Singles Going STEADY~!
A tribute to the DVDVR PLAYBOYZ! by EL DANDY~!
-Ah, you can find your favorite single match and have one helluva time just watching it. The playboyz have been doing this for a long time now...and I think I'll do my own...for matches I've never seen before. You guys are the inspiration for me to write good reviews. DEANO...PLAYBOYZ...this one's for you!
-MPro 10-man (12/6/96) Kaientai DX (TAKA/Teioh/DICK~!/Shiryu/Funaki) vs. Sasuke/Delphin/Naniwa/Hamada/Yakushiji-This is the big rematch from the AWESOME 10/10 match, but it's nearly not as good. It still BRINGS DA HOUSE down, but it seems as if some of things from the first match that made it so well were missing. Hamada still brings the GERIATRIC GOODNESS as he makes sure young punk TAKA doesn't show him up to start off. It actually builds up the same way. They all pair off against each other, with both teams hitting some signature spots, as KDX GETS DA POSING goin, and they also hit the quintuple elbow drops and Double Stomps. PERRO~! Seems as if the faces are in control a little more in this match, too. Of course, DICK~! and Hamada have their power match, and he STILL manages to beat out the old man...for a while, and then Hamada is like, "Fuck this shit," and goes to town on him, hitting his tilt-a-whirl and those BIG headbutts. Teioh hits the SNAP Powerslam that I just mark for, and Sasuke takes so many fucking head shots that you wonder if the Super J is still fresh in his memory. If it isn't, I wouldn't be surprised now. I mean ABSOLUTLEY SICK shots to the head he's taking...but I digress. Yakushiji is still the man of 1000 armdrags, and Shiryu has some SHIGGITY SHIGGITY SHWA shit of his own, but Naniwa gets the pop of the night, as he hits the CRAB WALK SPLASH~! Of COURSE, Delphin comes in to clean house. And the high spots start hitting, and though they are FUCKING GREAT...they aren't MIND-BLOWINGLY AWESOME like the first match. Hamada hits the Geriatric Super Rana as the crowd is going NUTSO for him. Not everybody gets their finishers on, only some of them. OOOH AND AHHH as Shiryu hits a SOMERSAULT TOPE SUICIDA, and if you don't, watch it again. Sweet ending though, as Hamada Ultra Ranas out of a powerbomb attempt to get the duke. Million Stars. Kick...ass...match. In the esteemed words of the Playboyz...GET ALL OF THIS.
-ROH-First Show(2/23/02)-American Dragon vs. Low Ki vs. "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels-When I saw this match listed, I had to get it. First time seeing EVERY SINGLE ONE of these guys. I'm telling you one thing though...if a match this good followed up Guerrero/Super Crazy, I'm just waiting to see that match...and trust me, this match is good. Daniels is in FULL FUCKING PREIST MOTIF...million stars right off the bat. Low Ki and American Dragon bring THE KICKING GAME with them today...and Low Ki wins doubt in my mind. There are some RICO FUCKING SUAVE spots in this match, like when a headscissors attempt on Daniels by Low Ki is actually countered in mid-air, but Ki releases and gets a TORNADO DDT on Dragon. Also, take notice of Dragon's BUENO Briding Indian Death Lock Double Chickenwing, and then how Low Ki breaks it up, by kicking Dragon so that he SNAPS down on Daniels leg. DAMN...oh, and Daniels is all for himself here, as Dragon and Ki have respect for each other or something like that. Also, there is a sweet spot, where Dragon wants a superplex on Low Ki, but Daniels is like "Fuck this shit..." and goes up to BACKDROP SUPERPLEX DRAGON...who in turn, superplexes Ki. Now THAT is fucking sweet. Dragon gets his Dragon Suplex, but Low Ki locks in a Dragon Clutch (Oh the irony). Tidal Wave here and there, but the real kool thing is the end, as Dragon locks in the Cattle Mutilation (Front Bridging Double Chicken Wing) on Daniels, but Low Ki goes up top and KILLS Dragon with a PHOENIX SPLASH! Ki hits the Ki Krusher on Daniels...and it's over. WHEW! YEAH BABY! MILLION STARS! GET ALL OF THIS, TOO!
-(04/28/91-BOSJ) Jushin Lyger vs. Owen Hart-Whoa...saw this and had to get it, too. C' YOU wouldn't wanna see this should, dammit. It is SWANKTACTULAR and stuff, as Liger and Hart, who are both in like their primes here, bust out some sweet counter wrestling, mat wrestling, and high spots. Most notable include Owen breaking out of a knucklelock and then jumping all over the top rope to counter it...which rules. Also, Liger busts out a sweet Indian Deathlock variation, along with some sweet chain wrestling...even busts out the Pendulum used by EZ Money. This is '91 Lyger, so we see some planchas. Owen channels the spirit of DYNAMITE~! with a Diving Headbutt and Tombstone...and he busts a moonsault, too. Man, Owen was so great. Too bad Vince wouldn't let him do THAT. Finish comes when they are up top, and while I think an Avalanche Brainbuster is coming, Lyger makes me fucking GIDDY as hell as he ABSOLUTELY PLANTS Owen with a Super DDT...absolutely ungodly. Owen's head was driven to the mat...and it stayed there. MILLION BAJILLION STARS...of course...its OWEN vs. LYGER! C'MON!
-(6/8/90)-Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mitsuharu Misawa-This was the unmasking match, as Misawa was freshly devoid of the Tiger Mask moniker in time to go after the god that is Jumbo. Jumbo is 44 years young in this match, and damned if he didn't make any other 44 year old in history look like a lazy slob. Into his third decade, this match is all about Jumbo being a SURLY OLD BASTARD, making Misawa suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...or something. Misawa keeps coming with the Tiger Mask offense, including all the SWANK kicks, and even busting out a couple of pescados. Jumbo is Jumbo, however, so Misawa becomes his little bitch, getting ROCKED by the knees and the elbows, and is the victim of a SWANK Overhead Butterfly Suplex. Misawa, not to be denied, hits a SWANK Gutwrench Suplex. Jumbo then kicks the shit out of Misawa again, but Misawa counters every big move that could happen. It comes down to Misawa blocking the backdrop, but Jumbo makes with the ABSOLUTELY HEAD-RIPPING LARIATS, but when Misawa gets his own German, it seems as if he may have a shot. His shot at a backdrop (BLASPHEMY!), is countered into a bodypress, but Misawa rolls through the momentum and PINS JUMBO! HO-LY SHIT! I've only seen one match finer...WrestleWar '89. That and this match are absolutely PERFECT MATCHES. Oh, and if you were wondering, this match is exactly ONE JILLION STARS.
-So guys, that one was for you...The Death Valley Playboyz...Eight Fists in the Face of Wrestling.