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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    SWF Smarkdown Card

    Excellent. I was going to send you one anyway, but thanks for clarifying that one. Now... who should win, who should win. *Laughs evily*
  2. Secret Agent

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    *gives Tammo his Secret Suicide gift.*
  3. Secret Agent

    Smarkdown Predictions

    Hey, thats pretty good, Dub Cee. How about some more refreshing?
  4. Secret Agent

    SWF Smarkdown Card

    If I can write that tag team match as well as the two teams I'll be happy, otherwise 3 shows in a row with no match for me.
  5. Secret Agent

    Workers used better by WCW than by Vince McMahon..

    I don't get to watch wrestling very often at all so this question will sound dumb, but... Have any of the WCW guys that came over after WWE bought WCW ever held the World Title since the invasion crap ended?
  6. Secret Agent

    Birthday Salutations 2003-04~!

    OMG LOOK! It's the King's birthday!!! Well, happy birthday King, I thought you were older than 27 though.
  7. Secret Agent

    SWF Lockdown Card - February 11th!

    Hey, now, Ejiroy. I was the only person to ever make Jack look like an actual threat.... even if I did have him trip over a wet floor sign to let all the heat out of the window. Ejiro = Jealous that he didn't get to make Jack look tough. Now hopefully that excuse will be accepted by the masses, and we can all go on and enjoy our lovely day.
  8. Secret Agent

    Your hottie of the moment...

    I personally don't see what the deal is about girls like April Hunter. Nice tits are... well nice so long as the are real enough and the girl doesn't look like a stick with two basketballs on her chest. That said the girl from "That 70's Show" is nice.
  9. Secret Agent

    SWF Lockdown Card - February 11th!

    As if that wasn't the case before. Yeah, I know, I have a TON of room to talk.
  10. Secret Agent

    Eelhouse Rock

    Well hey, King, you got plenty of free time now!
  11. Well, it all looks good. However, the Light-heavyweight title is a different title than the current CruiserWeight Championship and as such, should have it's own individual record set. Check the promage following the CF ladder match between WC and Flesher for the info regarding that. If I'm wrong which I highly doubt I am, someone say so.
  12. Secret Agent

    SWF Diablo 2 Crew

    Bleh @ Diablo, especially part 2! If you guys have any PC games like Halo i'd gladly play you.
  13. Secret Agent

    SWF Lockdown Card - February 11th!

    I thought it was called the Cruiserweight Title now.
  14. Secret Agent

    Who travels with who?

    Well maybe you two can't afford an Escalade, but how about an Avalanche? Same exact thing basically. Possibly an Expedition would work too. This reminds me, Johnny once drove a Ford Broncho II to an SJL show.
  15. Secret Agent

    SWF Avatars

  16. Secret Agent

    Who travels with who?

    Wild & Dangerous would accept this offer, Mark. Just so long as Thugg pulls the seat up.
  17. Secret Agent

    Important Announcement

    Okay I must say something better than my two line cussing post. As far as King resigning as Commish before he gets tossed to the curb, I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to, or moving towards tossing King out. However, just like writers don't want to write anymore, I'm sure it's the same for the booking position, and head of the SWF position. King seems to have burnt out, and hopefully one day you will possibly come back again for round two! As far as the position goes, it could quite possibly be one that needs to be changed once a year to keep the people running it sane. Anyway, King, you have done one hell of a job in my book, so kudos to your reign as head of the SWF. I hope taking a step back will ease you up on the stress, and Steven's post made me wonder how come he didn't want the job, no offense to Z of course it just struck me as... odd. Z will do good though as long as he doesn't book anymore 5 stages of heck 6k matches in the SWF. Now as far as the people having fun; I think it's fun, but if you ask me I think this place has shifted as already stated. No more is it just people not really caring about the seriousness of their characters and being zany and what not, but rather its a damn stiff competition where everyone wants to be number 1! Losing a match seems to set you back, and its sometimes hard to dig yourself out of a losing slump. When you start losing you start to loose the fun, and that in turn makes this place pointless. Myself included, I am guilty of this as I’m sure Z, Stevens, King, and anyone else with a working set of eyeballs could attest to. I have gotten completely bent out of shape over losing a match, instead of just congratulating the winner for besting me, and trying better next time. In my effort to prove everyone one wrong, and be the best, (which will never ever happen when I half-ass things) I lost sight plenty of times that we are here to have fun. I could be wrong but I think a lot of it has to do with when we started getting rankings, people keeping solid win/loss records, etc. Nobody wants to be at the bottom of those rankings, and yes, I know there hasn’t been rankings in ages, and nobody wants a 0-76 record. Even if it is just suppose to be fun, things like that can suck the fun right out of it. For me I think the most fun I had was while working the Johnny/Wildchild angle where it was all about moving a plot, and people actually seemed to be reading for once! Imagine that, anyway, I didn’t care if Wildchild beat Johnny’s ass at Genesis because it was fun. My ever so high loss record going up one more didn’t matter at all, and it didn‘t really feel like a competition aside from competing for peoples attention on the story. So, maybe the answer to making it more fun is to get more people involved with feuds, storylines, etc... basically where the point is to draw people in with a story and FORCE then to read your match which is the payoff for building the tale. I have seen a couple lately but not a whole lot. CC could step in and possibly point people in the right direction for feuds, but that would make for a lazy ass group of writers. Anyway, the JL folded due to a lack of new recruits, I would think people would want to do everything they could to make this place seem like Disney World for Alan Clark, and whatever suits your fancy for everyone else who is a little less animated. I’m sure this post has absolutely no point, and I have rambled on far too long. So if all else fails at least I got +1
  18. When I read The Rock's autobiography he said the belt was handeled by WWF staff that made sure it got from show to show. However he also said the Dudleys paraded around Airports with their tag team belts, so who knows.
  19. Secret Agent

    Important Announcement

    ... I'll post something better in a minute but until then... LMAO at your Avatar. Where's Rita at?
  20. Secret Agent

    Important Announcement

    Fuck. That suck's King.
  21. Secret Agent

    Clusterfuck Comments

    Wow, even Grappler gives Johnny no respect in the match. Good work though, Matthews.
  22. Secret Agent

    Clusterfuck Comments

    On a side note: King says there will be an immportant announcement regarding the Fed after the Storm Card is posted. Now, everytime I have seen something like this go up in the JL, it's somebody quitting. I sure hope it isn't King, or GSMS for that matter, but who knows what it is.
  23. Secret Agent

    Clusterfuck Comments

    OMFG!!! That was truly awesome! WC congrats, and Cruiserweight Champion no less, that's going to be cool as heck to have a new title! Sacred with a match that is awesome to the bone... what ever that means. Congrats to whoever winds up winning the fuck... whenever it happens. And Va'aiga, I have to admit, I did not expect you to pull that one out at all, but you proved me and probably a lot of people wrong with a heck of a match there. Good job and congrats.
  24. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Welcome, Part 3 of 3
