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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    Predictiones, Preditciones, Ole Ole Ole

    Why do they need to prove you wrong?
  2. Secret Agent


    Not that I would ever win, but Just to make some good competition, I'll throw my hat, which is better than Judge's into the ring!
  3. Secret Agent

    Donation Status

    ... I pay 50 a month already. That's DSL/Cable access or a Video Game every month.
  4. Secret Agent


    Ermm... Ok. Well before you go any further Thugg, or Stevens~, or Outcast let me list you what I already have done, half-done, or in the worx. First of all, Z's right, He's always here when I'm online, so I annoy him with website questions a lot. I'll just post em for now on. Secondly THIS is basically what I had planned as far as information on the front page goes. Look at me I'm World Champ! I'll explain that one in a second. The design has once again changed from what you see there; It's a little more stylistic than this. I know THIS looks like monkey crap. Also once everything is done I can change "Design" anytime in however long it takes someone to whip up a front page. Everything is pulled from outside pages into the main template. SIGN UP Works. I have a new version of that coming as I don't want to use cookies any longer, but rather Session variables for loging in. All that gives you is access to the member stuff. I.E. editing stats, etc. Although it won't give you access to a damn thing until you are set to whatever league. SWF, or SJL. STATS THING This is meant more for new people. I had planned on adding an explanation to things like how to properly figure your strength, stamina, etc. Uhh.. Oh, yes. The champions thing on the front page is something that updates every single day. Once a day it will add "1" day to someone's title reign, giving an up to the minute title run length. It also allows for creation of new titles, deletion of old, suspending current ones, etc. Maybe this is jumping ahead of your phase 1 or 2 but most of this is complete. Oh, Mark, as far as the card deal goes. I can do what you asked but I have a "Card Wizard" about 40% ciomplete. This is meant for you to basically create a card for whatever show. It starts off with selecting an arena from the database(which includes seating capacity, city, state, country, etc) Adding a due dat, due time, show date, show time. From there it goes into making matches. It pulls pep's from the "Active for competiton" list. It stores who's a title contender, whos a title holder, etc. Some of this is a two part deal though. I have a section for "Markers" to log into the site and select who won the match from the matches assigned to them. That's done already. Then when you make a match you select a "Marker" from a marker list. When the whole show is done, I have it post to the front page, or you can save it if your working on it and want to come back to it later, but not yet post it. Then it outputs in "Board Format" complete with all the Invision board cpdes for bolding, italics, etc. Its just a copy and then paste into the boards. Also on the "SHOW RESULTS" portion. It will not post it until whoever has access goes in and selects "Post Results". Once that is done, any title changes will be done, title historie's changed, and RANKING'S updated. all with the click of ONE button!!! That's all for now, I'm typed out! -Bass Out!
  5. Yeah, I don't think we got a single comment.
  6. Secret Agent


    Yeah... Well I was working on it until I needed to spend most of my free time writting my storyline. Then to top that off, my buddies from TCLN.com asked me to help with finishing the coding for their Halo league. That's where I have been up to with that one. Yeah I've slacked and what not, and made about 76 different templates for it, and changed it yet again after finding one semi-z-approved. My biggest problem is getting folks to tell me what they would actually use on a site like this. I have just been winging it basically.
  7. Secret Agent

    The Official SWF Genesis Word Count Thread

    Bah I'm at 11,121 right now. I've been working on it for a few weeks so thats why. WC is going to go down like a cheap whore!
  8. Secret Agent


    !!!! Oh, yeah! When's the last time a HCG Title match was booked over the US and ICTV!!
  9. Secret Agent

    The 3rd Annual SWF Awards Nominations

    I got snubbed for a promo of the year Nomination twice!
  10. Secret Agent

    Lockdown Comments.

    4th. 1 time in the JL I won because you went over the limit. 2 in the JL your match won, but it was a draw. 3. In the WF when I was nowhere to be found. 4. ~GENESIS~!!
  11. Secret Agent

    Lockdown Comments.

    Yeah... umm... it's a retractable one. As you can tell by how crappy all of those promos were written, I was just trying to get a few points across without doing something like this: Note to all readers: Due to me being lazy the following statements are true. 1. Johnny is revealed as an active secret agent to the world. 2. Wildchild is revealed as a drug dealer and the man Johnny has been after all this time. 3. Wildchild Vs. Johnny @ Genesis!!
  12. Secret Agent

    Lockdown Comments.

    I see someone else watches Family Guy, too. I love Johnny’s dickish, over-the-top heel Bond character. I really, really like the new theme music. I’m glad to see his angle continuing to progress, even though the way it was done makes him look more faceish than he probably ought to. Getting slapped down by the Suicide King just establishes a certain amount of pathos. The first promo was done in the past tense because it had happened "Earlier In The Day". As for Johnny looking to facish, I was going for Johnny being too much of a coward to respond to another cowards attack. He just basically just held his head and bitched. I didn't mean to give a face vibe. And I have only see Family Guy like twice. I thought I made that line up.
  13. Secret Agent

    SWF Smarkdown Card 9-22--2003

    *cracks knuckles* And don't think I'll be counting a damn thing for either of you two! /me begins his ref match
  14. Secret Agent

    Lockdown Comments.

    You know,... it must be a damn good show when King IM's me and orders me to comment. Anyway... How could I possibly start with this? In the past few weeks we have seen some of the biggest returns ever. From Thugg to Mark Stevens, and now Edwin! I just have to say, hot damned! Edwin delivers a damn fine promo, with an excellent speech to boot. Then to top that off we have the feud to be finally coming to fruitation, and it's about damn time too. Edwin Vs Silent, I just hope we actually get a match out of it. The only thing missing out of this is for King to write a promo from his side and to throw Raynor back in. I haven't got to all of the other matches yet. All I have read match wise in detail is WC's match and Judge's. To Judge, good job, good luck, I'll be at your funeral when the pace maker goes out from that match. Wildchild... Grrr still has the HCG title. But retains in a beautiful match! I'll go more in depth later, but I have to get ready for work now.
  15. Secret Agent

    New Topic

    How about another towel match, Strangler?
  16. Secret Agent

    New Topic

    I would never want a match against Wildchild. That bitch won't stay still! Oh and Edwin would be fun to face. I was in the ML the whole time he and King were, yet I never got to face either of them! They were scared I tells ya!
  17. Secret Agent

    Lockdown Comments.

    Sorry. I figured you just meant like grabbing a mic and cutting a promo on someone. I didn't think cussing someone out was beyond him.
  18. Secret Agent

    Donation Status

    Hold up there... 20 bucks? If thats the case I should have booking rights to Genesis!
  19. Secret Agent

    New Topic

    For me... 1. Chris Raynor 2. Grand Slam 3. though we fought many times in the JL, I have yet to have a singles match with Ejiro in the WF. I think that would be a fun one to do.
  20. Secret Agent

    Some ideas to put us back on top...

    The Genesis card looked less than desirable. Other than that, I loved the house show!
  21. Secret Agent

    SWF Lockdown card for 9/17!

    I second that " ... "
  22. Secret Agent

    SWF Awards Help

    What about King getting pinned by a girl at battleground?
  23. Secret Agent

    SWF Awards Help

    Well, it looks like if I want to have even a chance I'll have to throw it out myself. Since, you know, it was so long ago that It was posted. "The Wrestling Identity" by Johnny Dangerous! (Y)
  24. Secret Agent

    Lockdown Predictions

    SINGLES MATCH Dace Night vs. Quiz Dace CRUISERWEIGHT RULES MATCH FOR THE HARDCORE TITLE Wildchild © vs. Dante Crane Wildchild's match SINGLES MATCH “The Sacred One” Andrew Blackwell vs. Va’aiga Va'aiga TAG MATCH “TNT” Taylor Nicholas Thompson & The Boston Strangler vs. “The Superior One” Tom Flesher & Ejiro Fasaki M7 SINGLES MATCH Show vs. Nathaniel Kibagami Show because Kib's don't show. MAIN EVENT GENESIS WORLD TITLE TOURNAMENT FINAL TWO FALLS MATCH “The King of Nightmares” Michael Craven vs. “The Judge” William Hearford Ok, I'll make mine big too. Let's see we have Michael Craven. I'm not sure how many wins you have gotten off this tourney due to default wins, but that's not really important. You have wrote every match, while others haven't so you deserve to be here just as much as Judge. Judge seems to be well prepared for this with his above statements, but I know the Judge "psych out your opponent" routine, even when you have a bad hand. Plus Craven has already shown that he can beat Judge. However, he also beat Flesher... once. So with that I predict that Judge Mental will be Main Eventing Genesis. Lucky bastard. You both deserve it though.
  25. Secret Agent

    Promo: The Gospel of Mackenzie

    ... and the plot thickens!!