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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    PROMO: "A Courtesy Bow"

    This reminds me of the time King did the same thing to NTD, right before their PPV match where King got pinned by a girl.
  2. Secret Agent

    So I spent 15 hours floating in the Pacific Ocean

    I guess this gives new meaning to Strangler's lost at sea matches.
  3. Secret Agent

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Yes, but Batman Begins is a good movie. Also, like mentioned before, the Batman franchise has a lot of shame to erase. Spider-Man was easily one of the most anticipated films ever, and the whole web swinging around the city captivates an audience. Thats what got people to see both Spider-Man films, not to mention that the franchise hasn't been totally wrecked like Batman was. BB puts this vechile back in the proper direction and I think it might be one of those films that picks up from word of mouth. I also want to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith unless someone here has already seen it and can tell me not to waste my money on it. Other future fun films I want to see are Land of the Dead, War of the Worlds, maybe Fantastic Four, and that Jamie Fox Stealth movie. I don't think the latter will be anything groundbreaking storywise but it looks fun. Oh, and I almsot forgot that the Island looks like another fun summer movie as well.
  4. Secret Agent

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    Well I finally saw it today at a matinee, and it was absolutely incredible! I loved how Batman was actually the focus of a Batman movie for once with the villains adding to the story. Plus Scarecrow and Ra's actually had a purpose for doing what they were doing. I can't wait for another done like this.
  5. Secret Agent

    favorite wrestler

    As if. Judge, look in the mirror before you start trying to preach about growing up. You editing my post to stay stupid shit shows that.
  6. Secret Agent

    favorite wrestler

    It simply said 'Who let this toad in?", Andrea.
  7. Secret Agent

    favorite wrestler

    Fuck you, Judge. Maybe instead of editing peoples post you should learn about marking your matches on time instead of 3 days late.
  8. Secret Agent

    SWF Storm Comments - June 17th

    I'd like to point out the fact that there was a match between me and Tom freakin' Flesher on that show, since nobody noticed.
  9. Secret Agent

    favorite wrestler

    Hi and welcome! I'm Johnny, and I must constantly show my superiority and thusly wave my dick around at inappropriate times. Watch me do it right now! Weeeeee! Weeeeee! Yes, indeed, I can wave my cock out. Thank you everyone for believing that I could.
  10. Secret Agent

    SWF STATS THREAD, Summer 2005 Edition

    Agent deactivated.
  11. Secret Agent

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    http://www.superdickery.com/seduction/6.html ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well that one is pretty fucking funny actually.
  12. Secret Agent

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    Anything from the ancient "Lois Lane" series is cannon.
  13. Secret Agent

    Weekend Box Office Report

    You know, I'll go see a Hillary Duff or Lindsay Lohan movie if it looks interesting (Mean Girls, Freaky Friday) but I'd be God damned if I raced to the theater to see a movie just cause a certian person is in it, let alone Hillary fucking Duff, and then adamantly defend her on a message board. I saw the Lizzie McGuire already. Hence I've seen all of her movies since by watching that one movie. When she actually exercises her acting and takes on real roles, possibly shows her tits on screen, maybe I'll see something shes in. Until then, why the hell do we need to discuss her for two pages in the weekend box office report?
  14. Secret Agent

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    If they use Two Face it better not have something as retarted as 'Forever' had with Batman, in full batsuit, in the courtroom, leaping towards Dent as someone sprays him with acid. Batman should be the Urban Legend of the streets not testifying in the courtroom. I'm also not understanding the love for 'classic' yet outdated charaters like Penguin, and Riddler. They are lame and just flat out suck. Did we not learn already how much we were bored to shit watching Penguin in 'Returns'? Also, Catwoman was ruined last summer. They just need to forget about her. Joker can be used again but I hope to God they use Harley Quinn as well. After them can't we just use some of the newer Villians? Forget the Riddler part and use Hush, make the Long Halloween a movie, whatever it takes to kick the campy villans out.
  15. Secret Agent

    Your favourite SWF entrances

    You know, it's rather sad that he didn't stick around and run with the whole Choir entrance after me and WC came up with that and did the whole "Awesome Todd" song for From the Fire 04. We also gave him his personal Choir Leader, Michael M. Smith too. You're also in luck cause I have it... best Landon Maddix entrance ever!
  16. Secret Agent

    What was your favorite moment from

    So since I haven't seen this show yet would you guys suggest the DVD as being a worthy investment for pure wrestling pleasure? I do wonder if stuff like this Sandman entrance will be lame without 'Enter Sandman' music going.
  17. Secret Agent

    Promo- A Mór Comh-Dhùnadh

    See you in a week, IL.
  18. Secret Agent

    The One and Only Batman Begins thread

    ^^Thank you. I'm still waiting to get a free chance to go see this one. You guys make it sound like the best Batman yet, which is a good sign.
  19. Secret Agent


    Come on now, Danny. It's been awhile since we've seen you do one of your fabulous breakdowns of one of the PPV matches.
  20. Secret Agent

    Rochelle Formerdiva talks about Orton

    We could take signs to Smackdown to encourage Orton the 'Diva Killer' to get rid of some more. All but whoever is on that GAB poster, she's pretty cute.
  21. Secret Agent

    Ultimate Warrior 2-Disc DVD

    They should include the WM7 retirement match against Randy Savage; that one's pretty funny and it's not too bad of a match considering Savage was in there.
  22. Secret Agent


    As far as the sound effects go, i stole that from Chris Raynor. *shrugs*
  23. Secret Agent

    ISO Image not working correctly...

    maybe you didn't burn it correctly to be bootable.
  24. Secret Agent

    Birthday Salutations Thread, '05~!

    I didn't realize there was an age restriction on gay sex in the U.K., not that I would have ever checked anyway, but what are they going to do? Bust in and be like "Freeze! Police! Put the dick down and slowly back away from the ass!" Anyway, Happy Birthday Landon!
  25. Secret Agent

    Conker: Live & Reloaded - retail version

    How fucking lazy of Rare. Why couldn't they have made a new game instead of a remake of a N64 title?