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Everything posted by EL DANDY~!

  1. EL DANDY~!

    Jay-Z and 50 Cent Found Dead

    And on top of that, the article had no author and was poorly written. And also, I think we talked earlier this evening...didn't we, raptor...
  2. EL DANDY~!

    Jay-Z and 50 Cent Found Dead

    No fuckin way. I'm seriously doubting that man...I mean, the way it was written was absolutely stupid. And 50 Cent doesn't even hang with Jigga, so why the fuck would they be found together?
  3. EL DANDY~!

    Stupidest statements you've heard......

    if it's regarding music...then I'm gonna say the fuck who said Linkin Park > Nirvana...
  4. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^should know that SP and I got SWERVED...read the end of the gauntlet man...
  5. EL DANDY~!


    That insults my intelligence...
  6. EL DANDY~!

    IZ crud

    Poppick, you have my shit for my match I'm supposing?
  7. EL DANDY~!

    AnglePalooza Feedback

    SP and I were fucking SCREWED. Look for a promo soon enough to see why we were so...and I must be the RVD of the group because even though I was in the Final Six...I was tossed first...
  8. TELL ME you guys saw the sexual tensions between Funaki and Stephanie...Funaki was gonna cream his pants from the excitement. Of course, that should have set up The Big Show coming in and showing his manhood to Funaki, getting him to leave that interview for more private surroundings. God I love SmackDown! as much as each and every one of you...
  9. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^is very smart man...
  10. EL DANDY~!

    Mark Kerr HBO documentary

    You talking about the Mark Coleman match where Pete Williams just kicks him in the face and knocks him out cold? That it was...one of the best fights I've ever seen MMA-style. Coleman was just dead tired and Pete was like, "Fuck you. I'm going home." And WHAM! That kick was absolutely INSANE. My brother rented that event and I was loving that match.
  11. Me gusta el list de users. I want that shit back now like I want a fine piece of...I'll stop now...
  12. EL DANDY~!

    Star Wars Episode III NEWS!!!!!

    *Colt 45 and two zig-zags...*
  13. Just to remind you guys of something. Tajiri went 23 minutes with TRIPLE H and had a good match...If you can get a good match out of Triple H, you have my respect...
  14. EL DANDY~!

    WWE: Far East Tour Results from Japan

    23 minutes for HHH and Tajiri? Wow...Could HHH have kept up with him? That just sounds like it might have been a good match to me...
  15. EL DANDY~!

    NFL Draft 2003...

    Poor NoCal Mike, he's gonna be MIGHTY pissed when he founds out I took the Skins...
  16. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^his stuff is so 2002...and I'm not being bossy...I'm asking people stuff...
  17. EL DANDY~!

    One legged wrestler to get dark match.

  18. EL DANDY~!

    What are you watching?

    Right now, I'm broke, so I'm just going through my Best of Japan 2001 tapes and getting to the good matches, like right now, it's Tanka/Murahama for DA BELT in a BattleArts match of EPIC proportions, man... On a related note, anybody think Best of Japan 2002 would be worth a buy or not?
  19. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^Needs to give Eddie his mullet back...
  20. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^knows now what the deal is with my AIM name...
  21. EL DANDY~!


    Without A SHADOW OF A DOUBT...get it for PSX. Not only does it come with the game, it has a bunch of other special features that I just can't remember right now. PSX, baby. Same with Lunar 2...
  22. EL DANDY~!

    Move question

    Yes sir, Dace. It's not really close to it at all, because that's the move done by somebody else...
  23. Whaddyamean! Hogan is all about the Vertical Suplex these days. And he also is the only wrestler alive that can do the Full nelson spot correctly. Next week- I start my WWESMWRR mini-series "The Secret Life Of Al Wilson" to explain his exploits as a playah who faked his own death to reel all the pussy. I'm stoked. DEAN. That story better include the sexual encounters Al had with ONE Miss Hot Mama Wilson...with whom he probably faked death with on THEIR honeymoon. That's the new trick. Get married, get the pussy, fake death, and then come back to life and get even more pussy. THAT, is why Al Wilson is your hero, wrestling fans. Love him. I don't care if you are a man, you STILL need to love this man. Feel the manly love...
  24. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^INSIDE JOKE~!!!!!
  25. Oh man...I can only think of one thing to solve it all...an NWA invasion...BWAHAHAHA...