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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent


    *jaw hits the floor after reading the ME* Wow, simply incredible. That certianly has to be one of your best matches!
  2. Secret Agent

    Way to Move Cena without a trade

    I think Batistia will go to Smackdown, but I also think Batista will get lost on Smackdown unless they really do something good with him. I wasn't too impressed with his Wrestlemania or Backlash defenses so that just shows hes makes for an impressive looking Champion but can't go for more than 10 minutes. John Cena is staying on RAW. I think they want the WWE Championship on their flagship WWE show as well as their biggest merchandise pusher on the live show. I just hope they get HHH the hell out of the title picture and let Cena be the number 1 guy for a while until he eventually loses to Edge(you know Edge will win when he cashes in the MITB shot). Lets see some new Challengers for once and let's not see HHH main eventing Wrestlemain 22 either. In fact, draft him to velocity, cancel the show, and let HHH be a road agent.
  3. Secret Agent

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    They better not draft someone stupid like a referee or anything. I'm calling for RVD to get drafted.
  4. Secret Agent

    SWF 13th Hour 2005: The Card!

    They were probably co-writes, Janus.
  5. Secret Agent

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    Basically it's just to get your name out there. We've had plenty of vistiors to the website that came to us from X-Net. Hell, there is over 50 registered accounts and if it isn't one of us they came to us through the advertising of X-Net, RoughKut, E-fed Resources, and Google. Honestly, I need to register us with several more places and get off my ass and finish some of these half-written applications for the website.
  6. Secret Agent

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    I second that. Muzz'smidget zombie pic is more entertaining than anything I've actually seen. Yet, I haven't seen all of it just a few that turned me off. the reason for our demotion is most likely to having not posted a few shows to be rated. *cough*MVS*cough* as well as they also get some of their score off of the top 10 RP'ers for the week. The fact that we never have a top five to submit for this might have hurt us some. Possibly if more folks promo'ed we'd get higher. 13th Hour looks stacked though so that should get a good rating.
  7. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Visiting Tom

  8. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Visiting Tom

    Not I, but I'd sure like Stacy to come out of that cage in your pic and into my lap!
  9. Secret Agent

    SWF Smarkdown Exclusive

    Wow, this Shinning Wizard must really be brutal. What exactly is it anyway cause I can't ever catch anyone describing it just "OMG! SHINNING WIZARD~!" CRACK!
  10. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Visiting Tom

    Why in the heck must you always drag beating me into your promos? I'm proud to have supplied you with your greatest acheivement, but Maddix has fallen way more times to Johnny. EDIT: Sorry. Nice promo by the way. The way you have Maddix come across as 'It's all about me' kind of reminds me more of Kurt Angle touting off how he's done this and that, and what not - made Shawn Michaels tap, etc.
  11. Secret Agent

    Smarkdown Comments

    Alright, Smarkdown from Egypt! First off, please take my comments in just as I’m probably not the best person to detail any shows, but I figured I wanted to at least try and contribute as well. Anyway, away we go… We get a nice little “Earlier Today” promo to kick off the show and it begins the motions for what will transpire over the course of the show. I like the fact that we finally get a little bit more out of Flesher being Smarkdown booker/commissioner than just randomly finding him in awkward situations with Allison as somebody barges in. Although that’s basically how this one starts, at least Scott Pretzler is invited, and with a much needed Johnny Dangerous mocking we get something real nice going. I like how Flesher wants to ‘unofficially’ back The Critic here and possibly he’s just manipulating him to see Wildchild fall - Flesher having taken some exception to having lost the Clusterfuck 04 opening Cruiserweight ladder match, and still holding a grudge over it. Nice. Zyon Vs Martian “Big Country” Hunt We get to the opening match between our newcomer Zyon against the proverbial welcome wagon, Martian Hunt. I wonder if Grappler was serious when he said it was him that was Hunt? Anyway, this starts off at a nice, neck-breaking pace with Zyon showing off his speed and slipperiness right from the start - ducking a big boot, and countering a scoop slam to a victory roll for one. Like I already mentioned, I like how this starts fast and furious, gives you a decent idea of the kind of style you have going for Zyon. The match flows especially nice for someone writing their first SWF match and you’ll be putting up a good fight in the future. Welcome to the SWF! Next up is a promo by me. What I was basically trying to do here is just give a reason for Johnny and Toxxic to co-exist in the same ring together. Toxx’ basically tossed out the suggestion for the promo before England lost their internet, so I stitched this one together. Hopefully it did what I was hoping, which was to make for a good match. Insane Luchador Vs Jay Hawke As always, Hawke’s matches are a real pleasure to read. I like how you have Pete putting some good attention to the twenty count rule, intentional or not, I think it alludes to the end of this match really well. Having become a recent fan of some older school wrestling thanks to WC, I love to hear the commentators setting up the story for the match at the beginning, or alluding to events that’ll happen later in the match. This, as many things, seems like a lost art in current WWE commentary, so I just love to see it in use. Yeah, so enough about that point I guess. The taunting of the crowd seems somewhat odd to me for Hawke as I usually take him for a no nonsense guy who is focused on winning no matter how. However, it just shows how little Hawke thinks of IL as a serious threat to him so it works out in the end when Hawke’s underestimation of IL bites him in the ass, sorta. I like the methods that Hawke’s been winning with recently--countouts and disqualifications--which all seemed to start from the match I wrote with Hawke getting a DQ to keep the International belt. Most likely I didn’t start that, so I’ll be quite on that issue for further things. Next is another promo by me. This time I wanted to create an inner conflict for Dangerous. He knows he’s treading in some dark waters but for some reason he just feels it’s the only way. WC is basically here to counter the selfish thoughts Toxxic gave him earlier and progress the match. Another Flesher piece. This time he approaches Wildchild to make sure that Wildchild understands there is nothing funny going on between Tom and Petzler. Something that WC probably wouldn’t have had the faintest clue about had Tom not come in to try and explain. Again, I like seeing the role that Flesher is in being used a little bit better than some guy hiding in an office all show, and I like where this is going. At the same time we could be starting up a good reason to book Wild and Dangerous Vs Flesher & Pretzler, or at least Flesher/WC round 2. Awesome. Wildchild vs. Scott Pretzler - match two of the best of three series. Wow! There isn’t a whole lot I can say, but I really enjoyed this match. Most definitely, it’s the best No Gravity match thus far, and I really liked seeing you guys really take Pretzler farther out of his element than what he’s been yet. WC taking a huge 3-1 lead earlier on forced Pretzler to come back swinging strong to losing by only 1 point. WC busting out the falling star bomb and Presumed Guilty was also nice - both of those moves are just too cool and see little use anymore. Actually, I think the Presumed Guilty got used rather recently though, didn’t it? Anyway, great match, I’m looking forward to match 3. The main event is next up. I wrote some of it as did Toxx. I was going with the vibe of Johnny getting booed by the fans not because they suddenly hate him but for the simple fact of what he was doing at the current time. His quest for the World Title driving him to the point where he feels that he just has to do whatever after getting passed over once again at the P. Diddy island Storm when the shot went to Lil’ Buck. It was a tad hard at first to think of how to get the ball started as both Ejiro and Spike have a bit of a feud with Toxxic and with the PPV coming up the last thing I wanted to do was have too much Toxxic/Spike or even too much Toxxic/Ejiro. I hope this turned out decent, maybe someone else can give me some feedback on it. I think Toxxic did great with his end portion though. Also, the end promo sets up the PPV matches good as we seemingly had nobody to challenge Ejiro for the belt with Toxxic/Spike and Mak/Danny at 13th Hour going down, Johnny doing nothing, so we get Lil’ Buck/Ejiro 2... And the Buck/Maddix match has yet to be edited in so not sure what happened there. I am pumped for the 13th Hour main event now though - that’s going to rock. Anyways, good show all, and good luck at 13th Hour.
  12. Secret Agent

    Smarkdown Comments

    Well, I haven't read everything fully but it looks like I have plenty of time to do so today, with no match to write, and so I will do a detailed thoughts on every segment. The thread is here though for anyone else that would like to throw some comments up about the show, so have at it! I will say one thing though, and that's Flesher's promos were a plenty, and plenty nice. I guess he wasn't kidding.
  13. Secret Agent

    SWF 13th Hour 2005: The Card!

    Ejiro's getting the Benoit treatment.
  14. Secret Agent

    SWF 13th Hour 2005: The Card!

    Bad memories? You didn't even bother to show up, Tard!
  15. Secret Agent

    SWF 13th Hour 2005: The Card!

    What; no Johnny versus Tom Flesher?
  16. Secret Agent

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    Im sticking with my theory that, in kayfabe, Smackdown has resigned Brock Lesnar, only for RAW to draft him from under their noses. The likelihood of this happening is slim to none, but I'd mark the fuck out if it happened.
  17. Secret Agent

    PROMO: 'The Challenge'

    If only you knew how much I love this. Excellent promo, Toxxic!
  18. Secret Agent

    SWF Smarkdown Card for June 6, 2005!

    The only multiman I really like is the three way where one guy has to tag in and out of the match.
  19. Secret Agent

    PROMO: 'The aftermath'

    So I guess your internet is back up now, Toxxic?
  20. Secret Agent


    I think it'd be awesome if they did some surprise like Brock Lesnar to RAW as he returns to the WWE.
  21. Secret Agent


    You never cease to amaze me, Andrea.
  22. Secret Agent


  23. Secret Agent

    Lockdown Commets

    Wow! I'm just starting to read the show and I don't know what to say about this Danny/Mak surprise match, other than how glorious it is. I need to read it again as I read it rather fast, but simply put, awesome match and it's like as long as a PPV match. I'm getting to the other stuff as well.
  24. Secret Agent

    Offer To Purchase TNA Withdrawn !!!!

    Well hell, for that price we on the boards could have all probably got together and bought WCW. Damn!
  25. Secret Agent

    Region Free DVD Brand New Need to Sell

    Cyberhome is crap.