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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio~!

    It doesn't seem like anyone is listening anymore.
  2. Secret Agent

    SWF From The Fire Card

    Alright... Zyon or IL. One of you, if not both of you, needs to get in touch with Alan and myself. Your match directly impacts ours so let us know something or be at our whim as to what happens with your ending.
  3. Secret Agent

    Storm Comments for 3/21

    Not lately. The latter portions of the match were based on Stephens' latest matches against W&D and the street fight, as I wanted to try and have some contunity going.
  4. Secret Agent

    SWF From The Fire Card

    Edited for accuracy. Anyway, I don't know If I understand how thats supposed to work. The Iron Man cuts into the other matches or it happens between other matches?
  5. Secret Agent

    Storm Comments for 3/21

    I should start posting everything in this color. Tag team unity!
  6. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Saving Megan Skye

    Yeah, we don't just discuss everyones angles now! As far as the promo goes I think it would have been awesome for these events to transpire over the course of Storm. Several promos throughout the show, but it's still good.
  7. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio~!

    SKULL RADIO IS LIVE~!!!...in about 10 minutes.
  8. Secret Agent

    Hey! This is relevant again!

    ...and Tom was on-air during that convo.
  9. Secret Agent

    Storm Predictions

    Don't just post a template, make your predictions!
  10. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio~!

    Sorry, I was a little hard of hearing tonight. It comes and goes sometimes.
  11. Secret Agent

    Storm Comments for 3/7

    You know them Bahama folk and their roasted pigs; that shit takes forever to cook!
  12. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio~!

    Well I pointed my finger at Tom Flesher first, but he swears it wasn't him. Besides the fact, the number was a Michigan area code, so that leaves Judge or Ash for suspects. Edit: Damn! I just remembered I was supposed to do a news update on the Myspace Project led by road agent Michael Stephens. Apparently, after some schmoozing by Stephens and a lucrative contract offer, we have some progress and a new recruit brought to us by way of Myspace is on the way. Several other talents on Myspace have also signed letters of intent to start with us soon. one of them being a full-fledged tag team! Excellent work by Stephens and I think everyone should let him know how much we appreaciate his efforts.
  13. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio~!

  14. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio~!

    I think they might be running some sort of site updates thats prolonging the archive update. Nonetheless, I'm not so sure it was the most lively of Skull Radios due to both me and Alan having extremely long, tiring work weeks. Here's to the optimistic, though.
  15. Secret Agent

    George Romero talks "Diary of the Dead"

    So Romero wants to direct a comedy with zombies? Shaun of the Dead 2?
  16. Secret Agent

    SWF Storm Card for March 7, 2007

    I'll do commentary on your match this Sunday, dude! Tune in!
  17. Secret Agent

    Storm Comments for 2/28

    There was a match for JJ/Myers, you know.
  18. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio - February 25, 2007

    Skull Radio makes its PRIME TIME debut as the show is live tonight at 8 P.M. EST. Johnny Dangerous and Alan Clark will discuss this past weeks Storm as well as a loom ahead to the 2/28 Storm and more! If you have any topics of interest you’d like to hear discussed on Skull Radio then feel free to post them here. The listener call in number as well as a direct link to the live feed will be posted one hour before show time. Stay tuned!
  19. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio - February 25, 2007

    Wow! We're more popular than Jesus!
  20. Secret Agent

    Is it my imagination...

    I thought Rane sat in too much hot water and shrunk to be a cruiserweight?
  21. Secret Agent

    State of the SWF, 2007

    I believe it's called Mountain Standard Time. Crowe, I got you covered on the site. We have one but I'm currently revamping it to be a primary source of recruiting.
  22. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio - February 25, 2007

    It's the theme from Superman!
  23. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio - February 25, 2007

    Here's a direct link to the archive of the 2/25 show. Feel free to listen. Comments are greatly appreaciated. How else are we to know if you liked the concept and what future topics of discussion you might like to hear. Thanks for your support~!
  24. Secret Agent

    Skull Radio - February 25, 2007
