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Everything posted by Steviekick

  1. Steviekick

    Val Venis to New Japan

    That would be amazing.
  2. Steviekick

    This week in the NBA

    OKC looks like its going to be a good team sooner than later. It just sucks that the Hornets seem to be breaking it up due to financial problems. I guess they're regretting Mo Peterson.
  3. Steviekick

    This week in the NBA

    ESPN is reporting that the Hornets are trading Tyson Chandler to OKC for Joe Smith/Chris Wilcox.
  4. Steviekick

    This week in the NBA

    From what I've seen on NBA-TV, he has great chemistry with Payton.
  5. Steviekick

    Worst Year Ever for Pro Wrestling

    I would say 2007, but for the sheer awfulness of the WWE's booking and backstage stuff, I wound up getting into Chikara because it was everything that mainstream wrestling isn't.
  6. Steviekick

    2009 Movie Tournament Finals

  7. Steviekick

    This week in the NBA

    Barkley will be back on TNT this week. I'm going to miss Weber and Payton.
  8. Steviekick

    Val Venis to New Japan

    I would assume they would keep him with some sort of sleazy man-whore gimmick.
  9. Steviekick

    Basketball HOF finalists 2009

    MJ, Stock, the Admiral, Nellie, Sloan and the rest make one hell of a HOF Class. from yahoo.com
  10. Steviekick

    When TNA closes...

    And besides, it really looks like TNA is just a tax shelter for Panda anyway.
  11. Steviekick

    TNA PPV's getting only 14,000 buys

    Well it is definitely mind boggling to say the least.
  12. Steviekick

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Striker/Grisham are probably the best commentary team in the WWE right now.
  13. Steviekick

    TNA releases Hoyt, Williams

    Rave was super underused. I guess back to ROH for him?
  14. Steviekick

    TNA releases Hoyt, Williams

    Beer Money really is one of the best things TNA has going for it.
  15. Steviekick

    TNA releases Hoyt, Williams

    I really enjoyed the whole Hemme/Hoyt/Rave team. A few years ago, I would have never expected to be this miffed about Hoyt being released.
  16. Steviekick

    Comic Request thread

    I would love to own the entire Spirit run, but there are way too many expensive volumes. Some of the stuff towards the end was pretty weird but enjoyable, like the Spirit-in-space stuff.
  17. Steviekick

    Comic Request thread

    Yes there is. He is/was Deathstroke's son, and he had some mental abilities where he could take over someone. That and he had a horrendous costume.
  18. Steviekick

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    He is. It would be funny if he ever ran for office, and his opponent dug out some of his footage from the late 1990s.
  19. Steviekick

    Heavy Metal and subgenre description

    I've heard/seen that a few times, but never set to Dora cartoons.
  20. Steviekick

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Same here. If Savage is involved with it, it won't be a complete hatchet job.
  21. Steviekick

    Biggest Flash in the Pan

    The other day, my friend randomly asked me whatever happened to Terrell Brandon.
  22. Steviekick

    The Office Season 5

    For whatever reason, that really bothered me. The cat and Oscar falling through the ceiling really felt like it could be a jump the shark moment.
  23. Steviekick

    Sports Cliches

    When they incessantly refer to someone as a "future hall of famer."
  24. Steviekick

    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    The article on Wiki says that Starscream gets a good share of screen/dialogue time in the movie.
  25. Steviekick

    Recommend me an MP3 player

    I used to have a Classic, but it died do to hard drive issues.