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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick


    Let me rephrase that. I hated to read many of the pre-Crisis DC books, especially Superman. He was too damn powerful, so when he would get into trouble it would make me roll my eyes. I love the Superman character, especially the way he was brought back post-Crisis. I just didn't like his deity like staus. Comparably, Thor and Hercules are gods in the Marvel Universe and have always appeared much more vulnerable.
  2. Steviekick

    Wrestling Link Game....

    sheesh...he's still feuding with his protege TOMMY DREAMER's arch enemy
  3. Steviekick

    Vote for Andrew W.K. at MTV.com

    This is so true. Every time I've seen him has been like a spiritual rebirth.
  4. Steviekick


    Yeah, but pre-Crisis Supes was ridiculously overpowerful. If I wanted to read about an all powerful being, I'd rather read the Bible.
  5. Steviekick

    Important Question

    Tis a mystery about CWM. New Me, your marriage really fell apart b/c of the cock thread?
  6. He's not thinking the company way... It's ok...he promised everyone that he would name the child Vince whether it was male or female. That smoothed everything over.
  7. Steviekick


    Me took, but I have too many fixes already
  8. Steviekick

    Savage challenges Hogan for WMXX...

    You'd like to think that Vince learned that him vs. Hogan at WMXIX didn't help buyrates.
  9. Steviekick

    Savage challenges Hogan for WMXX...

    That's kind of what I've been wanting to see, but it's so unlikely to happen. I do like the idea of 911 and Heyman coming down to interupt the Hogan/Savage match. Since they will bring Hogan in, I'd rather see Hogan/Austin.
  10. Steviekick

    JasonRivera.com closed?

    That sucks...i was never a regular reader, but I'd check it out when I came upon it.
  11. Steviekick

    what kind of drink are YOU!?

    "You're a Vampire! Hisssss! You're the oddball who sits quietly at parties. You rarely speak, but when you do, its usually so crazy that you probably shouldnt have said it at all. You dumb vampire." That's me.
  12. Steviekick

    Waht the fcuk?

    Wow...that was pretty cool. I think we're understanding mispellings like that so much because of the internet. Email and IMing is filled with typos, and we have become better at understanding errors.
  13. Steviekick

    So is anyone brave enough??

    I'd take a picture of the McLobster sign. I really want one now just for novelty sake.
  14. Steviekick

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    If they did start a wrestling channel, i would so never leave my house again.
  15. Steviekick

    Wrestling Link Game....

    and there's an infamous clip of the wrestling world's greatest band Fozzy backing up RAVEN floating around the internet
  16. Steviekick

    Your Favorite Fan Run-ins

    I remember that! I also remember that Raven's leather jacket got torn, and he didn't bother replacing it for months. Raven's ripped up ratty jacket only added to his character.
  17. Steviekick

    New tape/DVD reviews . . .

    Post something. I'm always looking for a good read.
  18. Steviekick

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    Wow. Bret Hart doesn't have to be a WWE employee, yet he still dominates one of their programs.
  19. Steviekick

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    Aside from the spin and whatever, it was a good piece about the dangers of steroids.
  20. Steviekick

    What are you listening to right now?

    'free jumps' : andrew wk
  21. Steviekick


    I'm starting to change my comics buying habits more towards getting trades. They are cheaper and it's a better read when you have the whole story at once instead of waiting every month and forgetting what happened last time.
  22. Steviekick


    All I have to say to any Thor doubter, don't you all remember how the first issue ended? Superman's big blue ass getting beaten by Mjolnir.
  23. Steviekick

    2 more books you should be reading

    My two books that you propably aren't reading are... 1...THE MIGHTY THOR: Dan Jurgens is doing a great job with the whole Thor as both king of Asgard and selfappointed guardian of Earth has been amazing so far. The series has jumped some 15 years into the future, with the Asgardians fully taking over earth. Very good stuff. 2...THUNDERCATS: If you haven't read any of the Wildstorm TCats stuff, you really should. They've done a great job taking the sometime shokey 80s cartoon into a really great series. Any of the mini's so far have been very good.
  24. Steviekick

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    Oh great...a pointless evil Brock montage. Don't they have some silly Confidential thing they could be showing?
  25. Steviekick

    One and Only Velocidential Thread

    He's really gotten much better over the last four years on commentary. I give him a lot of credit/respect.