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Everything posted by EL DANDY~!

  1. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^Should know that I'm the greatest. jobber. ever.
  2. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^ Has some SWANK~! quotes from DA CHAT~!
  3. This is nothing. I'm waiting for the HHH action figure with "Sleeper Finishing Action"...
  4. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^Is always moving because he is KINETIC~!
  5. EL DANDY~!

    New Wrestling Trivia Game

    The hint is in his avatar...it's BARRY FUCKIN WINDHAM OK Backdrop Driver Belly to Belly 3-point stance shoulder block 2nd-rope powerslam Press Slam
  6. EL DANDY~!

    New Wrestling Trivia Game

    Gee, BAR, that COULDN'T be DYNAMITE...could it? OK How about this? Superkick Leg Lariat Springboard Clothesline Buffalo Sleeper (Chicken Wing with Sleeper) Single Leg Crab
  7. EL DANDY~!

    The WWE 3/4 awards

    These are my 3/4 of the way through the year awards for the WWE. I figured since we've been getting a SHITLOAD of stuff that we actually rank, I might as well use it. Anywho...ON WITH THE AWARDS!!! WWE Wrestler of the Year: There is no doubt in my mind that Kurt Angle is YOUR wrestler of the year. He has gotten ****+ matches out of Edge, Rey Mysterio, and taken guys like Billy Kidman and John Cena and gotten good matches out of them. Plus, he has had the match of the year with Chris Benoit. He has shined on the undercard for way too long, and in my opinion, when his big push comes for the WWE title, it will be well deserved. Other considerations: Chris Benoit, Rob Van Dam, Eddie Guerrero WWE Biggest Dissapointment of the Year: Easy EASY choice with this one...Triple H Since returning at Royal Rumble, he has not a match over *** except for the Michaels match, where Shawn just laid it all out and gave him something to work with. HHH then being given the world championship is just a slap in the face since Booker T and Rob Van Dam are easily more over and have proven themselves in the ring. Other Considerations: The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Test WWE Most Improved Wrestler: Another no doubter for me. It's Edge because in the last month alone, he has put up THREE ****+ matches, including the two ****+ matches he had with Kurt in the beginning of the year. I'm STILL hoping for an Edge/Benoit program, as in my mind, that might be the pinnacle for Edge. Other Considerations: Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Bubba Ray Dudley WWE Best Tag Team: I guess this has to go to Billy and Chuck since they had a nice little reign as champs. The fact that they really didn't get over until the whole marriage thing kinda hampers the pick, but there was really nobody else. Other Considerations: Storm/Christian, Benoit/Guerrero WWE Future Superstar: I'm still considering him part of the future: Brock Lesnar. He has shown that he has some of the tools he needs to be a big player. He just needs to get rid of that stupid bearhug and bust out the SSP already!!! Other Considerations: John Cena, Bautista, Jaime Knoble WWE Most Underused Talent: Here's my shocker...Ric Flair. I really think he can and could've been used better. He's only one of the greatest ever (I still think that Misawa, Kawada and Jumbo were better) and him being a bitch to the Big Show, and now being HHH's bitch is just a slap in the face of this man's nearly 30-year storied career. I do offer the WWE this little challenge: Find Ricky Steamboat. Find him now. I think that if he and Ric wrestled on the mat for 15 minutes, it'd be better than 90% of the matches we've seen this year. And that's with two people who have a horrible back problem... Other Considerations: Booker T, Chris Jericho, Billy Kidman WWE Conspiracy Victim: One winner...one winner only...Chris Jericho. I swear that if the glass ceiling was any shorter, than he would be about 5'6" and THEN he'd be more underutilized. Other Considerations: RVD, anybody who has watched HHH in the last two months... WWE Cruiserweight of the Year: Now THIS is a toughie...You could go with Mysterio, but I'm going with the Redneck Messiah. Jamie Knoble has been a really good cruiser since his debut way back when. He has been a really solid wrestler who has turned into a Benoit-like wrestler in that division. I see nothing but good things for this man, and if he ever gets a bigger push against a guy like Mysterio...watch out. Other Considerations: Mysterio, Hurricane, Billy Kidman WWE Feud of the Year: Without question in my mind, it has been the Angle/Benoit series. The sad part? It took them eight months to realize it...which is absolutely horrible... Other Considerations: RVD/Brock, Rocky/Hogan, Jericho/HHH WWE Woman of the Year: It was either Steph's tits or Trish Stratus...I think it's Trish Stratus and I'm sticking to it. Other Considerations: Molly, Jazz, Nidia The Outsider who could help out the WWE: Right now, if you look in NA, you see people like AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, Lo Ki, American Dragon, and many others who have stepped it up to new levels. In all that, I still think you need to go across the sea to find the next big talent. In what may be the biggest surprise out of these awards, Taiyo Kea could be the man who could help out the WWE a whole lot. He brings credentials of holding the AJPW Unified Tag Titles on many occasions, is a credible wrestler, and he's Hawaiian, which means that if he and Rocky ever got together...look out. I really see promise for him. He'd need to work on promos and such, but if he seriously was given a push as a guy who grew up with Rocky or something like that, and was a rival, we might have a nice little feud on our hands. Other Considerations: AJ Styles, American Dragon, Chris Daniels And finally... WWE Match of the Year: I guess the fact that it came from the SmackDown! brand...the brand who had all the good wrestling talent didn't really play into it...did it? Sarcasm aside, it's Unforgiven 2002, and it's Angle/Benoit and it's a MOTHERFUCKING wrestling clinic. It's not the best match of the year in all of wrestling (w/ the 4-way from Week2 NWA:TNA and the Tenryu/Kojima AJPW Triple Crown match from July being a little bit better), but it kills most of the wrestling that year. I say mostly because I'm assuming Eddie, RVD, and Edge decided that they wanted a say in this category, as well. Other Considerations: RVD/Eddie RAW Ladder match (6/26), Eddie/Edge (9/27 SmackDown!), Angle/Edge Hair vs. Hair Match Those are my awards. Let the dispution and the addition of awards BEGIN!!!!
  8. EL DANDY~!

    OH Dear GOD NO!

    FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK...I HATE when Puro goes Sportz Entertainment and does something like this. Chono should PUT HER OUT OF HER DAMN MISERY right there, and then it will be over...fuckin ay...
  9. EL DANDY~!

    Brock vs. Benoit

    I'm betting Benoit gets PUMPED~! in Edmonton and then turns face right there, so Heyman makes Benoit turn Brock into his bitch for a few minutes, let him play face in peril, then come back, have Brock reach the ropes on the Crossface, let Heyman run interference, F5, it's over. ***+ match. Oh I can only hope...
  10. In a move that will surprise nodoby, it will be DAMN OH TESTIFY~! vs. Edge/Rey in the finals...which will just piss me off to no end. I REALLY hope Heyman knows that WRESTLING=A HAPPY SMARK!!! Oh, and DEAN, you'll remember them...it's OK. I feel for ya...
  11. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^is only one in the long line of people annoyed by "Fo Sheez, Kotzenjudge" but I'm not one of them...
  12. Right now, in Japan, Osamu is considered the top technical wrestler. Ok. Maybe not ALL Japan, but definitely in NJPW. If he and Benoit went at it right now, any chance it could be better than Benoit/Angle? I think it has a chance, but I don't know...Benoit/Angle is YOUR WWE match of the year...
  13. EL DANDY~!

    So I was thinking...

    IS Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger the greatest Junior of all time??? I'd say he is one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, since he did so much to make it really big in Japan.
  14. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^needs to accept my apology. It wasn't Kylie...it was Avril <Feels REALLY dumb right now...no estoy DANDY~!
  15. EL DANDY~!

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Cattle Mutilation's official name is a Front Briding Double Chicken Wing. The Inverted Cattle Mutilation is what Eddy did tonight. He locked in an Indian Death Lock and then wrenched back, and I cried, you cried, and the tears of joy for great wrestling moves were released...
  16. Lemme just say something...if it's the Mexican Tag GODS OF RUDOISM vs. YOUR CANADIAN GOD and YOUR OLYMPIC GOD, in a battle for the straps and the TRUE GOD status, I think we will see something in the vicinity of... 10/15/95...Oh, man. I can only imagine. Benoit Headbutt, into an Eddy Frog Splash on Benoit, and then Angle with a desperation Angle Slam on Eddy, and the EVERYBODY IS FUCKED spot will rule over you and me with glorious circumstances. I'm just waiting to see Toshiaki Benoit nail Mitsuharu Guerrero with a WILDBOMB~! for the tag belts. It will be exactly A MILLION BILLION STARS AND I WILL MARK LIKE A LITTLE BOY SEEING BREASTS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE! Remember, kids, homoerotic undertones rulez j00!
  17. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^knows that Missy Elliot song quite well...
  18. EL DANDY~!


    Big, you were the inspiration for the email under which I have this board name under *sniff* HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DOOD!!!
  19. EL DANDY~!

    Is This a Good Thing

    I just don't like how Misawa is booking over there. They have LOADS of talent that I just love, but I think there have been some decisions that haven't made a lot of sense, like Misawa putting himself over Takayam for the GHC title. I'm not getting that. If booked right, NOAH could be an awesome promotion for years to come.
  20. EL DANDY~!

    Dream Promotion

    1. The Rock 2. Brock Lesnar 3. Chris Benoit 4. Kurt Angle 5. Chris Jericho 6. Rob Van Dam 7 and 8. Los Guerreros 9. Chris Daniels 10. Mike Modest 11. Bautista 12. Edge 13. Low Ki 14. Randy Orton (I would NOT push him like they are doing now) 15. Jerry Lynn 16. AJ Styles 17. Mike Sanders 18. Shane Helms 19. Rhyno 20. MIKE AWESOME (just so I can stick it to the WWE) Announcers: PBP: Joey Styles Color: Hmmm...I think I'd give this one to Paul Heyman
  21. EL DANDY~!

    best promo ever

    Sorry...didn't mean to kill this thread...damn...
  22. EL DANDY~!

    The person above you thread!

    ^ I eat EL DANDY~! brand cow pies, and YOU eat the dood in your sig...
  23. EL DANDY~!

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    Dace, since you rule... I STILL DON'T GET THIS. Is the Exploider '98 the Wrist Clutch Exploder? Or is it just an Exploider that is a head bump instead of a back bump?
  24. EL DANDY~!

    Feud of the year...

    HHH vs. everybody I also think Angle/Benoit is going to get REALLY hot, REALLY soon. Right now, it's Eddy/Edge.
  25. EL DANDY~!

    What do you think of....

    Tito was one of those spunky competitors. A man who was very charismatic, and with somewhat of a fiery latin temper, he could turn it on when he needed to. Flying Jalapeno is one of my favorite names for a move, and it sucks that he was reduced to "EL Matador" Actually, he won an IC title as El Matador, but I think back as a part of STRIKE FORCE~! with Martel, he was a great wrestler. Very underappreciated.