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Everything posted by EL DANDY~!

  1. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^should watch an Aja Kong match...THEN change his little title
  2. EL DANDY~!


    OK. Most of you know me over at TheSmarks and 411 by my real name, Tim Livingston. I recently did the first annual LOS DANDIES~! and one of the categories in the WWE...well, category was Most Overrated. I said that Edge was the most overrated and people e-mail me saying that I'm the spawn of Satan and shit. What I'm saying is that Edge is a good wrestler, but he isn't as great as the other 5 in the SD! 6. He's been carried to almost all of his great matches this year, and I seriously don't buy him as being the future of the WWE. Your opinions, please, because I know *coughDamescough* I'm not the only one...
  3. EL DANDY~!


    Never said he was... That title belongs to ONE Eddie Guerrero, thank you very much.
  4. EL DANDY~!

    How much longer do you think

    Geez poster...go post that shit in the "Am I a Horney Fuck?" thread... Oh, and I'm giving HHH...until Rumble. If the crowd isn't receptive during the match...Steiner gets the belt either that night or during WM...
  5. EL DANDY~!

    If the Smart Marks was a school.......

    Fuck...here we go again with the ESTABLISHMENT~! This is SOOOOO Saved by the Bell...
  6. I await the return of the Ghetto Blaster... Ghetto Blaster > Kawada's GAmengiri...wait a minute...nope...sorry, not THAT good...
  7. EL DANDY~!


    Which I why I don't like Edge. Shoulder destroyed, yet the finish is a spear with the HURT SHOULDER. Why? Why do you DESTROY psychology just like that?
  8. *avoids everybody by using EL DANDINA on EVERYBODY, just rolling over everybody while pinning them in confusement...*
  9. EL DANDY~!


    If you want to see Angle sell, I give you Brock Lesnar destroying his knee to holy hell on SD! last week...THAT...is selling.
  10. EL DANDY~!

    If the Smart Marks was a school.......

    Obviously...CWM is the guy who failed English... Me, I'm the tweener. Mega-smart, but not quite popular. I'm also big, so not a lot of girls, but a WHOLE lotta huggin. Oh yeah, and HLA...
  11. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^he's 69 posts from 10,000...heh...69...[/beavis and Butthead]
  12. EL DANDY~!


    On TOP of that...he's HURT his shoulder before...which SHOULD render the Spear fucking useless for the most part...hmmmm...
  13. EL DANDY~!


    OK. Summerslam 2002, and SD! 10/31/02. Eddie destroys the shoulder. Ditto for Benoit. What does Edge finish with? THE SPEAR! We aren't talking about spear...holds shoulder, only gets 2, different finish. Spear, pin, good-bye, like Benoit and Eddie's respective whoopin on the arm did NOTHING to him to hinder the spear. LACK OF PSY-CHOL-O-GY.
  14. EL DANDY~!


    Listen. You know how Storm and Regal got the fuck pimped out of them? It's the same thing with Edge. I'm just not...feeling it, to quote somebody in the biz. Why push Edge? I mean, you could give the push to RVD just as much! He's got the same look as Edge, pretty much. Long hair, weird-o moves...same bad selling...
  15. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^very very correct, sir
  16. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

  17. EL DANDY~!

    Kawada vs Akiyama

    Ah...I can see it now... Akiyama: *looks at the match list* Kawada...Toshiaki? Kawada: *grins* Prepare to die little boy...
  18. EL DANDY~!

    Ki Krusher...

    Since I'm Dace's second in command... Ki Krusher '99-Fisherman Michinoku Driver II-Set up for Fisherman Buster, but turn it into a MD II. Ki Krusher '02-Same as '99, except from the top rope. As for other things... Dragon Clutch-Think Camel Clutch, except that it's like a Dragon Sleeper Phoenix Splash-Backflip into 450 Tidal Wave-Roundhouse kick, usually done with a cartwheel There are others, I just don't remember them right now. Oh yeah, and he can kick REALLY FUCKING HARD.
  19. EL DANDY~!

    Kawada vs Akiyama

    Ah...was that the time period when Akiyama was an up-and-comer and such and got his BUTT whooped promptly by Kawada?
  20. EL DANDY~!

    The 2002 NFL MVP IS...

    Priest didn't get the TD record and his team didn't make the playoffs...Gannon had to be the better choice...
  21. Toryumon-CRAZY MAX vs. Magnum TOKYO, Dragon Kid and whoever their third person is. Those 6-mans are bueno...and I mean MUY bueno.
  22. EL DANDY~!

    Never seen NWA TNA

    check out the NWA Title match between Jarrett and Killings from Week 20, I believe. Best heavyweight match in NWA this year. Week 2 4-way, Week 8 3-way, AJ/Red, and without a doubt the six-man tag from two weeks past was off the fucking hook. Red played Morton to a T.
  23. oops...my bad...I'm a little tipsy from tonight... happy new *burp*... *DANDY~! falls to the floor*
  24. EL DANDY~!

    Hotline servers

    Guys, just wondering if you could tell me which servers are actually up and running. I've been kinda waiting for some matches to download, and now that I have the time, I was going to do it. So if you could help me out, I'd appreciate it.
  25. What about Kobashi beating Misawa for the TC? Kobashi steered away from the usual head-droppingness and actually *gasp* tried to destroy his arm and go the psychology route instead of suplexing him to death? In the middle of all the head-dropping, it stood out as a fine match, I would say...