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Secret Agent

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Everything posted by Secret Agent

  1. Secret Agent

    The Official Website Thread

    mark them up? Why? Just copy and paste them into a HTML document. I'll do it if someone tells me which stats to do.
  2. Secret Agent

    Storm Predictions

    Oh, can i predict a WF show? I'll do it anyways... NO-DQ SINGLES MATCH Alex Zenon vs. Tod deKindes Well after the match Zed wrote for Ashes to Ashes, i would not want to face him myself. However, when i saw Tod's match i thought his was equally as good. This could go either way, depending on who gets the one up this time. In my predictions i'm going to go with... Tod deKindes NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Annie Eclectic vs. Sigil Ok umm lets talk Sigil, character wise. The mystery man who comes into the WF wrecking total havoc on everyone has lost both matches he has been in. In order for Sigil to keep his momentum as a monsterous force to be reckoned with he has GOT to win this match. Otherwise Sigil's going to look like a joke, which the character is not intended to look like at all. The only reason i could see him losing a match is if it's because he goes ape shit on someone and gets DQ'ed. Pins on Sigil just can not happen. -Sigil SINGLES MATCH Bayawolf vs. Stryke Wow, Stryke. I remember this guy when he first joined the JL, and he looked awesome then. I could only imagine how he is now. However one has a bit more ring rust than the other. If he shows... Bayawolf SINGLES MATCH Judge Mental vs. Nathaniel Kibagami Judge Mental the newest inductee into the WF needs to prove himself in this lake! However Silent's good if he shows up with a finished match... On that note. Judge NON-TITLE SINGLES MATCH Orochi vs. Mak Francis Orochi TORNADO TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH Frost & Tom Flesher © vs. CIA & El Luchadore Magnifico Well lesse.. I don't really know. It could so go either way so i'll stick with a retain here. Frost and Murray
  3. Secret Agent

    Ashes to Ashes comments.

    I think it would have been better if you lobbed the ear off someone who is a bit more of an active competitor than Mercury. Maybe if it was Ahs's or something. But just merc, who you know will never write a retaliation... hmm i dunno. Also the only problem i saw at all with the promo really was that you made Tom seem way to compasioniate.(sp?) I always see Tom as the kind of character that would just shrug his shoulders after seeing Merc lying there, and simply close the door behind him. All in all.. Mass violence = Ratingts!!
  4. Well let me read the whole show and i can dish out some comments. Looks good so far.
  5. uhh... yeah ok Why he would choose to resurect a joke character is beyond me though.
  6. Secret Agent

    Promo: Closing Time

    What you think i make stuff up for my health? Ripped from "Misty's" bio... See told ya.
  7. Secret Agent


    ::goes for the JL world record::
  8. Secret Agent

    Promo: Closing Time

    Uhh... Why would Ash be whispering something into Misty's ear when it's just the two of them in there? Secondly why would Jim Ross want a pokemon character in the WWF? Cartoony gimmicks are beyond them, now its just hardcore dumb ones. So umm Ash Ketchum is changing into Michael Craven and going heel? About time you got off the pokemon thing, its a wee bit old now. Pokemon and all the hype behind it that is. Other than that... ::Fires bullet into Skull::
  9. Secret Agent

    SJL CRIMSON Losing match thread

    Wildchild, Do you send in your matches in green too? I liked it as well. I liked the prematch commentary, and Wildchild's entrance from the smarktron. I really couldn't find any spots that were hard to imagine myself, but that's just me. I have been told by Z that i have wrote some hard to visualize spots. Thief!! Thief i say! Just Kidding man, it's kind of funny how three different matches all had the same lets go banter from the audience. Pretty cool if you ask me. All in all a good match with a good ending. Ejiro just had a little more to his match this time. I almost think the European title is beneath the both of you really, but oh well. Dace Night also wrote a sweet match. Hell i just barley squeked out a win over you, so you are doing pretty damn good IMO. One thing i might recomend is using different names for the same charcter like for an example on Fugue i use Musician as well. It makes it a bit easier to read. I saw some like you went from calling my character Johnny to Dangerous but you can also use Super Spy but not all in one shot. Like this: Slowly the Musician begins to rise to his feet, unaware of the impending danger behind him in the form of Johnny Dangerous. Fugue turns to look, and receives a mouth full of the Super Spy's fist! Now bad sequence i know, but thats what i mean by switching names. On other notes i liked the eliminations, but i think you would of benefitted from knowing Judge was being bumped and this would be his last JL match before writting this. I knew and i wrote the people who would still be in the JL to be break out stars in this match will just having Judge manage to survive to the end. All in all awesome match! I think you will be a hell of a match writer in no time at all. Your almost there already.
  10. Secret Agent

    So yeah...

    Why must you always put reality into the mix, Judge? Here i thought i was going to pull the wool over ol' Frost's eyes.
  11. Secret Agent

    The ONE and ONLY Crimson 11/29/02 Thread!!

    Sorry, King… I had planned to comment sooner but I was trying to go for something more in depth that cool match Ejiro, keep it up. Plus I do these on MS Word so I look like I have some swank spelling. Opening Promo – TNT Well… umm this was ok I guess. It’s nice how you WF boys like to make the JL shows look like a pile of trash with this kind of stuff. Why don’t we open up the next WF show this way? NEXT Real Opening Promo – Judge Mental Well I don’t know whether to celebrate or cry. This promo lets out the surprise that Judge Mental will no longer be taking part in our JL side show action, but rather laying the smackdown, or having the smackdown laid on him by the WF. The good thing about this is we don’t have to worry about the powerhouse that is Judge Mental hogging the World Title now. As always your dialog and interaction between King and Axis, almost has me falling out of my chair sometime. I will miss this in the JL, but I also look forward to seeing how you handle Stevens and Riley. Well you laid the bombshell this time Judge. The only thing you forgot to mention was who you were leaving in charge of the JL Magnificent Seven. Alas Mental, I wish you much luck in the WF, you had a great run down here. HARDCORE MATCH MVS vs. Arianwyn Rivenstone Well Ms. Rivenstone makes quite they debut match. As far as the story line goes, I think I would like to know exactly why these Disciples of Discord seem to have it out so bad for MVS, or is MVS just the lucky target the DoD choose for no reason what so ever? Anyways this was a pretty good debut, all though something tells me when have seen this writer in this federation before. Also where is the other writer for the two woman DoD at? I have to say this bit had me rolling. I loved it. The rest of it was pretty well paced a few bits of Grammar here and there, and a few stiff sequences. Other than that good job, I’m sure you will shake the rust whoever you are. SINGLES MATCH ”Hollywood” Spike Jenkins vs. Janus Awesome match Janus. While nothing really stood out to me to quote on, I will just say you get better with each match you write. It was filled with plenty of action from beginning to end… What more could you possibly ask for? I think it would do you good to get together with somebody and create a feud. It might make it easier for you to write more compelling matches. Keep it up, and you will go up the card quick. SCAFFOLD MATCH FOR THE EUROPEAN TITLE Wildchild vs. Ejiro Fasaki …. .. Oh my GAWD!! This match was hell a vicious. I read it twice just to make sure I didn’t overlook anything! At first I thought this was going to be the blow off match that finally ended the hate games between Ejiro and Wildchild, but my God you too just look like your beginning! I think this was probably your best match to date, Ejiro. It had plenty of intense moments that really had me rooting for Wildchild during it, with the most unexpected anding. For me anyways… Not to sound down on you but I really thought Wildchild was going to get you this time, but you sure shut my mind up quick! Excellent work Ejiro. I have more to comment on this match but, its late and im tired so I will continue this in the morning. I would also appreaciate any and all comments for my match. I realize it had some rushed portions to it, as I spent all of two days of my writing time fleshing out the 1500 word ending.
  12. Secret Agent

    SJL Metal Card December 3rd

    Sorry charlie i gots opening promo already. but you can call the one after that.
  13. Secret Agent

    List of Arenas for the Bookers

    Since i live in Oklahoma City let me update that for you Judge. Myriad Arena is now the Cox Bussiness Service Arena About 5 blocks away from that arena is the new and improved Ford Center in Oklahoma City. It's big enough to hold a WWE PPV in there, so here is hoping for a rumble!
  14. Secret Agent

    So yeah...

    My ME match on Crimson was more than that Frosty...
  15. Freaking cool as promo WC. This makes the Ejiro/Wildchild feud climax to a huge boiling point. I can't wait to see the outcome.
  16. Secret Agent

    Bringing the Intercontinental Title Back

    I had an idea that was somewhat stated in an earlier post. First off, Maybe if they ended the split we would see less of HHH? He would have to share the screen with UT, Lesner, Angle, and everyone else. Secondly i would set the Championships up like this: WWE Undisputed World Champion(I liked the undisputed tag.) (Floating between shows.) WWE Tag Team Champions(Floating) WWE Womens Championship stays on RAW WWE Cruiserweight Champion stays on SD Now for the secondary belt there should be a RAW TV Champion and a SmackDown TV Champion. These people would be exclusive to there show, no jumping with the belt, no nothing. Whoever is the TV Champions would come together for one show and fight eachother for the number one contendership to the World Championship. This would be the only time the RAW or Smackdown TV Champ would appear on the opposite show. What do you think?
  17. Secret Agent

    An Idea...

    been there, done that.
  18. Secret Agent

    PROMO: Woke Up This Morning

    Tom, this is pretty sweet. Can i join M7 too?? ::Bats eyes after removing the bullet between them::
  19. Secret Agent

    Promo: Training Day (Act 1)

    ::Fires bullet into Brain:: There is no hope for you young man.
  20. Secret Agent

    An Idea...

    There is only one problem with that. Say its the JL World Champ... Now lets say he is ready to be bumped to the WF, he has it all. But then the US Champ actually beats him by just being a little more experienced. Now the guy who should rightfully be bumped is sent packing back to the JL because he lost his first match against the WF US Champion.
  21. Secret Agent

    CRIMSON card for Nov 29th!

    We would all no show. Espically if the show was in your basement again.
  22. Secret Agent

    Article on SCSA Court Hearing

    Austin needs to be the surprise entrance for the Rumble. Just imagine... 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... ::Glass Shatters:: I would shit my pants, I kid you not. Austin is the only thing raw has going for itself, and he isn't even on there.
  23. Secret Agent

    Steve Austin on Inside Edition...

    Actually that's Steve Williams. Has anyone ever seen that news report done about Austin where they interview his family. Basically they said they didn't know who that man on the TV was, beause it sure wasn't Steve Williams. How come Austin never got arrested for stunning Chyna? Do you have to be married to them? I mean after all Debra did not file charges against Williams, the State of Texas did. Bah i'm being a moron, i should probably go now...
  24. Secret Agent

    CRIMSON card for Nov 29th!

    That burn will leave a lasting mark.
  25. Secret Agent

    3 Teenagers suing McDonalds..

    So what is McDonalds supose to do? Denie service to fat people now? Yeah I can see the law suits from that one. People who make Bullshit lawsuits should be counter sued, or have to pay a huge price. That way maybe we wouldn't see so many B.S. lawsuits. The Coffee incident at McDonalds resulted in all these coffee cups to go from Fast food chains to slap a lable on it that says "Caution, Hot!" or something to that effect. I think someone tried to sue the makers of Ultima Online too, because their kid played it too much. Another one i heard was some guy sued a lawn mower company because he tried to pick up the mower and trim his hedges, and ended up chopping off his fingers. He won too. Now we get stickers on mowers about sticking your fingers in the blades while the mower is on. because he claimed "There are dumber people than me."