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The Dames

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Everything posted by The Dames

  1. The Dames

    The Ultimate Fighter 2

    That knee sure was beautiful. I was concerned just a few seconds later when Luke had gotten rocked, but he recovered beautifully. Man, I felt bad for Sammy, but that actually put over just how bad he wanted it as he was crying. Next week looks great and I'm glad that Luke's fights are at least exciting and we finally got a KO this season. Dames
  2. The Dames

    Bret Hart DVD Trailer

    I'm still pissed at the cover, but DAMN... Can we fast forward time til release day? Dames
  3. The Dames

    Take a Poll for me

    I can barely draw a straight line... Dames
  4. The Dames

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    And who the FUCK decided to go with the heel vs. heel title match in the main event of your supposed most important show EVER?
  5. The Dames

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    If this is their "Wrestlemania", it should be nothing more than a clean finish that puts someone over big time.
  6. The Dames

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    Now that is just fucking STUPID...especially if they give him the title. It would go from perceived midcarder to perceived lower midcarder. Dames
  7. The Dames

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    I'm enjoying this so far, don't get me wrong. But this doesn't have a "Wrestlemania" feel to it. The matches must all seem important, the post match angles should lead to new directions now and they all have to have the best matches possible...and they need a title switch. Depending on how this NWA title match ends up, they can still save this, but right now, I've got to say that I'm glad for the effort, but they need to step it up. They're big time now. Look like it. Dames
  8. The Dames

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

  9. The Dames

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    Eric Young took the most beautiful bump ever over the ropes after getting hit with a SHOE. Dames
  10. The Dames

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    He started as a heel, but slowly morphed into a face due to his road to the World Title, which he had never won at that point and basically made it a babyface chase. A few months later, he turned heel and kept the belt. Dames
  11. The Dames

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    That's where TNA found him, Downhome. He's the HSN guy. Dames
  12. I was thinking back about how good Wrestlemania 17 was in terms of the announcing. Paul Heyman was on that night and it was a great event, so I guess that led me to think about what you guys think are the worst announced Wrestlemanias. Cole and Lawler for most of 15? Vince & Lawler at WM X? Discuss... Dames
  13. Will the first time viewers of the board actually go out of their way to purchase this PPV? Is there a buzz for this PPV? What do you think that the buyrate will be for the event. Since TNA has hit record numbers of viewers in the last few weeks, its almost a given that their buyrate will go up. I believe it was averaging to be about 25,000 buys a PPV lately. Dames
  14. The Dames

    Diatribe on IMPACT (10/15)

    You know what to do... Dames
  15. The Dames

    UFC 55: Furry!

    Hey, I've lost about 30 pounds alone already...just eating right. I need to fix my left shoulder before I can go back to the gym. You know that. Dames
  16. The Dames

    IMPACT Diatribe for 10/8/05

    It is up and ready for your viewing pleasure. Dames
  17. That was the exact same thing I was thinking about the cover art. Dames
  18. The Dames

    UFC 55: Furry!

    Seemed like a packed house for the most part... Dames
  19. The Dames

    Any First Time Viewers Tonight?

    During the interview that I did with Dangerous A for the Danger Zone this weekend, he asked me about TNA and how long I've been watching it. I know that most of you in this forum are faithful TNA viewers, but how many of you are actually watching the TNA product for the first time or know anyone who will be tonight? I'd say that's a good indicator of the kind of word of mouth/advertising/promotion that's being generated. Dames
  20. The Dames

    UFC 55: Furry!

    Notice the KOOL AID smile I got on during my pic with RUSH~! I marked out so hard man... Dames
  21. The Dames

    UFC 55: Furry!

    I found it hilarious that Seth Petruzelli wore his Team Franklin jersey so he could be recognized. Jorge is my height. And I should have smoked a joint with HERB~! Dames
  22. The Dames

    UFC 55: Furry!

    I've got some more pics than these..I'm gonna put them up in a sec. I sat in the upper deck, but I caught most of these guys during dinner, after they ate, of course. I seriously waved Nate Quarry over and he walked up to me like he knew me. So cool. Mentally, I was in total mark mode the whole night Dames
  23. The Dames

    IMPACT Diatribe for 10/8/05

    RRR, the UFC pics are in the UFC 55 thread. FURRY~! Dames
  24. The Dames

    UFC 55: Furry!

    I realized one thing uploading these pics... I need to lose some more fuckin weight. Dames
  25. The Dames

    UFC 55: Furry!
