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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    Bah, I dunno. Number 5 for our first time is damn good still.
  2. Secret Agent

    March, 17, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    So for absolutely no reason at all Big Show challenged a Sumo wrestler to a match at WrestleMania, when the Sumo guy isn't even on the WWE roster? I, for one, have no desire to watch a Sumo match at WM though.
  3. Secret Agent

    March, 17, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    I must have missed something due to me not usually watching Smackdown!, but why is Big Show fighting this Akebono guy?
  4. How about a chain match?
  5. Secret Agent

    Joss Whedon confirmed for Wonder Woman movie

    I don't know. A Wonder Woman movie really doesn't seem to have any appealing value.
  6. That wasn't really meant to you, Tom. More the parties involved that were yet to fill me in that we weren't going with my proposal.
  7. Don't worry. Toxxic. We'll have us a good ol' rumble in the jungle to settle the score for once and all soon. Even if you already are one up on me.
  8. Secret Agent

    The SWF Archiving Project

    Sign up at www.theswf.com and throw your stats in as well, Mark and Edwin. I'd like to have as many stats as I can to link to when I put the Hall of Fame up.
  9. Secret Agent

    The SWF Archiving Project

    Go ahead, Manson. I set it so you can post in there. In fact, I'll set both forums so anyone who feels like helping out can post in them. It was set that way, though, so ever Dick, Tom, and Judy couldn't just randomly post crap in there.
  10. Secret Agent

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    Here's a link to the #1 rated show of the week. GWA - Eve of Destruction
  11. Keep fooling yourself, Landon.
  12. Secret Agent

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    I would bitch about it, but we did sneak that show in. In all actuality they didn't have to rate that one. However, I don't see how are PPV stacks up as only 5 to these other feds who write 6k word shows.
  13. I guess my plot for the ME stuff must have got the veto again? Also, Landon, if there is some kind of advancement to a storyline you want to get across let me know please. Thanks.
  14. Secret Agent

    THE SWF.COM V.2.0

    Sly, added. You're welcome. WC, it's about half-way complete. I got off track the last day with it while trying to get a system online for switching Champions for CC, as well as trying to add all the title histories into the database. I'm writing match tonight, but tomorrow or Thursday I hope to have Tag Team's up and quite possibly stables as well.
  15. Secret Agent

    X-Men 3 director announced...

    No, but they're both Marvel properties. X-Men is Fox and Spider-Man is Sony.
  16. Secret Agent

    Storm Comments

    If you're going to do all that, Landon, might as well call it the SWF United Championship.
  17. Secret Agent

    THE SWF.COM V.2.0

    Dude, Toxxic, I've had you listed as Champion for over a week. As far as you, Mr. Maddix, now that you have you stats up I can actually set your wrestler in the database as having that belt. This site isn't a static website; most things are populated by the database. EDIT: I don't actually know what the accurate title reign days are so I can guarentee they aren't right. Anyone have one up to date?
  18. Secret Agent

    Chris Connection

    Well then, I guess I'll just have to host the pic on the SWf server.
  19. Secret Agent

    Chris Connection

    While I was treding through a very old IGNWF website on tripod, looking for Cyclone Comet stats, I came across this jewel...
  20. Secret Agent

    I took a trip to Titan Towers today.

    In that case they just have the tour guides recite generic answers. If they even have tour guides. I've never had one for all the numerous museums I've been to.
  21. Secret Agent

    Vince McMahon Interview

    Would you start watching more if it got better, though? Or do you think you'd still loose more intrest as time goes by?
  22. Secret Agent

    I took a trip to Titan Towers today.

    I second a real WWE Hall of Fame/Museum. For the money Vince's wasting on a Kane movie he could have one already.
  23. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Putting Things Into Perspective

    I think Landon should stop worrying about Toxxic, and worry about Johnny Dangerous! Yeah, alright, anywho...
  24. Secret Agent

    Losing Match Thread

    What the hell is that avatar, Raynor, Double Dragon or something?
  25. Secret Agent

    Weekend Boxoffice

    Really? I might have to go check it out then.