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Everything posted by EL DANDY~!

  1. It's because, Triple R, it takes that little thing called...LOGIC...WWE...logic...doesn't mix
  2. EL DANDY~!

    Move question

    The closest to it in any game would be the 39 Stretch in SD!4, but even THAT isn't close to it at all...
  3. MY weekly imput for my favorite reviewer, MISTAH DEAN Rasmussen: Hogan hasn't done a suplex SINCE about 1976, though...and I'd like to say that next week's 6-man which might just lead to an 8-man tag at NWO is going to make anything RAW might put it up against look LAME AND TAME, my friend. AND NO AL WILSON! NO EDDIE!!! Whoa...NO NOBLE!!! And I want my Mattitude charge. Give him a fucking belt already. Let him make his own "Belt of Mattitude." I'll pay for a fake one. Yes I will...
  4. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^has my condolences for his mother...and Queen rules by the way
  5. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    <gets Chono and makes him kick Joanie in the mush... ^better fuckin like them apples, boy
  6. EL DANDY~!


    Get Toryumon Comes To Japan...it's pretty fuckin sweet.
  7. EL DANDY~!


    If there IS anything special about it, it's that it's big stars are all a bunch of juniors and that it's more high-paced than most others...but compared to old school MPro? not even close...
  8. EL DANDY~!

    Post pictures of Puroresu

    DEAN, wow...just, wow...and all I can say is that...well...nothing at all...just...manhood...rejoicing...whoa...DEAN! BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN>???
  9. EL DANDY~!

    Anthony Anderson...

    That is NOTHING. Watch him in Two Can Play at That Game and The Barbershop. Hilarious. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM KANGAROO JACK, though...
  10. EL DANDY~!

    *Spoiler* I cant believe he showed up

    Maybe he used up his 90 days sitting around backstage not playing political games... For real...Raven is gonna be a star for TNA like he was for ECW...great move by bringing him in. And NO CREDIBLE. Keep it that way...
  11. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^not the first...but definitely not the last one...
  12. EL DANDY~!

    Ron Harris?!

    Doesn't sound like too much of a favor to anybody else...geez
  13. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^is absolutely insane...90% of the time...
  14. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^should be playing the Reverend D-Von theme from SD!4 right about now... HE'S CALLED MY NAME~!!!
  15. EL DANDY~!

    Question about the Burning Hammer

    Both times he took the move, Misawa got a stinger. And a stinger FUCKING SUCKS man...trust me.
  16. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^ditto...just kidding
  17. All I have is a cable preview... "Who won the Royal Rumble? Bischoff is unleashed..." If this sucks as much as last night...I will KILL Brian Gerwitz for coming up with this shit...
  18. EL DANDY~!

    Angle vs Benoit II

    Why not build on Edge and Benoit's hate for Los Guerreros and have them feud? What would happen is that you could have singles matches at the PPV and then the big tag match at WM. Los Guerreros should go over...and then afterwards, Benoit gets a shot at the winner from the ME...
  19. EL DANDY~!

    Question about the Burning Hammer

    See...indy guys watch these foreign tapes and see these moves like the Vertebreaker and the Tiger Driver 91 and the Dangerous Backdrop and all these other moves and they just go...OH MY GAWD!!! I'll be the most over guy if I use this as the finisher! In retrospect, while they look cool...they should also be aware that most of those moves are pulled out in only a last resort...
  20. EL DANDY~!

    Angle vs Benoit II

    Whatever you do...don't let Benoit just stay in limbo. He has to be kept at or above where is he currently is.
  21. EL DANDY~!

    Question about the Burning Hammer

    TD 91 has actually approached bastardizing as a death move now. Misawa never really busted it out that often, but now, since puro is influencing a lot of the Indies, people use that as a finish, but people kick out. TD 91 when used by Misawa had a VERY small chance of a kick out...
  22. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^is watching RANDY FUCKING ORTON get the big push...
  23. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^don't make me HHH the oaoast...
  24. EL DANDY~!

    Your Stranded on a Desert Island

    Sass... no Kenta, Stan, and "LARIATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?" Disappointed...
  25. Was Steiner looking at all close to being good? I mean, Steiner couldn't have done that bad...could he?