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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    Senate to Vote on Minimum Wage

    I have to agree with Mike here. Raising the minimum wage won't do a damn thing as companies will just pass the cost onto the consumer and that 2 dollar loaf of bread will now cost you 3 dollars. People that can't afford to live off of minimum wage now, still won't if they raised it. Minimum wage was never intended to be a wage for working adults making their career out of it. How somebody stays at that low level is beyond me. Even if your working at McDonald's you can put some effort in and get promoted to a shift manager, assistant manager, and so forth. Hell, when minimum wage in Oklahoma was 5.15 I was making 9.50/hr at Carl's freaking Jr of all places. All this will do is further decrease the value of an American dollar.
  2. Secret Agent


    Do I qualify to join that eliete club, Toxxic?
  3. Secret Agent


    OMG, he actually used 'bloody' in that rant. LoL Anyway, Landon, I read the boards and I haven't seen anything that gives a reason as to why you don't want to be Champ again.
  4. Secret Agent


    I'd take it. *shrugs*
  5. Secret Agent


    OMG, Toxxic will have broken 4 years of tradition!
  6. Secret Agent

    Promo: The Crossroads of Life

    The room was darkened, lit only by the row of ten candles angled around Johnny Dangerous, and a pleasing scent filled the air. In the background, a faint, yet peaceful music played. For the first time in a long while, Johnny had sat down to clear his mind with some deep meditation, and it was long overdue. He had several questions in his mind that had come to a point where they could no longer be ignored. Answers were desperately needed and the only person that could answer them was himself. The last time he had actively engaged in any meditation was when he was training with Wildchild for their big Tag team Championship match against Revolution Zero. However, life was so demanding with a busy schedule that he could barely keep up with his workouts, let alone meditation. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, taking himself to a place he had nearly forgotten. It didn’t take long for his thoughts to center themselves on his recent frustrations, which is no surprises as he’d been running on pure emotion the last few weeks - ever since he received notice that the United States government wanted their investment back. He could hold out for a while, he definitely knew how to work the system as he’d done for over a year and a half, but you can only work the system for so long before it dies up and the water was barely knee deep. Time was running short, and yet there were so many things left to do. He promised himself he’d return to the glory he had only tasted with the tip of his tongue once before, but this time he’d make something out of it. This time he’d be the World Champion that could keep fighting and survive, without letting some punk take that away from him. But that chance wasn’t coming. He’d been given a chance with one punk, and then another punk. Two chances to reach his goal and twice he had failed. Twice he had let down everyone who believed in him, everyone who shouted his name from their lips, and everyone who stood by his side. He had failed them all… or had they failed him? Surely it wasn’t him as he was not lacking in the abilities and maybe, just maybe, in order for him to reach his goals, he needed to separate himself from all of them. He let his mind wander more, but each time it came back to the same situation. He didn’t want to see it as it required a choice, a choice he didn’t want to have to decided, but he knew he would have to. Once again he tried to push past it, and like before he was brought back to the same place; the crossroads of two paths, each leading to a completely different outcome. One road was much darker and desolate, yet more self-fulfilling. He could almost hear the path calling out to him, enticing him to follow it with promises of great riches. The other road, the open road, held no promises or guarantees, you could only reap what you sow. He could see that someone was waiting for him in the distance on this path, to travel the hardships with him. Two paths, one choice, and he knew what each one would entail. The sands of the hourglass were already slipping through. Once he had chose his path there would be no turning back – he had to make the right choice. Slowly, Johnny opened his eyes and exhaled a deep breath. The choice had been made and he knew what he had to do now… --------------------------- O.O.C. I know this might be odd and short, but i couldn't think of any other way to get my point across. :\
  7. Secret Agent

    Promo: The Crossroads of Life

    Well then, thanks to you too, Andrea.
  8. Secret Agent

    Promo: The Crossroads of Life

    Well at least you read it, Toxxic, unlike anyone else in the fed. Anyway, thanks man, but I don't know why everyone is so eager to see him go heel. I didn't think peeps would care. :\
  9. Secret Agent

    WWE to Produce Montreal Screwjob DVD

    Does anybody know if there was any reasoning behind the Ultimate Warrior/HHH WM squash match? Like was this a result of the 'breaking character' HHH did with Nash that lead to him losing the KOTR push? Or did Warrior only agree to the match if he could squash somebody?
  10. Secret Agent

    Trish Stratus

    The mid 80s. PWNED I hardly think so, dumb ass. Anyway, I had no idea who she is/was as I never really paid much attention at all to womens wrestling before Sable. Can we get at least a pic?
  11. Secret Agent

    Trish Stratus

    Who the fuck is Wendi Ritcher, and what centruy is she from?
  12. Secret Agent

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Their acting talents were just fine for what they were doing. What are you hoping to get out of this, an Oscar worthy performance for a commercial?
  13. Secret Agent

    The SWF is in your hands now.

    X-Net Wrestling and what this means for you~! Alright, people, I’ve got some news that hopefully you guys will take as good news. I recently signed the SWF up (after MVS asked me to do it) with X-Net Wrestling, which is a decent sized inter-fed promotion type of deal. What basically happens with this is they rate our shows that we submit to them every week. They’ll also allow heads of federations to submit their top five role players, but that doesn’t really apply to us, nor do we have more than 3 people who promo more than once a blue moon ( /rock ), anyway. What this basically means for us is: Advertisements for us to hopefully gain more writers to have a bigger, bustling roster, and get our name out there amongst some of the other wider known feds. We have competition. This right here is what can either put the SWF up as a ‘5 star federation’ or a ‘1 star federation’ and it’s all in the hands of each and every writer for the SWF to decide this. No more do you only have to just compete against whoever your opponent is, but we are competing with our match quality against tons of different federations to gain better ratings. When we were part of the short lived Empire Inter-fed deal we ruled the hell out of every other fed in this department. Our match quality can easily outdo any other federation, but the key here is we need everyone to put forth some effort. Granting that all goes well, we will be added to their list of federations on Sunday, making Lockdown the first show that we will be rated on. What we seriously need here, and from here on out, is for everyone to give some effort into the SWF. No shows recently have been horrendous – the lack of effort is honestly killing any chance of survival for this Federation and I know I, for one, definitely don’t want this place to die. Staring in our face is an opportunity here to make the SWF thrive once more. All we have to do is have everyone who is active to give the SWF that quality that each and every person is capable of, all you need to do is sit down and give it. Lets put some angles together, lets get some feuds going, lets get something happening that’s interesting to read. If we can push forward right now and have everyone give us some effort you might just get new people to feud with, do stuff with, and keep this place going strong. From the Fire is coming up, and I would love to see 0 no shows for this, tons of quality, and maybe… just maybe, we can put a start to turning this place around. Once again, Lockdown starts us off with the ratings, please for everyone not involved with something right now, get something going. Even if it seems lame, or nothing but a short one or two match angle, anything is better than nothing. I know it may seem like I am the last person who should be opening my big mouth, but my lack of doing anything big right now is due to the fact that I have been working hard on getting you guys a functioning website before From the Fire. So no excuse, but that’s why I’ve been rather loose on the participation. To wind down this rant the place is HERE or www.xnetwrestling.com They encourage members to come to their forums and participate as well, so if you can do that too it’d be helpful. Thanks again everybody, I know you guys can pull this off and we can get started on another era of the Smartmarks Wrestling Federation. -Johnny-
  14. Secret Agent

    Cena or JBL?

    If Cena did win everyone would think Batista is about to loose anyway, so i think they'd be surprised to see Dave win as well. Anyway, the Cabinet could just beat the holy hell out of Cena backstage, before the match making him fairly easy for JBL to beat without a problem.
  15. Johnny Dangerous The entire name and concept for Johnny Dangerous came in two ways. 1. Was the fact that I wanted to return to the SWF or SJL at the time after having basically ruined what could have been the biggest angle in the JL. I know people will come back and say it sucked, but what sucked was the piss poor execution as the plot was basically a “what if” scenario. Like, what if the NwO had actually taken over WCW – and that’s where it came from, but I left before it got finished. Anyway, needless to say, after leaving on a whim I decided like all sheep to return to the flock but was met by a huge roadblock named Axis, who was sour at me leaving last time. So like everyone else, I came up with a different character to sneak back in with and this was Johnny Dangerous. 2. Johnny’s name itself was a complete rip of “Johnny Barracuda” from the Cliffhanger! comic series “Danger Girl”. Adding the Dangerous portion of it actually came from the Michael Keaton gangster movie “Johnny Dangerously” just I thought Dangerous by itself was cool enough. His look is also pretty much ripped off from how the character Johnny Barracuda looks. Lean but muscular, good looking, dark hair, blue eyes, etc. When I first started out in the JL though Johnny wrestled in a tuxedo and the reasoning behind that is in the James Bond films, Bond always does everything in a freaking suit. Everything that requires him to be dressed that is, so it’s pretty much playing up to a stereotype that I defined on my own as I don’t know if everyone else sees it like I do. When defining the character itself I basically relied upon two sets of stereotypes. 1. Good spies are always clean shaven and proper. They also drink the elegant drinks – Scotch, Martini, etc 2. Bad spies always smoke, have a 5’oclock… hell make that 2 day shadow, and they drink straight whiskey and I don’t mean shots - we are talking about a good cup full. Johnny being a ladies man is also ripped off from James Bond. In fact, his original entrance theme was James Bond’s theme before I changed it to the Mission Impossible theme. The only things I can think that I really added was I designed him to be someone who is just over with crowd popping moves that really aren’t effective. Johnny is way different that I originally envisioned as he was suppose to be something for me to do until I could bring my original character back. Since I had planned him for a temporary character I decided to do something with him somewhat original as well as have fun with and at the same time, I’d have an easy way to retire him from SWF competition. His purpose at first goes back to the “Who is he after” plot that I used to introduce him to the JL, where he was a secret agent that was sent in to take down someone the CIA or whatever agency it was (I don’t think is specifically named it other than a Black Ops section of the CIA) had set their sights on. Somebody in the WF was doing something pretty bad and he was there to stop them. His whole guise was he was pretending to be a wrestler who was a former Secret Agent while secretly still being an active agent. He would have to work his way through the ranks so he could infiltrate the WF itself though, where this mystery person he was after was already at. As the story goes, it was originally not supposed to be Wildchild, but I switched it to him because it was the most back stabbing type of situation possible and hell, he agreed to do it. “Grand Slam” Mark Stevens was to be the man he was after but he had to back out after going ahead with the Commissioner Angle from Genesis 4. Anyway, Johnny’s boss, a female, was supposed to have been a former girlfriend of Stevens before there was a Lynn, who felt she got done so badly she was destined to have the final word in the biggest payback scheme ever. Johnny was the man caught in the middle who would have been pit against Stevens but in the end discovered the entire plot. He was supposed to end there, after the WC angle, but I didn’t want to so I basically just said he was on “Vacation” for as long as he wants at the expense of the Government. I’m not sure what Johnny Dangerous will be remembered for. Z once said the character was too convoluted, but I just wanted to design a character that had a purpose that was different from everybody else’s. I’m sure he’ll just be remembered as a part of Wild and Dangerous, which is great in itself as I’m just a mark for tag team matches anyway.
  16. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Driving the nail deeper

    You are such an evil bastard, Toxxic. Anyway, good promo, I can't wait to see if Cortez falls for it or not.
  17. Secret Agent

    Gmail Invites

    Google e-mail that has like a gig of storage.
  18. Secret Agent


    Say, W&D made history too since this is the first title histories to get posted since we became 3X tag team champs~! I'm wondering, though, how come it says our individual names instead of the team name?
  19. Secret Agent

    The SWF is in your hands now.

    Also, I don’t want anyone to think I’m lambasting everyone over this. I know I probably have no room to speak here about this or what people should do, but I am just trying to help us here. I know that we do have several people that try hard and put angles and storylines into action and to those I salute you, but what this is more directed to is those not really doing anything but veging, and they know they’re capable of doing so much more. So apologies if I offended anyone with my rants and raves.
  20. Secret Agent

    Not IC: A Sad Farewell

    Damn, and I was really hoping to work a program with you after FTF.
  21. Secret Agent

    Xbox2 to be released in Europe in 2005

    I thought they were going to include a TIVO like device in the next X-Box, which would make a HD necessary. Anyway, I think they need to stop adding stupid shit to these things and just make it a game system. I've never used my PS2 or X-Box to do anything other than play games. Getting rid of the extra junk would make the system more affordable.
  22. Secret Agent


    Well, congrats to Cortez and Pretzler especially. However, I must add something. Pretzler, If you're going to use Johnny I really wish you'd contact me. Johnny was purposely not suppose to be at the show as I am currently working a storyline with him in and it involved him pulling a dissappearing act on Smarkdown. Otherwise, good show with the storyline developments in Revolution Zero, Mak finally having something to say, and some other things.
  23. Secret Agent

    The SWF's future

    Well as far as advertising and so forth goes. I've been in contact with one of those interfeds like that Empire place we dealt with previosuly, only I think this one is a little better. They have all the weekly rankings for feds and shows, and I think like before, we could pretty much own the rest on the show department so long as everyone puts in the effort. Go to their forums and post on there too, that gets your name out. It's X-Net Wrestling, and they've asked that the SWF signs up with them. For topsites: we can do some but I don't want a ton of banner exchanges going if they have to be on the front page. We just need to register with the top "topsites" listed on Google and have everyone click the hell out of the links. The list I have compiled so far that we need to register with are... www.efedproductions.com www.roughkut.com www.projectefed.com(whenever they get their shit back together on this one.) Also listing us with Yahoo in their directory and on their site, as well as every other search engine I can find. Hopefully I tagged the site good enough that we can grab a top listing in Google. Any other suggestions for top sotes or link exchanges, feel free to tell me.
  24. Secret Agent

    The SWF's future

    Fine, Z. I'll give away my reason for not writting much since CF. Website It's not entirely ready so remember that when you start clicking links that go nowhere. I've had to rewrite quite a bit of the database and coding, but It was to be ready by the next Smarkdown.
  25. Secret Agent


    Don't worry, I'll make it work, I was just pointing out something for our new guy.