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Everything posted by EL DANDY~!
Only NA PPV with two guaranteed ***** matches...no doubt one of the candidates for best PPV in history.
Actually, THAT SNME had the Bulldog/HBK match, if I'm not mistaken...hella good match.
Now I've seen those matches except for the Bret/Flair iron man match. I agree with you on those fronts. Kobashi/Hansen was absolutely awesome. Owen/Bret in the cage was BETTER than their WM 10 match, IMO. It's just that...that rivalry between Misawa and Kawada...just so great. Can't even say how good it was...and that set off the greatest string of OH MY GOD ***** matches in history.
OK. I'm not gonna flame. That's just mean if I do. Gimme the matches that YOU have seen...that are *****.
Yeah man. Just remember that bps could change your shit at any time. Ten bucks says he deletes your little signature in about ten minutes. But I need to call DISH~! and tell them to get that stuff. I saw the match list. PLEASE LET ME SEE THIS STUFF! PLEASE!
OK. Top 3 for each 1) Normal matches Owen/Bulldog vs. Austin/Hart-RAW 97-****3/4 Benoit/Jericho vs. HHH/Austin-OUCH MY QUAD~!-****3/4 Benoit vs. Austin-Edmonton SmackDown!-***** 2) Gimmick Matches TLC 3-Smackdown after OUCH MY QUAD~!-****3/4 Angle/Benoit IN DA CAGE-RAW 2001-****1/4 RVD/Eddie Ladder Match-RAW June 2002-****1/2 3) Guilty Pleasures TAKA vs. HHH-RAW in 1998-TAKA hits the MICHINOKU DRIVAH~!, but HHH kicks out...punk bitch Brooklyn Brawler vs. HHH-RAW 2000-Upset of the Year NWO 8-man tag from RAW-Instant karma is gonna get you, Nash. But PLEASE come back and take out the Undertaker. I'm BEGGING YOU. Of course, none of them come close to Benoit/Hart-Owen Tribute. Greatest match on free TV, ever.
Strike's and old-school junkie. At least that is what I can get from this. His favorite wrestlers are probably people like Race, the Von Erichs, Chris Adams, Flair...etcetra. Nothing wrong with that...although I'm saying right now...Kerry did NOT deserve going over Hennig for the IC title. No way.
OK...so you've never seen a match from Misawa that was *****? Off the top of my head...let's say...6/3/94...10/15/95...his 1990 match with Jumbo...wow, man...You really want me to go on?
Scorpion...you take that back...right now...you hear me? *goes off into a corner and cries* WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING?
yeah, and let it be known that Jumbo would have three seperate matches that count as match of the decade contenders...wow. How much was that comp?
Vince: Hi. Who are you? Mike: I'm Mike Awesome. you know, 6'5", 292 lbs., can fly like a mad man and is a big powerhouse? JR: Wait a minute Vince...HOSSES DON'T FLY!!!!!!!! Vince: So Mike, would you like to be in some opening matches and see where you go from there? I SWEAR that is what the convo between Vince and JR was like...
He's right. Angle DID just do it...He was in the 3-way dance for the title at Judgement Day, and then opened against Rey at SS.
Fucking Vince Russo. Daniels and Modest could have rebuilt the fucking division, so they do the New Blood thing instead. WCW WAS run by monkeys, I tell ya. ALL MONKEYS!
So you want the list, eh? OK 5 ***** matches with Steamer, and yes I'm including their '94 matchup, because that brought a tear to my eye as I watched that. The fabled 5th ***** was a match that the two did in Japan back in 1982. Number 6 is the I quit match with Terry Funk. Number 7 is his Worldwide Special with Barry Windham 8 and 9 were Wargames I and II... He had a ***** match with Race back in 80. OK. Fine 10 matches, but it's STILL 10 ***** matches...only Misawa comes close.
I really hope that **** was on the sliding Hogan scale for his matches, because although it was good, it wasn't four stars when compared to some other matches. One of Hogan's best, without a doubt, but in reality, it was probably ***.
Once again, Raynor makes me a smarter person by default with that info about N3CRON. I thank you Chris. You increased my IQ by a point. I'm eternally greatful. And now, my post that has come from the "Wrestler you hate with a passion" post, and who better to hate then THE GAME-UH??? "Right now, I absolutely hate HHH, because he is a fucking selfish bastard who would do ANYTHING to get his own ass over, but then make sure he jobs in the meaningless tag matches (see: Post-injury Undertaker as well). HHH should have nothing to do with anybody right now. He had a good run in 2000 and up until his injury, but he has put on too much weight and watered-down muscle to be worth shit now-a-days. RVD is going to get nothing and like it, because HHH is THE GAME-UH, and HE-UH makes EVERYBODY-UH, LOOK-UH BAD-UH, because they aren't HHH-UH. He fucking sucks and he loves backstage politics so much, he should fucking pick a political party and run for governer or something. He is SHIT, and he can't even have a good match with Ric F'n Flair. If somebody wants to argue this, go ahead, but until HHH can fucking carry a guy like Crash Holly to a *** match like Ric Flair could, then we are all in a lot of trouble when it comes down to the "future of wrestling." HHH needs to retire. Undertaker needs to retire. Hogan needs to retire. Flair can retire whenever he wants to, because he carried VINCE F'N MCMAHON to a *** match at 53 years old. HHH will probably be dead by 53, since he's worked his body down to Scott Steiner like levels. And on the subject of old people, gimme Flair vs. Genichiro Tenryu, the 51 year old former AJPW Triple Crown champion right now, and I'll be hard pressed to see two geriatrics work so hard to get each other over, and albeit better than 90% of all the workers in the WWE right now. Other people I could stand to not see are The Outsiders, Scott Steiner, Stephanie McMahon, and the Hardyz, because they are done. But HHH, I swear to all things holy and good. You are nothing, and you'll get no respect from me, and you'll like it. This isn't some "Oh, Scott Keith, King of Smarks, hates HHH, so I should, too." crap. Your matches with Chris Jericho were hurrendous, and it was because your fucking ego told you to push Jericho down to the point where he isn't even CONTENDING for that title anymore. He's stuck in the midcard wrestling pointless matches like that tag match I just watched. You consistently push down everybody to make you feel like you are on top. I'd fire you if I ever had the chance. Fuck everything you have done since you've returned. I hope you're happy with what you have accomplished, because a lot of it turned out to be a bunch of bullshit." -EL DANDY~!, just about five minutes ago.
Who came out to save Old Glory and KANE
"Your top heel is no longer worth anything(and that is the last thing they need with Chris Jericho as the #2 heel on RAW)." Were you watching, tonight? HHH is worth nothing as of...right now! The pop he got from the Flair match was only because he was mocking him for cheap heat. When your World Champ has to use cheap heat...I think he's in trouble.
Right now, I absolutely hate HHH, because he is a fucking selfish bastard who would do ANYTHING to get his own ass over, but then make sure he jobs in the meaningless tag matches (see: Post-injury Undertaker as well). HHH should have nothing to do with anybody right now. He had a good run in 2000 and up until his injury, but he has put on too much weight and watered-down muscle to be worth shit now-a-days. RVD is going to get nothing and like it, because HHH is THE GAME-UH, and HE-UH makes EVERYBODY-UH, LOOK-UH BAD-UH, because they aren't HHH-UH. He fucking sucks and he loves backstage politics so much, he should fucking pick a political party and run for governer or something. He is SHIT, and he can't even have a good match with Ric F'n Flair. If somebody wants to argue this, go ahead, but until HHH can fucking carry a guy like Crash Holly to a *** match like Ric Flair could, then we are all in a lot of trouble when it comes down to the "future of wrestling." HHH needs to retire. Undertaker needs to retire. Hogan needs to retire. Flair can retire whenever he wants to, because he carried VINCE F'N MCMAHON to a *** match at 53 years old. HHH will probably be dead by 53, since he's worked his body down to Scott Steiner like levels. And on the subject of old people, gimme Flair vs. Genichiro Tenryu, the 51 year old former AJPW Triple Crown champion right now, and I'll be hard pressed to see two geriatrics work so hard to get each other over, and albeit better than 90% of all the workers in the WWE right now. Other people I could stand to not see are The Outsiders, Scott Steiner, Stephanie McMahon, and the Hardyz, because they are done. But HHH, I swear to all things holy and good. You are nothing, and you'll get no respect from me, and you'll like it. This isn't some "Oh, Scott Keith, King of Smarks, hates HHH, so I should, too." crap. Your matches with Chris Jericho were hurrendous, and it was because your fucking ego told you to push Jericho down to the point where he isn't even CONTENDING for that title anymore. He's stuck in the midcard wrestling pointless matches like that tag match I just watched. You consistently push down everybody to make you feel like you are on top. I'd fire you if I ever had the chance. Fuck everything you have done since you've returned. I hope you're happy with what you have accomplished, because a lot of it turned out to be a bunch of bullshit.
Marufuji is in that promotion, too. He rocks MAJOR bells, IMO. Oh, and Ohtani is still SUPER-DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK~!
Rant, I really don't see how that match could work. RVD, as much as I like him and mark out for him, can't sell properly, and don't think HHH can work a good match nowadays with somebody outside of the Kliq.
Oh...my...god... GREATesT ThinGZ EVER~! FOR All j00!
I personally think that it's all a big ruse, and that Angle is gonna get the big push, and the love triangle will come full circle. So my answer is N..."KURT ANGLE IS YOUR OLYMPIC HERO, BITCH! SAY IT, OR YOU AIN'T GETTING THE BELT!"
who has won nine world tag titles with Christian and HULK HOGAN
And let me just say that Tom Howard fucking sucks and shouldn't even be in the same ring as Hash.