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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Who got his finger blown off before a match with the FBI
  2. Steviekick

    Shadows Fall-The Art Of Balance

    Buy used CDs ... its the way to go.
  3. Steviekick

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    That's 8...we need one more to break ties.
  4. Steviekick

    Old school Marvel

    Definitely. Lee actually went out as a respected social commentator on college lecture tours during the late 1960s/early1970s talking about the social commentary being presented in Marvel comics. DC really didn't get there till Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams run on Green Arrow/Green Lantern.
  5. Steviekick

    History Channel

    Comics sold insanely back then, thanks to lack of television. It was propably the only part of the media aimed at kids. I always miss this special.
  6. Steviekick

    Shadows Fall-The Art Of Balance

    Senses Fail is very bland. Avoid it.
  7. Steviekick

    Shadows Fall-The Art Of Balance

    Correct, friend. Brian (SF's singer) and Mike D. (KsE's bassist) were both in Overcast. Mike is also a freelance artist, and designed the cover art for Art of Balance and the European only Fear Will Drag You down of SF.
  8. Steviekick

    Question about Explicit Contet stickers

    It's just Offspring poking fun.
  9. Steviekick

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    I've heard the heavy metal/Steppenwolf lyric too. The list of reccommended metal songs/bands/albums totally contradicts what we've been saying here. More reason for a metal convention.
  10. GEORGETOWN U OFFERS COMIC LIT COURSE Press Release Beginning February 3rd, Georgetown University will debut a 9-week “Examining Comic Books as Literature” course featuring the works of creators such as Alan Moore, Frank Miller, and Art Spiegelman, open to both on-campus GU students as well as interested, outside individuals in the Metro-DC area. The course, being offered through Georgetown’s School of Summer and Continuing Education (SSCE), allows for current and past students to engage in a weekly seminar setting and at a low tuition price. Running Tuesday nights from the first week of February through the end of March, “Examining Comic Books as Literature” will engage a variety of mainstream and independent collected works in light of various literary theories (e.g. narratology, deconstruction, post-modernism, etc.). Listed as XLIT-162-01 for the upcoming SSCE Spring 2004 course registration, “Examining Comic Books as Literature” will be led by comic scholar & writer A. David Lewis and offered at a non-credit price of $250 for tuition. The SSCE will soon have registration information at http://www.georgetown.edu/ssce; no experience with either comics or literary theory is required, but all background as welcome. Interested parties are welcome to contact Lewis for an advance booklist or with questions at [email protected] or consult the XLIT-162-01 micro-page at: http://www.serious-about-comics.com/comicsaslit.html ------------------------------- This is a great idea. What's everyone's thoughts on this?
  11. Steviekick

    Georgetown University offers comics course

    double post
  12. Steviekick

    Georgetown University offers comics course

    That would have been so cool if I could have taken a class like that while I was in college. Of course, I'd propably wind up having a snooty prof. telling me that all my interpretations of Watchmen were all wrong.
  13. Steviekick

    Bret Hart returns..*in action figure* form!

    The Bret figure is so mine. The Andre figure is actually just the Big Show fig with a different head.
  14. Steviekick

    The OAO SmackDown! Thread for 12/11

    I see the Cat will continue using his dancing skills to keep himself employed, just like in WCW.
  15. Steviekick

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    I should win what of the ghetto pre-show awards, like for lighting design or something.
  16. Steviekick

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    HAHAHHA... "And in other news, the second day of the conference was cancelled due to both the Swedish and Norwegian delegates not wanting to be in the same room with each other. A heated debate over whether Sentenced was better when it was death or doom turned ugly when the topic switched to a near century old border dispute."
  17. Steviekick

    Corperate Banky

    See, this is the negativity we should all avoid. Many make simple spelling mistakes, they do not need them shoved in their face. Sorry. Normally I wouldn't have said anything. I just found it kind of funny that you mispelt the title announcing the new and improved nature of your posting. GODDAMMIT, IT'S MISSPELLED!!! M-I-S-S-P-E-L-L-E-D!!!!! Fuck, crack open a grammar book once in a while, people. I think I've seen "mispelt" four or five times today, and it just looks and sounds retarded. Thanks for pointing that out to me Kingpk. I didn't know that 'mispelt' wasn't a word. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle.
  18. Steviekick

    Corperate Banky

    See, this is the negativity we should all avoid. Many make simple spelling mistakes, they do not need them shoved in their face. Sorry. Normally I wouldn't have said anything. I just found it kind of funny that you mispelt the title announcing the new and improved nature of your posting. You stole DustyFinish's avatar. Thats not cool at all. Sorry. I guess DustyFinish was before my time.
  19. Steviekick

    Wrestling Link Game....

    and he introduced clips on WWF videos, just like THE COACH did on the Bloodbath DVD
  20. Steviekick

    That "Milkshake" Song.

    I read in Entertainment Weekly that Kelis' second album was so bad it was only released in europe.
  21. Steviekick

    New Releases For 12/10/2003

    I decided to pass on this arc. Hopefully the next one will be better. The art was really crappy.
  22. Steviekick

    Best Cruiserweight In The WWE

    I agree with you, but Ultimo's presentation as of late hasn't been that amazing.
  23. Steviekick

    Top 500 Heavy Metal Songs of All-Time

    I think what needs to be done is have an international metal summit where a panel of experts will forever determine what is and what isn't metal.
  24. Steviekick

    Corperate Banky

    See, this is the negativity we should all avoid. Many make simple spelling mistakes, they do not need them shoved in their face. Sorry. Normally I wouldn't have said anything. I just found it kind of funny that you mispelt the title announcing the new and improved nature of your posting.
  25. Steviekick

    Rasheed Wallace Opens Mouth

    I remember the quote of that in the playoffs. Something like "Both teams played hard, it was a tough game, thanks and good night."