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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    SWF Battleground Card!

    *takes packet of Ginkgo with full glass of water* Don't worry Landon, I'm just now really beginning my part... so don't feel alone.
  2. I'll jump to your conclusion!! *shakes fist*
  3. That still has nothing to do with the two guys mentioned in this thread. Not everyone is destined to suck.
  4. How about you give these guys a chance to see what they can do before you start trashing them.
  5. Secret Agent

    BATTLEGROUND Predictions!

    That's what I'm talking about. Trash this pity party and just shut up and write, damn it!
  6. Secret Agent

    Promo: As all things rise..

    Oh, I like! I'm not sure I can say much more than what Z has already covered, but it adds an extra level to the Battleground match I feel. Good work, I was beginning to wonder if you had slipped away into obsecurity again.
  7. Secret Agent

    Smarkdown Comments

    Wow! I don't know who no showed, but awesome show! I will add better commenst when i actually read the whole thing instead of skimming, but... ZENON HEEL TURN!!! That was very well done!
  8. Secret Agent

    Smarkdown Comments

    Perhaps someone should ask then...
  9. Secret Agent

    Smarkdown Comments

    That's OK, you'll get yours in the Triple Quadruple Match, muahahahahaha. *goes back to writing and plotting* I would too, but it seems someone hasn't checked their PM box yet.
  10. Secret Agent

    SWF Battleground Card!

    Do tagging in and out rules still apply to the HC portion where their are no rules, or is it eightmen in at once for that?
  11. Secret Agent

    SWF Battleground Card!

    Ho-ly shit. And I thought last years Battleground match was tough to write.
  12. Secret Agent


    Well... I've also been the number one contender to the USJL since Sacred was still the champ. So, yeah...
  13. Secret Agent

    PROMO: It's A Mad, Mad, Mad World

    !! Z promos, wow! It's a pretty good one too, maybe I should get you to write all my promos for now on as well. Keep it up, Commish, I'm eager to finally see some payoff to Kibs/Zenon.
  14. Secret Agent

    Lockdown comments

    Also... I don't know why I should be scared, Rando, but for Mr. Maddix... Sure, anytime you want.
  15. Secret Agent

    Lockdown comments

    Gee, Dace, it was nice that you couldn't find one positive thing to say about my match. Where's all this bitterness coming from? I don't know where you see a fashion show at, and cheap shot... no, I just picked a random name. The back work is a plenty in that match for the finish, and I can't drag out a 5k match by having tons of delay going about if I want to fit more wrestling in. Real life reversals in matches happen just like the ones I did. Thanks.
  16. Secret Agent

    Jesse Ventura Eyes 2008 Presidential Bid

    I'd be surprised in Hillary Clinton didn't try for it in 2008.
  17. Secret Agent

    Lockdown losing matches

    Alright Tryst, I've read it and although it is a pretty good match, especially with you being gone for quite some time, there are a few things that really grabbed my attention. There is plenty of wrestling and action crammed into that match but at times it becomes a little hard to follow. Like in the first bolded portion, I had to re-read it a few times just to make sure I understood who it was that got DDT'ed. I think instead of all the "His, and him" maybe only use him for one charater in the sentence. In the second portion, I again had to re-read to see if I missed something as I couldn't figure out why Tryst would be dizzy after a half spin. Also, and it may be just my poor reading skills, but it seems harder to read when you have sentence after sentence that gives an action like "Releasing and springing back to his feet" followed by a comma, naming the charater and giving a little descriptive or more action. I think it's a good way to start paragraphs but it becomes hard to follow when over-used. In this match you pretty much used it all the way through. Your commentary was spot-on, I really digged it, and as far as my knowledge tells me... the grammar was good too. Also, try added a few more exclamation points after some good hits, or like in the bit of dialog between the final pinfall count, I think i counted one whole exclamation point during the whole match that didn't involve commentary. Like I said before, I liked the action itslef, the flow just seemed a little off. I'm sure you'll get your groove back, and when you do... I'm already afraid of it. Good work though, Tryst!
  18. Secret Agent


    I would just like to point out to Edwin that I saw Prince before you... last tuesday in fact!
  19. And not to sound like more of a moron... but with all this talk of Bret doing one last event for WWE, is he even fit to get in the ring? Last I heard he had a stroke, so I couldn't imagine him doing much of anything unless it wasn't too serious of one. And yes... I'm so far behind with the news.
  20. Secret Agent


    Were doing Lockdown at a baseball stadium?
  21. Secret Agent

    SWF Storm Card, April 9th

    Orginally it was suppose to go down this show, but alas... Mr. Clark had something else up his sleeve. Lets hope it's good!
  22. Secret Agent

    Losing matches

    Well, WC, I think the A2A survivor match was good. Maybe that's just me though.
  23. Secret Agent

    SWF Storm Card, April 9th

    *awaits the Warcraft 3 match*
  24. Secret Agent

    SWF Storm Card, April 9th

    I would Imagine it's Tryst, Rando.
  25. Secret Agent

    SWF Storm Card, April 9th

    ... And we send promos to?