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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick

    Bring only one guy back to WWE

    I'd love to see Sandman back. Wasn't he trying to get fired at that point though? In his shoot, he said that he had asked for his release several times and they wouldn't give in.
  2. Are we talking about players that just started flat out sucking or age working against them? Within the last two NBA seasons, we have two great examples. Ben Wallace became completely inept when he left Detroit. After Miami won their championship, Shaq has just physically crapped out. Speaking of injuries, what's your favorite memory of a pro athlete getting hurt?
  3. Steviekick

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Lawler's a much better cartoonist then I remember.
  4. Steviekick

    Konnan files lawsuit against TNA

    If TNA had another midcard title instead of the X division belt, I could see having him around. The way things are now, he'd be just another character competing for screen time.
  5. Steviekick

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Probably not a good idea in this era to fly a renegade airship out over a major outdoor event. Geico last year rented a small plane to fly a banner advertisement over both a Phillies game and the Pennsylvania 500. Obviously it's legal to some extent. The problem is that they would receive no national exposure from it, it would never make the air. That's pretty much it. It would be better if TNA thought smaller and would have their street team canvas the parking lot.
  6. Steviekick

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    It really looked like they were just trying to show recognizable pictures from the last few years.
  7. Steviekick

    Cadbury Creme Eggs

    Seconded. Although there is nothing worse than bad cheesecake.
  8. Steviekick

    Recent Purchases

    To me, the Carcass catalog really picked up on their next album when they added Michael Amott to the band. Amott and Bill Steer both playing really helped create their sound.
  9. Steviekick

    This week in the NBA

    That sucks big for Mavs fans. That Lakers/Warriors game last night was great.
  10. Steviekick

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    I have a few picks lined up but I think they should be safe.
  11. Steviekick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    http://www.anthrax.com/ A clip of a new Anthrax song with their new singer. It wounds like Earth Crisis covering the Misfits' "Earth AD" but with a Shadows Fall chorus attached for good measure.
  12. Steviekick

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Weezer - Pinkerton This is such a fine album, combining hopes of hope, despair, love and loneliness. It clocks in at a little over thirty minutes but still has an epic feeling. Rivers Cuomo's lyrics and vocals are heartfelt and sincere, while the music is still very pop but a little heavier and darker. Pinkerton really shows how important bassist was in the recording process, as his backing vocals at times either helped harmonize with Cuomo or were falsetto to give some extra depth. I can talk about how great this album is for days and love sharing it with people who have never heard it before.
  13. Steviekick


    That just might be one of the most surreal posts ever. As for board games, I'm pretty tough to beat at Monopoly.
  14. Steviekick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    That would be great. I've been starting to get into DRI again.
  15. Steviekick

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 5

    Hopefully Caron Butler being healthy again will fix my team's problems.
  16. Steviekick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I posted that before; it's going to be a ridiculously awesome show. If only Carcass would come over stateside...
  17. Steviekick

    Teen Titans Judas Contract Movie on Hold!?

    It will be a new style of animation. They losely adapted the story line during the Teen Titans Go! series.
  18. Steviekick

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Beck - Odelay I love how Beck juxtaposes little blips and bleeps of different musical genres together, making an audio collage. It's sophisticated, but comes across less hipster elitist than kitschy odd. The five strongest tracks ("Where It's At", "Devils Haircut", "The New Pollution" "Jack Ass" and "Sissy Neck") are spaced far enough from each other so that they can really stand out and serve as tent poles to hold up the album. This allows some of his weirder songs like "High 5" and "Hotwax" to shine on their own. The album's last track, "Ramshackle" is sparse and accoustic, which is in stark contrast with the rest of the album and is a perfect ending.
  19. Steviekick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Deke Dickerson is a pretty good surf rock guitarist, but some of his stuff borders on rockabilly.
  20. Steviekick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    That might be the worst festival lineup I've ever seen.
  21. Steviekick

    Mistico possibly to TNA

    If they can get him, that would be very cool. The X division has been really lacking of late.
  22. Steviekick

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    U2 - Achtung Baby U2's finest moment. The album is a dark and dense mix, with strong electronic influences and guitar drive songs. In a way, its a loveletter to musicians they like, from Brian Eno and David Bowie's avant garde stylings to their contemporaries like My Bloody Valentine and Sonic Youth. Achtung Baby is an album where the artist completely reinvents themselves and succeeds at doing so. This is one of the few albums I can listen to repeatedly.
  23. Steviekick

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    At the Gates announced that Darkest Hour and Municipal Waste are opening for them on their North American reunion tour this summer. Now that sounds awesome.
  24. Steviekick

    CHIKARA King of Trios (February 29, March 1, March 2)

    Lince is fun to watch, but at times, it seems like he's the focus of too many things going on in Chikara. I geeked out big time when Glacier came out. I talked to him during the intermission and he was very happy with the crowd's reaction, especially because he was afraid they might boo.