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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Justice

    Signature Weapons?

    Ace of Clubs was a black wooden bat (As it was smashed over our dear CC Leader's head). Also, in that match (I still have it in PMs), was the Ace of Spades, which was a shovel. Oh, praise be to God.
  2. Justice

    Signature Weapons?

    Justice and Rule will ALWAYS be the Kings of the classic Memphis Chain.
  3. Justice

    Epic Taft/GOdrea flame war

    Wow. Out of fucking NOWHERE.
  4. No. Vouchers are a bullshit system in general. 1) Vouchers aren't enough for a poor child to make it into a semi-passable private school. In Michigan, a voucher is something around 500-800 dollars (At least, when it was proposed). Many private schools cost around 2000 and above. That's not counting other things, like uniforms, books... There is little chance for it to work for anyone who really needs to get out of those schools. It just stratifies it even more. 2) Vouchers are abused by private schools, as is 'headcount funding' (Funding schools via how many people they have). What happens is that they accept a multitude of people that they might not normallly (Problem students, etc.) and then, after the voucher money (Or headcount money, in D-Town's case) is assigned and shored up, they kick out the problem students, netting them a free profit while sending them back down to public school. The problem with schools is beyond money. It's the social culture that is being bred in inner-cities that needs to be stopped, one where respect towards teachers and education is lost because of a lack of necessity (Basic necessities begin to trump things like education for young adults) and the breakdown of the family culture in the inner city (And, one could argue, in general). Also, arguably, there is no incentive for good families in general to stick around in the inner-city. The reason we have so many problems is that the good people inevitably get out and never return, only leaving the people who couldn't get out (Whether it be because of intenlligence, drive, or what have you) stay there, have kids just like them, and continue the cycle. If, by chance, they have good kids, they'll get out and not come back. If we want to fix the education problem (Among others), we need to truly need to dedicate ourselves to fixing the inner cities. We need to give it proper funding, and put good fucking politicians up there (Like Dennis Archer, NOT like Coleman Young or fucking Kwame 'Bling-Bling' Kilpatrick) who honestly want to do something good for their city rather than stealing from it. Wow, that's basically everything I learned as a suburban kid constantly visiting my mom's schools. And this isn't me; this is the teachers there telling me this. And after being there, I really do believe them. And people always call me the hardcore conservative guy...
  5. Justice

    Infinite Crisis

    Excellent scans, from various parts of the Crisis and other things.
  6. I've always argued this. I'm the son and grand-son of Detroit Public Schools teachers, for God's sakes. I've seen just about every school you can see, private and public. For me, it's just simple observation.
  7. Justice

    Thoth Report hosting schedule

    Yeah, ditto. Put me on whenever.
  8. Justice

    Infinite Crisis

    Off of Wikipedia... He looks PISSED.
  9. Not only that, but you risk objectivity, among other things. The key to a free society lies in public education. By allowing for a 'free-market education system', you inevitably get lower quality schools for people who have less money. It's actually too efficient in the movement of resources in the sense that good teachers will always move to higher paying jobs, which will inevitably be in the richest neighborhoods. Education needs to be subsidized to an extent, so that everyone gets a fair shot.
  10. Justice

    Iraq inches closer to civil war

    Okay, take a fucking chill pill and back off. I'm saying it fucking hurt Africa MORE that the Euros left. Holy shit, I don't recognize that we fucked it up in the first place? When colonalism started, the Euros needlessly killed and fucked up a lot of indigenious people. I'm not saying the Euros didn't do anything wrong. They did. They sure as hell did. I only wish that imperialism and colonialism didn't take place, as it caused the deaths of probably 75 million fucking people (Two world wars, numerous attrocities). You're right: Just because someone else was going to do it isn't a justification or proper rationalization of anything. Nor am I arguing the Euros did it out of the goodness of their hearts, because God knows they were probably only thinking about profit and/or power when they started shipping people out of there in the 1500s and 1600s, and you'r e right, part of the ending of the slave trade was because it simply wasn't profitable anymore. But fuck, man, the Euros DID bring good things to the God-damn continent. Very, very little of it was immediate. But eventually, the colonial governments DID help the area. When they actually started colonizing the place, they did do some actual beneficial things. The problem was that they cut out before they could establish anything really good. Is it that hard to believe that Africa was better off near the end of imperialism than it is today? I'm not saying 'Europeans Superior, Africans Inferior'. The only reasons people like the Europeans and the Middle East advanced so fucking quickly was because they were so close together, they fought each other enough times that they just kept thinking of better ways to kill each other. We aren't the pinnacle of civilization; we're simply the most efficient killers, and frankly it's pretty sad. And I'll tell my roommate to shit kick me next time. I'll probably wear my hood and wave my Swastika while I'm doing it. I guess I should have seen this whole 'racist' thing coming for a while now.
  11. Justice

    Iraq inches closer to civil war

    For the most part, it was. Sorry, but welcomet to reality: the general whole of Africa, outside the parts that had already had longstanding contact with Europe or the Middle East in the first place, were generally not past the Stone or Bronze Age of development. There are a few places that were somewhat modern, mostly places that had been under the reigns of Europe for a while. And I agree, modernization should have been taken much slower. But once is started, cutting and running was not the right way to leave Africa. The reason Africa is in such turmoil today is because Europe was not able to Okay, whatever. That's not what I meant, but fuck it, I guess I approve of people getting raped nowadays. Go me! Here, lemme try to make it clear for you: The Euros did fuck up in Africa, in a variety of new and exciting ways. But, frankly speaking, they did a lot more good for it than they did harm. They ended the Slave Trade that had been going on for a millenia or so, started to modernize the continent and brought in stable trade to the place along with regular contact with the outside world. I hope you do understand that not all trade from Africa involved the trafficking of humans. The Europeans leaving fucked up Africa far, far worse than anything else. That is a far better argument than any of your useless rape comparisons. The subsequent power vacuum, coupled with an incomplete modernization of the continent hurt Africa and turned it into the political horror zone it is today. I, therefore, argue that had the Euros brought a great deal of good things to Africa, and their greatest failure is leaving before properly finishing the job or at least acting as a better guide throughout the 20th Century. The Cold War certainly didn't help anything. Uh, historically speaking, it'd be a lot longer than that, dating all the way back Rome and Ancient Greece. Just to make sure you, er, understand that: Not something that the Euros started, though they should be blamed for continuing it. But they also ended it. Pretty much the whole of Europe outlawed the slave trade in the late 1700s. Oops! In fact, the British Royal Navy was pretty instrumental in ending it once and for all. While I don't approve the Europeans continuing it from ancient times, I do feel that actually ending it was a fairly good improvement for Africa. The British taking Zanzibar's political power away also helped. Fantastic use of basic assumptions have done wonders for your argument. I really hope that you have, you know, facts to back up your assumptions rather than useless rape comparisons. *Watches everything fly over Y2Jerk's head* Biologically speaking, how the hell did the Europeans devestate Africa? What did they do? This isn't a case of 'smallpox and blankets' like you are trying to make it out. Speaking right now, if the European Nations still had a reasonable amount of power on the continent, they'd be doing a whole lot better fighting the AIDS epidemic than most of the humanitarian aid going over there right now. *boggles the mind* What the fuck are you talking about? A lot of places in Africa were far better off under European control, because Imperial powers could actually provide stability in the political realm to maintain an actual government. I understand that shitty things happened. SHITTIER THINGS HAPPENED WHEN THE EUROS LEFT. The Euros brought a powerful stabilizing effect in most regions they were in. The British, especially, were good for properly modernizing parts of Africa. Bring an actual argument next time. Y2Jerk: "I lack actual historical facts or knowledge, but I'll just spout off rape comparisons and hope that works out for me!"
  12. Justice

    Iraq inches closer to civil war

    I apologize; apparently, African tribes were far more advanced that stone or iron. I would like proof of further advancement, though. Oh, wait, they weren't. Stop being an ass. But the problem is having what is basically still over a millenia behind the times in terms of advancement in general is going to cause incredibly drastic and even at points catastrophic growing pains, both necessary (a great deal of problems with culture clashing with technology and such) and unnecessary (The arbitrary slaughter of many tribes, examples being the Germans with the Herero and Namaqua and Leopold's Free Congo). But it would happen anyways: Just look at what it took to bring Russia into the Industrial Age. I'm arguing that they were in a situation that couldn't last, and I'd hope you'd be able to logically say that it could not last as a continent unto itself. Someone was going to come in and eventually do it because that is what is going to realistically happen when an entire continent falls behind that far on the scale of general advancement. I'm not justifying it, but it would have happened anyways. Europeans just get blamed because they were the first ones who were able to do it. Political, cultural, and biological devestation is what is happening NOW. Do you honestly think that Africa is better off without Europe than when it had Europeans? It's not like AIDS showed up because of the Europeans, and that has devestated the continent far more biologically than anything the Euros did during colonization. Politically, trade eventually stablized and most European Colonies (places like Leopold's Congo excluded) were far better than just about any country in Africa today. Culturally... well, just look at the Hutus and the Tutsis for that. I'm saying bigger problems started when Europe LEFT, because that basically left an entire continent that political wasn't ready to be on its own. I'm not arguing that Europe didn't do anything bad, as many bad things happen when empires are simply scrambling for land. But whatever.
  13. Justice

    What has comic books taught you?

    46) I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!
  14. Justice

    Iraq inches closer to civil war

    And it was also in better shape before the Europeans got there, fucked everything up, and didn't clean up the mess when they left. Of course, it was technologically backwards, enough so for many to be basically around Stone Age or Iron Age. How much longer did you want to stay out of the way?
  15. Justice

    Iraq inches closer to civil war

    Conversely, it represents whites who do not recognize the good that Europeanization of the planet has done due to the bad things that have happened with it. A prime example would be Africa: While Europeans might have done bad things in Africa, when one looks at it, Africa was in much better shape in European hands in comparison to where it is now.
  16. Justice

    SWF Storm Card 3-03-2006

    Band Concert, which I'm leaving right afterwards on said bus. And she's quite cute.
  17. Justice

    SWF Storm Card 3-03-2006

    Edited for accuracy Actually, it involves a concert, a redhead, a mini-keg, and a bus going to Chicago that evening.
  18. Justice

    SWF Storm Card 3-03-2006

    Just to note: The earlier you can get me your tag match, the better. I have a busy Friday, so I'd love to get them in way before the deadline so they can make the show.
  19. Justice

    Infinite Crisis

    Got a scan for the last shot?
  20. Justice

    Thoth Report 2-26-06

    CC calls the next Thoth Report, all for ourselves.
  21. Justice


    Sorry Mags. I opened your promo to see if it needed to go a certain place, decided to put it later in the show, then because it was already opened I missed it when it came to posting the rest of the show. If I do this again I'll be on guard against that. -Toxx
  22. Alright people. Judge ended class late and had to go to Chicago or something and blow town (or as Sarah put it, blow chunks). So It's MC Me, the better-than-sex Tee Oh Double-X posting the show (you get a cookie if you get that reference). Judge also gave me permission to book. If I can understand what the fuck the Lethal Lottery is about, I'll try. -The reference is from the Rev-0 rap. Never give the fed historian editing privileges, or he ruins it for everyone. The bastard. J3
  23. The backstage areas of the Xcel Energy Center are relatively quiet at this early point of the show, with superstars busy finishing workouts or getting prepared in their locker rooms, and crew rushing back and forth making preparations. In the parking lot things are as quiet as ever as a very well-looked after bronze Torana pulls in, parking neatly in a free space right next to the arena doors. The vehicle door swings open and the large figure of the new head of security emerges - their tailored business suit a stark white this time, with a deep purple shirt and blood-red tie. A second figure, sporting a navy suit, white shirt and black tie climbs out of the other side of the car, tossing back purple and black hair from her head and adjusting her glasses before looking over the car at the giant, who nods. The Hell Machine's hair is pulled back once more into a ponytail, and the big man pushes the arena doors open and strides inside. A young worker checking his clipboard looks up and freezes as the giant claps a huge hand on his shoulder and leans down, murmuring something in his ear, and the worker nods before turning and bolting off down the hallway as we cut to ringside... "Welcome to SWF Lockdown!" the voice of Longdogger Pete bellows as the show goes on air. The former wrestler is putting on his best announcer's face considering his recent experiences. "We have a packed show tonight, ranging from Landon Maddix facing Michael Cross..." "Ugh..." King, as disagreeable as ever, mutters under his breath. "...to Zyon defending his title against Akira Kaibatsu! As well that there is the continuation of the Lethal Lottery, and even other matches such as..." Every light in the arena drops out as one, save for a single bright spotlight that pans over the crowd slowly, illuminating their faces as they all turn their heads. The loud noise of a buzzing siren tears through the air of the arena, accompanied by a shower of blue pyrotechnics that rises up from either side of the ramp. [HEIGHT: 7'2] "King?" Pete asks quietly. "Do you know anything about this?" "Nothing." the Gambling Man replies, still remembering the last time this music hit. "Nothing at all." [WEIGHT: 360lbs] As the sirens head towards their crescendo, the words turn a dangerous blazing red, the familiar phrase inscribed across the Smarktron for all to see. Coupled with the familiar music that is Fear Factory's "Resurrection" rising in the background, it brings the fans to their feet in a mixed reaction. [sTATUS: RELEASED!] "Consumed with memories... That preceded today... Given a chance to bereave... Life that's slipping awaaaaaaay!" With Burton C. Bell's voice ripping out of the speakers, the spotlight spins around to focus directly on the stage and the Smarktron, where familiar bone-crunching moves are playing above the head of the tall figure who pushes aside the curtain. Escorted by the female in the navy outfit, the suited Hell Machine strides down the ramp with the calm, sure grace of a businessman, occasionally flexing clearly gloved fingers as he approaches the ringside area. Some fans are cheering, others are booing, and some are simply staring in confusion at the new look of the big Australian as he passes each pyrotechnic shower, causing it to go out. Funyon slips his announcing card from his sleeve - the only other person to know what's actually going on - and lifts the microphone to his lips. "Ladies and gentlemen! He stands at seven feet two inches, weighs three hundred and sixty pounds, and hails from Sydney Australia! He is the Hell Machine and the HEAD OF SWF SECURITY.... JAAAAAAAAAAAAAANUS!" "Head of WHAT?" King bursts out in surprise. "You are not the only one who's surprised." Pete answers while pushing his jaw back up. Climbing up onto the apron and stepping over the ropes, the tall Australian accepts Funyon's microphone as the announcer leaves the ring. He steps to the middle of the squared circle and "Resurrection" hits its chorus as he lifts his arms up into the air, causing a familiar explosion of blue flames from the turnbuckles! The lights come back to their normal brightness as the Australian's themesong fades out, leaving the whispers of the crowd the only audible thing as he stands resplendent in his business suit, the tiniest smile on his lips as he waits. The business-suited female stands next to him, watching the crowd with her arms folded behind her back. His voice is soft, yet the fact his eyes are a glittering red offsets the gentle sound with the subconscious contemplation of just who might be speaking. "Yes, you heard right." he rumbles. "Of all the people possibly nominated among the SWF's former ranks, we have become the new head of security. Some might wonder why us, others still wonder what exactly we plan to do to enforce security in this federation, considering its colourful history and recent occurences." "Recent occurences like Longdogger here getting his face pounded in by his own son's brass knuckles..." King snickers, earning a distinctly unpleasant stare from his announcing partner. "For example, the attack on Kevin Coyote where three unlicensed, unauthorised individuals got into the building and into the parking lot area where they proceeded to cause severe physical harm to the young and upcoming superstar." As Janus speaks these particular words, his slow turning as he addresses the crowd has him directly facing the announce table. He doesn't appear to be exhibiting any particular emotion, but his lip curls into the slightest smile as he looks down at the two announcers as if laughing at some inside joke. Then the Hell Machine is turning away, addressing the crowd once more in that rumbling and quiet monotone as they listen curiously to his words. "We are not stupid as some claim us to be." the giant continues. "Within this business, there is a certain amount of leeway in attacking other superstars prior to their matches. It is our job to protect the staff and workers of the SWF from potentially career-hindering injuries. From both without the organisation, such as the attack on Kevin Coyote... or within such as Coyote's own attack on Longdogger Pete." "Noble words." King shakes his head mock-sadly. "But he can't stop everything." "Correct. But that is why security reports anything that happens to me." the giant answers, looking towards the announce table, proving they can indeed hear the two announcers. "With them in place after this show, outside invasions will be a thing of the past. But we do hope that all the SWF superstars backstage watching this on their monitors mark us very, very well. Excessive zeal in your backstage assaults will have..." The giant pauses, the camera catching his gleaming red eyes and the distinct venom he puts into the words. "...dire consequences." As Fear Factory's "Resurrection" blasts out over the speakers once more, the crowd finally makes some noise after listening, cheering the proclamation made by the new head of security. The Hell Machine strides to the side of the ring and tosses his microphone to Funyon, who catches it deftly and nods his head in thanks. The giant steps over the top rope and drops to the floor, walking back up the ramp with that infuriatingly slight smile on his face. And his compatriot follows, remaining eeriely silent and calm the entire time. "Some very strong words from our equally surprising new head of security!" Pete begins. "Promising no more attacks outside the arena, and explicitly stating that anyone who goes overboard in any way will have to deal with him personally!" "PFft, it's a blatant threat, Drainclogger." King answers. "He's trying to intimidate the entire locker room into not murdering each other backstage, or doing things like giving you a facelift." "Given Janus' reputation and what he did to the reigning King of Ultraviolence last time he came to the federation, I think that threat would keep anyone backstage in line, whether you like it or not King. Either way, let's go to a commercial break before our first match, that pits the up and coming Allan Hadrian against...." "Against the outfit and possibly gender confused Matt Myers" the Suicide King snickers. "An interesting match to say the least, if only for wondering what Myers will wear" Pete says with a dry glance at his partner as we.... Fade to Commercial
  24. Hey, look'a that there steel cage around the ring! "Must have ran out of words." shrugs King. "AND IT'S MAIN EVENT TIME!" Pete suddenly shouts, trying to preserve that mighty fourth wall. "Landon Maddix has been out of action ever since the Clusterfuck with what would probably be best called 'personal problems'. And, he seems to be worringly concerned with former SWF World Champion Toxxic, who of course doesn't even work here anymore...which could open up the door to Michael Cross tonight." "Nope. No door." says King, pointing to the doorless cage. "I was being metaphorical." "..." "As far as the MATCH goes, this is a golden chance for Cross to make a name for himself. Going into this match, Landon's focus is misplaced and there could probably be no better time for the rookie to face the former World Heavyweight Champion. And the caged environment might just favour Cross. This could, potentially, be a massive upset." "PREPARE...FOR...LANDON!" ...WAAAAAHHHHH... *DUM DUM* "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Pete's rundown is cut into by "Megalomanic" by Incubus and a few thousand rabid boos as Landon Maddix, 'cloaked' and focused, makes his way out onto the stage. With minimum acknowledgement of the booing crowd, Landon strides down the aisle with his sleveless trenchcoat flapping behind him. "The following contest is your MAIN EVENT, a STEEL CAGE Showdown~! In this match, the only way to win is to escape over the cage and have both feet touch the floor. Introducing first. He hails from Huron, South Dakota and weighs two hundred and twenty four pounds. One half of the SWF WOOORLD Tag Team Champions... LLAAAANNDDOOOONN "LA CUCARACHA" MMMAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIXXXXXXXXX!!!" "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Maddix reaches the cage and eyes it over. With no door (apparantly), Maddix is forced to get a preview of his goal as after disrobing and tossing his Tag Team Title belt distastefully to the floor, he climbs up the side of the cage. Reaching the top, Landon glances out at the crowd, many of whom are hoping for some lost footing. Landon safely enters the ring though, to their disappointment. "Well, Landon looks pretty focused tonight." admits Pete. "But, you have to wonder how much Toxxic is on his mind." "How about...completely?" As Maddix warms up in the ring, "Omerta" by Lamb of God hits, which seems to confuse the crowd for a moment until they see the figure of Michael Cross emerging through the curtains. All alone, no manager by his side, Cross takes a deep breath at the top of the ramp as he stares down the aisle. Not just the cage intimidates Cross, but also the fact this is his most high profile match...his first main event...his most high profile opposition. The black and red strobes shoot around the arena as Cross strides down the aisle, reaching the cage and testing it's give before he begins to scale the side. "And, his opponent...from Detroit, Michigan. He weighs in at two hundred, twenty three pounds and is a member of The Asian Underground... MMMMIIIICCHHAAAAAEEELLLL CCRRRRROOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Cross poses atop the cage briefly, before he shifts himself over the top and shimmies his way down. As he's scaling down the cage though, Cross' feet inexplicably disappear from the steel. Inexplicable, at least, if you haven't seen Landon Maddix rushing across the ring and pulling Cross from the cage wall and face-first into the ring!! *DINGDINGDING!* "Well, that certainly wasn't the best of starts Michael Cross could have made." With his opponent already on the backfoot, Maddix can afford to take his time and maybe measure his offence. But right now, that thought isn't even going through his mind. Stalking across the ring, Maddix grabs two large handfuls of Cross's hair and drags him back into the centre of the encaged environment, viciously hurling his opponent's head backwards into the canvas! Cross holds the back of his head and kicks his feet in pain, as Maddix pulls strands of black hair from between his fingers. Going back to the hair, Maddix sits Cross up again...and for a second time, he drives the back of the head into the mat! Instinctively Cross tries to scramble away from danger. However, there's a little matter of fifteen foot high steel mesh preventing him from fully getting away. Meaning, Cross gets as far as one side of the wall before he finds escape thwarted and has to clamber back to his feet. There to meet him is Landon, driving a boot into the gut of his opponent... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...before lashing him with a knifedge. Maddix waits for Cross to settle... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and lands a second, before turning Cross around and trying to grind his forehead into the steel mesh in front of him! Cross immediately throws up his hands and defence, pinning them to the cage and keeping his face mere inches from mutilation, before he manages eventually to fire back an elbow to the ribs. That elbow forces Maddix into retreat and also gives Cross time to line his more experienced opponent up. Coming out from the ropes, Cross aims a clothesline...DUCKED! The Michigan native misses his Steiner-esque clothesline, eventually coming to a stop and turning around, to be met by Landon Maddix forearm as he charges through at full pelt! "WOW! Big time intensity from Landon Maddix on that shot!" gasps Pete. "Maddix has clearly come into this match not only to prove a point to his doubters, but to send a message to a certain departed Nottingham native!" "Who probably isn't even watching." "Nonsense. EVERYONE watches the SWF!" "Now that's just ridiculous hyperbo..." "EVERYONE!" With some more handfuls of that handy hair, Cross is pulled back upright by force of an irish whip that sends him hurtling towards the steel cage. Again Cross throws his hands up...and again it saves him, as he comes to a stop and catches Maddix charging in with a back elbow to the jaw! Maddix wobbles, momentarily lost, as Cross takes him around the back of the head and....Maddix blocks! Cross continues to try and force Landon's face in the cage and thousands of Minnesotans are willing him to succeed, but Landon's arms hold firm and he quickly takes one hand away, long enough to jab Cross in the eyes! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "Both men trying to bring the cage into play early, but both men are equally determined not to meet that flesh tearing steel!" Pete calls. Having been temporarily blinded Cross stumbles away and the first thing his outstretched hand finds is the corner. He rests there, but can't rest long as he's quickly whipped out into the opposite corner. Getting full run-up, Maddix then charges...and MISSES a diving forearm in the corner!! The Next Generation ends up landing sternum first on the top turnbuckle, eventually teetering back and falling to the mat with hands clutched to his chest. "I don't know if Cross saw Landon coming or not, but the important thing is he got out of dodge!" calls Pete. Landon has winded himself now and is slow in getting up. With no referee in the ring to count along with, the crowd simply clap forth their support for The Suicide Machine, who manages to get to his feet first. Once there he takes a moment to check his facial features are all in check before helping Landon from his knees and up, throwing Landon to the side and through the ring ropes. "WOAAH!" Somehow Maddix manages to fall without headbutting the cage and pulls himself up, now stuck between cage wall and ring ropes. But for a moment he seems lost. And that moment proves enough, as when Landon turns around, Cross ducks low and shoulder tackles Maddix back into the cage wall! Maddix's head bounces off the mesh and he slumps into the ropes...until Cross barges him back again! "Cross has got Maddix in a real bad position here." Pete notes. "Not only does he have no room to manoeuvre, but he's stuck right up against that steel." "And you can talk about how ruthless Landon is looking, but this Cross kid is a certifiable nutjob by all accounts. With any luck, he'll go in for a very messy kill any time about now." With the crowd encouraging him on, Cross drives like a linebacker (or, at least, I assume linebackers do that, I dunzo) once more before backing away. Landon slumps back over the top rope and is breathing heavily, so Cross decides to rush into the opposite ropes. Charging back, Cross leads with his shoulder again... *CHINK!* "OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...but Landon sidesteps and Cross' big charge misses, causing him to run himself through the ropes and head-first into the cage wall!! The fans groan as Cross' head bounces violently off the steel, his body slumping over the middle rope as he comes to a stop. Which is the last place he needs to be, with Landon standing right beside him. *SMACK!* Landon wastes little time snapping a quick and very firm Kawada Kick up into the face of Cross!! The force knocks The Suicide Machine back off the rope and flat on his back in the ring, giving Landon time for a breather. "Big mistake from Cross." sighs King despondantly. "And as if the collision with the cage wasn't enough, Maddix delivers another brutal kick to the face just for good measure. "JJ Johnson may be gone, but his 'fighting' spirit lives on through the strikes of Landon Maddix." To his knees, Cross is really looking foggy now, a small trickle of blood now running from his nostril as Landon re-enters the ring and attacks with stomps to the gut. Cross tries to get away but falls to a seated position in the corner as the stomps from a growling, almost un-Landon like Landon continue to rain in. With Cross weakened, Maddix adds a little insult to injury with a BOOTSCRAPE~!, before backing across the ring. And, with a full head of steam, Maddix charges right back and leaps high into the air, his feet level with the middle turnbuckle before he plummets and dropkicks Cross square in the damn face!! "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" "Good Lord!" cries Pete in shock. "Get Licked is right! He virtually stood on Michael Cross' face!" "Much as I loathe to admit it, you might be right Pete. I think Maddix is trying to send a message to Toxxic, whether he happens to be watching or not!" Maddix strides out of the corner, staring into the crowd who are still mostly breathless from their collective gasping. But, a few of them manage to get an all too familiar chant going. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" Ignoring the fans, Landon pulls Cross back to his feet. Cross doesn't seem to know where he is, blood now flowing more freely from the nose as he finds himself at Landon's mercy. A forearm strike finds the mark. And another. "C'mon!" shouts Landon, gripping Cross by the hair. "Is that the best you've got, kid?" "Kid!?!" Suicide King protests. "Landon's less than a year older than him!" "True, but Landon's got the in-ring experience advantage." Still holding Cross, Landon raises a short knee into the face, further messing up Cross' bruised and battered face. Landon then begins to lead Cross back up...only to stop short, as something catches his eyes. Cross' hands. 'DRUG FREE'. Seeing red, Landon grips Cross by the wrists and stares at the offending tattoo for what seems an eternity before laying Cross' hands flat on the mat and STOMPING down on them!! Cross rolls away, howling in agony, as Landon glares into the fans. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "He's lost it, Pete." smiles King. "He's lost his composure, his sanity...he's flatout lost it!" "I can't argue with you." concedes Pete. Cross is in serious pain now, his fingers possibly broken as he has to drag himself up without use of the hands. Creeping up behind him, Landon clubs Cross in the back and then takes Cross' right hand. As if the 'DRUG FREE' tattoo wasn't enough, Cross has Xs on his taped hands. It's almost as if he's trying to taunt him. And, it'll also make some good symbolism. Taking the hand in a headlock-esque grip, Maddix primitively tears away at the tape, tearing away one of the Xs before Cross starts to struggle. A knee settles Cross down momentarily, Landon keeping hold of the hand and simply sinking his teeth into the knuckles!! "AAAAAAAHH! AAAAAAAHHHHAAAHHHH!!" Landon eventually stops his biting, spitting out of the ring as Cross writhes beside him. Taking the right hand again, Landon now steps to the apron of his own accord and stands between ropes and cage. From there he drags Cross up, hanging him over the ropes...and GRATING HIS HAND DOWN THE CAGE!!! "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" "He's trying to grate that tattoo right off of Cross' knuckles!" cries King. "Come ON...this is too much! This is just torture!" Pete winces. "Maddix isn't trying to win the match, he's just trying to...to...I don't even know WHAT he's trying to do! Is this a message? Is it just taking his frustrations out on the first person he comes into contact with?" "You're trying to reason out this wackjob's actions? Give it up, Pete, there's no reasoning to be found." After looooong grate number three Landon lets Cross' hand go, The Suicide Machine falling to his knees from the pain. Maddix remains on the apron as he then pulls Cross back to his feet. Another patented forearm finds it's mark before Landon, still seething noticeably, takes hold of the hand and begins to climb the ropes. Cross' fingers are bent right back meaning he can't do anything to stop Landon for the excruciating pain clouding his mind. Reaching the top, Landon keeps his balance with a hold of the cage...but Cross manages to block out the pain long enough to reach up and grab Maddix's wrist with his less damaged hand and pull Landon's 224lbs off the top, sending him crashing to the mat below!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Maddix rolls winded onto his front, while Cross falls back seated in the corner and tends to his hands. The knuckles on his right hand are cut up and bleeding, leaving him in clear pain, stopping him from attempting an escape just yet. "Cross has a busted nose, ripped to shred hands, but, this is his chance for revenge assuming he can capitalise quickly." points out Pete. Pulling himself up in the corner with some discomfort on one side, Cross stalks towards Landon who is now crawling towards the first side of the cage he comes to. Before he can get there, he's caught, Cross gripping Landon by the tights and dragging him to his feet. The seething and growling is now reserved only for Cross, who seems particularly pissed about the damage done to his hand and is intent on a little retribution. With his one good hand, he takes Landon by the head... *CHINK!* "YYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Landon's head bounces off the steel mesh and he stumbles into the centre of the ring, where Cross is waiting, spinning his opponent around... *CHINK!* "YYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...and hurling him unceremoniously into the opposite side! This time, Landon's face scrapes down the cage as his body hangs over the top rope, the South Dakota native having to physically push himself away from the steel, where he promptly collapses backwards. And Cross is right on top of him, mounting Maddix and peppering him with left handed punches! Standing from his mount position, Cross drops a quick leg across the throat before popping up and looking to the cage. Escaping and gaining a victory over a former World Champion is tempting. Mutiliating Landon is just that little more of a draw though and he declines the chance to escape, instead dragging Landon back to his feet. A clear laceration has opened up on Landon's forehead and blood is now flowing from both men, to the pleasure of Michael Cross who aims a punch into the cut. Cross then takes Landon and looks to hurl him into the cage a third time. This time, Landon is able to reverse the throw...but he only sends Cross into the ropes, from which he rebounds with a dropkick to the knee. Landon falls to one knee while Cross stands himself over Landon from behind and SLAMS a crossface strike across the jaw! "And now, we see why Michael Cross is so comfortable with this hardcore environment! He's going straight for blood...an eye for an eye, I guess you could say!" "You're not kidding Pete." admits King. "Cross looks pissed..." Changing sides, Cross throws a second crossface...and promptly yells in pain, as his injured right wrist connects with Landon's jaw bone! "Okay, now he's really pissed." Cross' mistake leaves him hunched over in pain, giving Landon time to gain his bearings and reach out to the side, taking Cross' hand and delivering a simple arm wringer. Technical knowledge still limited, Landon has no fancy move from there. But he knows that a top wristlock will do some damage, especially as he bends Cross' hand back past his shoulder! Cross shouts out in pain, but he has a counter as he sits and rolls back to his feet, sending Landon off to the ropes with an irish whip... ...but Landon doesn't hit those ropes, instead stepping up onto them and trying to climb out of the cage!! "Landon's had enough!" Pete gasps. "He's trying to get the hell out of the cage while he's still able!" Reacting quickly, Cross catches Maddix on the top rope and holds him by the leg. Maddix tries to kick Cross away but The Suicide Machine simply isn't letting go, which forces Landon to take alternate action and reach down with some strikes to the head. He eventually fights Cross off and tries to escape again, but again a hold on the leg prevents him. Maddix once more strikes down upon Cross to free himself and this time he realises he's not going to get away, so turns to face the ring and drops off the top with...A CRAVATÉ! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "Ugh!" spits King in disgust. "What the hell sort of move is this to use in a Cage Match?" *CHINK!* "A pretty good one, apparently!" Pete replies, with GUSTO~!, as Landon wheels Cross around in the cravaté and releases him at the right time to spin him into a face-first meeting with the cage! "Bleh...lucky break." "I think that was a little more than a 'lucky break' King." "Hey, can I help it if I'm naturally fastidious?" "..." "Ugh, you're supposed to be a journalist Pete. Buy yourself a dictionary and join me in the land of credibility sometime." Cross remains slumped over the top rope while Maddix recomposes himself, realising now that he's been busted open. That seems to spur Maddix on as he fires off a hard kick which raps across Cross' kidneys, followed with another which lands to the hamstring. Cross falls to one knee, while Maddix measures him and kicks him...IN THE HAND!! "Oh my, Cross' hand was placed on the top rope and a perfect target for Landon's right boot!" grimaces Pete, watching Cross writhe in pain on his monitor. "And I guess it's smart strategy in a way, because Cross won't climb a cage quickly with a bad hand." Pulling up Cross, Maddix goes back to his trusty forearms...two, three and then four connect before Landon bounces off the ropes for a little added momentum. His forearm misses as Cross ducks, then takes a leaf out of Maddix's book and darts for the ropes in front of him and clambers up in search of an escape!! Cross' hand indeed hampers him, but Maddix is nowhere to be seen... ...mainly because HE is now climbing the ropes and now, the cage on the opposite side!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "It's a footrace...and Cross isn't gonna win it!" remarks Pete... ...and evidently, Michael Cross agrees with him, giving up on his one handed climb as he turns to see Landon scaling the cage itself now! Jumping off the ropes, Cross lumbers across the ring and Maddix is almost out of sight. But one of Landon's legs stays pinned to the top rope, The Next Generation uncomfortable with height and position, allowing Cross to climb to the middle rope and headbutt Maddix in the kidneys! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" The crowd breathe a collective sigh of relief as Maddix wobbles, settling on the top rope as Cross does the same. Reaching out, Cross tries to grab Landon...but gets thumbs in eyes for trouble! Both men are in precarious positions now, Maddix argueably fresher and he grabs Cross by the hair, looking to drive him into the cage. Cross instinctively blocks, despite the pain in his hand, elbowing Landon in the gut which causes both men to teeter and totter on the top rope! "This is dangerous territory here!" worries Longdogger. "Damn right...if one of them goes, chances are they both go." "With both men no doubt feeling the effects of blood loss, it's more than likely." Cross gains his balance first and now grabs Landon...but Landon fires off an elbow, his with enough force to knock Cross backwards. The rookie manages to land on his feet safely though, reaching up and clubbing Maddix in the kidneys again before building a head of steam and charging into Landon, knocking him face-first into the cage!! "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" About to fall, Maddix manages to reach out and grab the cage wall to steady himself. But in the meantime, Cross is charging into the opposite ropes, throwing up a double axehandle which connects with the back and again sends Maddix's front into the steel!! Still Maddix stands on the top rope, so Cross goes to charge again. He gets little more than a step though before changing his mind, dropkicking Landon's ankle from out underneath him... "UUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHH!!" "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...AND CROTCHING HIM ON THE TOP ROPE!! "And somewhere, Amy Stephens praises the heavens!" sneers King. Unable to move, the pain stricken Next Generation sits a-straddle the top rope while Cross goes back to his hand. It's pretty messed up by now, so Cross uses his healthier left as he reaches up, taking Maddix by the side of the head and SLAMMING it into the cage wall!! The bloody Landon topples backwards but doesn't fall from the rope, as Cross holds on and SLAMS him in a second time!! This time Landon falls to the mat, favouring his crotch, while Cross wipes some blood from under his nose and moves in for some more KILL~! Bringing Landon up, the weary Cross positions him in a reverse front facelock and runs a thumb across his throat, signalling for the end. But Landon still has enough wits about him to pull Cross' head into his body and knee him, HARD in the face, forcing Cross to release Maddix and tend to his nose again! "Cross may have been looking for the Silent Rage Syndrome, but Maddix was well prepared for it." points out Pete. "That was no more than instinct there. Landon's brain, or at least whatever small part of his head actually contains braincells, has to be scrambled from all those collisions with the cage." Cross sits with his face in his hands while Landon is on his hands and knees, trying to get his head straight. Both men begin to get up and reach their feet at the same time, Cross first to attack...but he runs into a boot to the gut from Maddix! Holding Cross by the hair, Maddix then delivers a quick Kawada Kick to snap Cross' head back up, allowing him to whip Cross into the ropes. Back shoots The Sucide Machine while Landon routinely ducks his head for a backdrop. His usual routine probably isn't so terrible though, groggily ducking his head way too early and allowing Cross time to skid to a halt and pull Landon into a standing headscissors. Cross then hoists Landon up, seemingly going for Break The Ice...until he suddenly runs forward and POWERBOMBS LANDON INTO THE CAGE WALL!!! "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" What give the cage has is tested to the max, as Landon is crushed into the steel and ends up sat with his legs draped over the top rope, body lifelessly pressed against the cage. "Good Lord, what a powerbomb into and almost through the cage from Michael Cross!" exclaims Pete. "Landon ducked his head about an eternity too early and paid the price!" " Not wanting to waste any time, Cross begins to climb the closest part of the cage to him...namely, the wall Landon is leant against. Too hurt to react, all Landon can do is flail weakly as Cross climbs at the side of him, giving him a quick kick in the gut before he reaches and grabs the top of the cage. Gritting his teeth ready to the inevitable pain in his hand, Cross then pushes up off the top rope and hoists himself up... ...halfway over the cage, before Landon manages to reach up and despairingly grab a foot! "LET'S GO CROSS!" "LET'S GO CROSS!" "LET'S GO CROSS!" Flailing and flapping Cross tries to kick Landon free. Landon's grip on the foot is weak, but he hangs on, knowing that Cross is one good chin-up away from an escape. Now standing on the middle rope, Landon turns himself towards Cross and reaches up to grab Cross' shorts. But Cross suddenly thrusts a leg back, which unsettles Landon enough to force him to grab the cage wall... ...which lets Cross hoist up, swinging his legs over the top of the cage! Planting them on the outside of the cage, to the delight of the crowd, Cross is on his way as Maddix finally gains his footing and reaches up, frantically swiping at Cross' hair... ...and missing... "YYEEEEEEEEAAAA...." ...but at the last second he makes enough of an adjustment to grab Cross' right hand!! "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Cross' hand is trapped on the top of the cage and Maddix is gripping onto it for all he's worth, leaving him in excruciating pain! "NO!" despairs Pete. "Michael Cross, so close! But what a last ditch save from Maddix! Landon is clinging on and if Cross drops, he'll dislocate every finger on his hand!!" The pain forces Cross to climb back up a step and reach over the cage, swiping at Maddix in an effort to get him the hell off of his hand. But that move upwards allows Landon to reach up with his other hand and grab hold of Cross' long black mane of hair and pull with all his might! Cross is forcibly being dragged back over and eventually his body hangs half and half over the cage. At that point Landon lets go of the hand, in order to drag Cross' body over and into the ring, giving one last effort to pull Cross in... ...and off the top of the cage... ...causing Cross to fall from the top of the cage, tumbling down and landing stomach-first across the top rope!! "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Thanks to the cage wall Landon hangs on. His opponent meanwhile isn't so lucky, the ropes twisting him over and into the ring where he curls into a fetal position. Relieved, Landon eases himself back to safe ground and collapses to his knees, drained from the desperate effort he just put in. "Michael Cross was mere seconds from the biggest victory of his career, but now he's in seriously bad shape." says Pete despondantly. "That was an awkward fall." "No more awkward than Landon's fall......from grace!" "Burn." Landon manages to drag himself back up and falls against the ropes, weak but certainly in better shape than the gurgling Cross. As he pushes himself away from the ropes Landon stumbles into the centre of the ring and looks out to the crowd. But it's not them that Landon really cares about, as he stares up towards the main camera fixed on the ring. It's not him he's posing at. Arms out. Palms down. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "Would you look at that?" groans Pete. "Maddix has a chance to escape here, but I think he's suffering from Toxxic tunnel vision!" Once he's sure everyone remembers that, OF COURSE, that was Toxxic's trademark pose (hello all you n00bs out there), Maddix breaks away and pulls Cross up by the hair and to his knees. Cross is hurting and clasps a hand to his midsection while Maddix continues to drag him up. Clearly with something in mind, a smile comes over Landon's face, as he reaches down. One arm hooked. Two arms hooked. "Oh shit..." mumbles King. With a double underhook applied, Landon brings Cross gradually to his feet and sets. Cross suddenly begins to struggle though and as Maddix tries desperately to keep his grip, Cross snaps upright and backdrops Maddix up and over... ...but Landon lands on his feet with the arms still hooked, spinning around and turning himself upright again. From there, he then lifts Cross up and for a moment, the air rushes out of every lung in the arena, as Cross goes up... ...gets spun around and planted on his front!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "TOXXIC SHOCK SYNDROME!?!?!" Sat in front of the motionless Cross, Maddix stares down at his opponent...and, slowly, a smirk creeps across his face. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "That was the Toxxic Shock Syndrome!" gasps Pete, as if trying to convince himself that was actually what he saw. "Landon Maddix just used...just...just STOLE the Toxxic Shock Syndrome!!" "No different from the rest of his moveset then." King swipes. Landon slowly pushes himself up and the smug look doesn't leave his face as he dismisses Cross in typically egotistical fashion and leaves the ring, scaling the cage. The Next Generation looks in no particular hurry as he makes it halfway up the cage and stops to wipe some blood from his eyeline, before continuing his climb. Reaching up, Landon grabs the top of the cage and heaves himself up and over... ...which is just when he sees Michael Cross clambering across the mat, trying desperately to catch Landon as he pulls himself up on the ropes and reaches out for a leg... ...but he just misses! Landon has swung over and is on his way out, but Cross hasn't given up hope and scales the cage as best he can. Reaching up with his left hand he's able to grab a hold of a wrist, which looks to have Landon stopped momentarily... *CHINK!* "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...until Maddix PUNTS the cage with his dangling foot, close enough to Michael Cross' right hand to break his grip and send him falling down the side of the cage and down on the apron!! "My God, he could have broken his hand!!" cries Pete. "And now, Maddix is in the clear!" "Okay, if we can roll end credits over this that'd be marvellous." As Cross grasps his hand with his...uhm...hand, howling in agony, all Landon has to do now is complete the formalities, as he steps back and plummets the final five foot and drops to the arena floor, to mass destain from the crowd!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" *DINGDINGDING!* Maddix falls to his knees as he reaches the floor and lets Nicky Soapdish take care of that whole 'raise the arm of the winner' thing while he adjusts his elbowpad, trying to make the win look as routine as possible, despite the fact that he fully knows he's been in a battle. The battlescars show that clearly, blood still trickling down Maddix's face as Soapdish retrieves his SWF Tag Team Title belt. But Maddix takes one look at the belt and pushes Soapdish aside before walking unsteadily away sans title. "Your winner of this contest, via escaping the cage... LANDON "LA CUCARACHA" MMMAAAAADDIIIXXXX!!" "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" "Are we off air yet?" sighs a clearly unintersted King. "Tunnel vision or not, this obssession with Toxxic could prove to be a very bad thing for everyone apart from Landon. Michael Cross felt the wrath of a strangely intense Maddix tonight and could have a broken hand as a result, let alone his nose. And, despite a gallant effort from Cross, Landon Maddix scores the win. He has focus, for the first time in months...and that could be a very dangerous situation for the SWF." "Providing Toxxic doesn't come back." "Well, yes..." "Because if he does, broken hands will be the least of problems for the SWF medical payout department, if you catch my drift." "Well, with that chilling vision of possible things to come, we are out of time on Storm. From Suicide King and the Doggah, we'll see you on whatever show's next. C'yah!" FADE OUT © Smartmarks Wrestling Federation, 2006 Sensational Productions