brought his digital camera w/zoom lens in, and no one said anything. He carried it in a camera case.
  8. Steviekick

    The Daredevil Movie

    But he didn't have the cool costume.
  9. Steviekick

    The Daredevil Movie

    My biggest gripe was the Power Ranger Green Goblin armor.
  10. Steviekick

    WWE News: Maven, Henry, Test, More

    Henry signed an 8-year contract in 1996. That means he'll be fired soon, right? RIGHT? I remember reading somewhere that someone (I'd like to say Nova or Danny Doring/Roadkill) were calling their spots during a tryout match, and because of that they were passed over.
  11. Steviekick

    The Daredevil Movie

    I really liked Spider-Man; I thought it was the best Marvel comic film. The pacing was fine, but since it did need a little explanation of the training of Spidey.
  12. Steviekick

    X-Men comics

    Claremont was great during his time with Byrne right up till the end of his run on Uncanny when the self titled series started. Add that with the crappification of New Mutants becoming X-Force (and then becoming its crappy incarnation), X-Factor going from the classic X-Men team to a bunch of second string characters, and way too many characters, the whole group turned to crap.
  13. Steviekick

    End the Batman Series

    It kind of makes sense. Although Dick wants to be his own man, I could see him getting slightly annoyed that Bruce passed over on him being the next Batman. I do like his idea of Bruce winding up being a reclusive eccentric who lives by himself and advises other heroes.
  14. Steviekick

    The Daredevil Movie

    The movie was a cheesy rip off of Frank Millers run on Daredevil. I highly reccommend picking up Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller Volumes I-III, as it is simply amazing. The movie tries to capture the Daredevil/Elektra relationship, but like you said was rushed. Why? The story was a slow burning, but intense build that took about three years worth of comics to tell. Daredevil was a good film, but not a good film. During this time, Foggy is first presented as being somewhat of a tool. He's a nice guy and DD's best friend, but he does worry about money and their stability. Very practical. Since then, Foggy's been, well, a tool. As far as the origin being changed up, I'm very sure (it's been a while, and I don't have the TPB of it anymore) that occurred in Frank Miller's Daredevil: The Man Without Fear mini-series. Basically what happened was Marvel started to get interested in the whole movie business and started a bunch of initiatives to get their characters onto the big screen (Captain America and Fantastic Four films being the sad result). Whoever was in charge of this had a great idea...why not have the greatest writer in Daredevil's history write the script. And Miller did. It was his version of the origin of DD, and it kicked ass. Unfortunately, it never made it to production and wound up being turned into a comic with great art from John Romita Jr., who conjures up his innermost Miller-influenced work.
  15. That can be fixed with good commentary. But since this was Raw, well...
  16. Steviekick

    ICP's site says they're debuting

    They definitely know how to make money. Maybe they can give the Jarrett's some tips.
  17. I have an issue with a poorly applied (boring) move taking up minutes of ring time and then being fogotten. I agree with the both of you. I agree with Ghettoman that it worked because it kept RVD down. RVD's whole style involves him jumping all over the place, so keeping him grounded too much. I also agree with Asault, because I thought that they kept going to it for too long.
  18. Steviekick

    New Jets Stadium?

    Apparently so.
  19. Steviekick

    Wrestling Link Game....

  20. Steviekick

    Steamboat at WM XX newz

    I know what you mean, but I have my reasons. I don't want to see Bret or Steamboat looking washed up in the ring if they are in bad shape. To me, that would just be really depressing. As for Angle, if he's in bad shape I'd rather not see him wrestle at all for his own safety. I'd rather him not keep wrestling and risk serious injury/paralysis.
  21. Steviekick

    Steamboat at WM XX newz

    I don't know if I'd want to see that match. If Steamboat is in poor condition, I'd rather not see him have a match in bad shape.
  22. Steviekick

    Why do you come to TSM?

    Same here. I mostly come for the forums.
  23. Steviekick

    New Releases For 1/14/2004

    I actually liked the annoying kids in the armada cartoon. THey were written/voiced so bad that it was entertaining.
  24. Steviekick

    X-Men comics

    Classic X-Men trade paperbacks are the way to go. The comics have gone to shite the last 5 years. Since you are a fan of Nightcrawler, try to find any of the Excalibur comics/trades that you can. Basically Excalibur is a group of mutants and other oddities in England, and they are lead by Nightcrawler.
  25. Steviekick

    Jazz/Funk/Hip-hop fans

    Amazing album. It is Steviekick aproved.