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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    Halloween Boxset...

    Had they done the different horror tales like Carpenter orginally planned then yeah, it'd be cool. As it stands now it doesn't even fit with the whole series. I don't like 3 because it's retarted, not because it doesn't feature Myers. The entire mask thing was just ugh!
  2. Secret Agent

    SWF Lockdown Card 5-4-05

    May 4 is the actual due date. Raynor just got dropped on his head too hard.
  3. Secret Agent

    Halloween Boxset...

    Halloween 1 and 2 were good, but 3 shouldn't even count. In fact, they should just remove it from the entire series. Also, I'm not sure which one it is, but the Halloween where Michael is after some little girl thats suppose to be the last a cousin to him or something was pretty good. H20 was better than the Grudge, but thats about it. The last one gets my praise for at least trying to do something different with the series even though in the end it's the same old, same old.
  4. Secret Agent

    The Smackdown Thread

    Since this is a Smackdown! thread, and MNM are on Smackdown! I thought I'd post a piece of their interview with WWE.Com as I found this one piece hillarious.
  5. Secret Agent

    SWF Lockdown Card 5-4-05

    Which section of the Sears catalog?
  6. Secret Agent

    The Undertaker's Cemetery

    Didn't Foley and HHH show a clip of Angle crying during the medal presentation of his 96 Olympic Win just shortly after he won the World Title - which he cried after winning?
  7. Secret Agent

    New Batman Begins trailer

    Yeah, but all Land of the Dead's trailer shows is that it's done by George A. Romero. Making sure fans realize hes the dude that created Zombies and this is his newest. However, given the specific type of movie it is you don't need a trailer to tell you it's about a group of people fighting off Zombies. Batman Begins looks fantastic, I'll see that one for sure. I'm still debating Fantastic Four.
  8. Secret Agent

    Big tape sale, everything must go! Lots of stuff!

    Your trying to sell some RAW espisodes that you taped, onto VHS, for 7 bucks a pop? Your nuts!
  9. Secret Agent

    The Undertaker's Cemetery

    Speaking of Kurt Angle; I think he's due a new, updated DVD.
  10. Secret Agent

    SWF Sunday Night Frost

    I fucking new it!
  11. Secret Agent

    Hey guys...

    Yeah, really. That's terrible news. May you and your family find peace in this time of sadness. :/
  12. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Celebrations

    I'll veto it; just to be indifferent. Honestly though, Martial Law never had the tag titles so them getting a rematch for this doesn't make as much sense as Johnny getting a rematch for the International Championship.
  13. Secret Agent

    Losing Match Thread

    Point taken on the match feedback, Mike. However, He also spent some of the match doing a considerable amount of damage to Landon's back. Slinging him into the turnbuckles, Spinal Explosion, etc. As far as the MI Slam goes; I figured I wrote Maddix as so drained anyway that a big imapct would seal the deal. He was on the verge of tapping out and took everything he had to resist it - I don't believe he'd have much in the tank after that except for his attempted comeback that failed. Also, the Armed and Dangerous is quite clearly explained in the commentary as to why he went for it. Basically, Landon was done after the MI Slam and the Armed and Dangerous was for nothing but total humiliation. Yes, a fist drop is a crappy finish, which is why It would be humiliating to have that be the very last move. However, it's no less powerful than a Hogan Legdrop or a Peoples Elbow...and yes I'm reaching on that one, but it's still a point no less. Anyway, thanks for the feedback, I'll press forward.
  14. Secret Agent

    Battleground Comments

    Yeah. Seeing as how Johnny hasn't really had much of any type of interaction with Cortez lately, plus the fact that Cortez wasn't even in the match, it made little to absolutely no sense. Top that off with Landon heroically chasing the chicken shit Johnny out of the ring and we're so far out in space now it's unbelievable. I can see here that people are basically missing the point with Johnny. He's not a heel, and I don't know if he ever will be as I'm not about to ruin that by telling if I were going to make him heel, anyway. The best way I can describe his attitude is that of like Stone Cold. You just never know when he'll go off, but right now the fans actually like this more INTENSE~ version... for now as he hasn't really gone too far with it yet. If you guys want to do something with him please shoot me a line and let me know first before you do it. Not only did my match contain nothing even remotely close to that heel turnish type of senario, but you didn't even ask me, Landon. If I wanted this to be a match where I turned him then I would have let you know well in advance. I really don't care about other things, but right now just walk him on a fine, questionable line. Please. I'll comment on the rest of the show when I've actually read all of it. Most likely Tomorrow evening. For now, congrats to all the winners.
  15. Secret Agent

    Losing Match Thread

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Just before Herrington can deliver the third and final count, Johnny rolls to his side to break the roll up and saves himself from the loss as well! “What a close call for Johnny Dangerous!” shouts Pete, “he nearly met the end right there!” Johnny rolls up to his feet, grabbing his crotch as it still is stinging. Landon gets back up as well, and determined to finally pull the plug on Johnny’s International Championship reign, he charges in for the kill, looking to behead the Barracuda with an absolutely monstrous clothesline! Unfortunately, Johnny isn’t about to let the cord get yanked without one last fight and he ducks down – Landon’s arm gently grazing over Johnny’s jet-black main as he passes over him, and then continues on to the ropes behind him! Maddix hits the ropes and springs back, and runs right into a stiff shoulder block that floors him instantly! “OH!” cries Pete, “Landon was running full steam ahead – he thought he had the Barracuda right there but got caught by that nasty spear instead! If only Landon could get Johnny down and trap him in Land of Nod - this match would be over!” “It serves him right being so damned arrogant to think that he had Johnny when he wasn’t even close!” Landon starts to push himself back up to his feet. He can’t afford to put himself in any kind of a position that would let Dangerous trap him in one of his finishers, and even though he’s somewhat stunned he dazedly gets back up to his feet… and gets a boot to the gut! The crowd suddenly roars once more while Megan watches in horror as Johnny pulls Landon off his feet with his deadly fallaway slam, and Longdogger Pete shouts: “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-” SLAM~! …and Johnny drills the Cockroach into the canvas with his deadly finishing move, getting a wild, roar of cheers from the San Antonio fans. Finally, they seemed to be back in the Barracuda’s corner! “MI SLAM!” shouts King, “this match is over with! Landon couldn’t possibly have anything else left to overcome this move, not after everything the Barracuda has already dished out!” “I think you’re right, King, but why isn’t Agent Dangerous going for the cover!?” Just as Pete noticed, Johnny doesn’t immediately float over for the cover like normal. Instead he pops back up to his feet and then thrusts both of his arms out, high into the air, and the fans go wild! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “That’s the signal for the ARMED AND DANGEROUS~!” exclaims Pete, “Johnny must really want to end this match with a huge exclamation point and he’s digging deep into the mothballs to pull this out of his bag of tricks!” “He’s going for the total humiliation of Landon Maddix – this just isn’t right! He already had him-” “-at hello?” asks King, butting right in. “No, you Twit, at the MI Slam!” Johnny suddenly turns towards the far side of the ring and bolts across it! He hits the ropes and ROCKETS back off of them, heading back towards his prone opponent, and then leaps through the air, making a complete 360 spiral in mid-air as flashbulbs explode from every inch of the arena before crashing into Landon’s chest with his patented fist drop! WHAM! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Landon convulses on impact, and this time the Barracuda quickly floats over for the cover, gritting his teeth as Herrington drops in to count for: ONE! TWO! THRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! DING DING DING!!! Herrington signals for the bell and the fans go absolutely ballistic! “After the Flesh” begins pumping from the speakers once more for a victory lap, and Johnny finally rolls off of Landon Maddix, and then slumps over onto the mat – entirely drained after this match. “THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH BY PINFALL, AND STIIIIIIIIL SMARTMARKS WRESTLING FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIOOOOOOOOON… JOHNNY ‘THE BAAARRAAACUDAAAAAAA’ DAAAANGEROUUS!!!” Grabbing the International Championship belt back from the ringside assistant, Herrington strolls back over to Johnny, helps him up to his feet enough to place the title belt back into Johnny’s arms and then raises one of them in victory! “I must say,” begins Pete, “I am a little disappointed in some of the Barracuda’s actions in this match including that much unneeded final maneuver, but regardless what a tremendous match! Both of these men can walk out of this arena with their heads held high tonight as both of them certainly delivered!” “Whatever,” snickers King. “You’re just trying to gloss over the fact that Johnny has finally came out ahead against Landon Maddix as Johnny has now taken the entire series! Of course, not all is lost for Landon – he does still have that delectable Megan Skye to console him.” Inside the ring, Megan helps Landon back up to his feet – the look of disappointment clearly visible on his face. He can barely even look up to see Johnny making his way back up the ramp, before the Barracuda turns back towards the arena and triumphantly raises the belt aloft. “Well we still have one more Championship to be decided here tonight,” says Pete. “Up next – Mak Francis and Toxxic go one on one with the World Heavyweight Championship on the line!” Having gone back behind the curtains, only Landon remains at ringside and with the help of Megan Skye he begins to stagger up the ramp then stops. He turns back and looks out to the numerous cheering fans then slowly raises his clenched fist out to them, getting a parting roar of cheers from them… As We: FADE OUT.
  16. Secret Agent

    Losing Match Thread

    I have yet to get any feedback on this one yet, so maybe someone else would be so kind as to tell me where I went so wrong. I tried to weave in several different plot points of these two guys trying to use what has worked on each other in the past - Landon realizing that he has to wrestle smart--use quick, stinging strikes with his tremendous speed advantge and avoid getting caught by Johnny, and try to basically outsmart him. As well as this being the fifth singles match between these two and at this point in the stage they wanted to end the match with something their opponent will remember. I guess not though. ================================== Already, the fans in San Antonio’s Alamodome are crackling and buzzing with anticipation, but when the SmarkTron lights up—the rather disgruntled image of Landon Maddix alongside the stoned face Johnny Dangerous, separated, for now, by a battered and war torn ‘VS’ between them displayed—the crowd roars with cheers. “It looks like we are just about ready for the inaugural defense of the Federation’s newest title belt – the SWF International Championship!” exclaims Longdogger Pete. “It was only a few weeks ago that the SWF held a tournament to merge the United States Championship and the Intercontinental-Television Championship into one new Championship-” “And what a tournament it was,” adds King, butting right in. “Rookies to the SWF like Jay Hawke making a huge impact - nabbing the United States Championship along the way to the finals. Veterans like Johnny Dangerous ending the near record-shattering Intercontinental-Television reign of Landon Maddix on his way to the finals, and making people realize that he should definitely not be forgotten about!” “And with Johnny emerging from the tournament victorious--new title belt in hand–-I don’t think he will be forgotten about,” says Pete. “Especially not by Landon Maddix, who has a long standing rivalry with the Barracuda - one which the recent tournament helped to reignite.” << BEGIN FLASHBACK >> SWF STORM, MARCH 25, 2005: “Ladies and gentlemen,” Funyon booms to the excited Washington fans crowded inside the Space Needle. “The following match will have NO RULES and is for the SWF INTERCONTINENTAL-TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP!” “Welcome back to SWF Storm!” bellows the excited voice of Longdogger Pete. “There is no slowing down tonight as we bring you the second match for the SWF Title belt semi-finals and this one is a long overdue rematch between Johnny Dangerous and Landon Maddix!” “That’s right, Drain-Clogger,” agrees the Suicide King. “Not only is Landon’s precious, yet boring and long winded ICTV reign at stake, but so is the advancement to the finals in this tournament. In effect, the loser here loses out on TWO Championships!” ********** SMACK! “OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!” The crowd gasps in disbelief and Landon’s eyes widen to roughly the size of saucers as a hand instinctively moves to his face, watching the Barracuda’s face light up with a devilish smile. “I don’t know who’s more surprised by that little cheap jab of Johnny’s,” says Pete, “the crowd…or Landon Maddix!” “Consider it a wake up call,” King smugly adds, just before Landon explodes out of the corner and slams his knuckles into the side of Johnny’s face, catching the Barracuda by total surprise in return! WHAM! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Johnny is rocked on his heels from the punch! He stumbles back and Landon gives chase, pulling the Barracuda’s hand away from his face before railing him with a second hard right as the Washington fans ignite with excitement! ********** “Watch out, Landon!” shouts Pete as Johnny grabs Maddix by his shoulder and spins him around to face him… GAAAAAAAH!!! …and Landon suddenly reaches up and rakes the Barracuda’s eyes, getting a tremendous pop from the Washington fans! Johnny stumbles back, both hands covering his eyes and hollering in pain and Landon Maddix stalks after Johnny. He boots Dangerous in the gut, doubling the Agent over the cracks him in the face with an absolutely ferocious forearm blast, sending Johnny flying back into the crowd barricade! Landon shoves Johnny back up against the barricade before he can slump down it, and then nails him with a solid right hand, and another, and another, and another… RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! “Such ferocity from Landon!” shouts Pete, “perhaps targeting that neck wasn’t in the best of Johnny’s interests after all – it seems to have set the Champion off!” ********** “Damn it!” curses King, “doesn’t Landon know when to stay down? It’s obvious that Johnny has already torn his neck apart with a few simple moves and he’s risking even more but choosing to continue. He’s determined to win even when he possibly can’t!” “Landon knows what’s at stake here and quite frankly, it’s more than he’s ever risked in one match before,” says Longdogger. “He has the ICTV Championship, a shot at the SWF Title, and he’s risking what could be the longest title reign in SWF history – all in one match! You’re damn right he’s determined to win!” Landon pushes up to his feet. His determination starts to get the really going and they break out with a thunderous chant of his name: “LAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” Just as Maddix gets to his feet he’s met by an oncoming rush from the Barracuda and he swats at Johnny to ward him off. Dangerous is only stopped momentarily though until a kick to his gut knocks all the wind out of his lungs, deflating them like a needle-pierced-balloon! Landon grabs the Barracuda by his arm then steps forward to whip him across the ring, but Johnny plows his feet deep into the canvas, stopping the whip, and then pulls a reverse on the Challenger. Johnny ducks and goes behind on Maddix then reaches up through his arms to snap on a full nelson then lifts him up. Once Johnny has the Champion at the apex of the jump he dives forward… WHAM!! …and sends Landon face-first to the mat with his full nelson slam! “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “Dangerous Driver!” King excitedly shouts, practically frothing at the mouth to see Landon this close to loosing. His eyes widen eye more when Johnny quickly floats over and traps Maddix’s arm between his legs and locks his fingers around Landon’s chin then pulls back, “-and Johnny locks in the Interrogator!” exclaims Pete as Dangerous snaps the cross-face submission in place, and exerts all the pressure he can on Landon. “This could be curtains for Landon Maddix and his untouchable ICTV reign – he can’t take much pressure on that banged up neck of his and there’s no rope breaks to save him this time!” Landon’s blood-curdled cries of pain is enough to make Megan turn away from the match, but the fans eagerly rise up from their seats, watching with their mouths gaping wide open! “Come on, Landon!” The pain running through Landon’s neck is ungodly to say the least. He knows he doesn’t want to give in but his body is telling him otherwise – it can’t take much more of this pressure. His hand stretches out… “He’s gonna tap!” shouts King. “We’ve got us a brand new Intercontinental-Television Champion tonight!” Finally, as Johnny adds a bit more torque Landon has no choice… TAP! TAP! TAP! “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” DING DING DING!!! “Ladies and gentlemen,” bellows Funyon, quickly hoping up from his seat and grabbing his microphone. “The winner of this match and NEEEEEEEEEEEEW SMARTMARK WRESTLING FEDERATION INTERCONTINENTAL-TELEVISION CHAMPIOOOOOOOON… JOOOHNNY ‘THE BAAAARRAAAACUDAAAA’ DAAANGEROUUS!!!” “After one hundred and thirty eight days Landon Maddix has been kicked off his throne,” says Pete. “More like the Barracuda kicked over that throne then broke it into a hundred pieces and beat Landon into submission with the left over leg,” adds King. “Now, not only has Landon lost the ICTV Championship, but he’s been eliminated from the SWF Title tournament as well. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!” << END FLASHBACK >> “Bitter… nasty… both of those words could easily describe that match,” says Pete, “but for tonight the one word I’ve been hearing is vengeance - a chance for both of these competitors to settle the score for once and for all!” “And it’s about damned time too,” adds King. “Landon has been a constant thorn in the side of Johnny Dangerous for nearly a year; constantly popping off at the mouth and defaming the Barracuda’s intestinal fortitude. Even in recent weeks Landon’s had his ass handed to him on a silver platter on three separate occasions by the Secret Agent, yet his mouth is still running wild!” “You can’t really look to deep into those matches as two of them were tag matches,” Pete hastily replies, “the latest of which Maddix wasn’t even involved in the final pin! Regardless, this will be the fifth singles meeting between these two competitors and right now the score is dead even at two and two. Whoever wins tonight will not only leave with the International Championship, but with their pride firmly intact – the final victory in this grueling series between Johnny Dangerous and Landon Maddix!” DING DING DING!!! The ringing of the timekeeper’s bell calls the attention of San Antonio’s finest fans to the ring, where the esteemed ring announcer, Funyon--dressed in a camouflage tuxedo--stands patiently. He shuffles through the stack of index cards in his hands until he comes across the correct one for this match, then raises the microphone to his lips as a single spotlight shines down on him, and the rest of the lights in the arena dim. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE FOLLOWING CONTEST IS SCHEDULED FOR ONE FALL, AND WILL BE FOR THE SMARTMARKS WRESTLING FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!” “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” As always, the announcer pauses for the obligatory cheer from the crowd. They settle after a few seconds, and Funyon raises the microphone back to his mouth - a noticeable hum picking up on the speakers as well. “INTRODUCING FIRST, THE CHALLENGER…” The fans eagerly rise from their seats, shouting along with the booming voice that comes over the speakers… 'PREPARE...FOR...LANDON!' ...WAAAAAHHHHH... *DUM DUM* ‘Megalomaniac’ hits in full stride, pounding out from the speakers into every inch of the Alamodome, and of course, the fans roar in delight! Lights suddenly turn back on in the arena as a stream of rockets fire off from the sides of the stage and explode overhead, revealing Landon Maddix standing at the top of the ramp with both arms held out to his side! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” Bathing in all the glorious cheers from the San Antonio fans, Landon stands idly for a moment—his arms still stretched out to his sides—before finally turning back to the curtains and beckoning the luscious, mouth-watering, bone popping Megan Skye out to join him. Her cheer is just as marvelous as her client’s, (though the level of testosterone in those cheers being noticeably more present than with Maddix’s) and together then begin to stroll down the ramp. Wow!” exclaims King, while wiping the drool from the side of his mouth, “Megan Skye is packing so much heat a roll in the hay with her would be a definite fire hazard!” “BEING ACCOMPANIED TO THE RING BY MEGAN SKYE, AND REPRESENTING MARTIAL LAW; FROM HURON, SOUTH DAKOTA, AND WEIGHING IN AT TWO HUNDRED TWENTY POUNDS, HE IS LANDON… LA CUCAAARAAAACHAAAAAA… MAAAAAAADIIIIIIIX!!!” Landon leaps to the outside apron then rushes across the top to the nearest turnbuckle and leaps to the second rung, igniting a wave of flashbulbs as he strips his shirt off and tosses it into the crowd then pantomimes having a title belt around his waist. “Landon is definitely looking quite confident,” notes Pete. “He’s had a series of crushing defeats lately; most recently suffering a loss to Wild and Dangerous as he and Todd Cortez challenged for the Tag Team Championship, but he doesn’t appear to have let that affect his mood tonight! He’s here to make a fresh start and get onto a new winning streak with the International Championship!” “He’d be a damned fool if he doesn’t take that match into consideration for tonight,” spits King. “The man he’s facing tonight is one half of Wild and Dangerous, and if Landon is still underestimating the Barracuda he’s going to find himself staring up at the lights in a hurry!” “One does not need to underestimate his opponent in order to be confident in his own abilities, King. Landon is quite aware of what Johnny Dangerous is capable of, and knowing Maddix… I’d say he has a good plan in store to use against his arch rival.” “Yeah, right - he probably just loaded his boots!” Maddix hops off the turnbuckle, into the ring. He heads over to Megan to go over some last minute details of the match as his music fades out and the lights drop out once more, igniting a whole new wave of cheers from the San Antonio fans. It’s enough of a distraction to take Landon’s attention away from the pre-match strategy session with the lovely Mrs. Skye – abruptly spinning on his heel to face the curtains as a voice picks up on the speakers, whispering a name in a deep, sultry voice... “JOHNNY DANGEROUS~!” “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” …and the Alamodome quivers with delight! “After the Flesh” starts pounding from the speakers as smoke billows out onto the stage from the sides. Meanwhile, on the giant screen overhead, highlights from some of the Barracuda’s matches play; Johnny nailing Landon with an MI Slam, Johnny hitting a Shooting Star Press on Landon, and Maddix screaming bloody murder as Johnny traps him in his deadly Interrogator submission! Seeing all these little clips play, Maddix clenches down on his fist and his lips begin to tremble in anger – the video seemingly having served its purpose. Finally, Johnny steps out from the curtains, into the knee deep, rolling smoke that covers the stage and getting a huge pop from the San Antonio crowd! For a moment he just stands there, looking out to the fans through his high-tech shades as strobes light up behind him – the title belt around his waist and the other one over his shoulder both glistening as the lights pass over them. “FROM LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, AND WEIGHING IN AT TWO HUNDRED SEVENTEEN POUNDS – HE IS ONE HALF OF THE REIGNING SWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS AND THE REIGNING… AAAAAAAAND DEFENDING SWF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIOOOOON…JOOOHNNY ‘THE BAAARRAAACUDAAAAAA’ DAAANGEROOUUS!!” Taking all the time in the world to get to the ring, Johnny leisurely strolls down the ramp while slapping outstretched hands, while inside the ring, Megan pleads with Landon to keep his cool as the Barracuda draws nearer. “You can already see that the tension bubbling up in Landon,” notes Pete. “If this is any indication as to the kind of match we’re about to get then it’s going to be a real barn burner for sure!” Johnny slides into the ring, heads to the turnbuckle and climbs it, holding both his title belts aloft to the crowd for more cheers. “Well, if you think Landon Maddix has to be confident coming into this match then what does that say for the Barracuda?” King asks his broadcast partner. “Since his return to the SWF Johnny has only lost a single match, and that was to our current World Heavyweight Champion – he definitely has the momentum on his side coming into this match.” “Most certainly,” agrees Pete. “Johnny has shown that he is a force to be reckoned with in both tag team and singles competition, and as we’ve seen in recent times he’ll do almost anything to make sure his near perfect record stays firmly intact. In the process of all that, however, the Barracuda has done nothing more than draw a huge target on his chest and you can bet Landon will be aiming for a bull’s-eye to end this winning streak.” ‘After the Flesh’ fades into the distance, leaving only the rumbling sounds of the crowd in its wake as Johnny hands off his title belts to referee Ronald ‘Red’ Herrington, the official for this match. Placing the tag title over his shoulder, Herrington shows the International Championship belt to Landon then raises it out to the fans, letting them feast their eyes on the coveted prize before finally turning the titles over to a ringside assistant. Megan Skye wishes Landon good luck with a parting kiss to the cheek then exits the ring to take her place at ringside, but the only thing Landon is registering right now is the man standing directly across the ring from him – Johnny Dangerous. His eyes narrow as he regards the grinning Secret Agent, and he clenches down hard on his fists, ready to pounce on his nemesis the moment he hears the bell ring. He’ll have to wait just a little longer though - before ordering the start of this match, the referee systematically checks the two men for foreign objects, leaving no stone unturned in the process. Herrington ends his search with a satisfactory nod then turns towards the timekeeper and finally… signals for the bell. DING DING DING!!! “Bells gone,” Pete excitedly says. “It’s time to find out who the better man is for once and for all!” Landon braces himself, knowing he can’t risk jumping headstrong into a knockdown brawl with his much stronger opponent, and waits for Johnny to instead draw closer to him, which he does. Johnny moves in but the only thing he offers is an extended hand, complete with a wide toothed grin… “Just look at this,” says King as the fans roar with cheers at the scene in the ring. “Even with so many hostilities shared between these two men Johnny is offering a handshake like a good sportsman. I bet Landon never thought he’d see that!” “I’m sure the thoughts running through Landon’s head right now are certainly numerous, but somehow I don’t think one of them involves being friendly,” says Pete. Maddix just stares at Johnny’s extended hand in pure disbelief! The notion just seems to irate Maddix even more so than the Barracuda’s arrogant video package! “Right now Landon is staring into the face of the man who ended his near record shattering Intercontinental-Television Championship reign, bested him in tag team competition on two separate occasions, and has completely dragged his name through some of the sloppiest, dirtiest, mud slinging I’ve seen in a long time! If Johnny thinks Landon is going to accept a handshake for a friendly match then he is far more deluded than I ever imagined! This isn’t a friendly competition - this rivalry is nothing short of a war and this match-” CRACK! “-Is the battleground!” “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” The crowds roar to life as all of Landon’s rage suddenly explodes and he slams his fist into the side of Johnny’s jaw just as hard as he can! Caught by complete surprise, Johnny stumbles back from the explosive hit and the leader of Martial Law gives chase, blasting the Barracuda twice more, only this time with his forearm to send his opponent falling into the ropes! Johnny stumbles out of them and Maddix grabs him by his arm to send the Barracuda barreling across the ring with an Irish whip then readies himself to deliver a picture-perfect drop kick on Dangerous as he bounces back off the ropes… WHAM! …Flooring Johnny instantly as both of the Cockroach’s feet slam deep into his chest! Landon immediately pops back up to his feet and thrusts both arms out, high into the air, and cuts loose with a ferocious battle cry for a huge pop from the crowd! “LAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “Will you just listen to this!” marvels Pete, “Landon has certainly hit the ground running and this crowd has completely gone wild for ‘La Cucaracha’. Johnny’s going to have a tough time getting the fans on his side tonight.” “Let ‘em cheer for that looser,” replies King, “and trust me when I tell you you’re far better off without them!” Not wanting to find himself in a precarious position so early on into this match, Johnny pushes himself back up to his feet as fast as he can, growling angrily after having Maddix run him down. “I’ll say this though,” says King. “Johnny should know better than to let Landon use his tremendous speed against him – he’s partnered with the fastest man in this federation for years. He knows how to battle against someone who relies so heavily on their speed!” Johnny climbs to his feet with one hand clutching his chest while Maddix watches from several feet away. “COME ON, JOHNNY!” snarls Landon, beckoning the Secret Agent on with his hand, against, perhaps, better judgment, as Megan loudly voices her disapproval of Maddix’s offer from the outside. However, Johnny would have to be a fool not to at least take the Cockroach up on his offer – the Barracuda knows damn well that he can easily out match his opponent in a test of strength! Johnny finally obliges and races towards his foe, and the two competitors leap towards each other, clashing with a murderous collar-and-elbow lock up! They scramble for leverage, but Landon can’t hope to win a war of strength against Johnny Dangerous--just as the Barracuda had already predicted--and he starts to muscle his opponent towards a corner… “How much of an idiot could Landon possibly be!?” King incredulously shouts. “He had Johnny reeling already with those quick, stinging strikes, yet went ahead and locked up with the Barracuda anyway!” “I have to say you just might be right this time,” agrees Pete, but just as all seems lost for Landon he quickly lights up with a devious smile and using the Barracuda’s own momentum against him, shifts his weight into a lateral twist – only instead of quickly planting his opponent into the mat, Landon sends Dangerous flying back-first into the unforgiving steel post then races in and drives Johnny even further into the steel with a running shoulderblock! CRACK! “OOOOOOOOOOOOH!” “He duped him!” shouts King, “Why that conniving little bastard had this planned all along!” “Its things like this that won Landon a World Championship,” says Pete. “Not only is he capable of pulling off some maneuvers so quickly that it’ll leave your head spinning, but when he’s outmatched in strength he’ll fight back with his wits! How much of a stinging blow would it be to the Barracuda to loose this match by simply being outsmarted?” “If anything he’d loose by being out-cheated,” King spits in reply. Landon grabs Johnny by his throat and forces him backwards against the corner, squeezing down on Dangerous’ neck as hard as he can. Finally, Herrington tries to worm his way between the two men while calling for a break, but Landon keeps pushing as Johnny frantically tries to get the Cockroach off of him, and as the fans keep cheering on! “My word,” says Pete. “Forget about wrestling, these two are trying to kill each other in there!” Herrington finally starts to issue a count, but before he gets past one Johnny quickly fires of two short forearms to the side of Landon’s skull! Giving the Barracuda some space, Landon wobbles back from the shots and then steps back in… SMACK! …and delivers a parting jab to the cheek! “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!” “And a cheap shot by Landon Maddix to end that exchange,” notes the Suicide King, which is duly noted by Johnny as well, “and I don’t think the Barracuda liked that one bit!” Johnny snarls at his foe but it doesn’t intimidate the Challenger in the least, and when Dangerous suddenly rockets out of the corner—stark-raving mad—he gets taken to the mat with a quick lariat! This time Landon quickly drops down to cover for… ONE! TW-NO! Johnny kicks out just before two, and shoves Maddix off of him and climbs back to an upright position. Landon gives him no room to recover though; grabbing Johnny by the wrist he steps forward, whipping his opponent across the ring- -NO! Johnny reverses, and Landon ends goes for the ride instead! Dangerous times the motions perfectly, and jumps up at the precise moment to deliver a drop kick into his Challenger’s chest, but Maddix frantically grabs onto the ropes… WHUMP! “And the Barracuda falls flat on his face,” says Pete as Johnny hit’s nothing but air before gravity pulls him to the mat. “Once again the quick thinking of Landon prevails in the situation, and if this match continues in this fashion much longer I fear that Johnny might leave the arena a little lighter on the gold tonight.” Megan applauds her client on the outside while back inside the ring Johnny jumps back to his feet. Unfortunately, e has absolutely no time to offer up a defense as Landon comes screaming back across the ring… CRACK! …and the Challenger creams Johnny in the bridge of his nose with a flying forearm, dropping him to the mat like a bad habit! An “OOOOOH!” bursts from the fans as Johnny lies on his back writhing in pain and covering his face, and Maddix floats over and applies a lateral press for a cover… ONE! TW-NO! Once more Johnny escapes the pin attempt, this time thrusting his shoulder out and rolling to his side to break the pin. However, Landon already has his next move planned out and doesn’t fret at his inability to end this match just yet. After all he’d barely got started on all the punishment he planned to extract on his bitter foe. He grabs Johnny by his hair and pulls him up to his feet before sending him on another trip across the ring, and this time the Barracuda is too dazed to even try and reverse. Johnny hits the ropes and springs back towards Maddix, and has his own momentum used against him once more. This time Landon leaps up and latches his hands around the Barracuda’s head while planting his feet directly into Johnny’s chest, and then takes him completely over and to the mat with a monkey flip! WHAM! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “What in the heck is this!?” cries King, “now Landon’s trying to steal a page from the Wildchild’s book!” “Whatever gets the job done,” remarks Pete. “This just proves my original hypothesis that Landon is without a doubt trying to beat Johnny with a psychological slap to the face!” A few chants of “DUB-CEE!” break out, but their earlier chants of those initials had already left their throats parched and the chant is quickly silenced. Landon leaves Johnny writhing on the mat, and like before, having already planned out his next move, Landon darts to the corner. A second later and his up on top of the corner post, and just as fast, he’s in the air! Maddix leaps towards the Barracuda and extends his elbow way out, getting some serious hang time before driving the point of his elbow directly into the Secret Agent’s sternum! WHAM!! Johnny convulses on impact, roaring in pain as he grabs his chest! “What a beautiful Picture-Perfect Elbow Drop!” gushes Pete, “Maddix is wasting no time in busting out the bug moves tonight – I think he wants to put a huge exclamation point behind a win against the Barracuda by just totally decimating him!” “Yeah, well he may have hit that elbow drop but let me take you back to last years Ground Zero, Drain-Clogger! Landon nailed Johnny with three of these in a row and it didn’t keep him down – the fact that he’s recycling tactics that didn’t even work the first time around is simply ludicrous!” “I’m not so sure if he’s recycling,” disputes Pete, “but rather giving Johnny a memory-jog. If you recall to that exact same match you just mentioned, Landon actually won. So far tonight he seems to be following that same exact path of outsmarting the Barracuda, embarrassing him, and then hitting him with some quick, yet devastating maneuvers on the path to victory!” “Maybe,” concedes King as Landon, just like nearly a year ago when he went for a series of three elbow drops in a row on the Barracuda points towards the turnbuckle for a second time, and the notion is met with a wave of cheers from the San Antonio crowd. “However, he’s going to go to the well one too many times and it’s going to backfire on him!” Landon heads to the turnbuckle once more. He knows he has to move quick though as the Barracuda may be on the mat, but he’s already beginning to stir… WHAM! …and contrary to the Suicide King’s remarks, Landon hit’s for a second time - driving his elbow back into Johnny’s sternum and causing the Barracuda to shrill in agony! The screams of pain bring a sick smile to the Challenger’s face, and he excitedly leaps to his feet and pumps his arms to the crowd! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “LAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” For a moment, Landon just stands idly and basks in the glory the fans are giving him, unlike the last time these two met at a pay per view when the fans wouldn’t have pissed on him to save his life if he was on fire. However, Johnny took the extra time Landon gave him and has started crawling his way towards the ropes; grimacing from the pain in his chest as he moves across the ring. Megan shouts at Maddix to get him to focus on the goal and then he quickly obliges and chases after Johnny. He kicks the Barracuda over onto his back then slams the sole of his boot into Dangerous’ chest over and over again! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “Ugh!” King disgustedly sighs. “Such disrespect by the Challenger! I’d have to say that these kinds of actions aren’t exactly what I’d recommend – we’ve seen recently how deadly the Barracuda can get when he gets aggravated!” “I’d have to agree with that,” replies Pete. “Landon’s doing a good job at keeping the pressure on but doing it this way is only going to turn this match into a bloody knockdown brawl – something which the Barracuda is quite well known for exceeding in!” Herrington swings into action and pulls Maddix off the Barracuda, but Landon isn’t about to let this referee put a stop to his beat down and he shoves the ref away! He moves back in on Johnny, ready to cave his chest in, but the referee’s distraction proved more helpful to the Barracuda then you could imagine. As Landon swings his foot down Johnny quickly snatches his Challenger by his boot, and uses the momentum to flip Maddix onto his face! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “Whoa!” exclaims Pete. “The tremendous reflexes of the Secret Agent spring into action, and in mere seconds Johnny has reversed the situation and snapped on an ankle lock!” Landon screams in sheer horror as the Barracuda cranks away on his ankle, frantically kicking his leg in hopes of working it free. Finally, after a little effort he slips away from Johnny’s grasp just enough to reach forward and grab onto the ropes, pulling himself free. Herrington calls for the break as Landon lets out a sigh of relief, “-and a close call there for Landon Maddix,” remarks Pete. “He knows he doesn’t want to get caught up in any of the Barracuda’s deadly submissions.” “You got that right,” agrees King, punctuated with a firm nod, “because the last time these two faced in singles action it ended with a submission on Maddix. Maybe Johnny wants to jog Landon’s memory as well.” “I wouldn’t be surprised. These two are dead set on overcoming the other and accenting the victory by shattering their self esteem.” Landon pops back up to his feet and gets defensive, as the sudden turn of events serve to do little more than angering the Cockroach. Especially with the fans starting up a chant of “JOOOOOOHN-E!” as the Barracuda climbs up to his feet – his hand still firmly attached to his chest. Landon quickly explodes from his standing position and closes in with a closthesline, but Johnny ducks under the intended lariat and pops up behind the Challenger. As Landon quickly spins on his heel to face his opponent, he’s met by a stinging knife-edged chop! SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “Agent Dangerous is battling back for control!” Bellows the Suicide King as Landon staggers back, grimacing from the chop, but quickly returns fire with a chop of his own! SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” “But Landon isn’t giving up his advantage that easily!” Dangerous, however, isn’t even phased! He stands in place, frothing at the mouth like a lunatic and sends another chop into Maddix’s chest! SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” “COME ON!” Johnny shouts, slapping his chest as if to say “is that all you got?”, and the crowd roars their approval! It’s definitely not, however, as Maddix has more than enough fuel in the tank to burn through all of Dangerous’ offense and he hasn’t even used up a tenth of it yet! Grunting rather loudly, Maddix steps back in and slashes the Barracuda’s chest with another chop! SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” Johnny holds his place, growling from the stinging pain then fires back a chop of his own! SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” “What an exchange we have going here!” shouts Pete, over the fans tremendously loud cheering. “The Barracuda is starting to get a second wind building while Landon Maddix is giving everything he has to subdue this beast… and this crowd is going insane!” “It’s his own damn fault – he awakened the sleeping dragon!” Johnny smacks his chest once again, goading his opponent into keeping the exchange going! Like before, Maddix steps in for another chop, but Dangerous blocks it with a forearm and… SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” SMACK! “WHOOOOOOOOO!!” “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” …unloads with a series of eye-watering knife-edged chops, lighting up Landon’s chest and backing him all the way into the far ropes! The Challenger howls in bitter agony while holding dearly to his beet-red chest, and offers up no defense to the Barracuda as he is grabbed by his arm and dragged in closer like a rag doll. Johnny steps forward and slings Landon diagonally across the ring, sending the Champion back first into the exact same unforgiving steel post that Maddix had previously used to ‘outsmart’ Dangerous earlier! CRACK! “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!” Landon crunches into the turnbuckles then staggers out of the corner; one hand gripping his back while the other still nurses his wounded chest. He unintentionally stumbles right into the Barracuda’s path, and like before offers no defense to his opponent as he is taken by the arm and whipped into the adjacent post! CRACK! “OOOOH!” He hits and stumbles back out of the corner and Johnny storms across the ring… then jumps up… WHOOSH-CRACK! “… and absolutely blasts Landon Maddix out of his boots with a spinning heel kick!” King gleefully shouts. “I can’t believe it! The Barracuda has turned the tides of this match and in doing so, has completely decimated his Challenger!” Johnny drops to his knees and heaves himself over his foe, covering for… ONEE!!! TWOOO!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! Before Kivell can even begin the motion of the third count, Landon thrusts his shoulder off the mat! The crowds roar in delight and Johnny silently damns the situation, but then he quickly goes back to his task at hand. He grabs Landon and drags him up by his scalp--Maddix screaming all the way up--then thrusts his knee into the Cockroach’s gut! Landon doubles over, grimacing as he clenches his midsection and Johnny ducks down and shoots the legs, hauling his opponent onto his shoulders in a fireman’s carry. The crowd moves to the edge of their seats, cheering whole-heartedly as Johnny looks out to them with Landon draped over his shoulders and lets out a tremendous battle cry, and then takes a single step forward… then flips forward… WHAM!! …and drills Landon back first into the canvas with a colossal thud! “Spinal Exploder!” calls King. “Johnny takes another shot to Maddix’s back, and I don’t know how much more of this abuse La Cucaracha can take!” “Oh, he can take plenty alright,” replies Pete. “His match at Slay Ride proved that Maddix can without question go the distance when needed!” “While his more recent match at From the Fire proved that he can fall flat on his face,” King reminds his broadcast partner. Knowing that the Suicide King is right on the situation, Pete concedes the debate with a defeated sigh… and of course it brings a beaming smile to Mr. Applewhite’s lips. Back in the ring, Johnny grabs Landon’s leg and rolls back on it, firmly pinning the Cockroach’s shoulder’s to the mat as Herrington drops down to count for… ONEE!!! TWOOO!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!! Landon kicks out! The fans roar in excitement, and Johnny just stares in awe. He can’t believe the amount of drive inside his foe, besides the fact that… by all counts he should be well aware of it by now. Dangerous climbs back to his feet and groans as he gets upright. With his little burst of adrenalin starting to wear off his throbbing chest starts haunting him once more. He reaches down and grabs Maddix by his chin and pulls him up to his feet, and with one hand fixed to his sternum Johnny socks his foe directly in the mouth! WHAM! “Hey!” shouts Herrington as he swoops in and admonishes the Barracuda for using a closed fist, but Johnny just brushes past him as Landon stumbles across the ring and falls into the corner. He turns around just in time to catch sight of Dangerous charging in for an avalanche—Landon’s eyes widening to the size of saucers--and Maddix quickly darts out of the way as Johnny leaps towards him, once again proving that speed is on his side tonight! Johnny, like a bumbling fool, goes headfirst into the top of the turnbuckle! WHACK! His head bounces off the post like a well aired basketball and the Secret Agent goes stumbling backwards, completely stunned out of his mind and falls to the mat, holding his head. Herrington drops to his knees to check on the Barracuda, and of course, Landon’s eyes light up at the distraction. He looks at the same turnbuckle pad that Johnny just smashed his head into and when a smile darts across his face you could almost see a light bulb go off over his head, and then he quickly moves closer towards the corner. “What in the blue blazes is that damn Cockroach up to now?” questions King, easing up in his chair to get a better look, but the only view he gets is Maddix’s back turned towards him with Landon glancing over his shoulder towards the referee every few seconds. “Is he untying the turnbuckle padding?” “I’m not quite sure,” replies Pete, “my view is blocked.” However, Johnny realizes that Maddix is up to no good when he glances up towards him. He pushes the referee back away and crawls up to his feet and races in on Landon from behind… WHAM! …and clubs the Cockroach in the back with a double axe handle, putting a stop to any of Landon’s little ideas. Johnny reaches around his Challenger’s waist from behind, locks his fingers together, then hauls Maddix off his feet with a German suplex and sends him crashing neck-and-shoulders first! WHAM! “Ha!” snickers King, “so much for Landon’s bright little idea!” Instead of simply moving in for a cover on his opponent, Johnny pops up to his feet and takes a hard look into the corner. A nod reaffirms his suspicion of Maddix’s deviousness, but two can definitely play this game! Johnny takes a step back towards the referee and drapes his arm over Herrington’s shoulder, pulling him in close while politely explaining something not quite audible and pointing towards the corner post where the two strings of the turnbuckle padding are dangling loose. Nodding in agreement, the referee heads to the corner post and starts to examine the padding as the Barracuda quietly slips away, smiling menacingly. “Oh come on,” grumbles Pete as the turnbuckle seems to have taken the referee’s undivided attention, “that’s about the oldest trick in the book!” “There wouldn’t be any need for Herrington to have to fix it if Landon hadn’t untied it in the first place!” snaps King. “Besides, I think it’s rather novel of the Barracuda to be putting safety first in this match – unlike Landon he’s starting to become a real stand up guy.” Heading back across the ring, Johnny reaches Maddix just as he is up to his hands and knees by way of the ropes and drives his knee into the back of Landon’s skulls, sending him into the bottom rope. Johnny puts his boot against the back of Landon’s head while grabbing onto the top rope then starts chocking the Cockroach against the bottom rope – all the Barracuda’s weight supported on his boot! “This is the kind of actions I was hoping we didn’t see,” fumes Pete. “Such a prestigious title being defended with such underhanded tactics is just sickening.” “Oh, for the love of God, Toilet-Clogger,” grumbles King. “I didn’t see you getting onto your soapbox when Landon was trying to untie the turnbuckle padding.” “Maybe he was trying to tie it back down?” “And maybe pigs are about to fly out of my ass!” Once again, Pete concedes the losing argument, but it’s exactly when all of Megan’s shouting towards the Barracuda pull Herrington’s attention away from the turnbuckle, and back towards the actual in ring action! He quickly shouts at Johnny, but the Barracuda has already released his footing on Landon as Maddix slumps forward on his knees, gagging while clenching his neck with both hands. The referee admonishes Johnny for the suspected offense but Dangerous innocently throws his arms up… and then gets ROLLED UP as Landon crawls in from behind and tries to take advantage of Johnny with a classic schoolboy! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” ONEE!!! …and Landon gets his feet up on the ropes, putting some added leverage into his already surprising reversal of fortunes on the Secret Agent! TWOOO!!!!!! THREEEEE – NOO!!! Not half a second from coming away with the victory, Maddix is caught by the referee and he immediately stops his count and reprimands the Cockroach! The crowd roars in cheers, and laughter, but even being caught red handed Maddix denies the ‘allegation’! “About time someone caught that little cheat,” says King. “I can’t say I’ve seen too often when he was actually spoiled from cheating his way to victory.” Both men jump back to their feet, but Landon, going back to his earlier speed strategy gets the jump on the Barracuda and meets him with a drop kick, sending him tumbling back into the mat! This time Johnny isn’t as quick to get back up to his feet and Landon makes sure he stays down, rushing in towards his opponent, jumping up, and… WHAM! …landing with a double stomp on the Barracuda’s back! “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!” Landon rolls his shaken foe over onto his back and then applies a lateral press for a cover! ONEE!!! TWOOO!!!!!! KICK OUT! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “Johnny manages to kick out once again,” notes Pete, “but those kick outs are coming with notable less authority than before – Landon’s game plan is starting to come together.” “What game plan? All we’ve seen so far is these two trying to humiliate the other and not only pin their opponent to the mat, but their self esteem too!” Landon jumps back to his feet and with his opponent still lying on his back he tries to stomp his foot into the Barracuda’s chest, but Johnny quickly rolls out of the way and up to his feet… SMACK! …and smacks the Champion in the mouth with a back hand, sending a stream of spit flying out of the side of Landon’s mouth to a big “OOOOOOOOOH!” from the crowd! Johnny grabs his opponent by the arm and tries to whip him across the ring, but Maddix quickly digs his heels into the mat and reverses the whip, sending Dangerous for the ride instead! Landon pauses for a beat and watches Johnny hit the ropes and rebound, then rushes in for a clothesline… WHOOSH! …But Dangerous ducks under the attempt. He pops up behind Maddix and reaches back, grabbing around Landon’s head to nail a quick reach-behind neck breaker! WHAM! Almost instinctively, a hand shoots to Landon’s neck as he groans angrily and tries to get back up to his feet to avoid a second attack. It doesn’t take much to realize that the Barracuda has definitely hit a sore spot –- one that has yet to fully heal -- and Johnny takes note of Landon’s plight with a devilish smile, getting a mixed reaction from the San Antonio crowd as he gets back to a vertical base himself. “This match is starting to pick back up once more,” Pete excitedly says. “This time it looks like Johnny’s heading back to reminding Landon of past defeats – Johnny won the ICTV Championship off Landon in the recent tournament this way!” “You got that right,” agrees King. “Ever since Toxxic nailed Landon through the mat at From the Fire his opponents have looked towards re-aggravating the Cockroach’s neck. It worked for Johnny previously so he might be looking to win here the exact same way. More of that psychological slap to the face you were talking about earlier.” “You also said that Landon was recycling his past offense.” “Yeah, but at least the Barracuda is recycling one that actually worked.” “Oh, so now we’re not going to the well one too many times anymore? What, you think Landon doesn’t learn from past mistakes?” Pete questions his announcing partner. “I’m sure Landon has reviewed the tapes from that match numerous times and the second he realizes Johnny is rehashing the same old tactics he can use what he should have used last time to counter it.” Johnny rushes in after Maddix, looking to lock up with his Challenger, but Maddix will have none of it! He knows not to let this man in too close at this stage of the match, and he ducks out of the way before taking off across the ring, picking up some serious steam before hitting the ropes and springing back towards Johnny… WHACK! …and Landon runs straight into a stiff shoulder block! Once more the Cockroach finds himself staring up at the ceiling – this time with Johnny diving on top of him for the cover. ONEE!!! TWOOO!!!!!! NO! Landon kicks out and starts to push up to his hands and knees. He tries to make it to his feet but before he can the Barracuda pops up to his feet, swings his elbow out, and then drops the point of his elbow into the back of Landon’s neck, eliciting a whelp from Maddix’s lips. Johnny pops back up to his feet once more, grabs Maddix by his hair to pull him half way up, and then drives that elbow back into the Cockroach’s neck again! CRACK! “Oh!” Pete winces at the hits, “the Barracuda is really exposing Landon’s neck now – he saw that the first hit obviously struck a bad nerve and now he’s focusing his attack on it!” “Smart move if you ask me,” adds King. “Hell, something we take as such a common move, like a German suplex, could really have some damaging effects on Maddix with the shape that neck is in. Landon would be wise to keep Johnny at arms length as much as possible!” Once more Johnny pulls Landon up, but this time he leaves the Cockroach’s neck be. Opting to let that aggravation in Landon’s neck slowly tick away at him instead, and whips Maddix across the ring! Landon hits the ropes and rebounds towards his foe as Johnny swings his arm out, looking for a lariat, but the speedier Maddix ducks right under Dangerous’ arm! He stops and pops up directly behind the Barracuda and when Johnny spins back around to reacquire his opponent… CRACK~! …Landon blasts Dangerous directly in the mouth with a quick super kick! “SWEET CUCA MUSIC~!” exclaims Longdogger Pete, “and out of absolutely nowhere!” Johnny staggers back from the brain-jarring kick, stunned out of his mind and as he backs towards the ropes Landon quickly shifts his game plan to formulate for this new outcome; making a quick break for the ropes, “-and there goes that quick thinking mind of Landon Maddix!” shouts Pete, as Landon hops up to the middle rope and springs off, “He sees his opening and doesn’t even play around! He’s going straight to the last act!” Landon leaps right for the dazed Secret Agent, snaring him by the head and… WHAM!!! “CRASH LANDON! CRASH LANDON!” shouts Pete, leaping from his seat. “Landon Maddix has all but refrained from using this move since the last time he used it against Johnny, but this time the Barracuda walked right into it! We have us a new Champion!” “He hasn’t come through yet,” replies King, redirecting his broadcast partner’s attention back to the ring. “Look, he’s too winded to cover! It took every thing he had to deliver that Crash Landon!” Sure enough, both men are down. They lie face up, separated by a mere five feet as Herrington steps between them with the noise of the crowd swirling all around the arena! He swivels his head back and forth, making sure no one is moving before finally, “-and it looks like the referee is going to be forced into utilizing the ten count,” notes Pete. “ONEEE!!!” “TWOO!!!” “THREEE!!!” “And the referee has reached the count of three,” reports Pete. “So far neither Superstar has moved—they might very well be out cold!” “Don’t count on it,” replies King. “Well, at least for Johnny’s sake that is. He may be down, but he sure in the hell ain’t out! He proved once before that he can overcome a Crash Landon!” “FOOOUR!!!” “FIIIIIIIIIVE!!!” “SIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!!!” The crowd grows with excitement – split pratically down the middle chants of “JOOOOOOHN-E!” and “LAAAAAAN-DON!” fight for supreme in hopes of getting the blood flowing through these two men once more! However, much to their delight or dismay--depending on which fan you ask—only one man moves – Landon Maddix. He bolts into an upright seated position and wails in pain as he grabs hold of his tender neck and back. Herrington momentarily stops his count, but Maddix plops back down on the mat, forcing the ref to go on. “SEEEEEEVEEEEEEN!!!” Landon moves directly after seven; rolling onto his stomach and starting to inch his way towards his fallen foe. “EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!” Finally, Landon reaches Johnny and he heaves his arm over his opponent’s chest then collapses next to him. Herrington instantly diverts his attention from the ten-count to count the pin, and the crowd roars in delight as the referee seals the deal for Maddix! “Now he’s got the cover!” beams Pete. “Finally, Landon has overcome his bitter foe to become the new International Champion and win the series between him and dangerous!” ONEEE!!! TWOOOOO!!!!!! THREEEEEE!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “BY GAWD! JOHNNY KICKED OUT!” exclaims Pete, but his voice is barely heard as the arena nearly explodes into cheers. His broadcast partner however, is not cheering, but snickering instead. “Ha!’ snorts King, “that’s what you get for counting your chickens before they hatch!” Back in the ring, Landon pulls himself up while across the ring Johnny reaches for the ropes to aide him in getting back in an upright position while wiping some of the sweat away from his forehead. After a fair amount of struggle, the Barracuda staggers to his feet, still stunned from the effects of the Crash Landon, and his face drenched. “These two men are up, but you’ve got to be asking yourself; how much more could either man possibly take,” says Pete. “They’ve been handing out some of the hardest shots I’ve seen all night!” The two men stumble towards each other, determined to fight no matter how much their bodies beg them to stop as the crowd begs for more! Johnny swings his fist out and nails the Cockroach in the mouth, but all it takes is a quick retaliation for Landon to keep his opponent stunned. He swings his knee into Johnny’s gut, doubling him over then cranks his forearm straight into Dangerous’ forehead! The Barracuda is knocked to the canvas, and he lies there while grimacing in pain. Once more the crowd begins to rally more towards the side of Maddix as Megan does her best to get the crowd going for him. “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” Landon can almost feel the victory himself, and excitement begins brewing - finally he’ll have the last say against this bitter rival! He takes off across the ring at half pace, closing in on his foe as he lies in the middle of the ring. Just before reaching Johnny, Landon throws everything he has into back-flipping forward into the air and unfolding right over the Barracuda for a running Shooting Star Press… WHAAM!! “RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” BUT JUST BEFORE MADDIX CAN CRUSH THE BARRACUDA BENEATH HIM, JOHNNY ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY AND THE COCKROACH SLAMS CHEST FIRST INTO THE CANVAS!! “YES! Agent Dangerous just might have something else left!” shouts King, dripping with hope. Pushing off the mat with both hands, Landon quickly glances over his shoulder to check on his opponent’s position and is surprised to find Johnny Dangerous stalking towards him. Panicking, Maddix scrambles across the mat, trying to reach the ropes, but Johnny dives after him and snares the Cockroach by his ankle! The crowd roars their approval, and even more so when Johnny drags Landon back to the middle of the ring. Johnny knows he couldn’t possibly keep a steady balance long enough to deliver a standing fight, so he grabs Landon by his arm, locks it between his thighs then wraps his fingers around Landon’s chin… “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “THE INTERROGATOR!” exclaims King as Johnny locks in his deadly, cobra cross-face submission. “This could be the final curtain for Landon Maddix! Johnny has put some serious hurting onto the cockroach tonight and I’d be damned to hell if he has enough left in him to fight back against this!” The crowd excitedly leaps to their feet, loudly cheering on the Secret Agent as Landon wails in pain! He tries his hardest to suppress it. To push the pain back from his mind and head for the ropes, but after the beating to his weak neck he’s taken it feels like someone stabbing a pitchfork into his spinal cord! “Come on, Landon, hold out!” shouts Pete. “Your almost to the ropes already!” Landon reaches out with one hand and digs his nails deep into the canvas, but before he can pull himself anywhere Johnny gives a firm snap to Maddix’s leg and pulls down even harder! Finally, Landon Maddix has no other choice, and he lowers his head while closing his eyes. Unable to watch as he raises his arm out and… NOOOOO!!!! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Maddix bolts his head back upright and lets out a might roar! He isn’t about to let the Barracuda beat him once again! “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” He can’t loose and he refuses to give in so easily, and once more he reaches out with his hand, digs his nails into the cream colored canvas, and draaaaaaaaaaags himself closer to the ropes! “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” He gets closer now, but still the pain nags at him. He knows he only has to push this pain as far away from his mind as he can for only a few seconds longer! “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” Finally, even with the Barracuda doing his best to pull Landon back from the ropes, Maddix reaches pulls his one arm out from between Johnny’s thighs and uses both arms now to give him one last shove towards the ropes… “LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN-DON!” …and grabs onto the bottom rope! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” Herrington immediately calls for the break and Johnny jumps up to his feet, absolutely livid at the amount of determination in this kid! He hadn’t realized how much Maddix had really grown since his last big encounter with him, but he certainly had, and it was starting to make Dangerous wonder if he even had enough to beat the Cockroach anymore! “I can’t believe it!” exclaims Pete, “these two just will not relent or yield to their opponent! You have got to be asking yourself, King – what is it going to take to put an end to this match!?” “I have no idea anymore,” replies King, throwing his arms up in frustration. “I don’t think I have ever seen anyone hold out against Johnny’s Interrogation submission so long! Either Landon is strong willed or just plain stupid – he could risk permanent injury by letting Johnny attack his neck like that!” “And his blood would be on the Barracuda’s hands!” snaps Pete, “and if that happened I don’t think I could ever back Johnny Dangerous again!” Landon struggles to get back up, but with Megan Skye coaching him from the outside and pounding her fists into the canvas to get him moving he pushes all his pain away and starts climbing back up to his feet. However, the Barracuda has had damn near enough! He wasn’t about to let this Championship slip away from him, not like the last time he faced Landon on Pay Per View for the ICTV Championship and lost! Johnny slides out of the ring and heads towards Funyon, shooing him out of his steel chair! “NO!’ cries Pete, “come on, Johnny, you do not have to resort to this! We’ve all seen the Barracuda loose his cool in recent times and resort to less than desirable tactics, but he’s never gone this far with it!” “If Landon had that chair I somehow doubt you’d be so against it,” replies King, and Pete knows he’s right. Furthermore, the crowd suddenly cheering the notion doesn’t seem to do much for the discouragement factor – but Megan Skye quickly steps in the Secret Agent’s path, pleading with him to put his weapon away. He tries to shoo her away, but Skye is not so easily scared off like the camouflage wearing ring announcer. If anything, her persistence gives the referee enough time to hop down from ringside and snatch the chair away from Johnny while admonishing him for even considering such a move! Finally, and rather irritably, Dangerous returns to the ring, sliding in and popping up to his feet, and GETTING A FIST PUMPED INTO HIS FAMILY JEWELS! “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” “Oh, how about those less than desirable tactics now!” roars King, “I don’t see you scolding Landon for it!” “You didn’t give me a chance,” replies Pete. Johnny crumples and offers no resistance as Maddix rolls him up once again, but the referee is still preoccupied with returning the chair to it’s proper place that he doesn’t even see the pin in progress! Megan catches it just in time to see the roll up, and goes to inform the referee. Moments later and Herrington is rushing back into the ring just as fast as his short legs will carry him, and he slides in and counts for: ONE! TWO!! THRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  17. Secret Agent

    Battleground Word Count Thread

    *staggers in* Well, I think I'm done. 10,969 is my final count which may get shorter after I wake up in five hours for my nine hour work day. Anyway, you'll get the match around 2 p.m. CST, Mike.
  18. Secret Agent

    Battleground predictions~!

    I guess I'll take a break from taking a break from writting. It's been so long since I did a predictions thread. SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Toxxic (SWF World Heavyweight Champion) v. "The Franchise" Mak Francis While Mak is an exceptional writer on par with Toxxic, I must wonder - with Mak only doing a handful of matches has he got back into his groove yet? Either way I think this one will be close, but logical booking says Toxxic goes over... even if logical booking has no bearing on these types of matches. SWF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Johnny Dangerous (SWF International Champion) v. Landon Maddix i can't really make a prediction on this. I'm only about 5000 words in on this one, and just really got the match going. Tonight will be a late night indeed as I work most of the day tomorrow. :/ MYSTERY MATCH ??? v. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins I know who the mystery man is, which will give nobody any clues as I've never had a match or any kind of interaction with this charater. However, if Spike looses it won't push him down at all, but QMM having to shake the rust just might do him in. I say Spike to take it. SWF WORLD CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP LADDER MATCH Wildchild (SWF World Cruiserweight Champion) v. "The Critic" Scott Pretzler Wildchild, for obvious reasons. It doesn't mean Pretzler can't get the job done though as he is very talented. However, this is the same stip that WC beat Tom Flesher with so I think he might have an edge here. Experience as well as mental. SINGLES MATCH Lil' Buck v. Lord David Lord David - I'd hate to see any new guys discouraged in the predictions thread. SWF HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP JJ Johnson v. Insane Luchadore I really don't know. IL is capable of some badass stuff when he writes. RANKINGS MATCH "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez v. Ejiro Fasaki I say Ejiro comes up here. SWF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP #1 CONTENDERSHIP Jay Hawke v. Manson I'm picking Hawke as I think he might have some unfinished business regarding the International Championship and his desire to make it an Old School type of championship. BAR ROOM BRAWL Arch Griffon v. Mohammed Koran Arch as I don't think Koran is even around.
  19. Secret Agent

    New War of the Worlds" trailer online

    When the hell are we going to finally get to see what the new spaceships look like?
  20. Secret Agent

    Trish uses..MySpace?

    Im surprised there is no HHH one with him ranting and raving about being the greatest there ever was!
  21. Secret Agent

    Geek Squad

    Geek Squad is owned by Best Buy. They are an on site computer repair service that will fix most software problems and some hardware. They dress like people from late 60's - early 70's NASA folks. (Black pants, white shirt, black clip on tie) and the in home ones drive black and white VW Beetles. Prices are no lower than $129.00 for a service call and can go up from there. A virus/Spyware removal is $159.00 as well as an in-home network setup. (Labor only, does not include the price of equipment so add about another 120.00 if you need a router, etc.) Also, Geek Squad is in their stores. Basically, they are the exact same Computer techs Best Buy has always had but with a different uniform. Some are good, some don't have a clue as to what the fuck they're doing. Generally the in home dudes are the most intellectual Geek Squad agents. Nice idea that's been corrupted since Best Buy took over the company and added it to their in store stuff and made on site with them. I say that because Best Buy managers threaten their Geek Squad agents constantly about making more sales making some of them offer crap you don't need just to get management off their backs. I know, i used to be one until I was told I was going to be terminated for purchasing a dish washer as 'I obviously wasn't buying it for myself'. Good company, with good ideas, but run by some dumb asses. Oh, if you want you can go to www.geeksquad.com or call 1-800-433-5773 (or 1-800-geeksquad)
  22. Secret Agent


    Bah, how about you post Dangerous/Maddix 1 or 4? Anyway, I liked 3 as well.
  23. Secret Agent

    Ten Year Anniversary of the OKC Bombing

    I remember that day, but 10 years ago already? Geeze. I was actually in high school and the blast was about 10 miles away and shook the hell out of the entire building. Anyway...
  24. Secret Agent

    Smarkdown comments

    Spike, don't get mad at me for pointing out whats obvious. As far as your feud goes I didn't really like it that much because it seemed like you killed the momentum that you were building with Spike/Toxxic - which was more interesting to me than Mak/Spike. At this stage of a face turn you really needed to work a feud against a dreaded heel like Toxxic then afterwards do the Mak/Spike deal. In that order I think it would have come off much, much better. I would have much rather just seen Spike/Toxxic with no contendership match for Battleground. Like I said, it was good when you started; the student going up against the teacher like Mak/Flesher for the ICTV Title back in the day. What we have now is what killed it.
  25. Secret Agent

    SMARKDOWN Card for April 18~!

    And least we forget that you have had three matches in the past 6 weeks and no showed how many of them? If you want a reality check I’ll give you one. My first reply was a joke, but seeing as how you want to somehow make yourself credible all of a sudden consider this: You have spent no time in the undercard, despite what you said in your post. You have won about two matches since your big return. So basically, out of the blue, you’re the number one contender having not done a damn thing to be given the chance to become number one contender. Yeah, you beat Spike, but let me point you to the line of people that have done the same. Where’s our shots at the World Title? I understand there is a storyline between Toxxic/Spike. What I don’t understand is how the hell you think its perfectly fine for you to bounce over the entire roster that have shown up, wrote matches and what not, and I don’t mean one match every three weeks or so. Yeah, I had some stuff I wanted to do with the Main Event, but guess what? People who haven’t done a damn thing to earn a shot at the World title are getting what – three different chances to show up for the number one contenders match? This has taken all the way since FTF to now, hijacking the World Title scene for 6 weeks. Since when do you get to decide your own title shots and make your own matches? Why don’t you take a God damned step down and work your way past people who’ve actually been working hard for a shot instead of having one match every 3 weeks, if that, and suddenly getting your second un-earned title shot on PPV this year. How come you don’t have to compete in a tournament for the International Championship, instead of bouncing over the whole roster for the top spot? You PM’ed me but I honestly didn’t give a damn. Why? Because you somehow inserted yourself where I was trying to be while telling me some wise-ass thing like go fight so-and-so for a shot instead of Spike. Well, I’m sorry to say, but you don’t get to make my matches. If you did maybe I could have more shots at the world title instead of having to earn number one contenderships for every single title I’ve had! Something hardly anyone else has to do. I know there are storylines like Spike/Toxxic, like I mentioned above, but this isn’t exactly a storyline fed. This is about competition and in this setting you take the two top people and have those two compete for the shot then make your angle out of that. If you were writing constantly, like every show, then yeah most likely you’d be there anyway, so why don’t you at least try that! If you’re mad, be mad, challenge me to a match, I don’t care, but I’m not watching a repeat of last year where people could loose all day long and get the ME of Battleground or have 4 matches and get a shot at the world title afterwards. So basically, in a nutshell, before trying to tell me off, why don’t you actually earn your shot at the World Title as you certainly have yet to do so yet!