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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Justice

    The Office, Season 3

    Holy shit! Wow, Roy. Way to ruin everything.
  2. Justice

    The Official "52" Thread

    But if you had all those powers, wouldn't you be, too?
  3. Justice

    Marvel's Civil War

    I'm actually forward to the Hulk coming back and beating the shit out of everyone. It'll be like I'm living vicariously through him and taking my aggressions out on Marvel for fucking up Civil War. That is easily the funniest thing I've read in a while. Anyways... I finally read it. Honestly, this issue would have worked if the set up had been better. Making the Registration Side out to be this horrible evil was a miserable way to do things from the beginning, and it killed the momentum and any sort of logical support one could get for it. Because of this, the whole ending seems really, really surreal. I mean, it's like right out of a propaganda film, how everything suddenly worked out despite the problems. For example: Well, I have to say this, though: this has pretty undeniably changed Marvel. How long it lasts will be a question, yes. But it'll be interesting to see where it goes from here.
  4. I got it. Was having trouble logging in for whatever reason.
  5. Justice

    Marvel's Civil War

    From what I've heard (And I'm going to download this one: I'm not going to buy this thing), I'd say that this ending would have worked had the Registration side not been the 4th Reich. I mean, it's a good way to end it, but the lead up to it was so miserable that it just undercuts what is, in reality, a really well-thoughtout ending. Ah well. Now we have a few months before the Hulk comes back for the next huge crossover.
  6. Justice

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Wow. If there's a time to get back into Naruto, now is it. The opening scene was definitely a good hook; yeah, it ruins his appearance, but then again, we all knew they were going to meet, and it gives you a lot more questions than answers. I guess it was more a treat to all those who watched all the fillers (I definitely stopped). Plus, watching the high-grade animation was simply awesome. They really upgraded a lot of stuff. The music, in particular, seems more grown up: A lot more dramatic themes, with a real operatic bent in there. Akatsuki's entrance in the opening and in the show is great, I didn't mind the keyword things (I thought the Kakashi one was cute, and the Tsunade stuff was funny), and the stuff they managed to add in was actually very well done (The Konohamaru stuff). I really can't wait for the next episode.
  7. Justice

    Rome season 2

    Yeah, when they were marching, it was cool. But when guys just sort of came forwards and had at it, I was a bit pissed. But the Pilum thing is almost unforgivable. It's among the top three reasons the Romans were so damned dominant on the battlefield, and it seems like Hollywood loves to ignore it (Note its conspicious absence in Gladiator as well). But I did sort of like the banter between Pullo and Cicero. It was a bit odd, since, again, it wasn't all too accurate. But it was a good, fitting way for Cicero to go out.
  8. Justice

    Rome season 2

    I was honestly disappointed a bit with this episode and it's... odd sense of historical inaccuracy. Seriously, not one friggin' Pilum. The utter lack of formation and cohesion in both armies (I mean, come ON! They're the ROMANS!). Brutus not killing himself on his own sword. Not one mention of Octavion's camp getting overrun and sacked. And Cassius' death wasn't that good either. I was hoping for something really good, and all that was there was just thrown together. Bah.
  9. Justice

    The Official "52" Thread

    I'm guessing that she never actually makes it back to Earth, so everyone thinks she's dead. And it looks like Felix Faust is making his move.
  10. Justice

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Just as a side note, understand that it's not just a booking problem here. To be completely honest, we only really need one person booking since it's only one show a week. It's all the other things, from advertisement to storyline coordination to commenting on losing matches. Not that we can't switch off on booking occasionally since you can easily burn out, but what's needed is help in the secondary areas.
  11. Justice

    The Office, Season 3

    "OW! This bread is white-hot!" "Jim, that garlic bread is... cold..."
  12. Justice

    State of the SWF, 2007

    After having a talk with Tox, I'm actually changing my mind. Put me in the convinced column.
  13. Justice

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Dude, clicking a link doesn't hurt that much, does it? I mean, crap, if we have people dissuaded due to joining a single forum, then I'm not sure how dedicated these people are going to be when it comes to writing matches. On the comment of "All or nothing", I don't see why it has to be. The problem with everything is that we never used it, and I agree that it won't work if we don't use it. Then again, there are dozens of feds who magically seem to be able to update and use their websites without abandoning their boards. We just need to keep the site active, put results, news stories, and actually make use of it. We can post stories, but I dunno if I really want to mae In my opinion, we are overreacting to what is essentially something we could do through an organized effort. Every time we run into this problem, we have no organization, we just go out, do something, then stop after a few weeks. Just running around on the internet does nothing for us. A MySpace move won't work magically if we don't change our habit of stopping after a few weeks. Not to say I'm not incredibly, especially prone to this, as I am. But. I think that's what we need to focus on at present. A MySpace move won't stop people from No-Showing. Things need to change with the staff and the roster at present before we do these sorts of things.
  14. Justice

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Meh. I'm not in favor of moving the fed to MySpace, simply because I'm avoiding all journals like the plague nowadays. But if we did it concurrently, that wouldn't be a bad thing. I just don't think moving everything over to MySpace is all that good for things like show posting and such. I mean, I'd create a MySpace for that (Like Toxx), but moving everything? That's... just not good, in my opinion.
  15. Justice

    State of the SWF, 2007

    No. I honestly don't think it'd work. Like the above comment, it's really individual-based. Plus spamming makes us look bush-league. Right now there are maybe a decent half-dozen or so boards that we could start to work, but it'll take time. The biggest problem we need to mend is no-showing. If we no-show, no one will join the fed. We need to solve the problems with current membership before we can look outwards and expand. Otherwise we're just pumping blood in to a gaping wound, and won't be able to pump it in fast enough.
  16. Justice

    NBA 2K7

    Can someone post a gif or something? I gotta see this...
  17. Justice

    So... Which side are you on?

    I sort of want to know, outside of the other topic to keep taht one more focused on the comic itself. I think it's a fairly interesting debate. I also found some neat little pics from Newsrama: Personally, I'm pro-registration. I'll get into it later but I wanted to start up the discussion. The other banner:
  18. Justice

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Yeah, I agree. And frankly, I'd like to appologize to CC and to the members here for my absences at harsh times. I would like to help out with stuff in a limited capacity and try to ease myself back into helping things. Some suggestions for the fed in general: 1) A Lowering of Word Limits in General: I think this is especially important to keeping most new guys and bringing people in. Looking at the current Storm card, we have nothing below 4500 words. For most veterans, that's nothing. But for a new guy... that's pretty daunting. Lowering word limits would help n00bs start out and not have to think up 5000 word operas until they get to the higher ranks. I think, in our aging and stagnation, we've run up the word counts too much. We need to look to keep things short and concise rather than blowing things out of proportion with flowery description. You want people to read a match? Make it shorter. We know you want to matter, but a shorter match will, in the end, help things. I know that I in the past was notorious for long entrances (I believe my Countdown to Genesis match had 2000 words of entrance!), and I'm probaby not the best person to speak on this. But making this the lowest burden possible will help people show up. Quality >>> Quantity. 2) Creating some sort of 'system' for n00bs: When I say this, I'm talking about getting them a few easy matches under their wing so that they get the jist of how to do things, along with possibly leading them straight into a feud of some sort. This will only help if we get new talent, but keeping new talent is also a problem. 3) Redesigning the Fed: I don't know why, but I feel like we need to change something. Some sort of re-organization, whatever it is, might be the kick needed. 4) Expanding Out: Say what you will, but when we were a part of X-Net, I think we tried a helluva lot harder for shows and other things. This was not long after we had lost a lot of the Golden Age stars, and we were seriously going at it to make the shows the best we really could. We bitched about not being first, being held down... but we friggin' cared, and we were all acting for the Fed. When that thing fizzled out, we fell back into our old ways. Pride is a great motivator, and expanding outwards off this board (Which has stagnated miserably. I mean, Mole is running the place !) is a necessity. Stir up some shit and find somewhere else to go. We don't need to move off the board, but we do need to find other places to kick things up and find talent.
  19. Justice

    State of the SWF, 2007

    Hey. Well, um... yeah. I guess I should probably say something before this becomes completely moot. I completely agree with Mike on most accounts. Don't change the format, because that's the best part of the fed, and it's what sets us really apart. I think that the biggest problem is the lack of a community anymore. I mean, when I first started out, I was admittedly a bit crazy, but having a dozen, two dozen guys in chat on a night was pretty kickin' when I had nothing else to do. When chat started to die, I began to lose interest. I mean, I talked to people over AIM... but those memorable chats were really something. When you lose that sense of community, you are just writing things and watching them get posted on the board. And that's really not very exciting.
  20. Justice

    Anyone watch Ninja Warrior?

    Yeah, my bro and I watch it all the time. It's one hell of a skills challenge. I believe the first two stages are timed, the third isn't, and the final climb is. And personally I love the announcing and translations. It's like watching Puro Gladiators or something; listening to the guy absolutely SCREAM HIS LUNGS OUT during the entire stage is easily one of the highlights. But the challenges are honest-to-God ridiculous. The worst one is the 'Cliffhanger' and those rings they have to slide across. I'd just jump in the water at that point.
  21. Justice

    The Office, Season 3

    "Where did you get her?" Go Toby! Creed's 'gift' was awesome. But Michael was almost unbearable. Like, he was funny, but man I had a hard time looking at the screen when he was doing his 'thing'. I'm surprised Bob didn't kick him out sooner.
  22. Justice

    Super Bowl XLI

    Has anyone mentioned the fact that the Bears' D was on the field twice as long as the Colts' D? I mean, I switched channels for about 50 seconds at the start of the Bears drive and only JUST got back in time to see the punt. They got absolutely no rest, and they were playing one of the best offensive machines in the game. Seriously, people have to realize that you can't play good defense if your offense is going 3 and out all the time. Plus the fact that the Defensive Coaching Staff didn't seem to make any adjustments at all doesn't help. If anyone lost the game, it was the Bears' Coaching Staff, followed closely by Rex Grossman. Heck, I can't even blame Grossman that much because I really expected this sort of performance from him.
  23. Justice

    Marvel's Civil War

    Her name is Miram Sharpe. She's the mother in Civil War #1 that spits on Tony and gives him whatfor. She's also seen in Civil War #2,#4, #6, and I believe she's made a few appearances in side comics. She's the person that really gets Tony behind registration. Or, at least, if you don't read half the side comics and secret meetings between Cap and Tony, she is. Here's a link.
  24. Justice

    Marvel's Civil War

    How could Clone Thor possibly be wrong?!
  25. Justice

    Super Bowl XLI

    I am really, really impressed with this show. I mean, fuck, the lighting and effects are just awesome. He's really into it, too, even in the soaking rain. Amazing.