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Everything posted by EL DANDY~!

  1. EL DANDY~!

    If Rico can beat Flair.....

    If this is getting down the end of his run, I want ONE match before Flair puts his boots away for good... Flair vs. Benoit. No doubt in my mind that a 53-year old man and the best wrestler today can get ***** out of each other. But on the topic, this sounds like that one time when Flair won the U.S. title instead of being vaulted to the WCW Title...if they DO pull the trigger...I don't know if that would be smart.
  2. EL DANDY~!

    Forgotten Classics

    I have THE ultimate Forgotten classic... Trish vs. Steph in 2001...guys, this was the greatest women's match since the Jumping Bomb Angels were in the WWF. SEriously, I was clapping for both after the match.
  3. EL DANDY~!

    I got my Regal shirt!

    If Fit Finaly came out of retirement to start and old-man's bloody English feud, I'd crap my pants AND THEN cream them. Fit Finlay is GOD when he fights Regal. It's just SO great...
  4. EL DANDY~!

    The Place Game

    East Los Angeles
  5. EL DANDY~!


    In retrospect, that's like saying Nirvana is nothing without Cobain...wiat a minute...thery are
  6. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^^^hopes that he realizes that El Dandy is Dusty Rhodes' favorite wrestler, IF YOU WEEEEEEEL...
  7. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^^^is my TAG TEAM PAHTNA!!!
  8. EL DANDY~!

    Crash watches NWA TNA

    KK 99= Fisherman's Michinkou Driver. It's not a Pyramid Driver (cross-legged Michinoku Driver)
  9. EL DANDY~!


    REPRESENT!!!! HELL YEAH, BOY! Us west coast brothers keep it tight, yo... Yeah...I'm white! SO WHAT???? Gotta keep it real!
  10. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    Triv, we knew that, dude.
  11. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    WHY oh WHY would HE win? Just a bunch of crap, sez I... Get rid of that title, and do it NOW!!!!
  12. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    hey, man. look no further than the Royal Rumble, man...he ALWAYS has people in there that are one shot deals. He even had TENRYU in that thing, once.
  13. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    Wow...that sounds neato-keen, man...hmm...anways...is the Gauntlet next?
  14. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    What was the move like?
  15. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    Ok, then, so that means Leif Cassidy is your favorite Cassidy ever?
  16. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    Watch...it'll come down to Hall vs. X-Pac after simultaneously tossing the remaining partners...meaning they face each other. FINGERPOKE OF DOOM! IT'S OVER!!! My god...you know what is scary? I might be right...
  17. EL DANDY~!

    TNA notes from the Torch

    IF Dragon signs... Dragon vs. Low Ki vs. Daniels...I WANNA REMATCH, BAY-BEE!!!!
  18. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    8 teams in the Gauntlet, right? Hmmm...I REALLY don't want it to come down to Road Dogg/Bagwell vs. Hall/Syxx-Punk...Shit man...
  19. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    Bps, who ARE the favorite to win this thing anyway? Oh, and I agree. No SUPER STYLES CLASH FOR YOU, AJ! Styles Clash is so much better on the ground.
  20. EL DANDY~!

    Ric Flair Compilation

    You need no more other proof than that tape to show WHO THE FUCK THE MAN IS...WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  21. EL DANDY~!

    The One and Only week 12 thread

    You are talking abot Siaki, right? Geez...the FUCKING ROAD DOGG. Say it with me guys... ...whatever. AJ STYLES AND KID KASH! WHOO-HOO!
  22. EL DANDY~!

    Fun with the hardcore title

    Well, as it pertains to any of us holding it, Nagata Lock is the current champ, I say we enforce the 24/7 rule!
  23. EL DANDY~!

    Every five years...

    hmmmmmmmmmmmm...I still like Modest...
  24. EL DANDY~!

    Awesome/Tanaka Pimping

    N2R: Absolutely brutal. ****1/4 without a doubt, and definitely one of the five best ECW matches ever. Anarchy Rulz: After Taz was eliminated, it was very good, but I thought it was really good when Taz was in there too. I'd give the post-Taz ***1/2, but altogether, it's better than Heatwave. **** Heatwave: ***3/4. They played off a lot of their FMW shit. I loved the match though. Give it a looksie. But like I said, there was a TV match between the two of them that was ****3/4. It was fucking amazing. If SOMEBODY can find that match, I will so be grateful and stuff.
  25. Well...think about it. Christian and Test, who are over, are wanted to get their haircut. HHH, who is semi-over, doesn't need to, as does Kevin Nash. I personally think that the only thing that draws people to HHH or Nash is...their hair! It's that simple...long hair=RATINGZ~!!!